Package 'parameters'

Title: Processing of Model Parameters
Description: Utilities for processing the parameters of various statistical models. Beyond computing p values, CIs, and other indices for a wide variety of models (see list of supported models using the function 'insight::supported_models()'), this package implements features like bootstrapping or simulating of parameters and models, feature reduction (feature extraction and variable selection) as well as functions to describe data and variable characteristics (e.g. skewness, kurtosis, smoothness or distribution).
Authors: Daniel Lüdecke [aut, cre] , Dominique Makowski [aut] , Mattan S. Ben-Shachar [aut] , Indrajeet Patil [aut] , Søren Højsgaard [aut], Brenton M. Wiernik [aut] , Zen J. Lau [ctb], Vincent Arel-Bundock [ctb] , Jeffrey Girard [ctb] , Christina Maimone [rev], Niels Ohlsen [rev] (@Niels_Bremen), Douglas Ezra Morrison [ctb] , Joseph Luchman [ctb]
Maintainer: Daniel Lüdecke <[email protected]>
License: GPL-3
Built: 2024-10-04 17:23:32 UTC

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Model bootstrapping


Bootstrap a statistical model n times to return a data frame of estimates.


bootstrap_model(model, iterations = 1000, ...)

## Default S3 method:
  iterations = 1000,
  type = "ordinary",
  parallel = c("no", "multicore", "snow"),
  n_cpus = 1,
  verbose = FALSE,

## S3 method for class 'merMod'
  iterations = 1000,
  type = "parametric",
  parallel = c("no", "multicore", "snow"),
  n_cpus = 1,
  cluster = NULL,
  verbose = FALSE,



Statistical model.


The number of draws to simulate/bootstrap.


Arguments passed to or from other methods.


Character string specifying the type of bootstrap. For mixed models of class merMod or glmmTMB, may be "parametric" (default) or "semiparametric" (see ?lme4::bootMer for details). For all other models, see argument sim in ?boot::boot (defaults to "ordinary").


The type of parallel operation to be used (if any).


Number of processes to be used in parallel operation.


Toggle warnings and messages.


Optional cluster when parallel = "snow". See ?lme4::bootMer for details.


By default, boot::boot() is used to generate bootstraps from the model data, which are then used to update() the model, i.e. refit the model with the bootstrapped samples. For merMod objects (lme4) or models from glmmTMB, the lme4::bootMer() function is used to obtain bootstrapped samples. bootstrap_parameters() summarizes the bootstrapped model estimates.


A data frame of bootstrapped estimates.

Using with emmeans

The output can be passed directly to the various functions from the emmeans package, to obtain bootstrapped estimates, contrasts, simple slopes, etc. and their confidence intervals. These can then be passed to model_parameter() to obtain standard errors, p-values, etc. (see example).

Note that that p-values returned here are estimated under the assumption of translation equivariance: that shape of the sampling distribution is unaffected by the null being true or not. If this assumption does not hold, p-values can be biased, and it is suggested to use proper permutation tests to obtain non-parametric p-values.

See Also

bootstrap_parameters(), simulate_model(), simulate_parameters()


model <- lm(mpg ~ wt + factor(cyl), data = mtcars)
b <- bootstrap_model(model)

est <- emmeans::emmeans(b, consec ~ cyl)

Parameters bootstrapping


Compute bootstrapped parameters and their related indices such as Confidence Intervals (CI) and p-values.


bootstrap_parameters(model, ...)

## Default S3 method:
  iterations = 1000,
  centrality = "median",
  ci = 0.95,
  ci_method = "quantile",
  test = "p-value",



Statistical model.


Arguments passed to or from other methods.


The number of draws to simulate/bootstrap.


The point-estimates (centrality indices) to compute. Character (vector) or list with one or more of these options: "median", "mean", "MAP" (see map_estimate()), "trimmed" (which is just mean(x, trim = threshold)), "mode" or "all".


Value or vector of probability of the CI (between 0 and 1) to be estimated. Default to 0.95 (⁠95%⁠).


The type of index used for Credible Interval. Can be "ETI" (default, see eti()), "HDI" (see hdi()), "BCI" (see bci()), "SPI" (see spi()), or "SI" (see si()).


The indices to compute. Character (vector) with one or more of these options: "p-value" (or "p"), "p_direction" (or "pd"), "rope", "p_map", "equivalence_test" (or "equitest"), "bayesfactor" (or "bf") or "all" to compute all tests. For each "test", the corresponding bayestestR function is called (e.g. bayestestR::rope() or bayestestR::p_direction()) and its results included in the summary output.


This function first calls bootstrap_model() to generate bootstrapped coefficients. The resulting replicated for each coefficient are treated as "distribution", and is passed to bayestestR::describe_posterior() to calculate the related indices defined in the "test" argument.

Note that that p-values returned here are estimated under the assumption of translation equivariance: that shape of the sampling distribution is unaffected by the null being true or not. If this assumption does not hold, p-values can be biased, and it is suggested to use proper permutation tests to obtain non-parametric p-values.


A data frame summarizing the bootstrapped parameters.

Using with emmeans

The output can be passed directly to the various functions from the emmeans package, to obtain bootstrapped estimates, contrasts, simple slopes, etc. and their confidence intervals. These can then be passed to model_parameter() to obtain standard errors, p-values, etc. (see example).

Note that that p-values returned here are estimated under the assumption of translation equivariance: that shape of the sampling distribution is unaffected by the null being true or not. If this assumption does not hold, p-values can be biased, and it is suggested to use proper permutation tests to obtain non-parametric p-values.


Davison, A. C., & Hinkley, D. V. (1997). Bootstrap methods and their application (Vol. 1). Cambridge university press.

See Also

bootstrap_model(), simulate_parameters(), simulate_model()


model <- lm(Sepal.Length ~ Species * Petal.Width, data = iris)
b <- bootstrap_parameters(model)

est <- emmeans::emmeans(b, trt.vs.ctrl ~ Species)

Between-within approximation for SEs, CIs and p-values


Approximation of degrees of freedom based on a "between-within" heuristic.


ci_betwithin(model, ci = 0.95, ...)


p_value_betwithin(model, dof = NULL, ...)



A mixed model.


Confidence Interval (CI) level. Default to 0.95 (⁠95%⁠).


Additional arguments passed down to the underlying functions. E.g., arguments like vcov or vcov_args can be used to compute confidence intervals using a specific variance-covariance matrix for the standard errors.


Degrees of Freedom.


Small Sample Cluster corrected Degrees of Freedom

Inferential statistics (like p-values, confidence intervals and standard errors) may be biased in mixed models when the number of clusters is small (even if the sample size of level-1 units is high). In such cases it is recommended to approximate a more accurate number of degrees of freedom for such inferential statistics (see Li and Redden 2015). The Between-within denominator degrees of freedom approximation is recommended in particular for (generalized) linear mixed models with repeated measurements (longitudinal design). dof_betwithin() implements a heuristic based on the between-within approach. Note that this implementation does not return exactly the same results as shown in Li and Redden 2015, but similar.

Degrees of Freedom for Longitudinal Designs (Repeated Measures)

In particular for repeated measure designs (longitudinal data analysis), the between-within heuristic is likely to be more accurate than simply using the residual or infinite degrees of freedom, because dof_betwithin() returns different degrees of freedom for within-cluster and between-cluster effects.


A data frame.


  • Elff, M.; Heisig, J.P.; Schaeffer, M.; Shikano, S. (2019). Multilevel Analysis with Few Clusters: Improving Likelihood-based Methods to Provide Unbiased Estimates and Accurate Inference, British Journal of Political Science.

  • Li, P., Redden, D. T. (2015). Comparing denominator degrees of freedom approximations for the generalized linear mixed model in analyzing binary outcome in small sample cluster-randomized trials. BMC Medical Research Methodology, 15(1), 38. doi:10.1186/s12874-015-0026-x

See Also

dof_betwithin() is a small helper-function to calculate approximated degrees of freedom of model parameters, based on the "between-within" heuristic.


if (require("lme4")) {
  model <- lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (1 + Days | Subject), data = sleepstudy)

Kenward-Roger approximation for SEs, CIs and p-values


An approximate F-test based on the Kenward-Roger (1997) approach.


ci_kenward(model, ci = 0.95)


p_value_kenward(model, dof = NULL)




A statistical model.


Confidence Interval (CI) level. Default to 0.95 (⁠95%⁠).


Degrees of Freedom.


Inferential statistics (like p-values, confidence intervals and standard errors) may be biased in mixed models when the number of clusters is small (even if the sample size of level-1 units is high). In such cases it is recommended to approximate a more accurate number of degrees of freedom for such inferential statistics. Unlike simpler approximation heuristics like the "m-l-1" rule (dof_ml1), the Kenward-Roger approximation is also applicable in more complex multilevel designs, e.g. with cross-classified clusters. However, the "m-l-1" heuristic also applies to generalized mixed models, while approaches like Kenward-Roger or Satterthwaite are limited to linear mixed models only.


A data frame.


Kenward, M. G., & Roger, J. H. (1997). Small sample inference for fixed effects from restricted maximum likelihood. Biometrics, 983-997.

See Also

dof_kenward() and se_kenward() are small helper-functions to calculate approximated degrees of freedom and standard errors for model parameters, based on the Kenward-Roger (1997) approach.

dof_satterthwaite() and dof_ml1() approximate degrees of freedom based on Satterthwaite's method or the "m-l-1" rule.


if (require("lme4", quietly = TRUE)) {
  model <- lmer(Petal.Length ~ Sepal.Length + (1 | Species), data = iris)

"m-l-1" approximation for SEs, CIs and p-values


Approximation of degrees of freedom based on a "m-l-1" heuristic as suggested by Elff et al. (2019).


ci_ml1(model, ci = 0.95, ...)


p_value_ml1(model, dof = NULL, ...)



A mixed model.


Confidence Interval (CI) level. Default to 0.95 (⁠95%⁠).


Additional arguments passed down to the underlying functions. E.g., arguments like vcov or vcov_args can be used to compute confidence intervals using a specific variance-covariance matrix for the standard errors.


Degrees of Freedom.


Small Sample Cluster corrected Degrees of Freedom

Inferential statistics (like p-values, confidence intervals and standard errors) may be biased in mixed models when the number of clusters is small (even if the sample size of level-1 units is high). In such cases it is recommended to approximate a more accurate number of degrees of freedom for such inferential statistics (see Li and Redden 2015). The m-l-1 heuristic is such an approach that uses a t-distribution with fewer degrees of freedom (dof_ml1()) to calculate p-values (p_value_ml1()) and confidence intervals (ci(method = "ml1")).

Degrees of Freedom for Longitudinal Designs (Repeated Measures)

In particular for repeated measure designs (longitudinal data analysis), the m-l-1 heuristic is likely to be more accurate than simply using the residual or infinite degrees of freedom, because dof_ml1() returns different degrees of freedom for within-cluster and between-cluster effects.

Limitations of the "m-l-1" Heuristic

Note that the "m-l-1" heuristic is not applicable (or at least less accurate) for complex multilevel designs, e.g. with cross-classified clusters. In such cases, more accurate approaches like the Kenward-Roger approximation (dof_kenward()) is recommended. However, the "m-l-1" heuristic also applies to generalized mixed models, while approaches like Kenward-Roger or Satterthwaite are limited to linear mixed models only.


A data frame.


  • Elff, M.; Heisig, J.P.; Schaeffer, M.; Shikano, S. (2019). Multilevel Analysis with Few Clusters: Improving Likelihood-based Methods to Provide Unbiased Estimates and Accurate Inference, British Journal of Political Science.

  • Li, P., Redden, D. T. (2015). Comparing denominator degrees of freedom approximations for the generalized linear mixed model in analyzing binary outcome in small sample cluster-randomized trials. BMC Medical Research Methodology, 15(1), 38. doi:10.1186/s12874-015-0026-x

See Also

dof_ml1() is a small helper-function to calculate approximated degrees of freedom of model parameters, based on the "m-l-1" heuristic.


if (require("lme4")) {
  model <- lmer(Petal.Length ~ Sepal.Length + (1 | Species), data = iris)

Satterthwaite approximation for SEs, CIs and p-values


An approximate F-test based on the Satterthwaite (1946) approach.


ci_satterthwaite(model, ci = 0.95, ...)


p_value_satterthwaite(model, dof = NULL, ...)




A statistical model.


Confidence Interval (CI) level. Default to 0.95 (⁠95%⁠).


Additional arguments passed down to the underlying functions. E.g., arguments like vcov or vcov_args can be used to compute confidence intervals using a specific variance-covariance matrix for the standard errors.


Degrees of Freedom.


Inferential statistics (like p-values, confidence intervals and standard errors) may be biased in mixed models when the number of clusters is small (even if the sample size of level-1 units is high). In such cases it is recommended to approximate a more accurate number of degrees of freedom for such inferential statistics. Unlike simpler approximation heuristics like the "m-l-1" rule (dof_ml1), the Satterthwaite approximation is also applicable in more complex multilevel designs. However, the "m-l-1" heuristic also applies to generalized mixed models, while approaches like Kenward-Roger or Satterthwaite are limited to linear mixed models only.


A data frame.


Satterthwaite FE (1946) An approximate distribution of estimates of variance components. Biometrics Bulletin 2 (6):110–4.

See Also

dof_satterthwaite() and se_satterthwaite() are small helper-functions to calculate approximated degrees of freedom and standard errors for model parameters, based on the Satterthwaite (1946) approach.

dof_kenward() and dof_ml1() approximate degrees of freedom based on Kenward-Roger's method or the "m-l-1" rule.


if (require("lme4", quietly = TRUE)) {
  model <- lmer(Petal.Length ~ Sepal.Length + (1 | Species), data = iris)

Confidence Intervals (CI)


ci() attempts to return confidence intervals of model parameters.


## Default S3 method:
ci(x, ci = 0.95, dof = NULL, method = NULL, ...)

## S3 method for class 'glmmTMB'
  ci = 0.95,
  dof = NULL,
  method = "wald",
  component = "all",
  verbose = TRUE,

## S3 method for class 'merMod'
ci(x, ci = 0.95, dof = NULL, method = "wald", iterations = 500, ...)



A statistical model.


Confidence Interval (CI) level. Default to 0.95 (⁠95%⁠).


Number of degrees of freedom to be used when calculating confidence intervals. If NULL (default), the degrees of freedom are retrieved by calling insight::get_df() with approximation method defined in method. If not NULL, use this argument to override the default degrees of freedom used to compute confidence intervals.


Method for computing degrees of freedom for confidence intervals (CI) and the related p-values. Allowed are following options (which vary depending on the model class): "residual", "normal", "likelihood", "satterthwaite", "kenward", "wald", "profile", "boot", "uniroot", "ml1", "betwithin", "hdi", "quantile", "ci", "eti", "si", "bci", or "bcai". See section Confidence intervals and approximation of degrees of freedom in model_parameters() for further details.


Additional arguments passed down to the underlying functions. E.g., arguments like vcov or vcov_args can be used to compute confidence intervals using a specific variance-covariance matrix for the standard errors.


Model component for which parameters should be shown. See the documentation for your object's class in model_parameters() or p_value() for further details.


Toggle warnings and messages.


The number of bootstrap replicates. Only applies to models of class merMod when method=boot.


A data frame containing the CI bounds.

Confidence intervals and approximation of degrees of freedom

There are different ways of approximating the degrees of freedom depending on different assumptions about the nature of the model and its sampling distribution. The ci_method argument modulates the method for computing degrees of freedom (df) that are used to calculate confidence intervals (CI) and the related p-values. Following options are allowed, depending on the model class:

Classical methods:

Classical inference is generally based on the Wald method. The Wald approach to inference computes a test statistic by dividing the parameter estimate by its standard error (Coefficient / SE), then comparing this statistic against a t- or normal distribution. This approach can be used to compute CIs and p-values.


  • Applies to non-Bayesian models. For linear models, CIs computed using the Wald method (SE and a t-distribution with residual df); p-values computed using the Wald method with a t-distribution with residual df. For other models, CIs computed using the Wald method (SE and a normal distribution); p-values computed using the Wald method with a normal distribution.


  • Applies to non-Bayesian models. Compute Wald CIs and p-values, but always use a normal distribution.


  • Applies to non-Bayesian models. Compute Wald CIs and p-values, but always use a t-distribution with residual df when possible. If the residual df for a model cannot be determined, a normal distribution is used instead.

Methods for mixed models:

Compared to fixed effects (or single-level) models, determining appropriate df for Wald-based inference in mixed models is more difficult. See the R GLMM FAQ for a discussion.

Several approximate methods for computing df are available, but you should also consider instead using profile likelihood ("profile") or bootstrap ("⁠boot"⁠) CIs and p-values instead.


  • Applies to linear mixed models. CIs computed using the Wald method (SE and a t-distribution with Satterthwaite df); p-values computed using the Wald method with a t-distribution with Satterthwaite df.


  • Applies to linear mixed models. CIs computed using the Wald method (Kenward-Roger SE and a t-distribution with Kenward-Roger df); p-values computed using the Wald method with Kenward-Roger SE and t-distribution with Kenward-Roger df.


  • Applies to linear mixed models. CIs computed using the Wald method (SE and a t-distribution with m-l-1 approximated df); p-values computed using the Wald method with a t-distribution with m-l-1 approximated df. See ci_ml1().


  • Applies to linear mixed models and generalized linear mixed models. CIs computed using the Wald method (SE and a t-distribution with between-within df); p-values computed using the Wald method with a t-distribution with between-within df. See ci_betwithin().

Likelihood-based methods:

Likelihood-based inference is based on comparing the likelihood for the maximum-likelihood estimate to the the likelihood for models with one or more parameter values changed (e.g., set to zero or a range of alternative values). Likelihood ratios for the maximum-likelihood and alternative models are compared to a χ\chi-squared distribution to compute CIs and p-values.


  • Applies to non-Bayesian models of class glm, polr, merMod or glmmTMB. CIs computed by profiling the likelihood curve for a parameter, using linear interpolation to find where likelihood ratio equals a critical value; p-values computed using the Wald method with a normal-distribution (note: this might change in a future update!)


  • Applies to non-Bayesian models of class glmmTMB. CIs computed by profiling the likelihood curve for a parameter, using root finding to find where likelihood ratio equals a critical value; p-values computed using the Wald method with a normal-distribution (note: this might change in a future update!)

Methods for bootstrapped or Bayesian models:

Bootstrap-based inference is based on resampling and refitting the model to the resampled datasets. The distribution of parameter estimates across resampled datasets is used to approximate the parameter's sampling distribution. Depending on the type of model, several different methods for bootstrapping and constructing CIs and p-values from the bootstrap distribution are available.

For Bayesian models, inference is based on drawing samples from the model posterior distribution.

"quantile" (or "eti")

  • Applies to all models (including Bayesian models). For non-Bayesian models, only applies if bootstrap = TRUE. CIs computed as equal tailed intervals using the quantiles of the bootstrap or posterior samples; p-values are based on the probability of direction. See bayestestR::eti().


  • Applies to all models (including Bayesian models). For non-Bayesian models, only applies if bootstrap = TRUE. CIs computed as highest density intervals for the bootstrap or posterior samples; p-values are based on the probability of direction. See bayestestR::hdi().

"bci" (or "bcai")

  • Applies to all models (including Bayesian models). For non-Bayesian models, only applies if bootstrap = TRUE. CIs computed as bias corrected and accelerated intervals for the bootstrap or posterior samples; p-values are based on the probability of direction. See bayestestR::bci().


  • Applies to Bayesian models with proper priors. CIs computed as support intervals comparing the posterior samples against the prior samples; p-values are based on the probability of direction. See bayestestR::si().


  • Applies to non-Bayesian models of class merMod. CIs computed using parametric bootstrapping (simulating data from the fitted model); p-values computed using the Wald method with a normal-distribution) (note: this might change in a future update!).

For all iteration-based methods other than "boot" ("hdi", "quantile", "ci", "eti", "si", "bci", "bcai"), p-values are based on the probability of direction (bayestestR::p_direction()), which is converted into a p-value using bayestestR::pd_to_p().


model <- lm(QoL ~ time + age + education, data = qol_cancer)

# regular confidence intervals

# using heteroscedasticity-robust standard errors
ci(model, vcov = "HC3")

data(Salamanders, package = "glmmTMB")
model <- glmmTMB::glmmTMB(
  count ~ spp + mined + (1 | site),
  ziformula = ~mined,
  family = poisson(),
  data = Salamanders

ci(model, component = "zi")

Cluster Analysis


Compute hierarchical or kmeans cluster analysis and return the group assignment for each observation as vector.


  n = NULL,
  method = "kmeans",
  include_factors = FALSE,
  standardize = TRUE,
  verbose = TRUE,
  distance_method = "euclidean",
  hclust_method = "complete",
  kmeans_method = "Hartigan-Wong",
  dbscan_eps = 15,
  iterations = 100,



A data frame (with at least two variables), or a matrix (with at least two columns).


Number of clusters used for supervised cluster methods. If NULL, the number of clusters to extract is determined by calling n_clusters(). Note that this argument does not apply for unsupervised clustering methods like dbscan, hdbscan, mixture, pvclust, or pamk.


Method for computing the cluster analysis. Can be "kmeans" (default; k-means using kmeans()), "hkmeans" (hierarchical k-means using factoextra::hkmeans()), pam (K-Medoids using cluster::pam()), pamk (K-Medoids that finds out the number of clusters), "hclust" (hierarchical clustering using hclust() or pvclust::pvclust()), dbscan (DBSCAN using dbscan::dbscan()), hdbscan (Hierarchical DBSCAN using dbscan::hdbscan()), or mixture (Mixture modeling using mclust::Mclust(), which requires the user to run library(mclust) before).


Logical, if TRUE, factors are converted to numerical values in order to be included in the data for determining the number of clusters. By default, factors are removed, because most methods that determine the number of clusters need numeric input only.


Standardize the dataframe before clustering (default).


Toggle warnings and messages.


Distance measure to be used for methods based on distances (e.g., when method = "hclust" for hierarchical clustering. For other methods, such as "kmeans", this argument will be ignored). Must be one of "euclidean", "maximum", "manhattan", "canberra", "binary" or "minkowski". See dist() and pvclust::pvclust() for more information.


Agglomeration method to be used when method = "hclust" or method = "hkmeans" (for hierarchical clustering). This should be one of "ward", "ward.D2", "single", "complete", "average", "mcquitty", "median" or "centroid". Default is "complete" (see hclust()).


Algorithm used for calculating kmeans cluster. Only applies, if method = "kmeans". May be one of "Hartigan-Wong" (default), "Lloyd" (used by SPSS), or "MacQueen". See kmeans() for details on this argument.


The eps argument for DBSCAN method. See n_clusters_dbscan().


The number of replications.


Arguments passed to or from other methods.


The print() and plot() methods show the (standardized) mean value for each variable within each cluster. Thus, a higher absolute value indicates that a certain variable characteristic is more pronounced within that specific cluster (as compared to other cluster groups with lower absolute mean values).

Clusters classification can be obtained via print(x, newdata = NULL, ...).


The group classification for each observation as vector. The returned vector includes missing values, so it has the same length as nrow(x).


There is also a plot()-method implemented in the see-package.


  • Maechler M, Rousseeuw P, Struyf A, Hubert M, Hornik K (2014) cluster: Cluster Analysis Basics and Extensions. R package.

See Also


# K-Means ====================================================
rez <- cluster_analysis(iris[1:4], n = 3, method = "kmeans")
rez # Show results
predict(rez) # Get clusters
summary(rez) # Extract the centers values (can use 'plot()' on that)
if (requireNamespace("MASS", quietly = TRUE)) {
  cluster_discrimination(rez) # Perform LDA

# Hierarchical k-means (more robust k-means)
if (require("factoextra", quietly = TRUE)) {
  rez <- cluster_analysis(iris[1:4], n = 3, method = "hkmeans")
  rez # Show results
  predict(rez) # Get clusters

# Hierarchical Clustering (hclust) ===========================
rez <- cluster_analysis(iris[1:4], n = 3, method = "hclust")
rez # Show results
predict(rez) # Get clusters

# K-Medoids (pam) ============================================
if (require("cluster", quietly = TRUE)) {
  rez <- cluster_analysis(iris[1:4], n = 3, method = "pam")
  rez # Show results
  predict(rez) # Get clusters

# PAM with automated number of clusters
if (require("fpc", quietly = TRUE)) {
  rez <- cluster_analysis(iris[1:4], method = "pamk")
  rez # Show results
  predict(rez) # Get clusters

# DBSCAN ====================================================
if (require("dbscan", quietly = TRUE)) {
  # Note that you can assimilate more outliers (cluster 0) to neighbouring
  # clusters by setting borderPoints = TRUE.
  rez <- cluster_analysis(iris[1:4], method = "dbscan", dbscan_eps = 1.45)
  rez # Show results
  predict(rez) # Get clusters

# Mixture ====================================================
if (require("mclust", quietly = TRUE)) {
  library(mclust) # Needs the package to be loaded
  rez <- cluster_analysis(iris[1:4], method = "mixture")
  rez # Show results
  predict(rez) # Get clusters

Find the cluster centers in your data


For each cluster, computes the mean (or other indices) of the variables. Can be used to retrieve the centers of clusters. Also returns the within Sum of Squares.


cluster_centers(data, clusters, fun = mean, ...)



A data.frame.


A vector with clusters assignments (must be same length as rows in data).


What function to use, mean by default.


Other arguments to be passed to or from other functions.


A dataframe containing the cluster centers. Attributes include performance statistics and distance between each observation and its respective cluster centre.


k <- kmeans(iris[1:4], 3)
cluster_centers(iris[1:4], clusters = k$cluster)
cluster_centers(iris[1:4], clusters = k$cluster, fun = median)

Compute a linear discriminant analysis on classified cluster groups


Computes linear discriminant analysis (LDA) on classified cluster groups, and determines the goodness of classification for each cluster group. See MASS::lda() for details.


cluster_discrimination(x, cluster_groups = NULL, ...)



A data frame


Group classification of the cluster analysis, which can be retrieved from the cluster_analysis() function.


Other arguments to be passed to or from.

See Also

n_clusters() to determine the number of clusters to extract, cluster_analysis() to compute a cluster analysis and performance::check_clusterstructure() to check suitability of data for clustering.


# Retrieve group classification from hierarchical cluster analysis
clustering <- cluster_analysis(iris[, 1:4], n = 3)

# Goodness of group classification



One of the core "issue" of statistical clustering is that, in many cases, different methods will give different results. The metaclustering approach proposed by easystats (that finds echoes in consensus clustering; see Monti et al., 2003) consists of treating the unique clustering solutions as a ensemble, from which we can derive a probability matrix. This matrix contains, for each pair of observations, the probability of being in the same cluster. For instance, if the 6th and the 9th row of a dataframe has been assigned to a similar cluster by 5 our of 10 clustering methods, then its probability of being grouped together is 0.5.


cluster_meta(list_of_clusters, rownames = NULL, ...)



A list of vectors with the clustering assignments from various methods.


An optional vector of row.names for the matrix.


Currently not used.


Metaclustering is based on the hypothesis that, as each clustering algorithm embodies a different prism by which it sees the data, running an infinite amount of algorithms would result in the emergence of the "true" clusters. As the number of algorithms and parameters is finite, the probabilistic perspective is a useful proxy. This method is interesting where there is no obvious reasons to prefer one over another clustering method, as well as to investigate how robust some clusters are under different algorithms.

This metaclustering probability matrix can be transformed into a dissimilarity matrix (such as the one produced by dist()) and submitted for instance to hierarchical clustering (hclust()). See the example below.


A matrix containing all the pairwise (between each observation) probabilities of being clustered together by the methods.


data <- iris[1:4]

rez1 <- cluster_analysis(data, n = 2, method = "kmeans")
rez2 <- cluster_analysis(data, n = 3, method = "kmeans")
rez3 <- cluster_analysis(data, n = 6, method = "kmeans")

list_of_clusters <- list(rez1, rez2, rez3)

m <- cluster_meta(list_of_clusters)

# Visualize matrix without reordering
heatmap(m, Rowv = NA, Colv = NA, scale = "none") # Without reordering
# Reordered heatmap
heatmap(m, scale = "none")

# Extract 3 clusters
predict(m, n = 3)

# Convert to dissimilarity
d <- as.dist(abs(m - 1))
model <- hclust(d)
plot(model, hang = -1)

Performance of clustering models


Compute performance indices for clustering solutions.


cluster_performance(model, ...)

## S3 method for class 'kmeans'
cluster_performance(model, ...)

## S3 method for class 'hclust'
cluster_performance(model, data, clusters, ...)

## S3 method for class 'dbscan'
cluster_performance(model, data, ...)

## S3 method for class 'parameters_clusters'
cluster_performance(model, ...)



Cluster model.


Arguments passed to or from other methods.


A data.frame.


A vector with clusters assignments (must be same length as rows in data).


# kmeans
model <- kmeans(iris[1:4], 3)
# hclust
data <- iris[1:4]
model <- hclust(dist(data))
clusters <- cutree(model, 3)

rez <- cluster_performance(model, data, clusters)

model <- dbscan::dbscan(iris[1:4], eps = 1.45, minPts = 10)

rez <- cluster_performance(model, iris[1:4])

# Retrieve performance from parameters
params <- model_parameters(kmeans(iris[1:4], 3))

Compare model parameters of multiple models


Compute and extract model parameters of multiple regression models. See model_parameters() for further details.


  ci = 0.95,
  effects = "fixed",
  component = "conditional",
  standardize = NULL,
  exponentiate = FALSE,
  ci_method = "wald",
  p_adjust = NULL,
  select = NULL,
  column_names = NULL,
  pretty_names = TRUE,
  coefficient_names = NULL,
  keep = NULL,
  drop = NULL,
  include_reference = FALSE,
  groups = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE

  ci = 0.95,
  effects = "fixed",
  component = "conditional",
  standardize = NULL,
  exponentiate = FALSE,
  ci_method = "wald",
  p_adjust = NULL,
  select = NULL,
  column_names = NULL,
  pretty_names = TRUE,
  coefficient_names = NULL,
  keep = NULL,
  drop = NULL,
  include_reference = FALSE,
  groups = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE



One or more regression model objects, or objects returned by model_parameters(). Regression models may be of different model types. Model objects may be passed comma separated, or as a list. If model objects are passed with names or the list has named elements, these names will be used as column names.


Confidence Interval (CI) level. Default to 0.95 (⁠95%⁠).


Should parameters for fixed effects ("fixed"), random effects ("random"), or both ("all") be returned? Only applies to mixed models. May be abbreviated. If the calculation of random effects parameters takes too long, you may use effects = "fixed".


Model component for which parameters should be shown. See documentation for related model class in model_parameters().


The method used for standardizing the parameters. Can be NULL (default; no standardization), "refit" (for re-fitting the model on standardized data) or one of "basic", "posthoc", "smart", "pseudo". See 'Details' in standardize_parameters(). Importantly:

  • The "refit" method does not standardize categorical predictors (i.e. factors), which may be a different behaviour compared to other R packages (such as lm.beta) or other software packages (like SPSS). to mimic such behaviours, either use standardize="basic" or standardize the data with datawizard::standardize(force=TRUE) before fitting the model.

  • For mixed models, when using methods other than "refit", only the fixed effects will be standardized.

  • Robust estimation (i.e., vcov set to a value other than NULL) of standardized parameters only works when standardize="refit".


Logical, indicating whether or not to exponentiate the coefficients (and related confidence intervals). This is typical for logistic regression, or more generally speaking, for models with log or logit links. It is also recommended to use exponentiate = TRUE for models with log-transformed response values. Note: Delta-method standard errors are also computed (by multiplying the standard errors by the transformed coefficients). This is to mimic behaviour of other software packages, such as Stata, but these standard errors poorly estimate uncertainty for the transformed coefficient. The transformed confidence interval more clearly captures this uncertainty. For compare_parameters(), exponentiate = "nongaussian" will only exponentiate coefficients from non-Gaussian families.


Method for computing degrees of freedom for p-values and confidence intervals (CI). See documentation for related model class in model_parameters().


Character vector, if not NULL, indicates the method to adjust p-values. See stats::p.adjust() for details. Further possible adjustment methods are "tukey", "scheffe", "sidak" and "none" to explicitly disable adjustment for emmGrid objects (from emmeans).


Determines which columns and and which layout columns are printed. There are three options for this argument:

  1. Selecting columns by name or index
    select can be a character vector (or numeric index) of column names that should be printed. There are two pre-defined options for selecting columns: select = "minimal" prints coefficients, confidence intervals and p-values, while select = "short" prints coefficients, standard errors and p-values.

  2. A string expression with layout pattern
    select is a string with "tokens" enclosed in braces. These tokens will be replaced by their associated columns, where the selected columns will be collapsed into one column. However, it is possible to create multiple columns as well. Following tokens are replaced by the related coefficients or statistics: {estimate}, {se}, {ci} (or {ci_low} and {ci_high}), {p} and {stars}. The token {ci} will be replaced by ⁠{ci_low}, {ci_high}⁠. Furthermore, a | separates values into new cells/columns. If format = "html", a ⁠<br>⁠ inserts a line break inside a cell. See 'Examples'.

  3. A string indicating a pre-defined layout
    select can be one of the following string values, to create one of the following pre-defined column layouts:

    • "ci": Estimates and confidence intervals, no asterisks for p-values. This is equivalent to select = "{estimate} ({ci})".

    • "se": Estimates and standard errors, no asterisks for p-values. This is equivalent to select = "{estimate} ({se})".

    • "ci_p": Estimates, confidence intervals and asterisks for p-values. This is equivalent to select = "{estimate}{stars} ({ci})".

    • "se_p": Estimates, standard errors and asterisks for p-values. This is equivalent to select = "{estimate}{stars} ({se})"..

    • "ci_p2": Estimates, confidence intervals and numeric p-values, in two columns. This is equivalent to select = "{estimate} ({ci})|{p}".

    • "se_p2": Estimate, standard errors and numeric p-values, in two columns. This is equivalent to select = "{estimate} ({se})|{p}".

For model_parameters(), glue-like syntax is still experimental in the case of more complex models (like mixed models) and may not return expected results.


Character vector with strings that should be used as column headers. Must be of same length as number of models in ....


Can be TRUE, which will return "pretty" (i.e. more human readable) parameter names. Or "labels", in which case value and variable labels will be used as parameters names. The latter only works for "labelled" data, i.e. if the data used to fit the model had "label" and "labels" attributes. See also section Global Options to Customize Messages when Printing.


Character vector with strings that should be used as column headers for the coefficient column. Must be of same length as number of models in ..., or length 1. If length 1, this name will be used for all coefficient columns. If NULL, the name for the coefficient column will detected automatically (as in model_parameters()).


Character containing a regular expression pattern that describes the parameters that should be included (for keep) or excluded (for drop) in the returned data frame. keep may also be a named list of regular expressions. All non-matching parameters will be removed from the output. If keep is a character vector, every parameter name in the "Parameter" column that matches the regular expression in keep will be selected from the returned data frame (and vice versa, all parameter names matching drop will be excluded). Furthermore, if keep has more than one element, these will be merged with an OR operator into a regular expression pattern like this: "(one|two|three)". If keep is a named list of regular expression patterns, the names of the list-element should equal the column name where selection should be applied. This is useful for model objects where model_parameters() returns multiple columns with parameter components, like in model_parameters.lavaan(). Note that the regular expression pattern should match the parameter names as they are stored in the returned data frame, which can be different from how they are printed. Inspect the ⁠$Parameter⁠ column of the parameters table to get the exact parameter names.


See keep.


Logical, if TRUE, the reference level of factors will be added to the parameters table. This is only relevant for models with categorical predictors. The coefficient for the reference level is always 0 (except when exponentiate = TRUE, then the coefficient will be 1), so this is just for completeness.


Named list, can be used to group parameters in the printed output. List elements may either be character vectors that match the name of those parameters that belong to one group, or list elements can be row numbers of those parameter rows that should belong to one group. The names of the list elements will be used as group names, which will be inserted as "header row". A possible use case might be to emphasize focal predictors and control variables, see 'Examples'. Parameters will be re-ordered according to the order used in groups, while all non-matching parameters will be added to the end.


Toggle warnings and messages.


This function is in an early stage and does not yet cope with more complex models, and probably does not yet properly render all model components. It should also be noted that when including models with interaction terms, not only do the values of the parameters change, but so does their meaning (from main effects, to simple slopes), thereby making such comparisons hard. Therefore, you should not use this function to compare models with interaction terms with models without interaction terms.


A data frame of indices related to the model's parameters.


lm1 <- lm(Sepal.Length ~ Species, data = iris)
lm2 <- lm(Sepal.Length ~ Species + Petal.Length, data = iris)
compare_parameters(lm1, lm2)

# custom style
compare_parameters(lm1, lm2, select = "{estimate}{stars} ({se})")

# custom style, in HTML
result <- compare_parameters(lm1, lm2, select = "{estimate}<br>({se})|{p}")

m1 <- lm(mpg ~ wt, data = mtcars)
m2 <- glm(vs ~ wt + cyl, data = mtcars, family = "binomial")
compare_parameters(m1, m2)

# exponentiate coefficients, but not for lm
compare_parameters(m1, m2, exponentiate = "nongaussian")

# change column names
compare_parameters("linear model" = m1, "logistic reg." = m2)
compare_parameters(m1, m2, column_names = c("linear model", "logistic reg."))

# or as list
compare_parameters(list(m1, m2))
compare_parameters(list("linear model" = m1, "logistic reg." = m2))

Conversion between EFA results and CFA structure


Enables a conversion between Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) and Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) lavaan-ready structure.


convert_efa_to_cfa(model, ...)

## S3 method for class 'fa'
  threshold = "max",
  names = NULL,
  max_per_dimension = NULL,

efa_to_cfa(model, ...)



An EFA model (e.g., a psych::fa object).


Arguments passed to or from other methods.


A value between 0 and 1 indicates which (absolute) values from the loadings should be removed. An integer higher than 1 indicates the n strongest loadings to retain. Can also be "max", in which case it will only display the maximum loading per variable (the most simple structure).


Vector containing dimension names.


Maximum number of variables to keep per dimension.


Converted index.


efa <- psych::fa(attitude, nfactors = 3)

model1 <- efa_to_cfa(efa)
model2 <- efa_to_cfa(efa, threshold = 0.3)
model3 <- efa_to_cfa(efa, max_per_dimension = 2)

  lavaan::cfa(model1, data = attitude),
  lavaan::cfa(model2, data = attitude),
  lavaan::cfa(model3, data = attitude)

Degrees of Freedom (DoF)


Estimate or extract degrees of freedom of models parameters.


degrees_of_freedom(model, method = "analytical", ...)

dof(model, method = "analytical", ...)



A statistical model.


Type of approximation for the degrees of freedom. Can be one of the following:

  • "residual" (aka "analytical") returns the residual degrees of freedom, which usually is what stats::df.residual() returns. If a model object has no method to extract residual degrees of freedom, these are calculated as n-p, i.e. the number of observations minus the number of estimated parameters. If residual degrees of freedom cannot be extracted by either approach, returns Inf.

  • "wald" returns residual (aka analytical) degrees of freedom for models with t-statistic, 1 for models with Chi-squared statistic, and Inf for all other models. Also returns Inf if residual degrees of freedom cannot be extracted.

  • "normal" always returns Inf.

  • "model" returns model-based degrees of freedom, i.e. the number of (estimated) parameters.

  • For mixed models, can also be "ml1" (or "m-l-1", approximation of degrees of freedom based on a "m-l-1" heuristic as suggested by Elff et al. 2019) or "between-within" (or "betwithin").

  • For mixed models of class merMod, type can also be "satterthwaite" or "kenward-roger" (or "kenward"). See 'Details'.

Usually, when degrees of freedom are required to calculate p-values or confidence intervals, type = "wald" is likely to be the best choice in most cases.


Currently not used.


In many cases, degrees_of_freedom() returns the same as df.residuals(), or n-k (number of observations minus number of parameters). However, degrees_of_freedom() refers to the model's parameters degrees of freedom of the distribution for the related test statistic. Thus, for models with z-statistic, results from degrees_of_freedom() and df.residuals() differ. Furthermore, for other approximation methods like "kenward" or "satterthwaite", each model parameter can have a different degree of freedom.


model <- lm(Sepal.Length ~ Petal.Length * Species, data = iris)

model <- glm(vs ~ mpg * cyl, data = mtcars, family = "binomial")

model <- lmer(Sepal.Length ~ Petal.Length + (1 | Species), data = iris)

if (require("rstanarm", quietly = TRUE)) {
  model <- stan_glm(
    Sepal.Length ~ Petal.Length * Species,
    data = iris,
    chains = 2,
    refresh = 0

Print tables in different output formats


Prints tables (i.e. data frame) in different output formats. print_md() is an alias for display(format = "markdown"), print_html() is an alias for display(format = "html"). print_table() is for specific use cases only, and currently only works for compare_parameters() objects.


## S3 method for class 'parameters_model'
  format = "markdown",
  pretty_names = TRUE,
  split_components = TRUE,
  select = NULL,
  caption = NULL,
  subtitle = NULL,
  footer = NULL,
  align = NULL,
  digits = 2,
  ci_digits = digits,
  p_digits = 3,
  footer_digits = 3,
  ci_brackets = c("(", ")"),
  show_sigma = FALSE,
  show_formula = FALSE,
  zap_small = FALSE,
  font_size = "100%",
  line_padding = 4,
  column_labels = NULL,
  include_reference = FALSE,
  verbose = TRUE,

## S3 method for class 'parameters_sem'
  format = "markdown",
  digits = 2,
  ci_digits = digits,
  p_digits = 3,
  ci_brackets = c("(", ")"),

## S3 method for class 'parameters_efa_summary'
display(object, format = "markdown", digits = 3, ...)

## S3 method for class 'parameters_efa'
  format = "markdown",
  digits = 2,
  sort = FALSE,
  threshold = NULL,
  labels = NULL,

## S3 method for class 'equivalence_test_lm'
display(object, format = "markdown", digits = 2, ...)

print_table(x, digits = 2, p_digits = 3, theme = "default", ...)



An object returned by model_parameters(),simulate_parameters(), equivalence_test() or principal_components().


String, indicating the output format. Can be "markdown" or "html".


Can be TRUE, which will return "pretty" (i.e. more human readable) parameter names. Or "labels", in which case value and variable labels will be used as parameters names. The latter only works for "labelled" data, i.e. if the data used to fit the model had "label" and "labels" attributes. See also section Global Options to Customize Messages when Printing.


Logical, if TRUE (default), For models with multiple components (zero-inflation, smooth terms, ...), each component is printed in a separate table. If FALSE, model parameters are printed in a single table and a Component column is added to the output.


Determines which columns and and which layout columns are printed. There are three options for this argument:

  1. Selecting columns by name or index
    select can be a character vector (or numeric index) of column names that should be printed. There are two pre-defined options for selecting columns: select = "minimal" prints coefficients, confidence intervals and p-values, while select = "short" prints coefficients, standard errors and p-values.

  2. A string expression with layout pattern
    select is a string with "tokens" enclosed in braces. These tokens will be replaced by their associated columns, where the selected columns will be collapsed into one column. However, it is possible to create multiple columns as well. Following tokens are replaced by the related coefficients or statistics: {estimate}, {se}, {ci} (or {ci_low} and {ci_high}), {p} and {stars}. The token {ci} will be replaced by ⁠{ci_low}, {ci_high}⁠. Furthermore, a | separates values into new cells/columns. If format = "html", a ⁠<br>⁠ inserts a line break inside a cell. See 'Examples'.

  3. A string indicating a pre-defined layout
    select can be one of the following string values, to create one of the following pre-defined column layouts:

    • "ci": Estimates and confidence intervals, no asterisks for p-values. This is equivalent to select = "{estimate} ({ci})".

    • "se": Estimates and standard errors, no asterisks for p-values. This is equivalent to select = "{estimate} ({se})".

    • "ci_p": Estimates, confidence intervals and asterisks for p-values. This is equivalent to select = "{estimate}{stars} ({ci})".

    • "se_p": Estimates, standard errors and asterisks for p-values. This is equivalent to select = "{estimate}{stars} ({se})"..

    • "ci_p2": Estimates, confidence intervals and numeric p-values, in two columns. This is equivalent to select = "{estimate} ({ci})|{p}".

    • "se_p2": Estimate, standard errors and numeric p-values, in two columns. This is equivalent to select = "{estimate} ({se})|{p}".

For model_parameters(), glue-like syntax is still experimental in the case of more complex models (like mixed models) and may not return expected results.


Table caption as string. If NULL, depending on the model, either a default caption or no table caption is printed. Use caption = "" to suppress the table caption.


Table title (same as caption) and subtitle, as strings. If NULL, no title or subtitle is printed, unless it is stored as attributes (table_title, or its alias table_caption, and table_subtitle). If x is a list of data frames, caption may be a list of table captions, one for each table.


Can either be FALSE or an empty string (i.e. "") to suppress the footer, NULL to print the default footer, or a string. The latter will combine the string value with the default footer.


Only applies to HTML tables. May be one of "left", "right" or "center".

digits, ci_digits, p_digits

Number of digits for rounding or significant figures. May also be "signif" to return significant figures or "scientific" to return scientific notation. Control the number of digits by adding the value as suffix, e.g. digits = "scientific4" to have scientific notation with 4 decimal places, or digits = "signif5" for 5 significant figures (see also signif()).


Number of decimal places for values in the footer summary.


Logical, if TRUE (default), CI-values are encompassed in square brackets (else in parentheses).


Logical, if TRUE, adds information about the residual standard deviation.


Logical, if TRUE, adds the model formula to the output.


Logical, if TRUE, small values are rounded after digits decimal places. If FALSE, values with more decimal places than digits are printed in scientific notation.


For HTML tables, the font size.


For HTML tables, the distance (in pixel) between lines.


Labels of columns for HTML tables. If NULL, automatic column names are generated. See 'Examples'.


Logical, if TRUE, the reference level of factors will be added to the parameters table. This is only relevant for models with categorical predictors. The coefficient for the reference level is always 0 (except when exponentiate = TRUE, then the coefficient will be 1), so this is just for completeness.


Toggle messages and warnings.


Arguments passed down to format.parameters_model(), insight::format_table() and insight::export_table()


Sort the loadings.


A value between 0 and 1 indicates which (absolute) values from the loadings should be removed. An integer higher than 1 indicates the n strongest loadings to retain. Can also be "max", in which case it will only display the maximum loading per variable (the most simple structure).


A character vector containing labels to be added to the loadings data. Usually, the question related to the item.


An object returned by model_parameters().


String, indicating the table theme. Can be one of "default", "grid", "striped", "bootstrap" or "darklines".


display() is useful when the table-output from functions, which is usually printed as formatted text-table to console, should be formatted for pretty table-rendering in markdown documents, or if knitted from rmarkdown to PDF or Word files. See vignette for examples.

print_table() is a special function for compare_parameters() objects, which prints the output as a formatted HTML table. It is still somewhat experimental, thus, only a fixed layout-style is available at the moment (columns for estimates, confidence intervals and p-values). However, it is possible to include other model components, like zero-inflation, or random effects in the table. See 'Examples'. An alternative is to set engine = "tt" in print_html() to use the tinytable package for creating HTML tables.


If format = "markdown", the return value will be a character vector in markdown-table format. If format = "html", an object of class gt_tbl. For print_table(), an object of class tinytable is returned.

See Also

print.parameters_model() and print.compare_parameters()


model <- lm(mpg ~ wt + cyl, data = mtcars)
mp <- model_parameters(model)

lm1 <- lm(Sepal.Length ~ Species, data = iris)
lm2 <- lm(Sepal.Length ~ Species + Petal.Length, data = iris)
lm3 <- lm(Sepal.Length ~ Species * Petal.Length, data = iris)
out <- compare_parameters(lm1, lm2, lm3)

  select = "{coef}{stars}|({ci})",
  column_labels = c("Estimate", "95% CI")

# line break, unicode minus-sign
  select = "{estimate}{stars}<br>({ci_low} \u2212 {ci_high})",
  column_labels = c("Est. (95% CI)")

data(Salamanders, package = "glmmTMB")
m1 <- lm(Sepal.Length ~ Species * Petal.Length, data = iris)
m2 <- lme4::lmer(
  Sepal.Length ~ Petal.Length + Petal.Width + (1 | Species),
  data = iris
m3 <- glmmTMB::glmmTMB(
  count ~ spp + mined + (1 | site),
  ziformula = ~mined,
  family = poisson(),
  data = Salamanders
out <- compare_parameters(m1, m2, m3, effects = "all", component = "all")

Dominance Analysis


Computes Dominance Analysis Statistics and Designations


  sets = NULL,
  all = NULL,
  conditional = TRUE,
  complete = TRUE,
  quote_args = NULL,
  contrasts = model$contrasts,



A model object supported by performance::r2(). See 'Details'.


A (named) list of formula objects with no left hand side/response. If the list has names, the name provided each element will be used as the label for the set. Unnamed list elements will be provided a set number name based on its position among the sets as entered.

Predictors in each formula are bound together as a set in the dominance analysis and dominance statistics and designations are computed for the predictors together. Predictors in sets must be present in the model submitted to the model argument and cannot be in the all argument.


A formula with no left hand side/response.

Predictors in the formula are included in each subset in the dominance analysis and the R2 value associated with them is subtracted from the overall value. Predictors in all must be present in the model submitted to the model argument and cannot be in the sets argument.


Logical. If FALSE then conditional dominance matrix is not computed.

If conditional dominance is not desired as an importance criterion, avoiding computing the conditional dominance matrix can save computation time.


Logical. If FALSE then complete dominance matrix is not computed.

If complete dominance is not desired as an importance criterion, avoiding computing complete dominance designations can save computation time.


A character vector of arguments in the model submitted to model to quote() prior to submitting to the dominance analysis. This is necessary for data masked arguments (e.g., weights) to prevent them from being evaluated before being applied to the model and causing an error.


A named list of contrasts used by the model object. This list is required in order for the correct mapping of parameters to predictors in the output when the model creates indicator codes for factor variables using insight::get_modelmatrix(). By default, the contrast element from the model object submitted is used. If the model object does not have a contrast element the user can supply this named list.


Not used at current.


Computes two decompositions of the model's R2 and returns a matrix of designations from which predictor relative importance determinations can be obtained.

Note in the output that the "constant" subset is associated with a component of the model that does not directly contribute to the R2 such as an intercept. The "all" subset is apportioned a component of the fit statistic but is not considered a part of the dominance analysis and therefore does not receive a rank, conditional dominance statistics, or complete dominance designations.

The input model is parsed using insight::find_predictors(), does not yet support interactions, transformations, or offsets applied in the R formula, and will fail with an error if any such terms are detected.

The model submitted must accept an formula object as a formula argument. In addition, the model object must accept the data on which the model is estimated as a data argument. Formulas submitted using object references (i.e., lm(mtcars$mpg ~ mtcars$vs)) and functions that accept data as a non-data argument (e.g., survey::svyglm() uses design) will fail with an error.

Models that return TRUE for the insight::model_info() function's values "is_bayesian", "is_mixed", "is_gam", is_multivariate", "is_zero_inflated", or "is_hurdle" are not supported at current.

When performance::r2() returns multiple values, only the first is used by default.


Object of class "parameters_da".

An object of class "parameters_da" is a list of data.frames composed of the following elements:


A data.frame which associates dominance statistics with model parameters. The variables in this data.frame include:


Parameter names.


Vector of general dominance statistics. The R2 ascribed to variables in the all argument are also reported here though they are not general dominance statistics.


Vector of general dominance statistics normalized to sum to 1.


Vector of ranks applied to the general dominance statistics.


Names of the subset to which the parameter belongs in the dominance analysis. Each other data.frame returned will refer to these subset names.


A data.frame of conditional dominance statistics. Each observation represents a subset and each variable represents an the average increment to R2 with a specific number of subsets in the model. NULL if conditional argument is FALSE.


A data.frame of complete dominance designations. The subsets in the observations are compared to the subsets referenced in each variable. Whether the subset in each variable dominates the subset in each observation is represented in the logical value. NULL if complete argument is FALSE.


Joseph Luchman


  • Azen, R., & Budescu, D. V. (2003). The dominance analysis approach for comparing predictors in multiple regression. Psychological Methods, 8(2), 129-148. doi:10.1037/1082-989X.8.2.129

  • Budescu, D. V. (1993). Dominance analysis: A new approach to the problem of relative importance of predictors in multiple regression. Psychological Bulletin, 114(3), 542-551. doi:10.1037/0033-2909.114.3.542

  • Groemping, U. (2007). Estimators of relative importance in linear regression based on variance decomposition. The American Statistician, 61(2), 139-147. doi:10.1198/000313007X188252

See Also




# Dominance Analysis with Logit Regression
model <- glm(vs ~ cyl + carb + mpg, data = mtcars, family = binomial())


# Dominance Analysis with Weighted Logit Regression
model_wt <- glm(vs ~ cyl + carb + mpg,
  data = mtcars,
  weights = wt, family = quasibinomial()

dominance_analysis(model_wt, quote_args = "weights")

Equivalence test


Compute the (conditional) equivalence test for frequentist models.


## S3 method for class 'lm'
  range = "default",
  ci = 0.95,
  rule = "classic",
  vcov = NULL,
  vcov_args = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE,

## S3 method for class 'merMod'
  range = "default",
  ci = 0.95,
  rule = "classic",
  effects = c("fixed", "random"),
  vcov = NULL,
  vcov_args = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE,

## S3 method for class 'ggeffects'
  range = "default",
  rule = "classic",
  test = "pairwise",
  verbose = TRUE,



A statistical model.


The range of practical equivalence of an effect. May be "default", to automatically define this range based on properties of the model's data.


Confidence Interval (CI) level. Default to 0.95 (⁠95%⁠).


Character, indicating the rules when testing for practical equivalence. Can be "bayes", "classic" or "cet". See 'Details'.


Variance-covariance matrix used to compute uncertainty estimates (e.g., for robust standard errors). This argument accepts a covariance matrix, a function which returns a covariance matrix, or a string which identifies the function to be used to compute the covariance matrix.

  • A covariance matrix

  • A function which returns a covariance matrix (e.g., stats::vcov())

  • A string which indicates the kind of uncertainty estimates to return.

    • Heteroskedasticity-consistent: "vcovHC", "HC", "HC0", "HC1", "HC2", "HC3", "HC4", "HC4m", "HC5". See ?sandwich::vcovHC.

    • Cluster-robust: "vcovCR", "CR0", "CR1", "CR1p", "CR1S", "CR2", "CR3". See ?clubSandwich::vcovCR.

    • Bootstrap: "vcovBS", "xy", "residual", "wild", "mammen", "webb". See ?sandwich::vcovBS.

    • Other sandwich package functions: "vcovHAC", "vcovPC", "vcovCL", "vcovPL".


List of arguments to be passed to the function identified by the vcov argument. This function is typically supplied by the sandwich or clubSandwich packages. Please refer to their documentation (e.g., ?sandwich::vcovHAC) to see the list of available arguments.


Toggle warnings and messages.


Arguments passed to or from other methods.


Should parameters for fixed effects ("fixed"), random effects ("random"), or both ("all") be returned? Only applies to mixed models. May be abbreviated. If the calculation of random effects parameters takes too long, you may use effects = "fixed".


Hypothesis test for computing contrasts or pairwise comparisons. See ?ggeffects::test_predictions for details.


In classical null hypothesis significance testing (NHST) within a frequentist framework, it is not possible to accept the null hypothesis, H0 - unlike in Bayesian statistics, where such probability statements are possible. "... one can only reject the null hypothesis if the test statistics falls into the critical region(s), or fail to reject this hypothesis. In the latter case, all we can say is that no significant effect was observed, but one cannot conclude that the null hypothesis is true." (Pernet 2017). One way to address this issues without Bayesian methods is Equivalence Testing, as implemented in equivalence_test(). While you either can reject the null hypothesis or claim an inconclusive result in NHST, the equivalence test - according to Pernet - adds a third category, "accept". Roughly speaking, the idea behind equivalence testing in a frequentist framework is to check whether an estimate and its uncertainty (i.e. confidence interval) falls within a region of "practical equivalence". Depending on the rule for this test (see below), statistical significance does not necessarily indicate whether the null hypothesis can be rejected or not, i.e. the classical interpretation of the p-value may differ from the results returned from the equivalence test.

Calculation of equivalence testing

  • "bayes" - Bayesian rule (Kruschke 2018)

    This rule follows the "HDI+ROPE decision rule" (Kruschke, 2014, 2018) used for the Bayesian counterpart(). This means, if the confidence intervals are completely outside the ROPE, the "null hypothesis" for this parameter is "rejected". If the ROPE completely covers the CI, the null hypothesis is accepted. Else, it's undecided whether to accept or reject the null hypothesis. Desirable results are low proportions inside the ROPE (the closer to zero the better).

  • "classic" - The TOST rule (Lakens 2017)

    This rule follows the "TOST rule", i.e. a two one-sided test procedure (Lakens 2017). Following this rule...

    • practical equivalence is assumed (i.e. H0 "accepted") when the narrow confidence intervals are completely inside the ROPE, no matter if the effect is statistically significant or not;

    • practical equivalence (i.e. H0) is rejected, when the coefficient is statistically significant, both when the narrow confidence intervals (i.e. 1-2*alpha) include or exclude the the ROPE boundaries, but the narrow confidence intervals are not fully covered by the ROPE;

    • else the decision whether to accept or reject practical equivalence is undecided (i.e. when effects are not statistically significant and the narrow confidence intervals overlaps the ROPE).

  • "cet" - Conditional Equivalence Testing (Campbell/Gustafson 2018)

    The Conditional Equivalence Testing as described by Campbell and Gustafson 2018. According to this rule, practical equivalence is rejected when the coefficient is statistically significant. When the effect is not significant and the narrow confidence intervals are completely inside the ROPE, we accept (i.e. assume) practical equivalence, else it is undecided.

Levels of Confidence Intervals used for Equivalence Testing

For rule = "classic", "narrow" confidence intervals are used for equivalence testing. "Narrow" means, the the intervals is not 1 - alpha, but 1 - 2 * alpha. Thus, if ci = .95, alpha is assumed to be 0.05 and internally a ci-level of 0.90 is used. rule = "cet" uses both regular and narrow confidence intervals, while rule = "bayes" only uses the regular intervals.


The equivalence p-value is the area of the (cumulative) confidence distribution that is outside of the region of equivalence. It can be interpreted as p-value for rejecting the alternative hypothesis and accepting the "null hypothesis" (i.e. assuming practical equivalence). That is, a high p-value means we reject the assumption of practical equivalence and accept the alternative hypothesis.

Second Generation p-Value (SGPV)

Second generation p-values (SGPV) were proposed as a statistic that represents the proportion of data-supported hypotheses that are also null hypotheses (Blume et al. 2018, Lakens and Delacre 2020). It represents the proportion of the full confidence interval range (assuming a normally or t-distributed, equal-tailed interval, based on the model) that is inside the ROPE. The SGPV ranges from zero to one. Higher values indicate that the effect is more likely to be practically equivalent ("not of interest").

Note that the assumed interval, which is used to calculate the SGPV, is an estimation of the full interval based on the chosen confidence level. For example, if the 95% confidence interval of a coefficient ranges from -1 to 1, the underlying full (normally or t-distributed) interval approximately ranges from -1.9 to 1.9, see also following code:

# simulate full normal distribution
out <- bayestestR::distribution_normal(10000, 0, 0.5)
# range of "full" distribution
# range of 95% CI
round(quantile(out, probs = c(0.025, 0.975)), 2)

This ensures that the SGPV always refers to the general compatible parameter space of coefficients, independent from the confidence interval chosen for testing practical equivalence. Therefore, the SGPV of the full interval is similar to the ROPE coverage of Bayesian equivalence tests, see following code:

m <- lm(mpg ~ gear + wt + cyl + hp, data = mtcars)
m2 <- brm(mpg ~ gear + wt + cyl + hp, data = mtcars)
# SGPV for frequentist models
# similar to ROPE coverage of Bayesian models
# similar to ROPE coverage of simulated draws / bootstrap samples

ROPE range

Some attention is required for finding suitable values for the ROPE limits (argument range). See 'Details' in bayestestR::rope_range() for further information.


A data frame.

Statistical inference - how to quantify evidence

There is no standardized approach to drawing conclusions based on the available data and statistical models. A frequently chosen but also much criticized approach is to evaluate results based on their statistical significance (Amrhein et al. 2017).

A more sophisticated way would be to test whether estimated effects exceed the "smallest effect size of interest", to avoid even the smallest effects being considered relevant simply because they are statistically significant, but clinically or practically irrelevant (Lakens et al. 2018, Lakens 2024).

A rather unconventional approach, which is nevertheless advocated by various authors, is to interpret results from classical regression models either in terms of probabilities, similar to the usual approach in Bayesian statistics (Schweder 2018; Schweder and Hjort 2003; Vos 2022) or in terms of relative measure of "evidence" or "compatibility" with the data (Greenland et al. 2022; Rafi and Greenland 2020), which nevertheless comes close to a probabilistic interpretation.

A more detailed discussion of this topic is found in the documentation of p_function().

The parameters package provides several options or functions to aid statistical inference. These are, for example:

  • equivalence_test(), to compute the (conditional) equivalence test for frequentist models

  • p_significance(), to compute the probability of practical significance, which can be conceptualized as a unidirectional equivalence test

  • p_function(), or consonance function, to compute p-values and compatibility (confidence) intervals for statistical models

  • the pd argument (setting pd = TRUE) in model_parameters() includes a column with the probability of direction, i.e. the probability that a parameter is strictly positive or negative. See bayestestR::p_direction() for details. If plotting is desired, the p_direction() function can be used, together with plot().

  • the s_value argument (setting s_value = TRUE) in model_parameters() replaces the p-values with their related S-values (Rafi and Greenland 2020)

  • finally, it is possible to generate distributions of model coefficients by generating bootstrap-samples (setting bootstrap = TRUE) or simulating draws from model coefficients using simulate_model(). These samples can then be treated as "posterior samples" and used in many functions from the bayestestR package.

Most of the above shown options or functions derive from methods originally implemented for Bayesian models (Makowski et al. 2019). However, assuming that model assumptions are met (which means, the model fits well to the data, the correct model is chosen that reflects the data generating process (distributional model family) etc.), it seems appropriate to interpret results from classical frequentist models in a "Bayesian way" (more details: documentation in p_function()).


There is also a plot()-method implemented in the see-package.


  • Amrhein, V., Korner-Nievergelt, F., and Roth, T. (2017). The earth is flat (p > 0.05): Significance thresholds and the crisis of unreplicable research. PeerJ, 5, e3544. doi:10.7717/peerj.3544

  • Blume, J. D., D'Agostino McGowan, L., Dupont, W. D., & Greevy, R. A. (2018). Second-generation p-values: Improved rigor, reproducibility, & transparency in statistical analyses. PLOS ONE, 13(3), e0188299.

  • Campbell, H., & Gustafson, P. (2018). Conditional equivalence testing: An alternative remedy for publication bias. PLOS ONE, 13(4), e0195145. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0195145

  • Greenland S, Rafi Z, Matthews R, Higgs M. To Aid Scientific Inference, Emphasize Unconditional Compatibility Descriptions of Statistics. (2022) (Accessed November 10, 2022)

  • Kruschke, J. K. (2014). Doing Bayesian data analysis: A tutorial with R, JAGS, and Stan. Academic Press

  • Kruschke, J. K. (2018). Rejecting or accepting parameter values in Bayesian estimation. Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science, 1(2), 270-280. doi: 10.1177/2515245918771304

  • Lakens, D. (2017). Equivalence Tests: A Practical Primer for t Tests, Correlations, and Meta-Analyses. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 8(4), 355–362. doi: 10.1177/1948550617697177

  • Lakens, D. (2024). Improving Your Statistical Inferences (Version v1.5.1). Retrieved from doi:10.5281/ZENODO.6409077

  • Lakens, D., and Delacre, M. (2020). Equivalence Testing and the Second Generation P-Value. Meta-Psychology, 4.

  • Lakens, D., Scheel, A. M., and Isager, P. M. (2018). Equivalence Testing for Psychological Research: A Tutorial. Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science, 1(2), 259–269. doi:10.1177/2515245918770963

  • Makowski, D., Ben-Shachar, M. S., Chen, S. H. A., and Lüdecke, D. (2019). Indices of Effect Existence and Significance in the Bayesian Framework. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 2767. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2019.02767

  • Pernet, C. (2017). Null hypothesis significance testing: A guide to commonly misunderstood concepts and recommendations for good practice. F1000Research, 4, 621. doi: 10.12688/f1000research.6963.5

  • Rafi Z, Greenland S. Semantic and cognitive tools to aid statistical science: replace confidence and significance by compatibility and surprise. BMC Medical Research Methodology (2020) 20:244.

  • Schweder T. Confidence is epistemic probability for empirical science. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference (2018) 195:116–125. doi:10.1016/j.jspi.2017.09.016

  • Schweder T, Hjort NL. Frequentist analogues of priors and posteriors. In Stigum, B. (ed.), Econometrics and the Philosophy of Economics: Theory Data Confrontation in Economics, pp. 285-217. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, 2003

  • Vos P, Holbert D. Frequentist statistical inference without repeated sampling. Synthese 200, 89 (2022). doi:10.1007/s11229-022-03560-x

See Also

For more details, see bayestestR::equivalence_test(). Further readings can be found in the references. See also p_significance() for a unidirectional equivalence test.


model <- lm(QoL ~ time + age + education, data = qol_cancer)

# default rule

# using heteroscedasticity-robust standard errors
equivalence_test(model, vcov = "HC3")

# conditional equivalence test
equivalence_test(model, rule = "cet")

# plot method
if (require("see", quietly = TRUE)) {
  result <- equivalence_test(model)

Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Factor Analysis (FA)


The functions principal_components() and factor_analysis() can be used to perform a principal component analysis (PCA) or a factor analysis (FA). They return the loadings as a data frame, and various methods and functions are available to access / display other information (see the Details section).


  n = "auto",
  rotation = "none",
  sort = FALSE,
  threshold = NULL,
  standardize = TRUE,
  cor = NULL,

  n = "auto",
  rotation = "none",
  sparse = FALSE,
  sort = FALSE,
  threshold = NULL,
  standardize = TRUE,

rotated_data(pca_results, verbose = TRUE)

## S3 method for class 'parameters_efa'
  newdata = NULL,
  names = NULL,
  keep_na = TRUE,
  verbose = TRUE,

## S3 method for class 'parameters_efa'
print(x, digits = 2, sort = FALSE, threshold = NULL, labels = NULL, ...)

## S3 method for class 'parameters_efa'
sort(x, ...)




A data frame or a statistical model.


Number of components to extract. If n="all", then n is set as the number of variables minus 1 (ncol(x)-1). If n="auto" (default) or n=NULL, the number of components is selected through n_factors() resp. n_components(). Else, if n is a number, n components are extracted. If n exceeds number of variables in the data, it is automatically set to the maximum number (i.e. ncol(x)). In reduce_parameters(), can also be "max", in which case it will select all the components that are maximally pseudo-loaded (i.e., correlated) by at least one variable.


If not "none", the PCA / FA will be computed using the psych package. Possible options include "varimax", "quartimax", "promax", "oblimin", "simplimax", or "cluster" (and more). See psych::fa() for details.


Sort the loadings.


A value between 0 and 1 indicates which (absolute) values from the loadings should be removed. An integer higher than 1 indicates the n strongest loadings to retain. Can also be "max", in which case it will only display the maximum loading per variable (the most simple structure).


A logical value indicating whether the variables should be standardized (centered and scaled) to have unit variance before the analysis (in general, such scaling is advisable).


An optional correlation matrix that can be used (note that the data must still be passed as the first argument). If NULL, will compute it by running cor() on the passed data.


Arguments passed to or from other methods.


Whether to compute sparse PCA (SPCA, using sparsepca::spca()). SPCA attempts to find sparse loadings (with few nonzero values), which improves interpretability and avoids overfitting. Can be TRUE or "robust" (see sparsepca::robspca()).


The output of the principal_components() function.


Toggle warnings.


An object of class parameters_pca or parameters_efa


An optional data frame in which to look for variables with which to predict. If omitted, the fitted values are used.


Optional character vector to name columns of the returned data frame.


Logical, if TRUE, predictions also return observations with missing values from the original data, hence the number of rows of predicted data and original data is equal.


Argument for print(), indicates the number of digits (rounding) to be used.


Argument for print(), character vector of same length as columns in x. If provided, adds an additional column with the labels.


Methods and Utilities


Complexity represents the number of latent components needed to account for the observed variables. Whereas a perfect simple structure solution has a complexity of 1 in that each item would only load on one factor, a solution with evenly distributed items has a complexity greater than 1 (Hofman, 1978; Pettersson and Turkheimer, 2010).


Uniqueness represents the variance that is 'unique' to the variable and not shared with other variables. It is equal to ⁠1 – communality⁠ (variance that is shared with other variables). A uniqueness of 0.20 suggests that ⁠20%⁠ or that variable's variance is not shared with other variables in the overall factor model. The greater 'uniqueness' the lower the relevance of the variable in the factor model.


MSA represents the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy (Kaiser and Rice, 1974) for each item. It indicates whether there is enough data for each factor give reliable results for the PCA. The value should be > 0.6, and desirable values are > 0.8 (Tabachnick and Fidell, 2013).

PCA or FA?

There is a simplified rule of thumb that may help do decide whether to run a factor analysis or a principal component analysis:

  • Run factor analysis if you assume or wish to test a theoretical model of latent factors causing observed variables.

  • Run principal component analysis If you want to simply reduce your correlated observed variables to a smaller set of important independent composite variables.

(Source: CrossValidated)

Computing Item Scores

Use get_scores() to compute scores for the "subscales" represented by the extracted principal components. get_scores() takes the results from principal_components() and extracts the variables for each component found by the PCA. Then, for each of these "subscales", raw means are calculated (which equals adding up the single items and dividing by the number of items). This results in a sum score for each component from the PCA, which is on the same scale as the original, single items that were used to compute the PCA. One can also use predict() to back-predict scores for each component, to which one can provide newdata or a vector of names for the components.

Explained Variance and Eingenvalues

Use summary() to get the Eigenvalues and the explained variance for each extracted component. The eigenvectors and eigenvalues represent the "core" of a PCA: The eigenvectors (the principal components) determine the directions of the new feature space, and the eigenvalues determine their magnitude. In other words, the eigenvalues explain the variance of the data along the new feature axes.


A data frame of loadings.


  • Kaiser, H.F. and Rice. J. (1974). Little jiffy, mark iv. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 34(1):111–117

  • Hofmann, R. (1978). Complexity and simplicity as objective indices descriptive of factor solutions. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 13:2, 247-250, doi:10.1207/s15327906mbr1302_9

  • Pettersson, E., & Turkheimer, E. (2010). Item selection, evaluation, and simple structure in personality data. Journal of research in personality, 44(4), 407-420, doi:10.1016/j.jrp.2010.03.002

  • Tabachnick, B. G., and Fidell, L. S. (2013). Using multivariate statistics (6th ed.). Boston: Pearson Education.



# Principal Component Analysis (PCA) -------------------
principal_components(mtcars[, 1:7], n = "all", threshold = 0.2)

# Automated number of components
principal_components(mtcars[, 1:4], n = "auto")

# labels can be useful if variable names are not self-explanatory
  principal_components(mtcars[, 1:4], n = "auto"),
  labels = c(
    "Miles/(US) gallon",
    "Number of cylinders",
    "Displacement (",
    "Gross horsepower"

# Sparse PCA
principal_components(mtcars[, 1:7], n = 4, sparse = TRUE)
principal_components(mtcars[, 1:7], n = 4, sparse = "robust")

# Rotated PCA
principal_components(mtcars[, 1:7],
  n = 2, rotation = "oblimin",
  threshold = "max", sort = TRUE
principal_components(mtcars[, 1:7], n = 2, threshold = 2, sort = TRUE)

pca <- principal_components(mtcars[, 1:5], n = 2, rotation = "varimax")
pca # Print loadings
summary(pca) # Print information about the factors
predict(pca, names = c("Component1", "Component2")) # Back-predict scores

# which variables from the original data belong to which extracted component?

# Factor Analysis (FA) ------------------------

factor_analysis(mtcars[, 1:7], n = "all", threshold = 0.2)
factor_analysis(mtcars[, 1:7], n = 2, rotation = "oblimin", threshold = "max", sort = TRUE)
factor_analysis(mtcars[, 1:7], n = 2, threshold = 2, sort = TRUE)

efa <- factor_analysis(mtcars[, 1:5], n = 2)
predict(efa, verbose = FALSE)

# Automated number of components
factor_analysis(mtcars[, 1:4], n = "auto")

Sample data set


A sample data set, used in tests and some examples.

Format the name of the degrees-of-freedom adjustment methods


Format the name of the degrees-of-freedom adjustment methods.


  approx_string = "-approximated",
  dof_string = " degrees of freedom"



Name of the method.

approx_string, dof_string

Suffix added to the name of the method in the returned string.


A formatted string.



format_df_adjust("kenward", approx_string = "", dof_string = " DoF")

Order (first, second, ...) formatting


Format order.


format_order(order, textual = TRUE, ...)



value or vector of orders.


Return number as words. If FALSE, will run insight::format_value().


Arguments to be passed to insight::format_value() if textual is FALSE.


A formatted string.


format_order(25, textual = FALSE)

Format the name of the p-value adjustment methods


Format the name of the p-value adjustment methods.





Name of the method.


A string with the full surname(s) of the author(s), including year of publication, for the adjustment-method.




Parameter names formatting


This functions formats the names of model parameters (coefficients) to make them more human-readable.


format_parameters(model, ...)

## Default S3 method:
format_parameters(model, brackets = c("[", "]"), ...)



A statistical model.


Currently not used.


A character vector of length two, indicating the opening and closing brackets.


A (names) character vector with formatted parameter names. The value names refer to the original names of the coefficients.

Interpretation of Interaction Terms

Note that the interpretation of interaction terms depends on many characteristics of the model. The number of parameters, and overall performance of the model, can differ or not between a * b, a : b, and a / b, suggesting that sometimes interaction terms give different parameterizations of the same model, but other times it gives completely different models (depending on a or b being factors of covariates, included as main effects or not, etc.). Their interpretation depends of the full context of the model, which should not be inferred from the parameters table alone - rather, we recommend to use packages that calculate estimated marginal means or marginal effects, such as modelbased, emmeans, ggeffects, or marginaleffects. To raise awareness for this issue, you may use print(...,show_formula=TRUE) to add the model-specification to the output of the print() method for model_parameters().


model <- lm(Sepal.Length ~ Species * Sepal.Width, data = iris)

model <- lm(Sepal.Length ~ Petal.Length + (Species / Sepal.Width), data = iris)

model <- lm(Sepal.Length ~ Species + poly(Sepal.Width, 2), data = iris)

model <- lm(Sepal.Length ~ Species + poly(Sepal.Width, 2, raw = TRUE), data = iris)

Print comparisons of model parameters


A print()-method for objects from compare_parameters().


## S3 method for class 'compare_parameters'
  split_components = TRUE,
  select = NULL,
  digits = 2,
  ci_digits = digits,
  p_digits = 3,
  ci_width = NULL,
  ci_brackets = NULL,
  zap_small = FALSE,
  format = NULL,
  groups = NULL,
  engine = NULL,

## S3 method for class 'compare_parameters'
  split_components = TRUE,
  caption = NULL,
  subtitle = NULL,
  footer = NULL,
  digits = 2,
  ci_digits = digits,
  p_digits = 3,
  zap_small = FALSE,
  groups = NULL,
  column_width = NULL,
  ci_brackets = c("(", ")"),
  select = NULL,

## S3 method for class 'compare_parameters'
  caption = NULL,
  subtitle = NULL,
  footer = NULL,
  digits = 2,
  ci_digits = digits,
  p_digits = 3,
  zap_small = FALSE,
  groups = NULL,
  select = NULL,
  ci_brackets = c("(", ")"),
  font_size = "100%",
  line_padding = 4,
  column_labels = NULL,
  engine = "gt",

## S3 method for class 'compare_parameters'
  digits = 2,
  ci_digits = digits,
  p_digits = 3,
  caption = NULL,
  subtitle = NULL,
  footer = NULL,
  select = NULL,
  split_components = TRUE,
  ci_brackets = c("(", ")"),
  zap_small = FALSE,
  groups = NULL,
  engine = "tt",



An object returned by compare_parameters().


Logical, if TRUE (default), For models with multiple components (zero-inflation, smooth terms, ...), each component is printed in a separate table. If FALSE, model parameters are printed in a single table and a Component column is added to the output.


Determines which columns and and which layout columns are printed. There are three options for this argument:

  1. Selecting columns by name or index
    select can be a character vector (or numeric index) of column names that should be printed. There are two pre-defined options for selecting columns: select = "minimal" prints coefficients, confidence intervals and p-values, while select = "short" prints coefficients, standard errors and p-values.

  2. A string expression with layout pattern
    select is a string with "tokens" enclosed in braces. These tokens will be replaced by their associated columns, where the selected columns will be collapsed into one column. However, it is possible to create multiple columns as well. Following tokens are replaced by the related coefficients or statistics: {estimate}, {se}, {ci} (or {ci_low} and {ci_high}), {p} and {stars}. The token {ci} will be replaced by ⁠{ci_low}, {ci_high}⁠. Furthermore, a | separates values into new cells/columns. If format = "html", a ⁠<br>⁠ inserts a line break inside a cell. See 'Examples'.

  3. A string indicating a pre-defined layout
    select can be one of the following string values, to create one of the following pre-defined column layouts:

    • "ci": Estimates and confidence intervals, no asterisks for p-values. This is equivalent to select = "{estimate} ({ci})".

    • "se": Estimates and standard errors, no asterisks for p-values. This is equivalent to select = "{estimate} ({se})".

    • "ci_p": Estimates, confidence intervals and asterisks for p-values. This is equivalent to select = "{estimate}{stars} ({ci})".

    • "se_p": Estimates, standard errors and asterisks for p-values. This is equivalent to select = "{estimate}{stars} ({se})"..

    • "ci_p2": Estimates, confidence intervals and numeric p-values, in two columns. This is equivalent to select = "{estimate} ({ci})|{p}".

    • "se_p2": Estimate, standard errors and numeric p-values, in two columns. This is equivalent to select = "{estimate} ({se})|{p}".

For model_parameters(), glue-like syntax is still experimental in the case of more complex models (like mixed models) and may not return expected results.

digits, ci_digits, p_digits

Number of digits for rounding or significant figures. May also be "signif" to return significant figures or "scientific" to return scientific notation. Control the number of digits by adding the value as suffix, e.g. digits = "scientific4" to have scientific notation with 4 decimal places, or digits = "signif5" for 5 significant figures (see also signif()).


Minimum width of the returned string for confidence intervals. If not NULL and width is larger than the string's length, leading whitespaces are added to the string. If width="auto", width will be set to the length of the longest string.


Logical, if TRUE (default), CI-values are encompassed in square brackets (else in parentheses).


Logical, if TRUE, small values are rounded after digits decimal places. If FALSE, values with more decimal places than digits are printed in scientific notation.


String, indicating the output format. Can be "markdown" or "html".


Named list, can be used to group parameters in the printed output. List elements may either be character vectors that match the name of those parameters that belong to one group, or list elements can be row numbers of those parameter rows that should belong to one group. The names of the list elements will be used as group names, which will be inserted as "header row". A possible use case might be to emphasize focal predictors and control variables, see 'Examples'. Parameters will be re-ordered according to the order used in groups, while all non-matching parameters will be added to the end.


Character string, naming the package or engine to be used for printing into HTML or markdown format. Currently supported "gt" (or "default") to use the gt package to print to HTML and the default easystats engine to create markdown tables. If engine = "tt", the tinytable package is used for printing to HTML or markdown. Not all print() methods support the "tt" engine yet. If a specific print() method has no engine argument, insight::export_table() is used, which uses gt for HTML printing.


Arguments passed down to format.parameters_model(), insight::format_table() and insight::export_table()


Table caption as string. If NULL, depending on the model, either a default caption or no table caption is printed. Use caption = "" to suppress the table caption.


Table title (same as caption) and subtitle, as strings. If NULL, no title or subtitle is printed, unless it is stored as attributes (table_title, or its alias table_caption, and table_subtitle). If x is a list of data frames, caption may be a list of table captions, one for each table.


Can either be FALSE or an empty string (i.e. "") to suppress the footer, NULL to print the default footer, or a string. The latter will combine the string value with the default footer.


Width of table columns. Can be either NULL, a named numeric vector, or "fixed". If NULL, the width for each table column is adjusted to the minimum required width. If a named numeric vector, value names are matched against column names, and for each match, the specified width is used. If "fixed", and table is split into multiple components, columns across all table components are adjusted to have the same width.


For HTML tables, the font size.


For HTML tables, the distance (in pixel) between lines.


Labels of columns for HTML tables. If NULL, automatic column names are generated. See 'Examples'.


Invisibly returns the original input object.

Global Options to Customize Messages and Tables when Printing

The verbose argument can be used to display or silence messages and warnings for the different functions in the parameters package. However, some messages providing additional information can be displayed or suppressed using options():

  • parameters_summary: options(parameters_summary = TRUE) will override the summary argument in model_parameters() and always show the model summary for non-mixed models.

  • parameters_mixed_summary: options(parameters_mixed_summary = TRUE) will override the summary argument in model_parameters() for mixed models, and will then always show the model summary.

  • parameters_cimethod: options(parameters_cimethod = TRUE) will show the additional information about the approximation method used to calculate confidence intervals and p-values. Set to FALSE to hide this message when printing model_parameters() objects.

  • parameters_exponentiate: options(parameters_exponentiate = TRUE) will show the additional information on how to interpret coefficients of models with log-transformed response variables or with log-/logit-links when the exponentiate argument in model_parameters() is not TRUE. Set this option to FALSE to hide this message when printing model_parameters() objects.

There are further options that can be used to modify the default behaviour for printed outputs:

  • parameters_labels: options(parameters_labels = TRUE) will use variable and value labels for pretty names, if data is labelled. If no labels available, default pretty names are used.

  • parameters_interaction: ⁠options(parameters_interaction = <character>)⁠ will replace the interaction mark (by default, *) with the related character.

  • parameters_select: ⁠options(parameters_select = <value>)⁠ will set the default for the select argument. See argument's documentation for available options.

  • easystats_html_engine: options(easystats_html_engine = "gt") will set the default HTML engine for tables to gt, i.e. the gt package is used to create HTML tables. If set to tt, the tinytable package is used.

  • insight_use_symbols: options(insight_use_symbols = TRUE) will try to print unicode-chars for symbols as column names, wherever possible (e.g., ω instead of Omega).


lm1 <- lm(Sepal.Length ~ Species, data = iris)
lm2 <- lm(Sepal.Length ~ Species + Petal.Length, data = iris)

# custom style
result <- compare_parameters(lm1, lm2, select = "{estimate}{stars} ({se})")

# custom style, in HTML
result <- compare_parameters(lm1, lm2, select = "{estimate}<br>({se})|{p}")

Print model parameters


A print()-method for objects from model_parameters().


## S3 method for class 'parameters_model'
  pretty_names = TRUE,
  split_components = TRUE,
  select = NULL,
  digits = 2,
  ci_digits = digits,
  p_digits = 3,
  ci_width = NULL,
  ci_brackets = NULL,
  zap_small = FALSE,
  format = NULL,
  groups = NULL,
  include_reference = FALSE,

## S3 method for class 'parameters_model'
  pretty_names = TRUE,
  split_components = TRUE,
  select = NULL,
  caption = NULL,
  footer = NULL,
  digits = 2,
  ci_digits = digits,
  p_digits = 3,
  footer_digits = 3,
  show_sigma = FALSE,
  show_formula = FALSE,
  zap_small = FALSE,
  groups = NULL,
  column_width = NULL,
  ci_brackets = c("[", "]"),
  include_reference = FALSE,

## S3 method for class 'parameters_model'
summary(object, ...)

## S3 method for class 'parameters_model'
  pretty_names = TRUE,
  split_components = TRUE,
  select = NULL,
  caption = NULL,
  subtitle = NULL,
  footer = NULL,
  align = NULL,
  digits = 2,
  ci_digits = digits,
  p_digits = 3,
  footer_digits = 3,
  ci_brackets = c("(", ")"),
  show_sigma = FALSE,
  show_formula = FALSE,
  zap_small = FALSE,
  groups = NULL,
  font_size = "100%",
  line_padding = 4,
  column_labels = NULL,
  include_reference = FALSE,
  verbose = TRUE,

## S3 method for class 'parameters_model'
  pretty_names = TRUE,
  split_components = TRUE,
  select = NULL,
  caption = NULL,
  subtitle = NULL,
  footer = NULL,
  align = NULL,
  digits = 2,
  ci_digits = digits,
  p_digits = 3,
  footer_digits = 3,
  ci_brackets = c("(", ")"),
  show_sigma = FALSE,
  show_formula = FALSE,
  zap_small = FALSE,
  groups = NULL,
  include_reference = FALSE,
  verbose = TRUE,


x, object

An object returned by model_parameters().


Can be TRUE, which will return "pretty" (i.e. more human readable) parameter names. Or "labels", in which case value and variable labels will be used as parameters names. The latter only works for "labelled" data, i.e. if the data used to fit the model had "label" and "labels" attributes. See also section Global Options to Customize Messages when Printing.


Logical, if TRUE (default), For models with multiple components (zero-inflation, smooth terms, ...), each component is printed in a separate table. If FALSE, model parameters are printed in a single table and a Component column is added to the output.


Determines which columns and and which layout columns are printed. There are three options for this argument:

  1. Selecting columns by name or index
    select can be a character vector (or numeric index) of column names that should be printed. There are two pre-defined options for selecting columns: select = "minimal" prints coefficients, confidence intervals and p-values, while select = "short" prints coefficients, standard errors and p-values.

  2. A string expression with layout pattern
    select is a string with "tokens" enclosed in braces. These tokens will be replaced by their associated columns, where the selected columns will be collapsed into one column. However, it is possible to create multiple columns as well. Following tokens are replaced by the related coefficients or statistics: {estimate}, {se}, {ci} (or {ci_low} and {ci_high}), {p} and {stars}. The token {ci} will be replaced by ⁠{ci_low}, {ci_high}⁠. Furthermore, a | separates values into new cells/columns. If format = "html", a ⁠<br>⁠ inserts a line break inside a cell. See 'Examples'.

  3. A string indicating a pre-defined layout
    select can be one of the following string values, to create one of the following pre-defined column layouts:

    • "ci": Estimates and confidence intervals, no asterisks for p-values. This is equivalent to select = "{estimate} ({ci})".

    • "se": Estimates and standard errors, no asterisks for p-values. This is equivalent to select = "{estimate} ({se})".

    • "ci_p": Estimates, confidence intervals and asterisks for p-values. This is equivalent to select = "{estimate}{stars} ({ci})".

    • "se_p": Estimates, standard errors and asterisks for p-values. This is equivalent to select = "{estimate}{stars} ({se})"..

    • "ci_p2": Estimates, confidence intervals and numeric p-values, in two columns. This is equivalent to select = "{estimate} ({ci})|{p}".

    • "se_p2": Estimate, standard errors and numeric p-values, in two columns. This is equivalent to select = "{estimate} ({se})|{p}".

For model_parameters(), glue-like syntax is still experimental in the case of more complex models (like mixed models) and may not return expected results.

digits, ci_digits, p_digits

Number of digits for rounding or significant figures. May also be "signif" to return significant figures or "scientific" to return scientific notation. Control the number of digits by adding the value as suffix, e.g. digits = "scientific4" to have scientific notation with 4 decimal places, or digits = "signif5" for 5 significant figures (see also signif()).


Minimum width of the returned string for confidence intervals. If not NULL and width is larger than the string's length, leading whitespaces are added to the string. If width="auto", width will be set to the length of the longest string.


Logical, if TRUE (default), CI-values are encompassed in square brackets (else in parentheses).


Logical, if TRUE, small values are rounded after digits decimal places. If FALSE, values with more decimal places than digits are printed in scientific notation.


String, indicating the output format. Can be "markdown" or "html".


Named list, can be used to group parameters in the printed output. List elements may either be character vectors that match the name of those parameters that belong to one group, or list elements can be row numbers of those parameter rows that should belong to one group. The names of the list elements will be used as group names, which will be inserted as "header row". A possible use case might be to emphasize focal predictors and control variables, see 'Examples'. Parameters will be re-ordered according to the order used in groups, while all non-matching parameters will be added to the end.


Logical, if TRUE, the reference level of factors will be added to the parameters table. This is only relevant for models with categorical predictors. The coefficient for the reference level is always 0 (except when exponentiate = TRUE, then the coefficient will be 1), so this is just for completeness.


Arguments passed down to format.parameters_model(), insight::format_table() and insight::export_table()


Table caption as string. If NULL, depending on the model, either a default caption or no table caption is printed. Use caption = "" to suppress the table caption.


Can either be FALSE or an empty string (i.e. "") to suppress the footer, NULL to print the default footer, or a string. The latter will combine the string value with the default footer.


Number of decimal places for values in the footer summary.


Logical, if TRUE, adds information about the residual standard deviation.


Logical, if TRUE, adds the model formula to the output.


Width of table columns. Can be either NULL, a named numeric vector, or "fixed". If NULL, the width for each table column is adjusted to the minimum required width. If a named numeric vector, value names are matched against column names, and for each match, the specified width is used. If "fixed", and table is split into multiple components, columns across all table components are adjusted to have the same width.


Table title (same as caption) and subtitle, as strings. If NULL, no title or subtitle is printed, unless it is stored as attributes (table_title, or its alias table_caption, and table_subtitle). If x is a list of data frames, caption may be a list of table captions, one for each table.


Only applies to HTML tables. May be one of "left", "right" or "center".


For HTML tables, the font size.


For HTML tables, the distance (in pixel) between lines.


Labels of columns for HTML tables. If NULL, automatic column names are generated. See 'Examples'.


Toggle messages and warnings.


summary() is a convenient shortcut for print(object, select = "minimal", show_sigma = TRUE, show_formula = TRUE).


Invisibly returns the original input object.

Global Options to Customize Messages and Tables when Printing

The verbose argument can be used to display or silence messages and warnings for the different functions in the parameters package. However, some messages providing additional information can be displayed or suppressed using options():

  • parameters_summary: options(parameters_summary = TRUE) will override the summary argument in model_parameters() and always show the model summary for non-mixed models.

  • parameters_mixed_summary: options(parameters_mixed_summary = TRUE) will override the summary argument in model_parameters() for mixed models, and will then always show the model summary.

  • parameters_cimethod: options(parameters_cimethod = TRUE) will show the additional information about the approximation method used to calculate confidence intervals and p-values. Set to FALSE to hide this message when printing model_parameters() objects.

  • parameters_exponentiate: options(parameters_exponentiate = TRUE) will show the additional information on how to interpret coefficients of models with log-transformed response variables or with log-/logit-links when the exponentiate argument in model_parameters() is not TRUE. Set this option to FALSE to hide this message when printing model_parameters() objects.

There are further options that can be used to modify the default behaviour for printed outputs:

  • parameters_labels: options(parameters_labels = TRUE) will use variable and value labels for pretty names, if data is labelled. If no labels available, default pretty names are used.

  • parameters_interaction: ⁠options(parameters_interaction = <character>)⁠ will replace the interaction mark (by default, *) with the related character.

  • parameters_select: ⁠options(parameters_select = <value>)⁠ will set the default for the select argument. See argument's documentation for available options.

  • easystats_html_engine: options(easystats_html_engine = "gt") will set the default HTML engine for tables to gt, i.e. the gt package is used to create HTML tables. If set to tt, the tinytable package is used.

  • insight_use_symbols: options(insight_use_symbols = TRUE) will try to print unicode-chars for symbols as column names, wherever possible (e.g., ω instead of Omega).

Interpretation of Interaction Terms

Note that the interpretation of interaction terms depends on many characteristics of the model. The number of parameters, and overall performance of the model, can differ or not between a * b, a : b, and a / b, suggesting that sometimes interaction terms give different parameterizations of the same model, but other times it gives completely different models (depending on a or b being factors of covariates, included as main effects or not, etc.). Their interpretation depends of the full context of the model, which should not be inferred from the parameters table alone - rather, we recommend to use packages that calculate estimated marginal means or marginal effects, such as modelbased, emmeans, ggeffects, or marginaleffects. To raise awareness for this issue, you may use print(...,show_formula=TRUE) to add the model-specification to the output of the print() method for model_parameters().

Labeling the Degrees of Freedom

Throughout the parameters package, we decided to label the residual degrees of freedom df_error. The reason for this is that these degrees of freedom not always refer to the residuals. For certain models, they refer to the estimate error - in a linear model these are the same, but in - for instance - any mixed effects model, this isn't strictly true. Hence, we think that df_error is the most generic label for these degrees of freedom.

See Also

See also display().


model <- glmmTMB::glmmTMB(
  count ~ spp + mined + (1 | site),
  ziformula = ~mined,
  family = poisson(),
  data = Salamanders
mp <- model_parameters(model)

print(mp, pretty_names = FALSE)

print(mp, split_components = FALSE)

print(mp, select = c("Parameter", "Coefficient", "SE"))

print(mp, select = "minimal")

# group parameters ------

model <- lm(
  Sepal.Width ~ Sepal.Length + Species + Petal.Length,
  data = iris
# don't select "Intercept" parameter
mp <- model_parameters(model, parameters = "^(?!\\(Intercept)")
groups <- list(
  "Focal Predictors" = c("Speciesversicolor", "Speciesvirginica"),
  "Controls" = c("Sepal.Length", "Petal.Length")
print(mp, groups = groups)

# or use row indices
print(mp, groups = list(
  "Focal Predictors" = c(1, 4),
  "Controls" = c(2, 3)

# only show coefficients, CI and p,
# put non-matched parameters to the end

mtcars$cyl <- as.factor(mtcars$cyl)
mtcars$gear <- as.factor(mtcars$gear)
model <- lm(mpg ~ hp + gear * vs + cyl + drat, data = mtcars)

# don't select "Intercept" parameter
mp <- model_parameters(model, parameters = "^(?!\\(Intercept)")
print(mp, groups = list(
  "Engine" = c("cyl6", "cyl8", "vs", "hp"),
  "Interactions" = c("gear4:vs", "gear5:vs")

# custom column layouts ------

lm1 <- lm(Sepal.Length ~ Species, data = iris)
lm2 <- lm(Sepal.Length ~ Species + Petal.Length, data = iris)

# custom style
result <- compare_parameters(lm1, lm2, select = "{estimate}{stars} ({se})")

# custom style, in HTML
result <- compare_parameters(lm1, lm2, select = "{estimate}<br>({se})|{p}")

Get Scores from Principal Component Analysis (PCA)


get_scores() takes n_items amount of items that load the most (either by loading cutoff or number) on a component, and then computes their average.


get_scores(x, n_items = NULL)



An object returned by principal_components().


Number of required (i.e. non-missing) items to build the sum score. If NULL, the value is chosen to match half of the number of columns in a data frame.


get_scores() takes the results from principal_components() and extracts the variables for each component found by the PCA. Then, for each of these "subscales", row means are calculated (which equals adding up the single items and dividing by the number of items). This results in a sum score for each component from the PCA, which is on the same scale as the original, single items that were used to compute the PCA.


A data frame with subscales, which are average sum scores for all items from each component.


if (require("psych")) {
  pca <- principal_components(mtcars[, 1:7], n = 2, rotation = "varimax")

  # PCA extracted two components

  # assignment of items to each component

  # now we want to have sum scores for each component

  # compare to manually computed sum score for 2nd component, which
  # consists of items "hp" and "qsec"
  (mtcars$hp + mtcars$qsec) / 2

Model Parameters


Compute and extract model parameters. The available options and arguments depend on the modeling package and model class. Follow one of these links to read the model-specific documentation:


model_parameters(model, ...)

parameters(model, ...)



Statistical Model.


Arguments passed to or from other methods. Non-documented arguments are digits, p_digits, ci_digits and footer_digits to set the number of digits for the output. If s_value = TRUE, the p-value will be replaced by the S-value in the output (cf. Rafi and Greenland 2020). pd adds an additional column with the probability of direction (see bayestestR::p_direction() for details). groups can be used to group coefficients. It will be passed to the print-method, or can directly be used in print(), see documentation in print.parameters_model(). Furthermore, see 'Examples' in model_parameters.default(). For developers, whose interest mainly is to get a "tidy" data frame of model summaries, it is recommended to set pretty_names = FALSE to speed up computation of the summary table.


A data frame of indices related to the model's parameters.

Standardization of model coefficients

Standardization is based on standardize_parameters(). In case of standardize = "refit", the data used to fit the model will be standardized and the model is completely refitted. In such cases, standard errors and confidence intervals refer to the standardized coefficient. The default, standardize = "refit", never standardizes categorical predictors (i.e. factors), which may be a different behaviour compared to other R packages or other software packages (like SPSS). To mimic behaviour of SPSS or packages such as lm.beta, use standardize = "basic".

Standardization Methods

  • refit: This method is based on a complete model re-fit with a standardized version of the data. Hence, this method is equal to standardizing the variables before fitting the model. It is the "purest" and the most accurate (Neter et al., 1989), but it is also the most computationally costly and long (especially for heavy models such as Bayesian models). This method is particularly recommended for complex models that include interactions or transformations (e.g., polynomial or spline terms). The robust (default to FALSE) argument enables a robust standardization of data, i.e., based on the median and MAD instead of the mean and SD. See datawizard::standardize() for more details. Note that standardize_parameters(method = "refit") may not return the same results as fitting a model on data that has been standardized with standardize(); standardize_parameters() used the data used by the model fitting function, which might not be same data if there are missing values. see the remove_na argument in standardize().

  • posthoc: Post-hoc standardization of the parameters, aiming at emulating the results obtained by "refit" without refitting the model. The coefficients are divided by the standard deviation (or MAD if robust) of the outcome (which becomes their expression 'unit'). Then, the coefficients related to numeric variables are additionally multiplied by the standard deviation (or MAD if robust) of the related terms, so that they correspond to changes of 1 SD of the predictor (e.g., "A change in 1 SD of x is related to a change of 0.24 of the SD of y). This does not apply to binary variables or factors, so the coefficients are still related to changes in levels. This method is not accurate and tend to give aberrant results when interactions are specified.

  • basic: This method is similar to method = "posthoc", but treats all variables as continuous: it also scales the coefficient by the standard deviation of model's matrix' parameter of factors levels (transformed to integers) or binary predictors. Although being inappropriate for these cases, this method is the one implemented by default in other software packages, such as lm.beta::lm.beta().

  • smart (Standardization of Model's parameters with Adjustment, Reconnaissance and Transformation - experimental): Similar to method = "posthoc" in that it does not involve model refitting. The difference is that the SD (or MAD if robust) of the response is computed on the relevant section of the data. For instance, if a factor with 3 levels A (the intercept), B and C is entered as a predictor, the effect corresponding to B vs. A will be scaled by the variance of the response at the intercept only. As a results, the coefficients for effects of factors are similar to a Glass' delta.

  • pseudo (for 2-level (G)LMMs only): In this (post-hoc) method, the response and the predictor are standardized based on the level of prediction (levels are detected with performance::check_heterogeneity_bias()): Predictors are standardized based on their SD at level of prediction (see also datawizard::demean()); The outcome (in linear LMMs) is standardized based on a fitted random-intercept-model, where sqrt(random-intercept-variance) is used for level 2 predictors, and sqrt(residual-variance) is used for level 1 predictors (Hoffman 2015, page 342). A warning is given when a within-group variable is found to have access between-group variance.

See also package vignette.

Labeling the Degrees of Freedom

Throughout the parameters package, we decided to label the residual degrees of freedom df_error. The reason for this is that these degrees of freedom not always refer to the residuals. For certain models, they refer to the estimate error - in a linear model these are the same, but in - for instance - any mixed effects model, this isn't strictly true. Hence, we think that df_error is the most generic label for these degrees of freedom.

Confidence intervals and approximation of degrees of freedom

There are different ways of approximating the degrees of freedom depending on different assumptions about the nature of the model and its sampling distribution. The ci_method argument modulates the method for computing degrees of freedom (df) that are used to calculate confidence intervals (CI) and the related p-values. Following options are allowed, depending on the model class:

Classical methods:

Classical inference is generally based on the Wald method. The Wald approach to inference computes a test statistic by dividing the parameter estimate by its standard error (Coefficient / SE), then comparing this statistic against a t- or normal distribution. This approach can be used to compute CIs and p-values.


  • Applies to non-Bayesian models. For linear models, CIs computed using the Wald method (SE and a t-distribution with residual df); p-values computed using the Wald method with a t-distribution with residual df. For other models, CIs computed using the Wald method (SE and a normal distribution); p-values computed using the Wald method with a normal distribution.


  • Applies to non-Bayesian models. Compute Wald CIs and p-values, but always use a normal distribution.


  • Applies to non-Bayesian models. Compute Wald CIs and p-values, but always use a t-distribution with residual df when possible. If the residual df for a model cannot be determined, a normal distribution is used instead.

Methods for mixed models:

Compared to fixed effects (or single-level) models, determining appropriate df for Wald-based inference in mixed models is more difficult. See the R GLMM FAQ for a discussion.

Several approximate methods for computing df are available, but you should also consider instead using profile likelihood ("profile") or bootstrap ("⁠boot"⁠) CIs and p-values instead.


  • Applies to linear mixed models. CIs computed using the Wald method (SE and a t-distribution with Satterthwaite df); p-values computed using the Wald method with a t-distribution with Satterthwaite df.


  • Applies to linear mixed models. CIs computed using the Wald method (Kenward-Roger SE and a t-distribution with Kenward-Roger df); p-values computed using the Wald method with Kenward-Roger SE and t-distribution with Kenward-Roger df.


  • Applies to linear mixed models. CIs computed using the Wald method (SE and a t-distribution with m-l-1 approximated df); p-values computed using the Wald method with a t-distribution with m-l-1 approximated df. See ci_ml1().


  • Applies to linear mixed models and generalized linear mixed models. CIs computed using the Wald method (SE and a t-distribution with between-within df); p-values computed using the Wald method with a t-distribution with between-within df. See ci_betwithin().

Likelihood-based methods:

Likelihood-based inference is based on comparing the likelihood for the maximum-likelihood estimate to the the likelihood for models with one or more parameter values changed (e.g., set to zero or a range of alternative values). Likelihood ratios for the maximum-likelihood and alternative models are compared to a χ\chi-squared distribution to compute CIs and p-values.


  • Applies to non-Bayesian models of class glm, polr, merMod or glmmTMB. CIs computed by profiling the likelihood curve for a parameter, using linear interpolation to find where likelihood ratio equals a critical value; p-values computed using the Wald method with a normal-distribution (note: this might change in a future update!)


  • Applies to non-Bayesian models of class glmmTMB. CIs computed by profiling the likelihood curve for a parameter, using root finding to find where likelihood ratio equals a critical value; p-values computed using the Wald method with a normal-distribution (note: this might change in a future update!)

Methods for bootstrapped or Bayesian models:

Bootstrap-based inference is based on resampling and refitting the model to the resampled datasets. The distribution of parameter estimates across resampled datasets is used to approximate the parameter's sampling distribution. Depending on the type of model, several different methods for bootstrapping and constructing CIs and p-values from the bootstrap distribution are available.

For Bayesian models, inference is based on drawing samples from the model posterior distribution.

"quantile" (or "eti")

  • Applies to all models (including Bayesian models). For non-Bayesian models, only applies if bootstrap = TRUE. CIs computed as equal tailed intervals using the quantiles of the bootstrap or posterior samples; p-values are based on the probability of direction. See bayestestR::eti().


  • Applies to all models (including Bayesian models). For non-Bayesian models, only applies if bootstrap = TRUE. CIs computed as highest density intervals for the bootstrap or posterior samples; p-values are based on the probability of direction. See bayestestR::hdi().

"bci" (or "bcai")

  • Applies to all models (including Bayesian models). For non-Bayesian models, only applies if bootstrap = TRUE. CIs computed as bias corrected and accelerated intervals for the bootstrap or posterior samples; p-values are based on the probability of direction. See bayestestR::bci().


  • Applies to Bayesian models with proper priors. CIs computed as support intervals comparing the posterior samples against the prior samples; p-values are based on the probability of direction. See bayestestR::si().


  • Applies to non-Bayesian models of class merMod. CIs computed using parametric bootstrapping (simulating data from the fitted model); p-values computed using the Wald method with a normal-distribution) (note: this might change in a future update!).

For all iteration-based methods other than "boot" ("hdi", "quantile", "ci", "eti", "si", "bci", "bcai"), p-values are based on the probability of direction (bayestestR::p_direction()), which is converted into a p-value using bayestestR::pd_to_p().

Statistical inference - how to quantify evidence

There is no standardized approach to drawing conclusions based on the available data and statistical models. A frequently chosen but also much criticized approach is to evaluate results based on their statistical significance (Amrhein et al. 2017).

A more sophisticated way would be to test whether estimated effects exceed the "smallest effect size of interest", to avoid even the smallest effects being considered relevant simply because they are statistically significant, but clinically or practically irrelevant (Lakens et al. 2018, Lakens 2024).

A rather unconventional approach, which is nevertheless advocated by various authors, is to interpret results from classical regression models either in terms of probabilities, similar to the usual approach in Bayesian statistics (Schweder 2018; Schweder and Hjort 2003; Vos 2022) or in terms of relative measure of "evidence" or "compatibility" with the data (Greenland et al. 2022; Rafi and Greenland 2020), which nevertheless comes close to a probabilistic interpretation.

A more detailed discussion of this topic is found in the documentation of p_function().

The parameters package provides several options or functions to aid statistical inference. These are, for example:

  • equivalence_test(), to compute the (conditional) equivalence test for frequentist models

  • p_significance(), to compute the probability of practical significance, which can be conceptualized as a unidirectional equivalence test

  • p_function(), or consonance function, to compute p-values and compatibility (confidence) intervals for statistical models

  • the pd argument (setting pd = TRUE) in model_parameters() includes a column with the probability of direction, i.e. the probability that a parameter is strictly positive or negative. See bayestestR::p_direction() for details. If plotting is desired, the p_direction() function can be used, together with plot().

  • the s_value argument (setting s_value = TRUE) in model_parameters() replaces the p-values with their related S-values (Rafi and Greenland 2020)

  • finally, it is possible to generate distributions of model coefficients by generating bootstrap-samples (setting bootstrap = TRUE) or simulating draws from model coefficients using simulate_model(). These samples can then be treated as "posterior samples" and used in many functions from the bayestestR package.

Most of the above shown options or functions derive from methods originally implemented for Bayesian models (Makowski et al. 2019). However, assuming that model assumptions are met (which means, the model fits well to the data, the correct model is chosen that reflects the data generating process (distributional model family) etc.), it seems appropriate to interpret results from classical frequentist models in a "Bayesian way" (more details: documentation in p_function()).

Interpretation of Interaction Terms

Note that the interpretation of interaction terms depends on many characteristics of the model. The number of parameters, and overall performance of the model, can differ or not between a * b, a : b, and a / b, suggesting that sometimes interaction terms give different parameterizations of the same model, but other times it gives completely different models (depending on a or b being factors of covariates, included as main effects or not, etc.). Their interpretation depends of the full context of the model, which should not be inferred from the parameters table alone - rather, we recommend to use packages that calculate estimated marginal means or marginal effects, such as modelbased, emmeans, ggeffects, or marginaleffects. To raise awareness for this issue, you may use print(...,show_formula=TRUE) to add the model-specification to the output of the print() method for model_parameters().

Global Options to Customize Messages and Tables when Printing

The verbose argument can be used to display or silence messages and warnings for the different functions in the parameters package. However, some messages providing additional information can be displayed or suppressed using options():

  • parameters_summary: options(parameters_summary = TRUE) will override the summary argument in model_parameters() and always show the model summary for non-mixed models.

  • parameters_mixed_summary: options(parameters_mixed_summary = TRUE) will override the summary argument in model_parameters() for mixed models, and will then always show the model summary.

  • parameters_cimethod: options(parameters_cimethod = TRUE) will show the additional information about the approximation method used to calculate confidence intervals and p-values. Set to FALSE to hide this message when printing model_parameters() objects.

  • parameters_exponentiate: options(parameters_exponentiate = TRUE) will show the additional information on how to interpret coefficients of models with log-transformed response variables or with log-/logit-links when the exponentiate argument in model_parameters() is not TRUE. Set this option to FALSE to hide this message when printing model_parameters() objects.

There are further options that can be used to modify the default behaviour for printed outputs:

  • parameters_labels: options(parameters_labels = TRUE) will use variable and value labels for pretty names, if data is labelled. If no labels available, default pretty names are used.

  • parameters_interaction: ⁠options(parameters_interaction = <character>)⁠ will replace the interaction mark (by default, *) with the related character.

  • parameters_select: ⁠options(parameters_select = <value>)⁠ will set the default for the select argument. See argument's documentation for available options.

  • easystats_html_engine: options(easystats_html_engine = "gt") will set the default HTML engine for tables to gt, i.e. the gt package is used to create HTML tables. If set to tt, the tinytable package is used.

  • insight_use_symbols: options(insight_use_symbols = TRUE) will try to print unicode-chars for symbols as column names, wherever possible (e.g., ω instead of Omega).


The print() method has several arguments to tweak the output. There is also a plot()-method implemented in the see-package, and a dedicated method for use inside rmarkdown files, print_md().

For developers, if speed performance is an issue, you can use the (undocumented) pretty_names argument, e.g. model_parameters(..., pretty_names = FALSE). This will skip the formatting of the coefficient names and make model_parameters() faster.


  • Amrhein, V., Korner-Nievergelt, F., and Roth, T. (2017). The earth is flat (p > 0.05): Significance thresholds and the crisis of unreplicable research. PeerJ, 5, e3544. doi:10.7717/peerj.3544

  • Greenland S, Rafi Z, Matthews R, Higgs M. To Aid Scientific Inference, Emphasize Unconditional Compatibility Descriptions of Statistics. (2022) (Accessed November 10, 2022)

  • Hoffman, L. (2015). Longitudinal analysis: Modeling within-person fluctuation and change. Routledge.

  • Lakens, D. (2024). Improving Your Statistical Inferences (Version v1.5.1). Retrieved from doi:10.5281/ZENODO.6409077

  • Lakens, D., Scheel, A. M., and Isager, P. M. (2018). Equivalence Testing for Psychological Research: A Tutorial. Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science, 1(2), 259–269. doi:10.1177/2515245918770963

  • Makowski, D., Ben-Shachar, M. S., Chen, S. H. A., and Lüdecke, D. (2019). Indices of Effect Existence and Significance in the Bayesian Framework. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 2767. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2019.02767

  • Neter, J., Wasserman, W., and Kutner, M. H. (1989). Applied linear regression models.

  • Rafi Z, Greenland S. Semantic and cognitive tools to aid statistical science: replace confidence and significance by compatibility and surprise. BMC Medical Research Methodology (2020) 20:244.

  • Schweder T. Confidence is epistemic probability for empirical science. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference (2018) 195:116–125. doi:10.1016/j.jspi.2017.09.016

  • Schweder T, Hjort NL. Frequentist analogues of priors and posteriors. In Stigum, B. (ed.), Econometrics and the Philosophy of Economics: Theory Data Confrontation in Economics, pp. 285-217. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, 2003

  • Vos P, Holbert D. Frequentist statistical inference without repeated sampling. Synthese 200, 89 (2022). doi:10.1007/s11229-022-03560-x

See Also

insight::standardize_names() to rename columns into a consistent, standardized naming scheme.

Parameters from ANOVAs


Parameters from ANOVAs


## S3 method for class 'aov'
  type = NULL,
  df_error = NULL,
  ci = NULL,
  alternative = NULL,
  test = NULL,
  power = FALSE,
  es_type = NULL,
  keep = NULL,
  drop = NULL,
  table_wide = FALSE,
  verbose = TRUE,

## S3 method for class 'afex_aov'
  es_type = NULL,
  df_error = NULL,
  type = NULL,
  keep = NULL,
  drop = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE,



Object of class aov(), anova(), aovlist, Gam, manova(), Anova.mlm, afex_aov or maov.


Numeric, type of sums of squares. May be 1, 2 or 3. If 2 or 3, ANOVA-tables using car::Anova() will be returned. (Ignored for afex_aov.)


Denominator degrees of freedom (or degrees of freedom of the error estimate, i.e., the residuals). This is used to compute effect sizes for ANOVA-tables from mixed models. See 'Examples'. (Ignored for afex_aov.)


Confidence Interval (CI) level for effect sizes specified in es_type. The default, NULL, will compute no confidence intervals. ci should be a scalar between 0 and 1.


A character string specifying the alternative hypothesis; Controls the type of CI returned: "two.sided" (default, two-sided CI), "greater" or "less" (one-sided CI). Partial matching is allowed (e.g., "g", "l", "two"...). See section One-Sided CIs in the effectsize_CIs vignette.


String, indicating the type of test for Anova.mlm to be returned. If "multivariate" (or NULL), returns the summary of the multivariate test (that is also given by the print-method). If test = "univariate", returns the summary of the univariate test.


Logical, if TRUE, adds a column with power for each parameter.


The effect size of interest. Not that possibly not all effect sizes are applicable to the model object. See 'Details'. For Anova models, can also be a character vector with multiple effect size names.


Character containing a regular expression pattern that describes the parameters that should be included (for keep) or excluded (for drop) in the returned data frame. keep may also be a named list of regular expressions. All non-matching parameters will be removed from the output. If keep is a character vector, every parameter name in the "Parameter" column that matches the regular expression in keep will be selected from the returned data frame (and vice versa, all parameter names matching drop will be excluded). Furthermore, if keep has more than one element, these will be merged with an OR operator into a regular expression pattern like this: "(one|two|three)". If keep is a named list of regular expression patterns, the names of the list-element should equal the column name where selection should be applied. This is useful for model objects where model_parameters() returns multiple columns with parameter components, like in model_parameters.lavaan(). Note that the regular expression pattern should match the parameter names as they are stored in the returned data frame, which can be different from how they are printed. Inspect the ⁠$Parameter⁠ column of the parameters table to get the exact parameter names.


See keep.


Logical that decides whether the ANOVA table should be in wide format, i.e. should the numerator and denominator degrees of freedom be in the same row. Default: FALSE.


Toggle warnings and messages.


Arguments passed to effectsize::effectsize(). For example, to calculate partial effect sizes types, use partial = TRUE. For objects of class htest or BFBayesFactor, adjust = TRUE can be used to return bias-corrected effect sizes, which is advisable for small samples and large tables. See also ?effectsize::eta_squared for arguments partial and generalized; ?effectsize::phi for adjust; and ?effectsize::oddratio for log.


  • For an object of class htest, data is extracted via insight::get_data(), and passed to the relevant function according to:

    • A t-test depending on type: "cohens_d" (default), "hedges_g", or one of "p_superiority", "u1", "u2", "u3", "overlap".

      • For a Paired t-test: depending on type: "rm_rm", "rm_av", "rm_b", "rm_d", "rm_z".

    • A Chi-squared tests of independence or Fisher's Exact Test, depending on type: "cramers_v" (default), "tschuprows_t", "phi", "cohens_w", "pearsons_c", "cohens_h", "oddsratio", "riskratio", "arr", or "nnt".

    • A Chi-squared tests of goodness-of-fit, depending on type: "fei" (default) "cohens_w", "pearsons_c"

    • A One-way ANOVA test, depending on type: "eta" (default), "omega" or "epsilon" -squared, "f", or "f2".

    • A McNemar test returns Cohen's g.

    • A Wilcoxon test depending on type: returns "rank_biserial" correlation (default) or one of "p_superiority", "vda", "u2", "u3", "overlap".

    • A Kruskal-Wallis test depending on type: "epsilon" (default) or "eta".

    • A Friedman test returns Kendall's W. (Where applicable, ci and alternative are taken from the htest if not otherwise provided.)

  • For an object of class BFBayesFactor, using bayestestR::describe_posterior(),

    • A t-test depending on type: "cohens_d" (default) or one of "p_superiority", "u1", "u2", "u3", "overlap".

    • A correlation test returns r.

    • A contingency table test, depending on type: "cramers_v" (default), "phi", "tschuprows_t", "cohens_w", "pearsons_c", "cohens_h", "oddsratio", or "riskratio", "arr", or "nnt".

    • A proportion test returns p.

  • Objects of class anova, aov, aovlist or afex_aov, depending on type: "eta" (default), "omega" or "epsilon" -squared, "f", or "f2".

  • Other objects are passed to parameters::standardize_parameters().

For statistical models it is recommended to directly use the listed functions, for the full range of options they provide.


A data frame of indices related to the model's parameters.


For ANOVA-tables from mixed models (i.e. anova(lmer())), only partial or adjusted effect sizes can be computed. Note that type 3 ANOVAs with interactions involved only give sensible and informative results when covariates are mean-centred and factors are coded with orthogonal contrasts (such as those produced by contr.sum, contr.poly, or contr.helmert, but not by the default contr.treatment).


df <- iris
df$Sepal.Big <- ifelse(df$Sepal.Width >= 3, "Yes", "No")

model <- aov(Sepal.Length ~ Sepal.Big, data = df)

model_parameters(model, es_type = c("omega", "eta"), ci = 0.9)

model <- anova(lm(Sepal.Length ~ Sepal.Big, data = df))
  es_type = c("omega", "eta", "epsilon"),
  alternative = "greater"

model <- aov(Sepal.Length ~ Sepal.Big + Error(Species), data = df)

df <- iris
df$Sepal.Big <- ifelse(df$Sepal.Width >= 3, "Yes", "No")
mm <- lme4::lmer(Sepal.Length ~ Sepal.Big + Petal.Width + (1 | Species), data = df)
model <- anova(mm)

# simple parameters table

# parameters table including effect sizes
  es_type = "eta",
  ci = 0.9,
  df_error = dof_satterthwaite(mm)[2:3]

Parameters from Bayesian Exploratory Factor Analysis


Format Bayesian Exploratory Factor Analysis objects from the BayesFM package.


## S3 method for class 'befa'
  sort = FALSE,
  centrality = "median",
  dispersion = FALSE,
  ci = 0.95,
  ci_method = "eti",
  test = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE,



Bayesian EFA created by the BayesFM::befa.


Sort the loadings.


The point-estimates (centrality indices) to compute. Character (vector) or list with one or more of these options: "median", "mean", "MAP" (see map_estimate()), "trimmed" (which is just mean(x, trim = threshold)), "mode" or "all".


Logical, if TRUE, computes indices of dispersion related to the estimate(s) (SD and MAD for mean and median, respectively). Dispersion is not available for "MAP" or "mode" centrality indices.


Value or vector of probability of the CI (between 0 and 1) to be estimated. Default to 0.95 (⁠95%⁠).


The type of index used for Credible Interval. Can be "ETI" (default, see eti()), "HDI" (see hdi()), "BCI" (see bci()), "SPI" (see spi()), or "SI" (see si()).


The indices of effect existence to compute. Character (vector) or list with one or more of these options: "p_direction" (or "pd"), "rope", "p_map", "equivalence_test" (or "equitest"), "bayesfactor" (or "bf") or "all" to compute all tests. For each "test", the corresponding bayestestR function is called (e.g. rope() or p_direction()) and its results included in the summary output.


Toggle warnings.


Arguments passed to or from other methods.


A data frame of loadings.



if (require("BayesFM")) {
  efa <- BayesFM::befa(mtcars, iter = 1000)
  results <- model_parameters(efa, sort = TRUE, verbose = FALSE)
  efa_to_cfa(results, verbose = FALSE)

Parameters from BayesFactor objects


Parameters from BFBayesFactor objects from {BayesFactor} package.


## S3 method for class 'BFBayesFactor'
  centrality = "median",
  dispersion = FALSE,
  ci = 0.95,
  ci_method = "eti",
  test = "pd",
  rope_range = "default",
  rope_ci = 0.95,
  priors = TRUE,
  es_type = NULL,
  include_proportions = FALSE,
  verbose = TRUE,



Object of class BFBayesFactor.


The point-estimates (centrality indices) to compute. Character (vector) or list with one or more of these options: "median", "mean", "MAP" (see map_estimate()), "trimmed" (which is just mean(x, trim = threshold)), "mode" or "all".


Logical, if TRUE, computes indices of dispersion related to the estimate(s) (SD and MAD for mean and median, respectively). Dispersion is not available for "MAP" or "mode" centrality indices.


Value or vector of probability of the CI (between 0 and 1) to be estimated. Default to 0.95 (⁠95%⁠).


The type of index used for Credible Interval. Can be "ETI" (default, see eti()), "HDI" (see hdi()), "BCI" (see bci()), "SPI" (see spi()), or "SI" (see si()).


The indices of effect existence to compute. Character (vector) or list with one or more of these options: "p_direction" (or "pd"), "rope", "p_map", "equivalence_test" (or "equitest"), "bayesfactor" (or "bf") or "all" to compute all tests. For each "test", the corresponding bayestestR function is called (e.g. rope() or p_direction()) and its results included in the summary output.


ROPE's lower and higher bounds. Should be a vector of two values (e.g., c(-0.1, 0.1)), "default" or a list of numeric vectors of the same length as numbers of parameters. If "default", the bounds are set to x +- 0.1*SD(response).


The Credible Interval (CI) probability, corresponding to the proportion of HDI, to use for the percentage in ROPE.


Add the prior used for each parameter.


The effect size of interest. Not that possibly not all effect sizes are applicable to the model object. See 'Details'. For Anova models, can also be a character vector with multiple effect size names.


Logical that decides whether to include posterior cell proportions/counts for Bayesian contingency table analysis (from BayesFactor::contingencyTableBF()). Defaults to FALSE, as this information is often redundant.


Toggle off warnings.


Additional arguments to be passed to or from methods.


The meaning of the extracted parameters:


A data frame of indices related to the model's parameters.


# Bayesian t-test
model <- BayesFactor::ttestBF(x = rnorm(100, 1, 1))
model_parameters(model, es_type = "cohens_d", ci = 0.9)

# Bayesian contingency table analysis
bf <- BayesFactor::contingencyTableBF(
  sampleType = "indepMulti",
  fixedMargin = "cols"
  centrality = "mean",
  dispersion = TRUE,
  verbose = FALSE,
  es_type = "cramers_v"

Parameters from Generalized Additive (Mixed) Models


Extract and compute indices and measures to describe parameters of generalized additive models (GAM(M)s).


## S3 method for class 'cgam'
  ci = 0.95,
  ci_method = "residual",
  bootstrap = FALSE,
  iterations = 1000,
  standardize = NULL,
  exponentiate = FALSE,
  p_adjust = NULL,
  keep = NULL,
  drop = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE,

## S3 method for class 'gamm'
  ci = 0.95,
  bootstrap = FALSE,
  iterations = 1000,
  verbose = TRUE,

## S3 method for class 'Gam'
  es_type = NULL,
  df_error = NULL,
  type = NULL,
  table_wide = FALSE,
  verbose = TRUE,

## S3 method for class 'scam'
  ci = 0.95,
  ci_method = "residual",
  bootstrap = FALSE,
  iterations = 1000,
  standardize = NULL,
  exponentiate = FALSE,
  p_adjust = NULL,
  keep = NULL,
  drop = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE,



A gam/gamm model.


Confidence Interval (CI) level. Default to 0.95 (⁠95%⁠).


Method for computing degrees of freedom for confidence intervals (CI) and the related p-values. Allowed are following options (which vary depending on the model class): "residual", "normal", "likelihood", "satterthwaite", "kenward", "wald", "profile", "boot", "uniroot", "ml1", "betwithin", "hdi", "quantile", "ci", "eti", "si", "bci", or "bcai". See section Confidence intervals and approximation of degrees of freedom in model_parameters() for further details. When ci_method=NULL, in most cases "wald" is used then.


Should estimates be based on bootstrapped model? If TRUE, then arguments of Bayesian regressions apply (see also bootstrap_parameters()).


The number of bootstrap replicates. This only apply in the case of bootstrapped frequentist models.


The method used for standardizing the parameters. Can be NULL (default; no standardization), "refit" (for re-fitting the model on standardized data) or one of "basic", "posthoc", "smart", "pseudo". See 'Details' in standardize_parameters(). Importantly:

  • The "refit" method does not standardize categorical predictors (i.e. factors), which may be a different behaviour compared to other R packages (such as lm.beta) or other software packages (like SPSS). to mimic such behaviours, either use standardize="basic" or standardize the data with datawizard::standardize(force=TRUE) before fitting the model.

  • For mixed models, when using methods other than "refit", only the fixed effects will be standardized.

  • Robust estimation (i.e., vcov set to a value other than NULL) of standardized parameters only works when standardize="refit".


Logical, indicating whether or not to exponentiate the coefficients (and related confidence intervals). This is typical for logistic regression, or more generally speaking, for models with log or logit links. It is also recommended to use exponentiate = TRUE for models with log-transformed response values. Note: Delta-method standard errors are also computed (by multiplying the standard errors by the transformed coefficients). This is to mimic behaviour of other software packages, such as Stata, but these standard errors poorly estimate uncertainty for the transformed coefficient. The transformed confidence interval more clearly captures this uncertainty. For compare_parameters(), exponentiate = "nongaussian" will only exponentiate coefficients from non-Gaussian families.


Character vector, if not NULL, indicates the method to adjust p-values. See stats::p.adjust() for details. Further possible adjustment methods are "tukey", "scheffe", "sidak" and "none" to explicitly disable adjustment for emmGrid objects (from emmeans).


Character containing a regular expression pattern that describes the parameters that should be included (for keep) or excluded (for drop) in the returned data frame. keep may also be a named list of regular expressions. All non-matching parameters will be removed from the output. If keep is a character vector, every parameter name in the "Parameter" column that matches the regular expression in keep will be selected from the returned data frame (and vice versa, all parameter names matching drop will be excluded). Furthermore, if keep has more than one element, these will be merged with an OR operator into a regular expression pattern like this: "(one|two|three)". If keep is a named list of regular expression patterns, the names of the list-element should equal the column name where selection should be applied. This is useful for model objects where model_parameters() returns multiple columns with parameter components, like in model_parameters.lavaan(). Note that the regular expression pattern should match the parameter names as they are stored in the returned data frame, which can be different from how they are printed. Inspect the ⁠$Parameter⁠ column of the parameters table to get the exact parameter names.


See keep.


Toggle warnings and messages.


Arguments passed to or from other methods. For instance, when bootstrap = TRUE, arguments like type or parallel are passed down to bootstrap_model(). Further non-documented arguments are digits, p_digits, ci_digits and footer_digits to set the number of digits for the output. If s_value = TRUE, the p-value will be replaced by the S-value in the output (cf. Rafi and Greenland 2020). pd adds an additional column with the probability of direction (see bayestestR::p_direction() for details). groups can be used to group coefficients. It will be passed to the print-method, or can directly be used in print(), see documentation in print.parameters_model(). Furthermore, see 'Examples' for this function. For developers, whose interest mainly is to get a "tidy" data frame of model summaries, it is recommended to set pretty_names = FALSE to speed up computation of the summary table.


The effect size of interest. Not that possibly not all effect sizes are applicable to the model object. See 'Details'. For Anova models, can also be a character vector with multiple effect size names.


Denominator degrees of freedom (or degrees of freedom of the error estimate, i.e., the residuals). This is used to compute effect sizes for ANOVA-tables from mixed models. See 'Examples'. (Ignored for afex_aov.)


Numeric, type of sums of squares. May be 1, 2 or 3. If 2 or 3, ANOVA-tables using car::Anova() will be returned. (Ignored for afex_aov.)


Logical that decides whether the ANOVA table should be in wide format, i.e. should the numerator and denominator degrees of freedom be in the same row. Default: FALSE.


The reporting of degrees of freedom for the spline terms slightly differs from the output of summary(model), for example in the case of mgcv::gam(). The estimated degrees of freedom, column edf in the summary-output, is named df in the returned data frame, while the column df_error in the returned data frame refers to the residual degrees of freedom that are returned by df.residual(). Hence, the values in the the column df_error differ from the column Ref.df from the summary, which is intentional, as these reference degrees of freedom “is not very interpretable” (web).


A data frame of indices related to the model's parameters.

See Also

insight::standardize_names() to rename columns into a consistent, standardized naming scheme.


if (require("mgcv")) {
  dat <- gamSim(1, n = 400, dist = "normal", scale = 2)
  model <- gam(y ~ s(x0) + s(x1) + s(x2) + s(x3), data = dat)

Parameters from Mixed Models


Parameters from (linear) mixed models.


## S3 method for class 'cpglmm'
  ci = 0.95,
  ci_method = NULL,
  ci_random = NULL,
  bootstrap = FALSE,
  iterations = 1000,
  standardize = NULL,
  effects = "all",
  group_level = FALSE,
  exponentiate = FALSE,
  p_adjust = NULL,
  include_sigma = FALSE,
  keep = NULL,
  drop = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE,

## S3 method for class 'glmmTMB'
  ci = 0.95,
  ci_method = "wald",
  ci_random = NULL,
  bootstrap = FALSE,
  iterations = 1000,
  standardize = NULL,
  effects = "all",
  component = "all",
  group_level = FALSE,
  exponentiate = FALSE,
  p_adjust = NULL,
  wb_component = TRUE,
  summary = getOption("parameters_mixed_summary", FALSE),
  keep = NULL,
  drop = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE,
  include_sigma = FALSE,

## S3 method for class 'merMod'
  ci = 0.95,
  ci_method = NULL,
  ci_random = NULL,
  bootstrap = FALSE,
  iterations = 1000,
  standardize = NULL,
  effects = "all",
  group_level = FALSE,
  exponentiate = FALSE,
  p_adjust = NULL,
  wb_component = TRUE,
  summary = getOption("parameters_mixed_summary", FALSE),
  keep = NULL,
  drop = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE,
  include_sigma = FALSE,
  vcov = NULL,
  vcov_args = NULL,

## S3 method for class 'mixed'
  ci = 0.95,
  ci_method = "wald",
  ci_random = NULL,
  bootstrap = FALSE,
  iterations = 1000,
  standardize = NULL,
  effects = "all",
  component = "all",
  group_level = FALSE,
  exponentiate = FALSE,
  p_adjust = NULL,
  wb_component = TRUE,
  summary = getOption("parameters_mixed_summary", FALSE),
  keep = NULL,
  drop = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE,
  include_sigma = FALSE,

## S3 method for class 'MixMod'
  ci = 0.95,
  ci_method = "wald",
  ci_random = NULL,
  bootstrap = FALSE,
  iterations = 1000,
  standardize = NULL,
  effects = "all",
  component = "all",
  group_level = FALSE,
  exponentiate = FALSE,
  p_adjust = NULL,
  wb_component = TRUE,
  summary = getOption("parameters_mixed_summary", FALSE),
  keep = NULL,
  drop = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE,
  include_sigma = FALSE,

## S3 method for class 'lme'
  ci = 0.95,
  ci_method = NULL,
  ci_random = NULL,
  bootstrap = FALSE,
  iterations = 1000,
  standardize = NULL,
  effects = "all",
  group_level = FALSE,
  exponentiate = FALSE,
  p_adjust = NULL,
  wb_component = TRUE,
  summary = getOption("parameters_mixed_summary", FALSE),
  keep = NULL,
  drop = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE,
  include_sigma = FALSE,
  vcov = NULL,
  vcov_args = NULL,

## S3 method for class 'clmm2'
  ci = 0.95,
  bootstrap = FALSE,
  iterations = 1000,
  component = c("all", "conditional", "scale"),
  standardize = NULL,
  exponentiate = FALSE,
  p_adjust = NULL,
  summary = getOption("parameters_summary", FALSE),
  keep = NULL,
  drop = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE,

## S3 method for class 'clmm'
  ci = 0.95,
  ci_method = NULL,
  ci_random = NULL,
  bootstrap = FALSE,
  iterations = 1000,
  standardize = NULL,
  effects = "all",
  group_level = FALSE,
  exponentiate = FALSE,
  p_adjust = NULL,
  include_sigma = FALSE,
  keep = NULL,
  drop = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE,



A mixed model.


Confidence Interval (CI) level. Default to 0.95 (⁠95%⁠).


Method for computing degrees of freedom for confidence intervals (CI) and the related p-values. Allowed are following options (which vary depending on the model class): "residual", "normal", "likelihood", "satterthwaite", "kenward", "wald", "profile", "boot", "uniroot", "ml1", "betwithin", "hdi", "quantile", "ci", "eti", "si", "bci", or "bcai". See section Confidence intervals and approximation of degrees of freedom in model_parameters() for further details. When ci_method=NULL, in most cases "wald" is used then.


Logical, if TRUE, includes the confidence intervals for random effects parameters. Only applies if effects is not "fixed" and if ci is not NULL. Set ci_random = FALSE if computation of the model summary is too much time consuming. By default, ci_random = NULL, which uses a heuristic to guess if computation of confidence intervals for random effects is fast enough or not. For models with larger sample size and/or more complex random effects structures, confidence intervals will not be computed by default, for simpler models or fewer observations, confidence intervals will be included. Set explicitly to TRUE or FALSE to enforce or omit calculation of confidence intervals.


Should estimates be based on bootstrapped model? If TRUE, then arguments of Bayesian regressions apply (see also bootstrap_parameters()).


The number of draws to simulate/bootstrap.


The method used for standardizing the parameters. Can be NULL (default; no standardization), "refit" (for re-fitting the model on standardized data) or one of "basic", "posthoc", "smart", "pseudo". See 'Details' in standardize_parameters(). Importantly:

  • The "refit" method does not standardize categorical predictors (i.e. factors), which may be a different behaviour compared to other R packages (such as lm.beta) or other software packages (like SPSS). to mimic such behaviours, either use standardize="basic" or standardize the data with datawizard::standardize(force=TRUE) before fitting the model.

  • For mixed models, when using methods other than "refit", only the fixed effects will be standardized.

  • Robust estimation (i.e., vcov set to a value other than NULL) of standardized parameters only works when standardize="refit".


Should parameters for fixed effects ("fixed"), random effects ("random"), or both ("all") be returned? Only applies to mixed models. May be abbreviated. If the calculation of random effects parameters takes too long, you may use effects = "fixed".


Logical, for multilevel models (i.e. models with random effects) and when effects = "all" or effects = "random", include the parameters for each group level from random effects. If group_level = FALSE (the default), only information on SD and COR are shown.


Logical, indicating whether or not to exponentiate the coefficients (and related confidence intervals). This is typical for logistic regression, or more generally speaking, for models with log or logit links. It is also recommended to use exponentiate = TRUE for models with log-transformed response values. Note: Delta-method standard errors are also computed (by multiplying the standard errors by the transformed coefficients). This is to mimic behaviour of other software packages, such as Stata, but these standard errors poorly estimate uncertainty for the transformed coefficient. The transformed confidence interval more clearly captures this uncertainty. For compare_parameters(), exponentiate = "nongaussian" will only exponentiate coefficients from non-Gaussian families.


Character vector, if not NULL, indicates the method to adjust p-values. See stats::p.adjust() for details. Further possible adjustment methods are "tukey", "scheffe", "sidak" and "none" to explicitly disable adjustment for emmGrid objects (from emmeans).


Logical, if TRUE, includes the residual standard deviation. For mixed models, this is defined as the sum of the distribution-specific variance and the variance for the additive overdispersion term (see insight::get_variance() for details). Defaults to FALSE for mixed models due to the longer computation time.


Character containing a regular expression pattern that describes the parameters that should be included (for keep) or excluded (for drop) in the returned data frame. keep may also be a named list of regular expressions. All non-matching parameters will be removed from the output. If keep is a character vector, every parameter name in the "Parameter" column that matches the regular expression in keep will be selected from the returned data frame (and vice versa, all parameter names matching drop will be excluded). Furthermore, if keep has more than one element, these will be merged with an OR operator into a regular expression pattern like this: "(one|two|three)". If keep is a named list of regular expression patterns, the names of the list-element should equal the column name where selection should be applied. This is useful for model objects where model_parameters() returns multiple columns with parameter components, like in model_parameters.lavaan(). Note that the regular expression pattern should match the parameter names as they are stored in the returned data frame, which can be different from how they are printed. Inspect the ⁠$Parameter⁠ column of the parameters table to get the exact parameter names.


See keep.


Toggle warnings and messages.


Arguments passed to or from other methods. For instance, when bootstrap = TRUE, arguments like type or parallel are passed down to bootstrap_model(). Further non-documented arguments are digits, p_digits, ci_digits and footer_digits to set the number of digits for the output. If s_value = TRUE, the p-value will be replaced by the S-value in the output (cf. Rafi and Greenland 2020). pd adds an additional column with the probability of direction (see bayestestR::p_direction() for details). groups can be used to group coefficients. It will be passed to the print-method, or can directly be used in print(), see documentation in print.parameters_model(). Furthermore, see 'Examples' in model_parameters.default(). For developers, whose interest mainly is to get a "tidy" data frame of model summaries, it is recommended to set pretty_names = FALSE to speed up computation of the summary table.


Should all parameters, parameters for the conditional model, for the zero-inflation part of the model, or the dispersion model be returned? Applies to models with zero-inflation and/or dispersion component. component may be one of "conditional", "zi", "zero-inflated", "dispersion" or "all" (default). May be abbreviated.


Logical, if TRUE and models contains within- and between-effects (see datawizard::demean()), the Component column will indicate which variables belong to the within-effects, between-effects, and cross-level interactions. By default, the Component column indicates, which parameters belong to the conditional or zero-inflation component of the model.


Logical, if TRUE, prints summary information about the model (model formula, number of observations, residual standard deviation and more).


Variance-covariance matrix used to compute uncertainty estimates (e.g., for robust standard errors). This argument accepts a covariance matrix, a function which returns a covariance matrix, or a string which identifies the function to be used to compute the covariance matrix.

  • A covariance matrix

  • A function which returns a covariance matrix (e.g., stats::vcov())

  • A string which indicates the kind of uncertainty estimates to return.

    • Heteroskedasticity-consistent: "vcovHC", "HC", "HC0", "HC1", "HC2", "HC3", "HC4", "HC4m", "HC5". See ?sandwich::vcovHC.

    • Cluster-robust: "vcovCR", "CR0", "CR1", "CR1p", "CR1S", "CR2", "CR3". See ?clubSandwich::vcovCR.

    • Bootstrap: "vcovBS", "xy", "residual", "wild", "mammen", "webb". See ?sandwich::vcovBS.

    • Other sandwich package functions: "vcovHAC", "vcovPC", "vcovCL", "vcovPL".


List of arguments to be passed to the function identified by the vcov argument. This function is typically supplied by the sandwich or clubSandwich packages. Please refer to their documentation (e.g., ?sandwich::vcovHAC) to see the list of available arguments.


A data frame of indices related to the model's parameters.

Confidence intervals for random effects variances

For models of class merMod and glmmTMB, confidence intervals for random effect variances can be calculated.

  • For models of from package lme4, when ci_method is either "profile" or "boot", and effects is either "random" or "all", profiled resp. bootstrapped confidence intervals are computed for the random effects.

  • For all other options of ci_method, and only when the merDeriv package is installed, confidence intervals for random effects are based on normal-distribution approximation, using the delta-method to transform standard errors for constructing the intervals around the log-transformed SD parameters. These are than back-transformed, so that random effect variances, standard errors and confidence intervals are shown on the original scale. Due to the transformation, the intervals are asymmetrical, however, they are within the correct bounds (i.e. no negative interval for the SD, and the interval for the correlations is within the range from -1 to +1).

  • For models of class glmmTMB, confidence intervals for random effect variances always use a Wald t-distribution approximation.

Singular fits (random effects variances near zero)

If a model is "singular", this means that some dimensions of the variance-covariance matrix have been estimated as exactly zero. This often occurs for mixed models with complex random effects structures.

There is no gold-standard about how to deal with singularity and which random-effects specification to choose. One way is to fully go Bayesian (with informative priors). Other proposals are listed in the documentation of performance::check_singularity(). However, since version 1.1.9, the glmmTMB package allows to use priors in a frequentist framework, too. One recommendation is to use a Gamma prior (Chung et al. 2013). The mean may vary from 1 to very large values (like 1e8), and the shape parameter should be set to a value of 2.5. You can then update() your model with the specified prior. In glmmTMB, the code would look like this:

# "model" is an object of class gmmmTMB
prior <- data.frame(
  prior = "gamma(1, 2.5)",  # mean can be 1, but even 1e8
  class = "ranef"           # for random effects
model_with_priors <- update(model, priors = prior)

Large values for the mean parameter of the Gamma prior have no large impact on the random effects variances in terms of a "bias". Thus, if 1 doesn't fix the singular fit, you can safely try larger values.

Dispersion parameters in glmmTMB

For some models from package glmmTMB, both the dispersion parameter and the residual variance from the random effects parameters are shown. Usually, these are the same but presented on different scales, e.g.

model <- glmmTMB(Sepal.Width ~ Petal.Length + (1|Species), data = iris)
exp(fixef(model)$disp) # 0.09902987
sigma(model)^2         # 0.09902987

For models where the dispersion parameter and the residual variance are the same, only the residual variance is shown in the output.

Confidence intervals and approximation of degrees of freedom

There are different ways of approximating the degrees of freedom depending on different assumptions about the nature of the model and its sampling distribution. The ci_method argument modulates the method for computing degrees of freedom (df) that are used to calculate confidence intervals (CI) and the related p-values. Following options are allowed, depending on the model class:

Classical methods:

Classical inference is generally based on the Wald method. The Wald approach to inference computes a test statistic by dividing the parameter estimate by its standard error (Coefficient / SE), then comparing this statistic against a t- or normal distribution. This approach can be used to compute CIs and p-values.


  • Applies to non-Bayesian models. For linear models, CIs computed using the Wald method (SE and a t-distribution with residual df); p-values computed using the Wald method with a t-distribution with residual df. For other models, CIs computed using the Wald method (SE and a normal distribution); p-values computed using the Wald method with a normal distribution.


  • Applies to non-Bayesian models. Compute Wald CIs and p-values, but always use a normal distribution.


  • Applies to non-Bayesian models. Compute Wald CIs and p-values, but always use a t-distribution with residual df when possible. If the residual df for a model cannot be determined, a normal distribution is used instead.

Methods for mixed models:

Compared to fixed effects (or single-level) models, determining appropriate df for Wald-based inference in mixed models is more difficult. See the R GLMM FAQ for a discussion.

Several approximate methods for computing df are available, but you should also consider instead using profile likelihood ("profile") or bootstrap ("⁠boot"⁠) CIs and p-values instead.


  • Applies to linear mixed models. CIs computed using the Wald method (SE and a t-distribution with Satterthwaite df); p-values computed using the Wald method with a t-distribution with Satterthwaite df.


  • Applies to linear mixed models. CIs computed using the Wald method (Kenward-Roger SE and a t-distribution with Kenward-Roger df); p-values computed using the Wald method with Kenward-Roger SE and t-distribution with Kenward-Roger df.


  • Applies to linear mixed models. CIs computed using the Wald method (SE and a t-distribution with m-l-1 approximated df); p-values computed using the Wald method with a t-distribution with m-l-1 approximated df. See ci_ml1().


  • Applies to linear mixed models and generalized linear mixed models. CIs computed using the Wald method (SE and a t-distribution with between-within df); p-values computed using the Wald method with a t-distribution with between-within df. See ci_betwithin().

Likelihood-based methods:

Likelihood-based inference is based on comparing the likelihood for the maximum-likelihood estimate to the the likelihood for models with one or more parameter values changed (e.g., set to zero or a range of alternative values). Likelihood ratios for the maximum-likelihood and alternative models are compared to a χ\chi-squared distribution to compute CIs and p-values.


  • Applies to non-Bayesian models of class glm, polr, merMod or glmmTMB. CIs computed by profiling the likelihood curve for a parameter, using linear interpolation to find where likelihood ratio equals a critical value; p-values computed using the Wald method with a normal-distribution (note: this might change in a future update!)


  • Applies to non-Bayesian models of class glmmTMB. CIs computed by profiling the likelihood curve for a parameter, using root finding to find where likelihood ratio equals a critical value; p-values computed using the Wald method with a normal-distribution (note: this might change in a future update!)

Methods for bootstrapped or Bayesian models:

Bootstrap-based inference is based on resampling and refitting the model to the resampled datasets. The distribution of parameter estimates across resampled datasets is used to approximate the parameter's sampling distribution. Depending on the type of model, several different methods for bootstrapping and constructing CIs and p-values from the bootstrap distribution are available.

For Bayesian models, inference is based on drawing samples from the model posterior distribution.

"quantile" (or "eti")

  • Applies to all models (including Bayesian models). For non-Bayesian models, only applies if bootstrap = TRUE. CIs computed as equal tailed intervals using the quantiles of the bootstrap or posterior samples; p-values are based on the probability of direction. See bayestestR::eti().


  • Applies to all models (including Bayesian models). For non-Bayesian models, only applies if bootstrap = TRUE. CIs computed as highest density intervals for the bootstrap or posterior samples; p-values are based on the probability of direction. See bayestestR::hdi().

"bci" (or "bcai")

  • Applies to all models (including Bayesian models). For non-Bayesian models, only applies if bootstrap = TRUE. CIs computed as bias corrected and accelerated intervals for the bootstrap or posterior samples; p-values are based on the probability of direction. See bayestestR::bci().


  • Applies to Bayesian models with proper priors. CIs computed as support intervals comparing the posterior samples against the prior samples; p-values are based on the probability of direction. See bayestestR::si().


  • Applies to non-Bayesian models of class merMod. CIs computed using parametric bootstrapping (simulating data from the fitted model); p-values computed using the Wald method with a normal-distribution) (note: this might change in a future update!).

For all iteration-based methods other than "boot" ("hdi", "quantile", "ci", "eti", "si", "bci", "bcai"), p-values are based on the probability of direction (bayestestR::p_direction()), which is converted into a p-value using bayestestR::pd_to_p().


If the calculation of random effects parameters takes too long, you may use effects = "fixed". There is also a plot()-method implemented in the see-package.


Chung Y, Rabe-Hesketh S, Dorie V, Gelman A, and Liu J. 2013. "A Nondegenerate Penalized Likelihood Estimator for Variance Parameters in Multilevel Models." Psychometrika 78 (4): 685–709. doi:10.1007/s11336-013-9328-2

See Also

insight::standardize_names() to rename columns into a consistent, standardized naming scheme.


model <- lme4::lmer(mpg ~ wt + (1 | gear), data = mtcars)

data(Salamanders, package = "glmmTMB")
model <- glmmTMB::glmmTMB(
  count ~ spp + mined + (1 | site),
  ziformula = ~mined,
  family = poisson(),
  data = Salamanders
model_parameters(model, effects = "all")

model <- lme4::lmer(mpg ~ wt + (1 | gear), data = mtcars)
model_parameters(model, bootstrap = TRUE, iterations = 50, verbose = FALSE)

Parameters from Cluster Models (k-means, ...)


Format cluster models obtained for example by kmeans().


## S3 method for class 'dbscan'
model_parameters(model, data = NULL, clusters = NULL, ...)

## S3 method for class 'hclust'
model_parameters(model, data = NULL, clusters = NULL, ...)

## S3 method for class 'pvclust'
model_parameters(model, data = NULL, clusters = NULL, ci = 0.95, ...)

## S3 method for class 'kmeans'
model_parameters(model, ...)

## S3 method for class 'hkmeans'
model_parameters(model, ...)

## S3 method for class 'Mclust'
model_parameters(model, data = NULL, clusters = NULL, ...)

## S3 method for class 'pam'
model_parameters(model, data = NULL, clusters = NULL, ...)



Cluster model.


A data.frame.


A vector with clusters assignments (must be same length as rows in data).


Arguments passed to or from other methods.


Confidence Interval (CI) level. Default to 0.95 (⁠95%⁠).


# DBSCAN ---------------------------
if (require("dbscan", quietly = TRUE)) {
  model <- dbscan::dbscan(iris[1:4], eps = 1.45, minPts = 10)

  rez <- model_parameters(model, iris[1:4])

  # Get clusters

  # Clusters centers in long form

  # Between and Total Sum of Squares

  model <- dbscan::hdbscan(iris[1:4], minPts = 10)
  model_parameters(model, iris[1:4])

# Hierarchical clustering (hclust) ---------------------------
data <- iris[1:4]
model <- hclust(dist(data))
clusters <- cutree(model, 3)

rez <- model_parameters(model, data, clusters)

# Get clusters

# Clusters centers in long form

# Between and Total Sum of Squares

# pvclust (finds "significant" clusters) ---------------------------
if (require("pvclust", quietly = TRUE)) {
  data <- iris[1:4]
  # NOTE: pvclust works on transposed data
  model <- pvclust::pvclust(datawizard::data_transpose(data, verbose = FALSE),
    method.dist = "euclidean",
    nboot = 50,
    quiet = TRUE

  rez <- model_parameters(model, data, ci = 0.90)

  # Get clusters

  # Clusters centers in long form

  # Between and Total Sum of Squares

# K-means -------------------------------
model <- kmeans(iris[1:4], centers = 3)
rez <- model_parameters(model)

# Get clusters

# Clusters centers in long form

# Between and Total Sum of Squares

# Hierarchical K-means (factoextra::hkclust) ----------------------
if (require("factoextra", quietly = TRUE)) {
  data <- iris[1:4]
  model <- factoextra::hkmeans(data, k = 3)

  rez <- model_parameters(model)

  # Get clusters

  # Clusters centers in long form

  # Between and Total Sum of Squares

if (require("mclust", quietly = TRUE)) {
  model <- mclust::Mclust(iris[1:4], verbose = FALSE)

# K-Medoids (PAM and HPAM) ==============
if (require("cluster", quietly = TRUE)) {
  model <- cluster::pam(iris[1:4], k = 3)
if (require("fpc", quietly = TRUE)) {
  model <- fpc::pamk(iris[1:4], criterion = "ch")

Parameters from (General) Linear Models


Extract and compute indices and measures to describe parameters of (generalized) linear models (GLMs).


## Default S3 method:
  ci = 0.95,
  ci_method = NULL,
  bootstrap = FALSE,
  iterations = 1000,
  standardize = NULL,
  exponentiate = FALSE,
  p_adjust = NULL,
  summary = getOption("parameters_summary", FALSE),
  keep = NULL,
  drop = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE,
  vcov = NULL,
  vcov_args = NULL,

## S3 method for class 'glm'
  ci = 0.95,
  ci_method = NULL,
  bootstrap = FALSE,
  iterations = 1000,
  standardize = NULL,
  exponentiate = FALSE,
  p_adjust = NULL,
  summary = getOption("parameters_summary", FALSE),
  keep = NULL,
  drop = NULL,
  vcov = NULL,
  vcov_args = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE,

## S3 method for class 'censReg'
  ci = 0.95,
  ci_method = NULL,
  bootstrap = FALSE,
  iterations = 1000,
  standardize = NULL,
  exponentiate = FALSE,
  p_adjust = NULL,
  summary = getOption("parameters_summary", FALSE),
  keep = NULL,
  drop = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE,
  vcov = NULL,
  vcov_args = NULL,

## S3 method for class 'ridgelm'
model_parameters(model, verbose = TRUE, ...)



Model object.


Confidence Interval (CI) level. Default to 0.95 (⁠95%⁠).


Method for computing degrees of freedom for confidence intervals (CI) and the related p-values. Allowed are following options (which vary depending on the model class): "residual", "normal", "likelihood", "satterthwaite", "kenward", "wald", "profile", "boot", "uniroot", "ml1", "betwithin", "hdi", "quantile", "ci", "eti", "si", "bci", or "bcai". See section Confidence intervals and approximation of degrees of freedom in model_parameters() for further details. When ci_method=NULL, in most cases "wald" is used then.


Should estimates be based on bootstrapped model? If TRUE, then arguments of Bayesian regressions apply (see also bootstrap_parameters()).


The number of bootstrap replicates. This only apply in the case of bootstrapped frequentist models.


The method used for standardizing the parameters. Can be NULL (default; no standardization), "refit" (for re-fitting the model on standardized data) or one of "basic", "posthoc", "smart", "pseudo". See 'Details' in standardize_parameters(). Importantly:

  • The "refit" method does not standardize categorical predictors (i.e. factors), which may be a different behaviour compared to other R packages (such as lm.beta) or other software packages (like SPSS). to mimic such behaviours, either use standardize="basic" or standardize the data with datawizard::standardize(force=TRUE) before fitting the model.

  • For mixed models, when using methods other than "refit", only the fixed effects will be standardized.

  • Robust estimation (i.e., vcov set to a value other than NULL) of standardized parameters only works when standardize="refit".


Logical, indicating whether or not to exponentiate the coefficients (and related confidence intervals). This is typical for logistic regression, or more generally speaking, for models with log or logit links. It is also recommended to use exponentiate = TRUE for models with log-transformed response values. Note: Delta-method standard errors are also computed (by multiplying the standard errors by the transformed coefficients). This is to mimic behaviour of other software packages, such as Stata, but these standard errors poorly estimate uncertainty for the transformed coefficient. The transformed confidence interval more clearly captures this uncertainty. For compare_parameters(), exponentiate = "nongaussian" will only exponentiate coefficients from non-Gaussian families.


Character vector, if not NULL, indicates the method to adjust p-values. See stats::p.adjust() for details. Further possible adjustment methods are "tukey", "scheffe", "sidak" and "none" to explicitly disable adjustment for emmGrid objects (from emmeans).


Logical, if TRUE, prints summary information about the model (model formula, number of observations, residual standard deviation and more).


Character containing a regular expression pattern that describes the parameters that should be included (for keep) or excluded (for drop) in the returned data frame. keep may also be a named list of regular expressions. All non-matching parameters will be removed from the output. If keep is a character vector, every parameter name in the "Parameter" column that matches the regular expression in keep will be selected from the returned data frame (and vice versa, all parameter names matching drop will be excluded). Furthermore, if keep has more than one element, these will be merged with an OR operator into a regular expression pattern like this: "(one|two|three)". If keep is a named list of regular expression patterns, the names of the list-element should equal the column name where selection should be applied. This is useful for model objects where model_parameters() returns multiple columns with parameter components, like in model_parameters.lavaan(). Note that the regular expression pattern should match the parameter names as they are stored in the returned data frame, which can be different from how they are printed. Inspect the ⁠$Parameter⁠ column of the parameters table to get the exact parameter names.


See keep.


Toggle warnings and messages.


Variance-covariance matrix used to compute uncertainty estimates (e.g., for robust standard errors). This argument accepts a covariance matrix, a function which returns a covariance matrix, or a string which identifies the function to be used to compute the covariance matrix.

  • A covariance matrix

  • A function which returns a covariance matrix (e.g., stats::vcov())

  • A string which indicates the kind of uncertainty estimates to return.

    • Heteroskedasticity-consistent: "vcovHC", "HC", "HC0", "HC1", "HC2", "HC3", "HC4", "HC4m", "HC5". See ?sandwich::vcovHC.

    • Cluster-robust: "vcovCR", "CR0", "CR1", "CR1p", "CR1S", "CR2", "CR3". See ?clubSandwich::vcovCR.

    • Bootstrap: "vcovBS", "xy", "residual", "wild", "mammen", "webb". See ?sandwich::vcovBS.

    • Other sandwich package functions: "vcovHAC", "vcovPC", "vcovCL", "vcovPL".


List of arguments to be passed to the function identified by the vcov argument. This function is typically supplied by the sandwich or clubSandwich packages. Please refer to their documentation (e.g., ?sandwich::vcovHAC) to see the list of available arguments.


Arguments passed to or from other methods. For instance, when bootstrap = TRUE, arguments like type or parallel are passed down to bootstrap_model(). Further non-documented arguments are digits, p_digits, ci_digits and footer_digits to set the number of digits for the output. If s_value = TRUE, the p-value will be replaced by the S-value in the output (cf. Rafi and Greenland 2020). pd adds an additional column with the probability of direction (see bayestestR::p_direction() for details). groups can be used to group coefficients. It will be passed to the print-method, or can directly be used in print(), see documentation in print.parameters_model(). Furthermore, see 'Examples' for this function. For developers, whose interest mainly is to get a "tidy" data frame of model summaries, it is recommended to set pretty_names = FALSE to speed up computation of the summary table.


A data frame of indices related to the model's parameters.

Confidence intervals and approximation of degrees of freedom

There are different ways of approximating the degrees of freedom depending on different assumptions about the nature of the model and its sampling distribution. The ci_method argument modulates the method for computing degrees of freedom (df) that are used to calculate confidence intervals (CI) and the related p-values. Following options are allowed, depending on the model class:

Classical methods:

Classical inference is generally based on the Wald method. The Wald approach to inference computes a test statistic by dividing the parameter estimate by its standard error (Coefficient / SE), then comparing this statistic against a t- or normal distribution. This approach can be used to compute CIs and p-values.


  • Applies to non-Bayesian models. For linear models, CIs computed using the Wald method (SE and a t-distribution with residual df); p-values computed using the Wald method with a t-distribution with residual df. For other models, CIs computed using the Wald method (SE and a normal distribution); p-values computed using the Wald method with a normal distribution.


  • Applies to non-Bayesian models. Compute Wald CIs and p-values, but always use a normal distribution.


  • Applies to non-Bayesian models. Compute Wald CIs and p-values, but always use a t-distribution with residual df when possible. If the residual df for a model cannot be determined, a normal distribution is used instead.

Methods for mixed models:

Compared to fixed effects (or single-level) models, determining appropriate df for Wald-based inference in mixed models is more difficult. See the R GLMM FAQ for a discussion.

Several approximate methods for computing df are available, but you should also consider instead using profile likelihood ("profile") or bootstrap ("⁠boot"⁠) CIs and p-values instead.


  • Applies to linear mixed models. CIs computed using the Wald method (SE and a t-distribution with Satterthwaite df); p-values computed using the Wald method with a t-distribution with Satterthwaite df.


  • Applies to linear mixed models. CIs computed using the Wald method (Kenward-Roger SE and a t-distribution with Kenward-Roger df); p-values computed using the Wald method with Kenward-Roger SE and t-distribution with Kenward-Roger df.


  • Applies to linear mixed models. CIs computed using the Wald method (SE and a t-distribution with m-l-1 approximated df); p-values computed using the Wald method with a t-distribution with m-l-1 approximated df. See ci_ml1().


  • Applies to linear mixed models and generalized linear mixed models. CIs computed using the Wald method (SE and a t-distribution with between-within df); p-values computed using the Wald method with a t-distribution with between-within df. See ci_betwithin().

Likelihood-based methods:

Likelihood-based inference is based on comparing the likelihood for the maximum-likelihood estimate to the the likelihood for models with one or more parameter values changed (e.g., set to zero or a range of alternative values). Likelihood ratios for the maximum-likelihood and alternative models are compared to a χ\chi-squared distribution to compute CIs and p-values.


  • Applies to non-Bayesian models of class glm, polr, merMod or glmmTMB. CIs computed by profiling the likelihood curve for a parameter, using linear interpolation to find where likelihood ratio equals a critical value; p-values computed using the Wald method with a normal-distribution (note: this might change in a future update!)


  • Applies to non-Bayesian models of class glmmTMB. CIs computed by profiling the likelihood curve for a parameter, using root finding to find where likelihood ratio equals a critical value; p-values computed using the Wald method with a normal-distribution (note: this might change in a future update!)

Methods for bootstrapped or Bayesian models:

Bootstrap-based inference is based on resampling and refitting the model to the resampled datasets. The distribution of parameter estimates across resampled datasets is used to approximate the parameter's sampling distribution. Depending on the type of model, several different methods for bootstrapping and constructing CIs and p-values from the bootstrap distribution are available.

For Bayesian models, inference is based on drawing samples from the model posterior distribution.

"quantile" (or "eti")

  • Applies to all models (including Bayesian models). For non-Bayesian models, only applies if bootstrap = TRUE. CIs computed as equal tailed intervals using the quantiles of the bootstrap or posterior samples; p-values are based on the probability of direction. See bayestestR::eti().


  • Applies to all models (including Bayesian models). For non-Bayesian models, only applies if bootstrap = TRUE. CIs computed as highest density intervals for the bootstrap or posterior samples; p-values are based on the probability of direction. See bayestestR::hdi().

"bci" (or "bcai")

  • Applies to all models (including Bayesian models). For non-Bayesian models, only applies if bootstrap = TRUE. CIs computed as bias corrected and accelerated intervals for the bootstrap or posterior samples; p-values are based on the probability of direction. See bayestestR::bci().


  • Applies to Bayesian models with proper priors. CIs computed as support intervals comparing the posterior samples against the prior samples; p-values are based on the probability of direction. See bayestestR::si().


  • Applies to non-Bayesian models of class merMod. CIs computed using parametric bootstrapping (simulating data from the fitted model); p-values computed using the Wald method with a normal-distribution) (note: this might change in a future update!).

For all iteration-based methods other than "boot" ("hdi", "quantile", "ci", "eti", "si", "bci", "bcai"), p-values are based on the probability of direction (bayestestR::p_direction()), which is converted into a p-value using bayestestR::pd_to_p().

See Also

insight::standardize_names() to rename columns into a consistent, standardized naming scheme.


model <- lm(mpg ~ wt + cyl, data = mtcars)


# bootstrapped parameters
model_parameters(model, bootstrap = TRUE)

# standardized parameters
model_parameters(model, standardize = "refit")

# robust, heteroskedasticity-consistent standard errors
model_parameters(model, vcov = "HC3")

  vcov = "vcovCL",
  vcov_args = list(cluster = mtcars$cyl)

# different p-value style in output
model_parameters(model, p_digits = 5)
model_parameters(model, digits = 3, ci_digits = 4, p_digits = "scientific")

# report S-value or probability of direction for parameters
model_parameters(model, s_value = TRUE)
model_parameters(model, pd = TRUE)

# logistic regression model
model <- glm(vs ~ wt + cyl, data = mtcars, family = "binomial")

# show odds ratio / exponentiated coefficients
model_parameters(model, exponentiate = TRUE)

# bias-corrected logistic regression with penalized maximum likelihood
model <- glm(
  vs ~ wt + cyl,
  data = mtcars,
  family = "binomial",
  method = "brglmFit"

Parameters from multinomial or cumulative link models


Parameters from multinomial or cumulative link models


## S3 method for class 'DirichletRegModel'
  ci = 0.95,
  bootstrap = FALSE,
  iterations = 1000,
  component = c("all", "conditional", "precision"),
  standardize = NULL,
  exponentiate = FALSE,
  p_adjust = NULL,
  keep = NULL,
  drop = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE,

## S3 method for class 'bifeAPEs'
model_parameters(model, ...)

## S3 method for class 'bracl'
  ci = 0.95,
  bootstrap = FALSE,
  iterations = 1000,
  standardize = NULL,
  exponentiate = FALSE,
  p_adjust = NULL,
  summary = getOption("parameters_summary", FALSE),
  keep = NULL,
  drop = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE,

## S3 method for class 'mlm'
  ci = 0.95,
  vcov = NULL,
  vcov_args = NULL,
  bootstrap = FALSE,
  iterations = 1000,
  standardize = NULL,
  exponentiate = FALSE,
  p_adjust = NULL,
  keep = NULL,
  drop = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE,

## S3 method for class 'clm2'
  ci = 0.95,
  bootstrap = FALSE,
  iterations = 1000,
  component = c("all", "conditional", "scale"),
  standardize = NULL,
  exponentiate = FALSE,
  p_adjust = NULL,
  summary = getOption("parameters_summary", FALSE),
  keep = NULL,
  drop = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE,



A model with multinomial or categorical response value.


Confidence Interval (CI) level. Default to 0.95 (⁠95%⁠).


Should estimates be based on bootstrapped model? If TRUE, then arguments of Bayesian regressions apply (see also bootstrap_parameters()).


The number of bootstrap replicates. This only apply in the case of bootstrapped frequentist models.


Should all parameters, parameters for the conditional model, for the zero-inflation part of the model, or the dispersion model be returned? Applies to models with zero-inflation and/or dispersion component. component may be one of "conditional", "zi", "zero-inflated", "dispersion" or "all" (default). May be abbreviated.


The method used for standardizing the parameters. Can be NULL (default; no standardization), "refit" (for re-fitting the model on standardized data) or one of "basic", "posthoc", "smart", "pseudo". See 'Details' in standardize_parameters(). Importantly:

  • The "refit" method does not standardize categorical predictors (i.e. factors), which may be a different behaviour compared to other R packages (such as lm.beta) or other software packages (like SPSS). to mimic such behaviours, either use standardize="basic" or standardize the data with datawizard::standardize(force=TRUE) before fitting the model.

  • For mixed models, when using methods other than "refit", only the fixed effects will be standardized.

  • Robust estimation (i.e., vcov set to a value other than NULL) of standardized parameters only works when standardize="refit".


Logical, indicating whether or not to exponentiate the coefficients (and related confidence intervals). This is typical for logistic regression, or more generally speaking, for models with log or logit links. It is also recommended to use exponentiate = TRUE for models with log-transformed response values. Note: Delta-method standard errors are also computed (by multiplying the standard errors by the transformed coefficients). This is to mimic behaviour of other software packages, such as Stata, but these standard errors poorly estimate uncertainty for the transformed coefficient. The transformed confidence interval more clearly captures this uncertainty. For compare_parameters(), exponentiate = "nongaussian" will only exponentiate coefficients from non-Gaussian families.


Character vector, if not NULL, indicates the method to adjust p-values. See stats::p.adjust() for details. Further possible adjustment methods are "tukey", "scheffe", "sidak" and "none" to explicitly disable adjustment for emmGrid objects (from emmeans).


Character containing a regular expression pattern that describes the parameters that should be included (for keep) or excluded (for drop) in the returned data frame. keep may also be a named list of regular expressions. All non-matching parameters will be removed from the output. If keep is a character vector, every parameter name in the "Parameter" column that matches the regular expression in keep will be selected from the returned data frame (and vice versa, all parameter names matching drop will be excluded). Furthermore, if keep has more than one element, these will be merged with an OR operator into a regular expression pattern like this: "(one|two|three)". If keep is a named list of regular expression patterns, the names of the list-element should equal the column name where selection should be applied. This is useful for model objects where model_parameters() returns multiple columns with parameter components, like in model_parameters.lavaan(). Note that the regular expression pattern should match the parameter names as they are stored in the returned data frame, which can be different from how they are printed. Inspect the ⁠$Parameter⁠ column of the parameters table to get the exact parameter names.


See keep.


Toggle warnings and messages.


Arguments passed to or from other methods. For instance, when bootstrap = TRUE, arguments like type or parallel are passed down to bootstrap_model(). Further non-documented arguments are digits, p_digits, ci_digits and footer_digits to set the number of digits for the output. If s_value = TRUE, the p-value will be replaced by the S-value in the output (cf. Rafi and Greenland 2020). pd adds an additional column with the probability of direction (see bayestestR::p_direction() for details). groups can be used to group coefficients. It will be passed to the print-method, or can directly be used in print(), see documentation in print.parameters_model(). Furthermore, see 'Examples' for this function. For developers, whose interest mainly is to get a "tidy" data frame of model summaries, it is recommended to set pretty_names = FALSE to speed up computation of the summary table.


Logical, if TRUE, prints summary information about the model (model formula, number of observations, residual standard deviation and more).


Variance-covariance matrix used to compute uncertainty estimates (e.g., for robust standard errors). This argument accepts a covariance matrix, a function which returns a covariance matrix, or a string which identifies the function to be used to compute the covariance matrix.

  • A covariance matrix

  • A function which returns a covariance matrix (e.g., stats::vcov())

  • A string which indicates the kind of uncertainty estimates to return.

    • Heteroskedasticity-consistent: "vcovHC", "HC", "HC0", "HC1", "HC2", "HC3", "HC4", "HC4m", "HC5". See ?sandwich::vcovHC.

    • Cluster-robust: "vcovCR", "CR0", "CR1", "CR1p", "CR1S", "CR2", "CR3". See ?clubSandwich::vcovCR.

    • Bootstrap: "vcovBS", "xy", "residual", "wild", "mammen", "webb". See ?sandwich::vcovBS.

    • Other sandwich package functions: "vcovHAC", "vcovPC", "vcovCL", "vcovPL".


List of arguments to be passed to the function identified by the vcov argument. This function is typically supplied by the sandwich or clubSandwich packages. Please refer to their documentation (e.g., ?sandwich::vcovHAC) to see the list of available arguments.


Multinomial or cumulative link models, i.e. models where the response value (dependent variable) is categorical and has more than two levels, usually return coefficients for each response level. Hence, the output from model_parameters() will split the coefficient tables by the different levels of the model's response.


A data frame of indices related to the model's parameters.

See Also

insight::standardize_names() to rename columns into a consistent, standardized naming scheme.


data("stemcell", package = "brglm2")
model <- brglm2::bracl(
  research ~ as.numeric(religion) + gender,
  weights = frequency,
  data = stemcell,
  type = "ML"

Parameters from Hypothesis Testing


Parameters from Hypothesis Testing.


## S3 method for class 'glht'
  ci = 0.95,
  exponentiate = FALSE,
  keep = NULL,
  drop = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE,



Object of class multcomp::glht() (multcomp) or of class PMCMR, trendPMCMR or osrt (PMCMRplus).


Confidence Interval (CI) level. Default to 0.95 (⁠95%⁠).


Logical, indicating whether or not to exponentiate the coefficients (and related confidence intervals). This is typical for logistic regression, or more generally speaking, for models with log or logit links. It is also recommended to use exponentiate = TRUE for models with log-transformed response values. Note: Delta-method standard errors are also computed (by multiplying the standard errors by the transformed coefficients). This is to mimic behaviour of other software packages, such as Stata, but these standard errors poorly estimate uncertainty for the transformed coefficient. The transformed confidence interval more clearly captures this uncertainty. For compare_parameters(), exponentiate = "nongaussian" will only exponentiate coefficients from non-Gaussian families.


Character containing a regular expression pattern that describes the parameters that should be included (for keep) or excluded (for drop) in the returned data frame. keep may also be a named list of regular expressions. All non-matching parameters will be removed from the output. If keep is a character vector, every parameter name in the "Parameter" column that matches the regular expression in keep will be selected from the returned data frame (and vice versa, all parameter names matching drop will be excluded). Furthermore, if keep has more than one element, these will be merged with an OR operator into a regular expression pattern like this: "(one|two|three)". If keep is a named list of regular expression patterns, the names of the list-element should equal the column name where selection should be applied. This is useful for model objects where model_parameters() returns multiple columns with parameter components, like in model_parameters.lavaan(). Note that the regular expression pattern should match the parameter names as they are stored in the returned data frame, which can be different from how they are printed. Inspect the ⁠$Parameter⁠ column of the parameters table to get the exact parameter names.


See keep.


Toggle warnings and messages.


Arguments passed to or from other methods. For instance, when bootstrap = TRUE, arguments like type or parallel are passed down to bootstrap_model(). Further non-documented arguments are digits, p_digits, ci_digits and footer_digits to set the number of digits for the output. If s_value = TRUE, the p-value will be replaced by the S-value in the output (cf. Rafi and Greenland 2020). pd adds an additional column with the probability of direction (see bayestestR::p_direction() for details). groups can be used to group coefficients. It will be passed to the print-method, or can directly be used in print(), see documentation in print.parameters_model(). Furthermore, see 'Examples' for this function. For developers, whose interest mainly is to get a "tidy" data frame of model summaries, it is recommended to set pretty_names = FALSE to speed up computation of the summary table.


A data frame of indices related to the model's parameters.


if (require("multcomp", quietly = TRUE)) {
  # multiple linear model, swiss data
  lmod <- lm(Fertility ~ ., data = swiss)
  mod <- glht(
    model = lmod,
    linfct = c(
      "Agriculture = 0",
      "Examination = 0",
      "Education = 0",
      "Catholic = 0",
      "Infant.Mortality = 0"
if (require("PMCMRplus", quietly = TRUE)) {
  model <- suppressWarnings(
    kwAllPairsConoverTest(count ~ spray, data = InsectSprays)

Parameters from special models


Parameters from special regression models not listed under one of the previous categories yet.


## S3 method for class 'glimML'
  ci = 0.95,
  bootstrap = FALSE,
  iterations = 1000,
  component = c("conditional", "random", "dispersion", "all"),
  standardize = NULL,
  exponentiate = FALSE,
  p_adjust = NULL,
  summary = getOption("parameters_summary", FALSE),
  keep = NULL,
  drop = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE,

## S3 method for class 'averaging'
  ci = 0.95,
  component = c("conditional", "full"),
  exponentiate = FALSE,
  p_adjust = NULL,
  summary = getOption("parameters_summary", FALSE),
  keep = NULL,
  drop = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE,

## S3 method for class 'betareg'
  ci = 0.95,
  bootstrap = FALSE,
  iterations = 1000,
  component = c("conditional", "precision", "all"),
  standardize = NULL,
  exponentiate = FALSE,
  p_adjust = NULL,
  summary = getOption("parameters_summary", FALSE),
  keep = NULL,
  drop = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE,

## S3 method for class 'emm_list'
  ci = 0.95,
  exponentiate = FALSE,
  p_adjust = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE,

## S3 method for class 'glmx'
  ci = 0.95,
  bootstrap = FALSE,
  iterations = 1000,
  component = c("all", "conditional", "extra"),
  standardize = NULL,
  exponentiate = FALSE,
  p_adjust = NULL,
  keep = NULL,
  drop = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE,

## S3 method for class 'marginaleffects'
model_parameters(model, ci = 0.95, exponentiate = FALSE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'metaplus'
  ci = 0.95,
  bootstrap = FALSE,
  iterations = 1000,
  standardize = NULL,
  exponentiate = FALSE,
  include_studies = TRUE,
  keep = NULL,
  drop = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE,

## S3 method for class 'meta_random'
  ci = 0.95,
  ci_method = "eti",
  exponentiate = FALSE,
  include_studies = TRUE,
  verbose = TRUE,

## S3 method for class 'meta_bma'
  ci = 0.95,
  ci_method = "eti",
  exponentiate = FALSE,
  include_studies = TRUE,
  verbose = TRUE,

## S3 method for class 'betaor'
  ci = 0.95,
  bootstrap = FALSE,
  iterations = 1000,
  component = c("conditional", "precision", "all"),
  standardize = NULL,
  exponentiate = FALSE,
  p_adjust = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE,

## S3 method for class 'betamfx'
  ci = 0.95,
  bootstrap = FALSE,
  iterations = 1000,
  component = c("all", "conditional", "precision", "marginal"),
  standardize = NULL,
  exponentiate = FALSE,
  p_adjust = NULL,
  keep = NULL,
  drop = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE,

## S3 method for class 'mjoint'
  ci = 0.95,
  effects = "fixed",
  component = c("all", "conditional", "survival"),
  exponentiate = FALSE,
  p_adjust = NULL,
  keep = NULL,
  drop = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE,

## S3 method for class 'mvord'
  ci = 0.95,
  component = c("all", "conditional", "thresholds", "correlation"),
  standardize = NULL,
  exponentiate = FALSE,
  p_adjust = NULL,
  summary = getOption("parameters_summary", FALSE),
  keep = NULL,
  drop = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE,

## S3 method for class 'selection'
  ci = 0.95,
  component = c("all", "selection", "outcome", "auxiliary"),
  bootstrap = FALSE,
  iterations = 1000,
  standardize = NULL,
  exponentiate = FALSE,
  p_adjust = NULL,
  summary = getOption("parameters_summary", FALSE),
  keep = NULL,
  drop = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE,



Model object.


Confidence Interval (CI) level. Default to 0.95 (⁠95%⁠).


Should estimates be based on bootstrapped model? If TRUE, then arguments of Bayesian regressions apply (see also bootstrap_parameters()).


The number of bootstrap replicates. This only apply in the case of bootstrapped frequentist models.


Model component for which parameters should be shown. May be one of "conditional", "precision" (betareg), "scale" (ordinal), "extra" (glmx), "marginal" (mfx), "conditional" or "full" (for MuMIn::model.avg()) or "all".


The method used for standardizing the parameters. Can be NULL (default; no standardization), "refit" (for re-fitting the model on standardized data) or one of "basic", "posthoc", "smart", "pseudo". See 'Details' in standardize_parameters(). Importantly:

  • The "refit" method does not standardize categorical predictors (i.e. factors), which may be a different behaviour compared to other R packages (such as lm.beta) or other software packages (like SPSS). to mimic such behaviours, either use standardize="basic" or standardize the data with datawizard::standardize(force=TRUE) before fitting the model.

  • For mixed models, when using methods other than "refit", only the fixed effects will be standardized.

  • Robust estimation (i.e., vcov set to a value other than NULL) of standardized parameters only works when standardize="refit".


Logical, indicating whether or not to exponentiate the coefficients (and related confidence intervals). This is typical for logistic regression, or more generally speaking, for models with log or logit links. It is also recommended to use exponentiate = TRUE for models with log-transformed response values. Note: Delta-method standard errors are also computed (by multiplying the standard errors by the transformed coefficients). This is to mimic behaviour of other software packages, such as Stata, but these standard errors poorly estimate uncertainty for the transformed coefficient. The transformed confidence interval more clearly captures this uncertainty. For compare_parameters(), exponentiate = "nongaussian" will only exponentiate coefficients from non-Gaussian families.


Character vector, if not NULL, indicates the method to adjust p-values. See stats::p.adjust() for details. Further possible adjustment methods are "tukey", "scheffe", "sidak" and "none" to explicitly disable adjustment for emmGrid objects (from emmeans).


Logical, if TRUE, prints summary information about the model (model formula, number of observations, residual standard deviation and more).


Character containing a regular expression pattern that describes the parameters that should be included (for keep) or excluded (for drop) in the returned data frame. keep may also be a named list of regular expressions. All non-matching parameters will be removed from the output. If keep is a character vector, every parameter name in the "Parameter" column that matches the regular expression in keep will be selected from the returned data frame (and vice versa, all parameter names matching drop will be excluded). Furthermore, if keep has more than one element, these will be merged with an OR operator into a regular expression pattern like this: "(one|two|three)". If keep is a named list of regular expression patterns, the names of the list-element should equal the column name where selection should be applied. This is useful for model objects where model_parameters() returns multiple columns with parameter components, like in model_parameters.lavaan(). Note that the regular expression pattern should match the parameter names as they are stored in the returned data frame, which can be different from how they are printed. Inspect the ⁠$Parameter⁠ column of the parameters table to get the exact parameter names.


See keep.


Toggle warnings and messages.


Arguments passed to or from other methods. For instance, when bootstrap = TRUE, arguments like type or parallel are passed down to bootstrap_model(). Further non-documented arguments are digits, p_digits, ci_digits and footer_digits to set the number of digits for the output. If s_value = TRUE, the p-value will be replaced by the S-value in the output (cf. Rafi and Greenland 2020). pd adds an additional column with the probability of direction (see bayestestR::p_direction() for details). groups can be used to group coefficients. It will be passed to the print-method, or can directly be used in print(), see documentation in print.parameters_model(). Furthermore, see 'Examples' for this function. For developers, whose interest mainly is to get a "tidy" data frame of model summaries, it is recommended to set pretty_names = FALSE to speed up computation of the summary table.


Logical, if TRUE (default), includes parameters for all studies. Else, only parameters for overall-effects are shown.


Method for computing degrees of freedom for confidence intervals (CI) and the related p-values. Allowed are following options (which vary depending on the model class): "residual", "normal", "likelihood", "satterthwaite", "kenward", "wald", "profile", "boot", "uniroot", "ml1", "betwithin", "hdi", "quantile", "ci", "eti", "si", "bci", or "bcai". See section Confidence intervals and approximation of degrees of freedom in model_parameters() for further details. When ci_method=NULL, in most cases "wald" is used then.


Should results for fixed effects, random effects or both be returned? Only applies to mixed models. May be abbreviated.


A data frame of indices related to the model's parameters.

See Also

insight::standardize_names() to rename columns into a consistent, standardized naming scheme.


if (require("brglm2", quietly = TRUE)) {
  model <- bracl(
    research ~ as.numeric(religion) + gender,
    weights = frequency,
    data = stemcell,
    type = "ML"

Parameters from hypothesis tests


Parameters of h-tests (correlations, t-tests, chi-squared, ...).


## S3 method for class 'htest'
  ci = 0.95,
  alternative = NULL,
  bootstrap = FALSE,
  es_type = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE,

## S3 method for class 'coeftest'
  ci = 0.95,
  ci_method = "wald",
  keep = NULL,
  drop = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE,



Object of class htest or pairwise.htest.


Level of confidence intervals for effect size statistic. Currently only applies to objects from chisq.test() or oneway.test().


A character string specifying the alternative hypothesis; Controls the type of CI returned: "two.sided" (default, two-sided CI), "greater" or "less" (one-sided CI). Partial matching is allowed (e.g., "g", "l", "two"...). See section One-Sided CIs in the effectsize_CIs vignette.


Should estimates be bootstrapped?


The effect size of interest. Not that possibly not all effect sizes are applicable to the model object. See 'Details'. For Anova models, can also be a character vector with multiple effect size names.


Toggle warnings and messages.


Arguments passed to or from other methods. For instance, when bootstrap = TRUE, arguments like type or parallel are passed down to bootstrap_model(). Further non-documented arguments are digits, p_digits, ci_digits and footer_digits to set the number of digits for the output. If s_value = TRUE, the p-value will be replaced by the S-value in the output (cf. Rafi and Greenland 2020). pd adds an additional column with the probability of direction (see bayestestR::p_direction() for details). groups can be used to group coefficients. It will be passed to the print-method, or can directly be used in print(), see documentation in print.parameters_model(). Furthermore, see 'Examples' for this function. For developers, whose interest mainly is to get a "tidy" data frame of model summaries, it is recommended to set pretty_names = FALSE to speed up computation of the summary table.


Method for computing degrees of freedom for confidence intervals (CI) and the related p-values. Allowed are following options (which vary depending on the model class): "residual", "normal", "likelihood", "satterthwaite", "kenward", "wald", "profile", "boot", "uniroot", "ml1", "betwithin", "hdi", "quantile", "ci", "eti", "si", "bci", or "bcai". See section Confidence intervals and approximation of degrees of freedom in model_parameters() for further details. When ci_method=NULL, in most cases "wald" is used then.


Character containing a regular expression pattern that describes the parameters that should be included (for keep) or excluded (for drop) in the returned data frame. keep may also be a named list of regular expressions. All non-matching parameters will be removed from the output. If keep is a character vector, every parameter name in the "Parameter" column that matches the regular expression in keep will be selected from the returned data frame (and vice versa, all parameter names matching drop will be excluded). Furthermore, if keep has more than one element, these will be merged with an OR operator into a regular expression pattern like this: "(one|two|three)". If keep is a named list of regular expression patterns, the names of the list-element should equal the column name where selection should be applied. This is useful for model objects where model_parameters() returns multiple columns with parameter components, like in model_parameters.lavaan(). Note that the regular expression pattern should match the parameter names as they are stored in the returned data frame, which can be different from how they are printed. Inspect the ⁠$Parameter⁠ column of the parameters table to get the exact parameter names.


See keep.


  • For an object of class htest, data is extracted via insight::get_data(), and passed to the relevant function according to:

    • A t-test depending on type: "cohens_d" (default), "hedges_g", or one of "p_superiority", "u1", "u2", "u3", "overlap".

      • For a Paired t-test: depending on type: "rm_rm", "rm_av", "rm_b", "rm_d", "rm_z".

    • A Chi-squared tests of independence or Fisher's Exact Test, depending on type: "cramers_v" (default), "tschuprows_t", "phi", "cohens_w", "pearsons_c", "cohens_h", "oddsratio", "riskratio", "arr", or "nnt".

    • A Chi-squared tests of goodness-of-fit, depending on type: "fei" (default) "cohens_w", "pearsons_c"

    • A One-way ANOVA test, depending on type: "eta" (default), "omega" or "epsilon" -squared, "f", or "f2".

    • A McNemar test returns Cohen's g.

    • A Wilcoxon test depending on type: returns "rank_biserial" correlation (default) or one of "p_superiority", "vda", "u2", "u3", "overlap".

    • A Kruskal-Wallis test depending on type: "epsilon" (default) or "eta".

    • A Friedman test returns Kendall's W. (Where applicable, ci and alternative are taken from the htest if not otherwise provided.)

  • For an object of class BFBayesFactor, using bayestestR::describe_posterior(),

    • A t-test depending on type: "cohens_d" (default) or one of "p_superiority", "u1", "u2", "u3", "overlap".

    • A correlation test returns r.

    • A contingency table test, depending on type: "cramers_v" (default), "phi", "tschuprows_t", "cohens_w", "pearsons_c", "cohens_h", "oddsratio", or "riskratio", "arr", or "nnt".

    • A proportion test returns p.

  • Objects of class anova, aov, aovlist or afex_aov, depending on type: "eta" (default), "omega" or "epsilon" -squared, "f", or "f2".

  • Other objects are passed to parameters::standardize_parameters().

For statistical models it is recommended to directly use the listed functions, for the full range of options they provide.


A data frame of indices related to the model's parameters.


model <- cor.test(mtcars$mpg, mtcars$cyl, method = "pearson")

model <- t.test(iris$Sepal.Width, iris$Sepal.Length)
model_parameters(model, es_type = "hedges_g")

model <- t.test(mtcars$mpg ~ mtcars$vs)
model_parameters(model, es_type = "hedges_g")

model <- t.test(iris$Sepal.Width, mu = 1)
model_parameters(model, es_type = "cohens_d")

airquality$Month <- factor(airquality$Month, labels =[5:9])
model <- pairwise.t.test(airquality$Ozone, airquality$Month)

smokers <- c(83, 90, 129, 70)
patients <- c(86, 93, 136, 82)
model <- suppressWarnings(pairwise.prop.test(smokers, patients))

model <- suppressWarnings(chisq.test(table(mtcars$am, mtcars$cyl)))
model_parameters(model, es_type = "cramers_v")

Parameters from Bayesian Models


Parameters from Bayesian models.


## S3 method for class 'MCMCglmm'
  centrality = "median",
  dispersion = FALSE,
  ci = 0.95,
  ci_method = "eti",
  test = "pd",
  rope_range = "default",
  rope_ci = 0.95,
  bf_prior = NULL,
  diagnostic = c("ESS", "Rhat"),
  priors = TRUE,
  keep = NULL,
  drop = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE,

## S3 method for class 'data.frame'
  as_draws = FALSE,
  exponentiate = FALSE,
  verbose = TRUE,

## S3 method for class 'brmsfit'
  centrality = "median",
  dispersion = FALSE,
  ci = 0.95,
  ci_method = "eti",
  test = "pd",
  rope_range = "default",
  rope_ci = 0.95,
  bf_prior = NULL,
  diagnostic = c("ESS", "Rhat"),
  priors = FALSE,
  effects = "fixed",
  component = "all",
  exponentiate = FALSE,
  standardize = NULL,
  group_level = FALSE,
  keep = NULL,
  drop = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE,

## S3 method for class 'draws'
  centrality = "median",
  dispersion = FALSE,
  ci = 0.95,
  ci_method = "eti",
  test = "pd",
  rope_range = "default",
  rope_ci = 0.95,
  exponentiate = FALSE,
  keep = NULL,
  drop = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE,

## S3 method for class 'stanreg'
  centrality = "median",
  dispersion = FALSE,
  ci = 0.95,
  ci_method = "eti",
  test = "pd",
  rope_range = "default",
  rope_ci = 0.95,
  bf_prior = NULL,
  diagnostic = c("ESS", "Rhat"),
  priors = TRUE,
  effects = "fixed",
  exponentiate = FALSE,
  standardize = NULL,
  group_level = FALSE,
  keep = NULL,
  drop = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE,



Bayesian model (including SEM from blavaan. May also be a data frame with posterior samples, however, as_draws must be set to TRUE (else, for data frames NULL is returned).


The point-estimates (centrality indices) to compute. Character (vector) or list with one or more of these options: "median", "mean", "MAP" (see map_estimate()), "trimmed" (which is just mean(x, trim = threshold)), "mode" or "all".


Logical, if TRUE, computes indices of dispersion related to the estimate(s) (SD and MAD for mean and median, respectively). Dispersion is not available for "MAP" or "mode" centrality indices.


Credible Interval (CI) level. Default to 0.95 (⁠95%⁠). See bayestestR::ci() for further details.


Method for computing degrees of freedom for confidence intervals (CI) and the related p-values. Allowed are following options (which vary depending on the model class): "residual", "normal", "likelihood", "satterthwaite", "kenward", "wald", "profile", "boot", "uniroot", "ml1", "betwithin", "hdi", "quantile", "ci", "eti", "si", "bci", or "bcai". See section Confidence intervals and approximation of degrees of freedom in model_parameters() for further details. When ci_method=NULL, in most cases "wald" is used then.


The indices of effect existence to compute. Character (vector) or list with one or more of these options: "p_direction" (or "pd"), "rope", "p_map", "equivalence_test" (or "equitest"), "bayesfactor" (or "bf") or "all" to compute all tests. For each "test", the corresponding bayestestR function is called (e.g. rope() or p_direction()) and its results included in the summary output.


ROPE's lower and higher bounds. Should be a vector of two values (e.g., c(-0.1, 0.1)), "default" or a list of numeric vectors of the same length as numbers of parameters. If "default", the bounds are set to x +- 0.1*SD(response).


The Credible Interval (CI) probability, corresponding to the proportion of HDI, to use for the percentage in ROPE.


Distribution representing a prior for the computation of Bayes factors / SI. Used if the input is a posterior, otherwise (in the case of models) ignored.


Diagnostic metrics to compute. Character (vector) or list with one or more of these options: "ESS", "Rhat", "MCSE" or "all".


Add the prior used for each parameter.


Character containing a regular expression pattern that describes the parameters that should be included (for keep) or excluded (for drop) in the returned data frame. keep may also be a named list of regular expressions. All non-matching parameters will be removed from the output. If keep is a character vector, every parameter name in the "Parameter" column that matches the regular expression in keep will be selected from the returned data frame (and vice versa, all parameter names matching drop will be excluded). Furthermore, if keep has more than one element, these will be merged with an OR operator into a regular expression pattern like this: "(one|two|three)". If keep is a named list of regular expression patterns, the names of the list-element should equal the column name where selection should be applied. This is useful for model objects where model_parameters() returns multiple columns with parameter components, like in model_parameters.lavaan(). Note that the regular expression pattern should match the parameter names as they are stored in the returned data frame, which can be different from how they are printed. Inspect the ⁠$Parameter⁠ column of the parameters table to get the exact parameter names.


See keep.


Toggle messages and warnings.


Currently not used.


Logical, if TRUE and model is of class data.frame, the data frame is treated as posterior samples and handled similar to Bayesian models. All arguments in ... are passed to model_parameters.draws().


Logical, indicating whether or not to exponentiate the coefficients (and related confidence intervals). This is typical for logistic regression, or more generally speaking, for models with log or logit links. It is also recommended to use exponentiate = TRUE for models with log-transformed response values. Note: Delta-method standard errors are also computed (by multiplying the standard errors by the transformed coefficients). This is to mimic behaviour of other software packages, such as Stata, but these standard errors poorly estimate uncertainty for the transformed coefficient. The transformed confidence interval more clearly captures this uncertainty. For compare_parameters(), exponentiate = "nongaussian" will only exponentiate coefficients from non-Gaussian families.


Should results for fixed effects, random effects or both be returned? Only applies to mixed models. May be abbreviated.


Which type of parameters to return, such as parameters for the conditional model, the zero-inflation part of the model, the dispersion term, or other auxiliary parameters be returned? Applies to models with zero-inflation and/or dispersion formula, or if parameters such as sigma should be included. May be abbreviated. Note that the conditional component is also called count or mean component, depending on the model. There are three convenient shortcuts: component = "all" returns all possible parameters. If component = "location", location parameters such as conditional, zero_inflated, or smooth_terms, are returned (everything that are fixed or random effects - depending on the effects argument - but no auxiliary parameters). For component = "distributional" (or "auxiliary"), components like sigma, dispersion, or beta (and other auxiliary parameters) are returned.


The method used for standardizing the parameters. Can be NULL (default; no standardization), "refit" (for re-fitting the model on standardized data) or one of "basic", "posthoc", "smart", "pseudo". See 'Details' in standardize_parameters(). Importantly:

  • The "refit" method does not standardize categorical predictors (i.e. factors), which may be a different behaviour compared to other R packages (such as lm.beta) or other software packages (like SPSS). to mimic such behaviours, either use standardize="basic" or standardize the data with datawizard::standardize(force=TRUE) before fitting the model.

  • For mixed models, when using methods other than "refit", only the fixed effects will be standardized.

  • Robust estimation (i.e., vcov set to a value other than NULL) of standardized parameters only works when standardize="refit".


Logical, for multilevel models (i.e. models with random effects) and when effects = "all" or effects = "random", include the parameters for each group level from random effects. If group_level = FALSE (the default), only information on SD and COR are shown.


A data frame of indices related to the model's parameters.

Confidence intervals and approximation of degrees of freedom

There are different ways of approximating the degrees of freedom depending on different assumptions about the nature of the model and its sampling distribution. The ci_method argument modulates the method for computing degrees of freedom (df) that are used to calculate confidence intervals (CI) and the related p-values. Following options are allowed, depending on the model class:

Classical methods:

Classical inference is generally based on the Wald method. The Wald approach to inference computes a test statistic by dividing the parameter estimate by its standard error (Coefficient / SE), then comparing this statistic against a t- or normal distribution. This approach can be used to compute CIs and p-values.


  • Applies to non-Bayesian models. For linear models, CIs computed using the Wald method (SE and a t-distribution with residual df); p-values computed using the Wald method with a t-distribution with residual df. For other models, CIs computed using the Wald method (SE and a normal distribution); p-values computed using the Wald method with a normal distribution.


  • Applies to non-Bayesian models. Compute Wald CIs and p-values, but always use a normal distribution.


  • Applies to non-Bayesian models. Compute Wald CIs and p-values, but always use a t-distribution with residual df when possible. If the residual df for a model cannot be determined, a normal distribution is used instead.

Methods for mixed models:

Compared to fixed effects (or single-level) models, determining appropriate df for Wald-based inference in mixed models is more difficult. See the R GLMM FAQ for a discussion.

Several approximate methods for computing df are available, but you should also consider instead using profile likelihood ("profile") or bootstrap ("⁠boot"⁠) CIs and p-values instead.


  • Applies to linear mixed models. CIs computed using the Wald method (SE and a t-distribution with Satterthwaite df); p-values computed using the Wald method with a t-distribution with Satterthwaite df.


  • Applies to linear mixed models. CIs computed using the Wald method (Kenward-Roger SE and a t-distribution with Kenward-Roger df); p-values computed using the Wald method with Kenward-Roger SE and t-distribution with Kenward-Roger df.


  • Applies to linear mixed models. CIs computed using the Wald method (SE and a t-distribution with m-l-1 approximated df); p-values computed using the Wald method with a t-distribution with m-l-1 approximated df. See ci_ml1().


  • Applies to linear mixed models and generalized linear mixed models. CIs computed using the Wald method (SE and a t-distribution with between-within df); p-values computed using the Wald method with a t-distribution with between-within df. See ci_betwithin().

Likelihood-based methods:

Likelihood-based inference is based on comparing the likelihood for the maximum-likelihood estimate to the the likelihood for models with one or more parameter values changed (e.g., set to zero or a range of alternative values). Likelihood ratios for the maximum-likelihood and alternative models are compared to a χ\chi-squared distribution to compute CIs and p-values.


  • Applies to non-Bayesian models of class glm, polr, merMod or glmmTMB. CIs computed by profiling the likelihood curve for a parameter, using linear interpolation to find where likelihood ratio equals a critical value; p-values computed using the Wald method with a normal-distribution (note: this might change in a future update!)


  • Applies to non-Bayesian models of class glmmTMB. CIs computed by profiling the likelihood curve for a parameter, using root finding to find where likelihood ratio equals a critical value; p-values computed using the Wald method with a normal-distribution (note: this might change in a future update!)

Methods for bootstrapped or Bayesian models:

Bootstrap-based inference is based on resampling and refitting the model to the resampled datasets. The distribution of parameter estimates across resampled datasets is used to approximate the parameter's sampling distribution. Depending on the type of model, several different methods for bootstrapping and constructing CIs and p-values from the bootstrap distribution are available.

For Bayesian models, inference is based on drawing samples from the model posterior distribution.

"quantile" (or "eti")

  • Applies to all models (including Bayesian models). For non-Bayesian models, only applies if bootstrap = TRUE. CIs computed as equal tailed intervals using the quantiles of the bootstrap or posterior samples; p-values are based on the probability of direction. See bayestestR::eti().


  • Applies to all models (including Bayesian models). For non-Bayesian models, only applies if bootstrap = TRUE. CIs computed as highest density intervals for the bootstrap or posterior samples; p-values are based on the probability of direction. See bayestestR::hdi().

"bci" (or "bcai")

  • Applies to all models (including Bayesian models). For non-Bayesian models, only applies if bootstrap = TRUE. CIs computed as bias corrected and accelerated intervals for the bootstrap or posterior samples; p-values are based on the probability of direction. See bayestestR::bci().


  • Applies to Bayesian models with proper priors. CIs computed as support intervals comparing the posterior samples against the prior samples; p-values are based on the probability of direction. See bayestestR::si().


  • Applies to non-Bayesian models of class merMod. CIs computed using parametric bootstrapping (simulating data from the fitted model); p-values computed using the Wald method with a normal-distribution) (note: this might change in a future update!).

For all iteration-based methods other than "boot" ("hdi", "quantile", "ci", "eti", "si", "bci", "bcai"), p-values are based on the probability of direction (bayestestR::p_direction()), which is converted into a p-value using bayestestR::pd_to_p().


When standardize = "refit", columns diagnostic, bf_prior and priors refer to the original model. If model is a data frame, arguments diagnostic, bf_prior and priors are ignored.

There is also a plot()-method implemented in the see-package.

See Also

insight::standardize_names() to rename columns into a consistent, standardized naming scheme.


if (require("rstanarm")) {
  model <- suppressWarnings(stan_glm(
    Sepal.Length ~ Petal.Length * Species,
    data = iris, iter = 500, refresh = 0

Parameters from multiply imputed repeated analyses


Format models of class mira, obtained from mice::width.mids(), or of class mipo.


## S3 method for class 'mipo'
  ci = 0.95,
  exponentiate = FALSE,
  p_adjust = NULL,
  keep = NULL,
  drop = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE,

## S3 method for class 'mira'
  ci = 0.95,
  exponentiate = FALSE,
  p_adjust = NULL,
  keep = NULL,
  drop = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE,



An object of class mira or mipo.


Confidence Interval (CI) level. Default to 0.95 (⁠95%⁠).


Logical, indicating whether or not to exponentiate the coefficients (and related confidence intervals). This is typical for logistic regression, or more generally speaking, for models with log or logit links. It is also recommended to use exponentiate = TRUE for models with log-transformed response values. Note: Delta-method standard errors are also computed (by multiplying the standard errors by the transformed coefficients). This is to mimic behaviour of other software packages, such as Stata, but these standard errors poorly estimate uncertainty for the transformed coefficient. The transformed confidence interval more clearly captures this uncertainty. For compare_parameters(), exponentiate = "nongaussian" will only exponentiate coefficients from non-Gaussian families.


Character vector, if not NULL, indicates the method to adjust p-values. See stats::p.adjust() for details. Further possible adjustment methods are "tukey", "scheffe", "sidak" and "none" to explicitly disable adjustment for emmGrid objects (from emmeans).


Character containing a regular expression pattern that describes the parameters that should be included (for keep) or excluded (for drop) in the returned data frame. keep may also be a named list of regular expressions. All non-matching parameters will be removed from the output. If keep is a character vector, every parameter name in the "Parameter" column that matches the regular expression in keep will be selected from the returned data frame (and vice versa, all parameter names matching drop will be excluded). Furthermore, if keep has more than one element, these will be merged with an OR operator into a regular expression pattern like this: "(one|two|three)". If keep is a named list of regular expression patterns, the names of the list-element should equal the column name where selection should be applied. This is useful for model objects where model_parameters() returns multiple columns with parameter components, like in model_parameters.lavaan(). Note that the regular expression pattern should match the parameter names as they are stored in the returned data frame, which can be different from how they are printed. Inspect the ⁠$Parameter⁠ column of the parameters table to get the exact parameter names.


See keep.


Toggle warnings and messages.


Arguments passed to or from other methods.


model_parameters() for objects of class mira works similar to summary(mice::pool()), i.e. it generates the pooled summary of multiple imputed repeated regression analyses.


data(nhanes2, package = "mice")
imp <- mice::mice(nhanes2)
fit <- with(data = imp, exp = lm(bmi ~ age + hyp + chl))

# model_parameters() also works for models that have no "tidy"-method in mice
warpbreaks$tension[sample(1:nrow(warpbreaks), size = 10)] <- NA
imp <- mice::mice(warpbreaks)
fit <- with(data = imp, expr = gee::gee(breaks ~ tension, id = wool))

# does not work:
# summary(mice::pool(fit))


# and it works with pooled results
data("nhanes2", package = "mice")
imp <- mice::mice(nhanes2)
fit <- with(data = imp, exp = lm(bmi ~ age + hyp + chl))
pooled <- mice::pool(fit)


Parameters from PCA, FA, CFA, SEM


Format structural models from the psych or FactoMineR packages.


## S3 method for class 'PCA'
  sort = FALSE,
  threshold = NULL,
  labels = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE,

## S3 method for class 'lavaan'
  ci = 0.95,
  standardize = FALSE,
  component = c("regression", "correlation", "loading", "defined"),
  keep = NULL,
  drop = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE,

## S3 method for class 'principal'
  sort = FALSE,
  threshold = NULL,
  labels = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE,



Model object.


Sort the loadings.


A value between 0 and 1 indicates which (absolute) values from the loadings should be removed. An integer higher than 1 indicates the n strongest loadings to retain. Can also be "max", in which case it will only display the maximum loading per variable (the most simple structure).


A character vector containing labels to be added to the loadings data. Usually, the question related to the item.


Toggle warnings and messages.


Arguments passed to or from other methods.


Confidence Interval (CI) level. Default to 0.95 (⁠95%⁠).


Return standardized parameters (standardized coefficients). Can be TRUE (or "all" or "std.all") for standardized estimates based on both the variances of observed and latent variables; "latent" (or "") for standardized estimates based on the variances of the latent variables only; or "no_exogenous" (or "std.nox") for standardized estimates based on both the variances of observed and latent variables, but not the variances of exogenous covariates. See lavaan::standardizedsolution for details.


What type of links to return. Can be "all" or some of c("regression", "correlation", "loading", "variance", "mean").


Character containing a regular expression pattern that describes the parameters that should be included (for keep) or excluded (for drop) in the returned data frame. keep may also be a named list of regular expressions. All non-matching parameters will be removed from the output. If keep is a character vector, every parameter name in the "Parameter" column that matches the regular expression in keep will be selected from the returned data frame (and vice versa, all parameter names matching drop will be excluded). Furthermore, if keep has more than one element, these will be merged with an OR operator into a regular expression pattern like this: "(one|two|three)". If keep is a named list of regular expression patterns, the names of the list-element should equal the column name where selection should be applied. This is useful for model objects where model_parameters() returns multiple columns with parameter components, like in model_parameters.lavaan(). Note that the regular expression pattern should match the parameter names as they are stored in the returned data frame, which can be different from how they are printed. Inspect the ⁠$Parameter⁠ column of the parameters table to get the exact parameter names.


See keep.


For the structural models obtained with psych, the following indices are present:

  • Complexity (Hoffman's, 1978; Pettersson and Turkheimer, 2010) represents the number of latent components needed to account for the observed variables. Whereas a perfect simple structure solution has a complexity of 1 in that each item would only load on one factor, a solution with evenly distributed items has a complexity greater than 1.

  • Uniqueness represents the variance that is 'unique' to the variable and not shared with other variables. It is equal to ⁠1 – communality⁠ (variance that is shared with other variables). A uniqueness of 0.20 suggests that ⁠20%⁠ or that variable's variance is not shared with other variables in the overall factor model. The greater 'uniqueness' the lower the relevance of the variable in the factor model.

  • MSA represents the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy (Kaiser and Rice, 1974) for each item. It indicates whether there is enough data for each factor give reliable results for the PCA. The value should be > 0.6, and desirable values are > 0.8 (Tabachnick and Fidell, 2013).


A data frame of indices or loadings.


There is also a plot()-method for lavaan models implemented in the see-package.


  • Kaiser, H.F. and Rice. J. (1974). Little jiffy, mark iv. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 34(1):111–117

  • Pettersson, E., and Turkheimer, E. (2010). Item selection, evaluation, and simple structure in personality data. Journal of research in personality, 44(4), 407-420.

  • Revelle, W. (2016). How To: Use the psych package for Factor Analysis and data reduction.

  • Tabachnick, B. G., and Fidell, L. S. (2013). Using multivariate statistics (6th ed.). Boston: Pearson Education.

  • Rosseel Y (2012). lavaan: An R Package for Structural Equation Modeling. Journal of Statistical Software, 48(2), 1-36.

  • Merkle EC , Rosseel Y (2018). blavaan: Bayesian Structural Equation Models via Parameter Expansion. Journal of Statistical Software, 85(4), 1-30.


if (require("psych", quietly = TRUE)) {
  # Principal Component Analysis (PCA) ---------
  pca <- psych::principal(attitude)

  pca <- psych::principal(attitude, nfactors = 3, rotate = "none")
  model_parameters(pca, sort = TRUE, threshold = 0.2)

  principal_components(attitude, n = 3, sort = TRUE, threshold = 0.2)

  # Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) ---------
  efa <- psych::fa(attitude, nfactors = 3)
    threshold = "max", sort = TRUE,
    labels = as.character(1:ncol(attitude))

  # Omega ---------
  omega <- psych::omega(mtcars, nfactors = 3)
  params <- model_parameters(omega)

# lavaan


# lavaan -------------------------------------
if (require("lavaan", quietly = TRUE)) {
  # Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) ---------

  structure <- " visual  =~ x1 + x2 + x3
                 textual =~ x4 + x5 + x6
                 speed   =~ x7 + x8 + x9 "
  model <- lavaan::cfa(structure, data = HolzingerSwineford1939)
  model_parameters(model, standardize = TRUE)

  # filter parameters
    parameters = list(
      To = "^(?!visual)",
      From = "^(?!(x7|x8))"

  # Structural Equation Model (SEM) ------------

  structure <- "
    # latent variable definitions
      ind60 =~ x1 + x2 + x3
      dem60 =~ y1 + a*y2 + b*y3 + c*y4
      dem65 =~ y5 + a*y6 + b*y7 + c*y8
    # regressions
      dem60 ~ ind60
      dem65 ~ ind60 + dem60
    # residual correlations
      y1 ~~ y5
      y2 ~~ y4 + y6
      y3 ~~ y7
      y4 ~~ y8
      y6 ~~ y8
  model <- lavaan::sem(structure, data = PoliticalDemocracy)
  model_parameters(model, standardize = TRUE)

Parameters from Meta-Analysis


Extract and compute indices and measures to describe parameters of meta-analysis models.


## S3 method for class 'rma'
  ci = 0.95,
  bootstrap = FALSE,
  iterations = 1000,
  standardize = NULL,
  exponentiate = FALSE,
  include_studies = TRUE,
  keep = NULL,
  drop = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE,



Model object.


Confidence Interval (CI) level. Default to 0.95 (⁠95%⁠).


Should estimates be based on bootstrapped model? If TRUE, then arguments of Bayesian regressions apply (see also bootstrap_parameters()).


The number of bootstrap replicates. This only apply in the case of bootstrapped frequentist models.


The method used for standardizing the parameters. Can be NULL (default; no standardization), "refit" (for re-fitting the model on standardized data) or one of "basic", "posthoc", "smart", "pseudo". See 'Details' in standardize_parameters(). Importantly:

  • The "refit" method does not standardize categorical predictors (i.e. factors), which may be a different behaviour compared to other R packages (such as lm.beta) or other software packages (like SPSS). to mimic such behaviours, either use standardize="basic" or standardize the data with datawizard::standardize(force=TRUE) before fitting the model.

  • For mixed models, when using methods other than "refit", only the fixed effects will be standardized.

  • Robust estimation (i.e., vcov set to a value other than NULL) of standardized parameters only works when standardize="refit".


Logical, indicating whether or not to exponentiate the coefficients (and related confidence intervals). This is typical for logistic regression, or more generally speaking, for models with log or logit links. It is also recommended to use exponentiate = TRUE for models with log-transformed response values. Note: Delta-method standard errors are also computed (by multiplying the standard errors by the transformed coefficients). This is to mimic behaviour of other software packages, such as Stata, but these standard errors poorly estimate uncertainty for the transformed coefficient. The transformed confidence interval more clearly captures this uncertainty. For compare_parameters(), exponentiate = "nongaussian" will only exponentiate coefficients from non-Gaussian families.


Logical, if TRUE (default), includes parameters for all studies. Else, only parameters for overall-effects are shown.


Character containing a regular expression pattern that describes the parameters that should be included (for keep) or excluded (for drop) in the returned data frame. keep may also be a named list of regular expressions. All non-matching parameters will be removed from the output. If keep is a character vector, every parameter name in the "Parameter" column that matches the regular expression in keep will be selected from the returned data frame (and vice versa, all parameter names matching drop will be excluded). Furthermore, if keep has more than one element, these will be merged with an OR operator into a regular expression pattern like this: "(one|two|three)". If keep is a named list of regular expression patterns, the names of the list-element should equal the column name where selection should be applied. This is useful for model objects where model_parameters() returns multiple columns with parameter components, like in model_parameters.lavaan(). Note that the regular expression pattern should match the parameter names as they are stored in the returned data frame, which can be different from how they are printed. Inspect the ⁠$Parameter⁠ column of the parameters table to get the exact parameter names.


See keep.


Toggle warnings and messages.


Arguments passed to or from other methods. For instance, when bootstrap = TRUE, arguments like type or parallel are passed down to bootstrap_model(). Further non-documented arguments are digits, p_digits, ci_digits and footer_digits to set the number of digits for the output. If s_value = TRUE, the p-value will be replaced by the S-value in the output (cf. Rafi and Greenland 2020). pd adds an additional column with the probability of direction (see bayestestR::p_direction() for details). groups can be used to group coefficients. It will be passed to the print-method, or can directly be used in print(), see documentation in print.parameters_model(). Furthermore, see 'Examples' for this function. For developers, whose interest mainly is to get a "tidy" data frame of model summaries, it is recommended to set pretty_names = FALSE to speed up computation of the summary table.


A data frame of indices related to the model's parameters.


mydat <<- data.frame(
  effectsize = c(-0.393, 0.675, 0.282, -1.398),
  stderr = c(0.317, 0.317, 0.13, 0.36)
if (require("metafor", quietly = TRUE)) {
  model <- rma(yi = effectsize, sei = stderr, method = "REML", data = mydat)

# with subgroups
if (require("metafor", quietly = TRUE)) {
  dat <- escalc(
    measure = "RR",
    ai = tpos,
    bi = tneg,
    ci = cpos,
    di = cneg,
    data =
  dat$alloc <- ifelse(dat$alloc == "random", "random", "other")
  d <<- dat
  model <- rma(yi, vi, mods = ~alloc, data = d, digits = 3, slab = author)

if (require("metaBMA", quietly = TRUE)) {
  m <- suppressWarnings(meta_random(logOR, SE, study, data = towels))

Parameters from robust statistical objects in WRS2


Parameters from robust statistical objects in WRS2


## S3 method for class 't1way'
model_parameters(model, keep = NULL, verbose = TRUE, ...)



Object from WRS2 package.


Character containing a regular expression pattern that describes the parameters that should be included (for keep) or excluded (for drop) in the returned data frame. keep may also be a named list of regular expressions. All non-matching parameters will be removed from the output. If keep is a character vector, every parameter name in the "Parameter" column that matches the regular expression in keep will be selected from the returned data frame (and vice versa, all parameter names matching drop will be excluded). Furthermore, if keep has more than one element, these will be merged with an OR operator into a regular expression pattern like this: "(one|two|three)". If keep is a named list of regular expression patterns, the names of the list-element should equal the column name where selection should be applied. This is useful for model objects where model_parameters() returns multiple columns with parameter components, like in model_parameters.lavaan(). Note that the regular expression pattern should match the parameter names as they are stored in the returned data frame, which can be different from how they are printed. Inspect the ⁠$Parameter⁠ column of the parameters table to get the exact parameter names.


Toggle warnings and messages.


Arguments passed to or from other methods.


A data frame of indices related to the model's parameters.


if (require("WRS2") && packageVersion("WRS2") >= "1.1.3") {
  model <- t1way(libido ~ dose, data = viagra)

Parameters from Zero-Inflated Models


Parameters from zero-inflated models (from packages like pscl, cplm or countreg).


## S3 method for class 'zcpglm'
  ci = 0.95,
  bootstrap = FALSE,
  iterations = 1000,
  component = c("all", "conditional", "zi", "zero_inflated"),
  standardize = NULL,
  exponentiate = FALSE,
  p_adjust = NULL,
  keep = NULL,
  drop = NULL,
  summary = getOption("parameters_summary", FALSE),
  verbose = TRUE,

## S3 method for class 'mhurdle'
  ci = 0.95,
  component = c("all", "conditional", "zi", "zero_inflated", "infrequent_purchase", "ip",
  exponentiate = FALSE,
  p_adjust = NULL,
  keep = NULL,
  drop = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE,



A model with zero-inflation component.


Confidence Interval (CI) level. Default to 0.95 (⁠95%⁠).


Should estimates be based on bootstrapped model? If TRUE, then arguments of Bayesian regressions apply (see also bootstrap_parameters()).


The number of bootstrap replicates. This only apply in the case of bootstrapped frequentist models.


Should all parameters, parameters for the conditional model, for the zero-inflation part of the model, or the dispersion model be returned? Applies to models with zero-inflation and/or dispersion component. component may be one of "conditional", "zi", "zero-inflated", "dispersion" or "all" (default). May be abbreviated.


The method used for standardizing the parameters. Can be NULL (default; no standardization), "refit" (for re-fitting the model on standardized data) or one of "basic", "posthoc", "smart", "pseudo". See 'Details' in standardize_parameters(). Importantly:

  • The "refit" method does not standardize categorical predictors (i.e. factors), which may be a different behaviour compared to other R packages (such as lm.beta) or other software packages (like SPSS). to mimic such behaviours, either use standardize="basic" or standardize the data with datawizard::standardize(force=TRUE) before fitting the model.

  • For mixed models, when using methods other than "refit", only the fixed effects will be standardized.

  • Robust estimation (i.e., vcov set to a value other than NULL) of standardized parameters only works when standardize="refit".


Logical, indicating whether or not to exponentiate the coefficients (and related confidence intervals). This is typical for logistic regression, or more generally speaking, for models with log or logit links. It is also recommended to use exponentiate = TRUE for models with log-transformed response values. Note: Delta-method standard errors are also computed (by multiplying the standard errors by the transformed coefficients). This is to mimic behaviour of other software packages, such as Stata, but these standard errors poorly estimate uncertainty for the transformed coefficient. The transformed confidence interval more clearly captures this uncertainty. For compare_parameters(), exponentiate = "nongaussian" will only exponentiate coefficients from non-Gaussian families.


Character vector, if not NULL, indicates the method to adjust p-values. See stats::p.adjust() for details. Further possible adjustment methods are "tukey", "scheffe", "sidak" and "none" to explicitly disable adjustment for emmGrid objects (from emmeans).


Character containing a regular expression pattern that describes the parameters that should be included (for keep) or excluded (for drop) in the returned data frame. keep may also be a named list of regular expressions. All non-matching parameters will be removed from the output. If keep is a character vector, every parameter name in the "Parameter" column that matches the regular expression in keep will be selected from the returned data frame (and vice versa, all parameter names matching drop will be excluded). Furthermore, if keep has more than one element, these will be merged with an OR operator into a regular expression pattern like this: "(one|two|three)". If keep is a named list of regular expression patterns, the names of the list-element should equal the column name where selection should be applied. This is useful for model objects where model_parameters() returns multiple columns with parameter components, like in model_parameters.lavaan(). Note that the regular expression pattern should match the parameter names as they are stored in the returned data frame, which can be different from how they are printed. Inspect the ⁠$Parameter⁠ column of the parameters table to get the exact parameter names.


See keep.


Logical, if TRUE, prints summary information about the model (model formula, number of observations, residual standard deviation and more).


Toggle warnings and messages.


Arguments passed to or from other methods. For instance, when bootstrap = TRUE, arguments like type or parallel are passed down to bootstrap_model(). Further non-documented arguments are digits, p_digits, ci_digits and footer_digits to set the number of digits for the output. If s_value = TRUE, the p-value will be replaced by the S-value in the output (cf. Rafi and Greenland 2020). pd adds an additional column with the probability of direction (see bayestestR::p_direction() for details). groups can be used to group coefficients. It will be passed to the print-method, or can directly be used in print(), see documentation in print.parameters_model(). Furthermore, see 'Examples' for this function. For developers, whose interest mainly is to get a "tidy" data frame of model summaries, it is recommended to set pretty_names = FALSE to speed up computation of the summary table.


A data frame of indices related to the model's parameters.

See Also

insight::standardize_names() to rename columns into a consistent, standardized naming scheme.


if (require("pscl")) {
  model <- zeroinfl(art ~ fem + mar + kid5 + ment | kid5 + phd, data = bioChemists)

Find number of clusters in your data


Similarly to n_factors() for factor / principal component analysis, n_clusters() is the main function to find out the optimal numbers of clusters present in the data based on the maximum consensus of a large number of methods.

Essentially, there exist many methods to determine the optimal number of clusters, each with pros and cons, benefits and limitations. The main n_clusters function proposes to run all of them, and find out the number of clusters that is suggested by the majority of methods (in case of ties, it will select the most parsimonious solution with fewer clusters).

Note that we also implement some specific, commonly used methods, like the Elbow or the Gap method, with their own visualization functionalities. See the examples below for more details.


  standardize = TRUE,
  include_factors = FALSE,
  package = c("easystats", "NbClust", "mclust"),
  fast = TRUE,
  nbclust_method = "kmeans",
  n_max = 10,

  standardize = TRUE,
  include_factors = FALSE,
  clustering_function = stats::kmeans,
  n_max = 10,

  standardize = TRUE,
  include_factors = FALSE,
  clustering_function = stats::kmeans,
  n_max = 10,
  gap_method = "firstSEmax",

  standardize = TRUE,
  include_factors = FALSE,
  clustering_function = stats::kmeans,
  n_max = 10,

  standardize = TRUE,
  include_factors = FALSE,
  method = c("kNN", "SS"),
  min_size = 0.1,
  eps_n = 50,
  eps_range = c(0.1, 3),

  standardize = TRUE,
  include_factors = FALSE,
  distance_method = "correlation",
  hclust_method = "average",
  ci = 0.95,
  iterations = 100,



A data frame.


Standardize the dataframe before clustering (default).


Logical, if TRUE, factors are converted to numerical values in order to be included in the data for determining the number of clusters. By default, factors are removed, because most methods that determine the number of clusters need numeric input only.


Package from which methods are to be called to determine the number of clusters. Can be "all" or a vector containing "easystats", "NbClust", "mclust", and "M3C".


If FALSE, will compute 4 more indices (sets index = "allong" in NbClust). This has been deactivated by default as it is computationally heavy.


The clustering method (passed to NbClust::NbClust() as method).


Maximal number of clusters to test.


Arguments passed to or from other methods. For instance, when bootstrap = TRUE, arguments like type or parallel are passed down to bootstrap_model(). Further non-documented arguments are digits, p_digits, ci_digits and footer_digits to set the number of digits for the output. If s_value = TRUE, the p-value will be replaced by the S-value in the output (cf. Rafi and Greenland 2020). pd adds an additional column with the probability of direction (see bayestestR::p_direction() for details). groups can be used to group coefficients. It will be passed to the print-method, or can directly be used in print(), see documentation in print.parameters_model(). Furthermore, see 'Examples' for this function. For developers, whose interest mainly is to get a "tidy" data frame of model summaries, it is recommended to set pretty_names = FALSE to speed up computation of the summary table.

clustering_function, gap_method

Other arguments passed to other functions. clustering_function is used by fviz_nbclust() and can be kmeans, cluster::pam, cluster::clara, cluster::fanny, and more. gap_method is used by cluster::maxSE to extract the optimal numbers of clusters (see its method argument).

method, min_size, eps_n, eps_range

Arguments for DBSCAN algorithm.


The distance method (passed to dist()). Used by algorithms relying on the distance matrix, such as hclust or dbscan.


The hierarchical clustering method (passed to hclust()).


Confidence Interval (CI) level. Default to 0.95 (⁠95%⁠).


The number of bootstrap replicates. This only apply in the case of bootstrapped frequentist models.


There is also a plot()-method implemented in the see-package.



# The main 'n_clusters' function ===============================
if (require("mclust", quietly = TRUE) && require("NbClust", quietly = TRUE) &&
  require("cluster", quietly = TRUE) && require("see", quietly = TRUE)) {
  n <- n_clusters(iris[, 1:4], package = c("NbClust", "mclust")) # package can be "all"
  summary(n) # Duration is the time elapsed for each method in seconds

  # The following runs all the method but it significantly slower
  # n_clusters(iris[1:4], standardize = FALSE, package = "all", fast = FALSE)

x <- n_clusters_elbow(iris[1:4])

# Gap method --------------------
if (require("see", quietly = TRUE) &&
  require("cluster", quietly = TRUE) &&
  require("factoextra", quietly = TRUE)) {
  x <- n_clusters_gap(iris[1:4])

# Silhouette method --------------------------
if (require("factoextra", quietly = TRUE)) {
  x <- n_clusters_silhouette(iris[1:4])

if (require("dbscan", quietly = TRUE)) {
  # DBSCAN method -------------------------
  # NOTE: This actually primarily estimates the 'eps' parameter, the number of
  # clusters is a side effect (it's the number of clusters corresponding to
  # this 'optimal' EPS parameter).
  x <- n_clusters_dbscan(iris[1:4], method = "kNN", min_size = 0.05) # 5 percent

  x <- n_clusters_dbscan(iris[1:4], method = "SS", eps_n = 100, eps_range = c(0.1, 2))

# hclust method -------------------------------
if (require("pvclust", quietly = TRUE)) {
  # iterations should be higher for real analyses
  x <- n_clusters_hclust(iris[1:4], iterations = 50, ci = 0.90)
  head(, n = 10) # Print 10 first rows

Number of components/factors to retain in PCA/FA


This function runs many existing procedures for determining how many factors to retain/extract from factor analysis (FA) or dimension reduction (PCA). It returns the number of factors based on the maximum consensus between methods. In case of ties, it will keep the simplest model and select the solution with the fewer factors.


  type = "FA",
  rotation = "varimax",
  algorithm = "default",
  package = c("nFactors", "psych"),
  cor = NULL,
  safe = TRUE,
  n_max = NULL,

  type = "PCA",
  rotation = "varimax",
  algorithm = "default",
  package = c("nFactors", "psych"),
  cor = NULL,
  safe = TRUE,



A data frame.


Can be "FA" or "PCA", depending on what you want to do.


Only used for VSS (Very Simple Structure criterion, see psych::VSS()). The rotation to apply. Can be "none", "varimax", "quartimax", "bentlerT", "equamax", "varimin", "geominT" and "bifactor" for orthogonal rotations, and "promax", "oblimin", "simplimax", "bentlerQ", "geominQ", "biquartimin" and "cluster" for oblique transformations.


Factoring method used by VSS. Can be "pa" for Principal Axis Factor Analysis, "minres" for minimum residual (OLS) factoring, "mle" for Maximum Likelihood FA and "pc" for Principal Components. "default" will select "minres" if type = "FA" and "pc" if type = "PCA".


Package from which respective methods are used. Can be "all" or a vector containing "nFactors", "psych", "PCDimension", "fit" or "EGAnet". Note that "fit" (which actually also relies on the psych package) and "EGAnet" can be very slow for bigger datasets. Thus, the default is c("nFactors", "psych"). You must have the respective packages installed for the methods to be used.


An optional correlation matrix that can be used (note that the data must still be passed as the first argument). If NULL, will compute it by running cor() on the passed data.


If TRUE, the function will run all the procedures in try blocks, and will only return those that work and silently skip the ones that may fail.


If set to a value (e.g., 10), will drop from the results all methods that suggest a higher number of components. The interpretation becomes 'from all the methods that suggested a number lower than n_max, the results are ...'.


Arguments passed to or from other methods.


n_components() is actually an alias for n_factors(), with different defaults for the function arguments.


A data frame.


There is also a plot()-method implemented in the see-package. n_components() is a convenient short-cut for n_factors(type = "PCA").


  • Bartlett, M. S. (1950). Tests of significance in factor analysis. British Journal of statistical psychology, 3(2), 77-85.

  • Bentler, P. M., & Yuan, K. H. (1996). Test of linear trend in eigenvalues of a covariance matrix with application to data analysis. British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology, 49(2), 299-312.

  • Cattell, R. B. (1966). The scree test for the number of factors. Multivariate behavioral research, 1(2), 245-276.

  • Finch, W. H. (2019). Using Fit Statistic Differences to Determine the Optimal Number of Factors to Retain in an Exploratory Factor Analysis. Educational and Psychological Measurement.

  • Zoski, K. W., & Jurs, S. (1996). An objective counterpart to the visual scree test for factor analysis: The standard error scree. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 56(3), 443-451.

  • Zoski, K., & Jurs, S. (1993). Using multiple regression to determine the number of factors to retain in factor analysis. Multiple Linear Regression Viewpoints, 20(1), 5-9.

  • Nasser, F., Benson, J., & Wisenbaker, J. (2002). The performance of regression-based variations of the visual scree for determining the number of common factors. Educational and psychological measurement, 62(3), 397-419.

  • Golino, H., Shi, D., Garrido, L. E., Christensen, A. P., Nieto, M. D., Sadana, R., & Thiyagarajan, J. A. (2018). Investigating the performance of Exploratory Graph Analysis and traditional techniques to identify the number of latent factors: A simulation and tutorial.

  • Golino, H. F., & Epskamp, S. (2017). Exploratory graph analysis: A new approach for estimating the number of dimensions in psychological research. PloS one, 12(6), e0174035.

  • Revelle, W., & Rocklin, T. (1979). Very simple structure: An alternative procedure for estimating the optimal number of interpretable factors. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 14(4), 403-414.

  • Velicer, W. F. (1976). Determining the number of components from the matrix of partial correlations. Psychometrika, 41(3), 321-327.


n_factors(mtcars, type = "PCA")

result <- n_factors(mtcars[1:5], type = "FA")

# Setting package = 'all' will increase the number of methods (but is slow)
n_factors(mtcars, type = "PCA", package = "all")
n_factors(mtcars, type = "FA", algorithm = "mle", package = "all")

Calculate calibrated p-values.


Compute calibrated p-values that can be interpreted probabilistically, i.e. as posterior probability of H0 (given that H0 and H1 have equal prior probabilities).


p_calibrate(x, ...)

## Default S3 method:
p_calibrate(x, type = "frequentist", verbose = TRUE, ...)



A numeric vector of p-values, or a regression model object.


Currently not used.


Type of calibration. Can be "frequentist" or "bayesian". See 'Details'.


Toggle warnings.


The Bayesian calibration, i.e. when type = "bayesian", can be interpreted as the lower bound of the Bayes factor for H0 to H1, based on the data. The full Bayes factor would then require multiplying by the prior odds of H0 to H1. The frequentist calibration also has a Bayesian interpretation; it is the posterior probability of H0, assuming that H0 and H1 have equal prior probabilities of 0.5 each (Sellke et al. 2001).

The calibration only works for p-values lower than or equal to 1/e.


A data frame with p-values and calibrated p-values.


Thomas Sellke, M. J Bayarri and James O Berger (2001) Calibration of p Values for Testing Precise Null Hypotheses, The American Statistician, 55:1, 62-71, doi:10.1198/000313001300339950


model <- lm(mpg ~ wt + as.factor(gear) + am, data = mtcars)
p_calibrate(model, verbose = FALSE)

Probability of Direction (pd)


Compute the Probability of Direction (pd, also known as the Maximum Probability of Effect - MPE). This can be interpreted as the probability that a parameter (described by its full confidence, or "compatibility" interval) is strictly positive or negative (whichever is the most probable). Although differently expressed, this index is fairly similar (i.e., is strongly correlated) to the frequentist p-value (see 'Details').


## S3 method for class 'lm'
  ci = 0.95,
  method = "direct",
  null = 0,
  vcov = NULL,
  vcov_args = NULL,



A statistical model.


Confidence Interval (CI) level. Default to 0.95 (⁠95%⁠).


Can be "direct" or one of methods of estimate_density(), such as "kernel", "logspline" or "KernSmooth". See details.


The value considered as a "null" effect. Traditionally 0, but could also be 1 in the case of ratios of change (OR, IRR, ...).


Variance-covariance matrix used to compute uncertainty estimates (e.g., for robust standard errors). This argument accepts a covariance matrix, a function which returns a covariance matrix, or a string which identifies the function to be used to compute the covariance matrix.

  • A covariance matrix

  • A function which returns a covariance matrix (e.g., stats::vcov())

  • A string which indicates the kind of uncertainty estimates to return.

    • Heteroskedasticity-consistent: "vcovHC", "HC", "HC0", "HC1", "HC2", "HC3", "HC4", "HC4m", "HC5". See ?sandwich::vcovHC.

    • Cluster-robust: "vcovCR", "CR0", "CR1", "CR1p", "CR1S", "CR2", "CR3". See ?clubSandwich::vcovCR.

    • Bootstrap: "vcovBS", "xy", "residual", "wild", "mammen", "webb". See ?sandwich::vcovBS.

    • Other sandwich package functions: "vcovHAC", "vcovPC", "vcovCL", "vcovPL".


List of arguments to be passed to the function identified by the vcov argument. This function is typically supplied by the sandwich or clubSandwich packages. Please refer to their documentation (e.g., ?sandwich::vcovHAC) to see the list of available arguments.


Arguments passed to other methods, e.g. ci(). Arguments like vcov or vcov_args can be used to compute confidence intervals using a specific variance-covariance matrix for the standard errors.


A data frame.

What is the pd?

The Probability of Direction (pd) is an index of effect existence, representing the certainty with which an effect goes in a particular direction (i.e., is positive or negative / has a sign), typically ranging from 0.5 to 1 (but see next section for cases where it can range between 0 and 1). Beyond its simplicity of interpretation, understanding and computation, this index also presents other interesting properties:

  • Like other posterior-based indices, pd is solely based on the posterior distributions and does not require any additional information from the data or the model (e.g., such as priors, as in the case of Bayes factors).

  • It is robust to the scale of both the response variable and the predictors.

  • It is strongly correlated with the frequentist p-value, and can thus be used to draw parallels and give some reference to readers non-familiar with Bayesian statistics (Makowski et al., 2019).

Relationship with the p-value

In most cases, it seems that the pd has a direct correspondence with the frequentist one-sided p-value through the formula (for two-sided p): p = 2 * (1 - pd) Thus, a two-sided p-value of respectively .1, .05, .01 and .001 would correspond approximately to a pd of ⁠95%⁠, ⁠97.5%⁠, ⁠99.5%⁠ and ⁠99.95%⁠. See pd_to_p() for details.

Possible Range of Values

The largest value pd can take is 1 - the posterior is strictly directional. However, the smallest value pd can take depends on the parameter space represented by the posterior.

For a continuous parameter space, exact values of 0 (or any point null value) are not possible, and so 100% of the posterior has some sign, some positive, some negative. Therefore, the smallest the pd can be is 0.5 - with an equal posterior mass of positive and negative values. Values close to 0.5 cannot be used to support the null hypothesis (that the parameter does not have a direction) is a similar why to how large p-values cannot be used to support the null hypothesis (see pd_to_p(); Makowski et al., 2019).

For a discrete parameter space or a parameter space that is a mixture between discrete and continuous spaces, exact values of 0 (or any point null value) are possible! Therefore, the smallest the pd can be is 0 - with 100% of the posterior mass on 0. Thus values close to 0 can be used to support the null hypothesis (see van den Bergh et al., 2021).

Examples of posteriors representing discrete parameter space:

  • When a parameter can only take discrete values.

  • When a mixture prior/posterior is used (such as the spike-and-slab prior; see van den Bergh et al., 2021).

  • When conducting Bayesian model averaging (e.g., weighted_posteriors() or brms::posterior_average).

Statistical inference - how to quantify evidence

There is no standardized approach to drawing conclusions based on the available data and statistical models. A frequently chosen but also much criticized approach is to evaluate results based on their statistical significance (Amrhein et al. 2017).

A more sophisticated way would be to test whether estimated effects exceed the "smallest effect size of interest", to avoid even the smallest effects being considered relevant simply because they are statistically significant, but clinically or practically irrelevant (Lakens et al. 2018, Lakens 2024).

A rather unconventional approach, which is nevertheless advocated by various authors, is to interpret results from classical regression models either in terms of probabilities, similar to the usual approach in Bayesian statistics (Schweder 2018; Schweder and Hjort 2003; Vos 2022) or in terms of relative measure of "evidence" or "compatibility" with the data (Greenland et al. 2022; Rafi and Greenland 2020), which nevertheless comes close to a probabilistic interpretation.

A more detailed discussion of this topic is found in the documentation of p_function().

The parameters package provides several options or functions to aid statistical inference. These are, for example:

  • equivalence_test(), to compute the (conditional) equivalence test for frequentist models

  • p_significance(), to compute the probability of practical significance, which can be conceptualized as a unidirectional equivalence test

  • p_function(), or consonance function, to compute p-values and compatibility (confidence) intervals for statistical models

  • the pd argument (setting pd = TRUE) in model_parameters() includes a column with the probability of direction, i.e. the probability that a parameter is strictly positive or negative. See bayestestR::p_direction() for details. If plotting is desired, the p_direction() function can be used, together with plot().

  • the s_value argument (setting s_value = TRUE) in model_parameters() replaces the p-values with their related S-values (Rafi and Greenland 2020)

  • finally, it is possible to generate distributions of model coefficients by generating bootstrap-samples (setting bootstrap = TRUE) or simulating draws from model coefficients using simulate_model(). These samples can then be treated as "posterior samples" and used in many functions from the bayestestR package.

Most of the above shown options or functions derive from methods originally implemented for Bayesian models (Makowski et al. 2019). However, assuming that model assumptions are met (which means, the model fits well to the data, the correct model is chosen that reflects the data generating process (distributional model family) etc.), it seems appropriate to interpret results from classical frequentist models in a "Bayesian way" (more details: documentation in p_function()).


  • Amrhein, V., Korner-Nievergelt, F., and Roth, T. (2017). The earth is flat (p > 0.05): Significance thresholds and the crisis of unreplicable research. PeerJ, 5, e3544. doi:10.7717/peerj.3544

  • Greenland S, Rafi Z, Matthews R, Higgs M. To Aid Scientific Inference, Emphasize Unconditional Compatibility Descriptions of Statistics. (2022) (Accessed November 10, 2022)

  • Lakens, D. (2024). Improving Your Statistical Inferences (Version v1.5.1). Retrieved from doi:10.5281/ZENODO.6409077

  • Lakens, D., Scheel, A. M., and Isager, P. M. (2018). Equivalence Testing for Psychological Research: A Tutorial. Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science, 1(2), 259–269. doi:10.1177/2515245918770963

  • Makowski, D., Ben-Shachar, M. S., Chen, S. H. A., and Lüdecke, D. (2019). Indices of Effect Existence and Significance in the Bayesian Framework. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 2767. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2019.02767

  • Rafi Z, Greenland S. Semantic and cognitive tools to aid statistical science: replace confidence and significance by compatibility and surprise. BMC Medical Research Methodology (2020) 20:244.

  • Schweder T. Confidence is epistemic probability for empirical science. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference (2018) 195:116–125. doi:10.1016/j.jspi.2017.09.016

  • Schweder T, Hjort NL. Frequentist analogues of priors and posteriors. In Stigum, B. (ed.), Econometrics and the Philosophy of Economics: Theory Data Confrontation in Economics, pp. 285-217. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, 2003

  • Vos P, Holbert D. Frequentist statistical inference without repeated sampling. Synthese 200, 89 (2022). doi:10.1007/s11229-022-03560-x

See Also

See also equivalence_test(), p_function() and p_significance() for functions related to checking effect existence and significance.


model <- lm(QoL ~ time + age + education, data = qol_cancer)

# based on heteroscedasticity-robust standard errors
p_direction(model, vcov = "HC3")

result <- p_direction(model)

p-value or consonance function


Compute p-values and compatibility (confidence) intervals for statistical models, at different levels. This function is also called consonance function. It allows to see which estimates are compatible with the model at various compatibility levels. Use plot() to generate plots of the p resp. consonance function and compatibility intervals at different levels.


  ci_levels = c(0.25, 0.5, 0.75, emph = 0.95),
  exponentiate = FALSE,
  effects = "fixed",
  component = "all",
  vcov = NULL,
  vcov_args = NULL,
  keep = NULL,
  drop = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE,

  ci_levels = c(0.25, 0.5, 0.75, emph = 0.95),
  exponentiate = FALSE,
  effects = "fixed",
  component = "all",
  vcov = NULL,
  vcov_args = NULL,
  keep = NULL,
  drop = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE,

  ci_levels = c(0.25, 0.5, 0.75, emph = 0.95),
  exponentiate = FALSE,
  effects = "fixed",
  component = "all",
  vcov = NULL,
  vcov_args = NULL,
  keep = NULL,
  drop = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE,



Statistical Model.


Vector of scalars, indicating the different levels at which compatibility intervals should be printed or plotted. In plots, these levels are highlighted by vertical lines. It is possible to increase thickness for one or more of these lines by providing a names vector, where the to be highlighted values should be named "emph", e.g ci_levels = c(0.25, 0.5, emph = 0.95).


Logical, indicating whether or not to exponentiate the coefficients (and related confidence intervals). This is typical for logistic regression, or more generally speaking, for models with log or logit links. It is also recommended to use exponentiate = TRUE for models with log-transformed response values. Note: Delta-method standard errors are also computed (by multiplying the standard errors by the transformed coefficients). This is to mimic behaviour of other software packages, such as Stata, but these standard errors poorly estimate uncertainty for the transformed coefficient. The transformed confidence interval more clearly captures this uncertainty. For compare_parameters(), exponentiate = "nongaussian" will only exponentiate coefficients from non-Gaussian families.


Should parameters for fixed effects ("fixed"), random effects ("random"), or both ("all") be returned? Only applies to mixed models. May be abbreviated. If the calculation of random effects parameters takes too long, you may use effects = "fixed".


Should all parameters, parameters for the conditional model, for the zero-inflation part of the model, or the dispersion model be returned? Applies to models with zero-inflation and/or dispersion component. component may be one of "conditional", "zi", "zero-inflated", "dispersion" or "all" (default). May be abbreviated.


Variance-covariance matrix used to compute uncertainty estimates (e.g., for robust standard errors). This argument accepts a covariance matrix, a function which returns a covariance matrix, or a string which identifies the function to be used to compute the covariance matrix.

  • A covariance matrix

  • A function which returns a covariance matrix (e.g., stats::vcov())

  • A string which indicates the kind of uncertainty estimates to return.

    • Heteroskedasticity-consistent: "vcovHC", "HC", "HC0", "HC1", "HC2", "HC3", "HC4", "HC4m", "HC5". See ?sandwich::vcovHC.

    • Cluster-robust: "vcovCR", "CR0", "CR1", "CR1p", "CR1S", "CR2", "CR3". See ?clubSandwich::vcovCR.

    • Bootstrap: "vcovBS", "xy", "residual", "wild", "mammen", "webb". See ?sandwich::vcovBS.

    • Other sandwich package functions: "vcovHAC", "vcovPC", "vcovCL", "vcovPL".


List of arguments to be passed to the function identified by the vcov argument. This function is typically supplied by the sandwich or clubSandwich packages. Please refer to their documentation (e.g., ?sandwich::vcovHAC) to see the list of available arguments.


Character containing a regular expression pattern that describes the parameters that should be included (for keep) or excluded (for drop) in the returned data frame. keep may also be a named list of regular expressions. All non-matching parameters will be removed from the output. If keep is a character vector, every parameter name in the "Parameter" column that matches the regular expression in keep will be selected from the returned data frame (and vice versa, all parameter names matching drop will be excluded). Furthermore, if keep has more than one element, these will be merged with an OR operator into a regular expression pattern like this: "(one|two|three)". If keep is a named list of regular expression patterns, the names of the list-element should equal the column name where selection should be applied. This is useful for model objects where model_parameters() returns multiple columns with parameter components, like in model_parameters.lavaan(). Note that the regular expression pattern should match the parameter names as they are stored in the returned data frame, which can be different from how they are printed. Inspect the ⁠$Parameter⁠ column of the parameters table to get the exact parameter names.


See keep.


Toggle warnings and messages.


Arguments passed to or from other methods. Non-documented arguments are digits, p_digits, ci_digits and footer_digits to set the number of digits for the output. If s_value = TRUE, the p-value will be replaced by the S-value in the output (cf. Rafi and Greenland 2020). pd adds an additional column with the probability of direction (see bayestestR::p_direction() for details). groups can be used to group coefficients. It will be passed to the print-method, or can directly be used in print(), see documentation in print.parameters_model(). Furthermore, see 'Examples' in model_parameters.default(). For developers, whose interest mainly is to get a "tidy" data frame of model summaries, it is recommended to set pretty_names = FALSE to speed up computation of the summary table.


Compatibility intervals and continuous p-values for different estimate values

p_function() only returns the compatibility interval estimates, not the related p-values. The reason for this is because the p-value for a given estimate value is just 1 - CI_level. The values indicating the lower and upper limits of the intervals are the related estimates associated with the p-value. E.g., if a parameter x has a 75% compatibility interval of ⁠(0.81, 1.05)⁠, then the p-value for the estimate value of 0.81 would be 1 - 0.75, which is 0.25. This relationship is more intuitive and better to understand when looking at the plots (using plot()).

Conditional versus unconditional interpretation of p-values and intervals

p_function(), and in particular its plot() method, aims at re-interpreting p-values and confidence intervals (better named: compatibility intervals) in unconditional terms. Instead of referring to the long-term property and repeated trials when interpreting interval estimates (so-called "aleatory probability", Schweder 2018), and assuming that all underlying assumptions are correct and met, p_function() interprets p-values in a Fisherian way as "continuous measure of evidence against the very test hypothesis and entire model (all assumptions) used to compute it" (P-Values Are Tough and S-Values Can Help,; see also Amrhein and Greenland 2022).

This interpretation as a continuous measure of evidence against the test hypothesis and the entire model used to compute it can be seen in the figure below (taken from P-Values Are Tough and S-Values Can Help, The "conditional" interpretation of p-values and interval estimates (A) implicitly assumes certain assumptions to be true, thus the interpretation is "conditioned" on these assumptions (i.e. assumptions are taken as given). The unconditional interpretation (B), however, questions all these assumptions.

Conditional versus unconditional interpretations of P-values

"Emphasizing unconditional interpretations helps avoid overconfident and misleading inferences in light of uncertainties about the assumptions used to arrive at the statistical results." (Greenland et al. 2022).

Note: The term "conditional" as used by Rafi and Greenland probably has a slightly different meaning than normally. "Conditional" in this notion means that all model assumptions are taken as given - it should not be confused with terms like "conditional probability". See also Greenland et al. 2022 for a detailed elaboration on this issue.

In other words, the term compatibility interval emphasizes "the dependence of the p-value on the assumptions as well as on the data, recognizing that p<0.05 can arise from assumption violations even if the effect under study is null" (Gelman/Greenland 2019).

Probabilistic interpretation of p-values and compatibility intervals

Schweder (2018) resp. Schweder and Hjort (2016) (and others) argue that confidence curves (as produced by p_function()) have a valid probabilistic interpretation. They distinguish between aleatory probability, which describes the aleatory stochastic element of a distribution ex ante, i.e. before the data are obtained. This is the classical interpretation of confidence intervals following the Neyman-Pearson school of statistics. However, there is also an ex post probability, called epistemic probability, for confidence curves. The shift in terminology from confidence intervals to compatibility intervals may help emphasizing this interpretation.

In this sense, the probabilistic interpretation of p-values and compatibility intervals is "conditional" - on the data and model assumptions (which is in line with the "unconditional" interpretation in the sense of Rafi and Greenland).

Ascribing a probabilistic interpretation to one realized confidence interval is possible without repeated sampling of the specific experiment. Important is the assumption that a sampling distribution is a good description of the variability of the parameter (Vos and Holbert 2022). At the core, the interpretation of a confidence interval is "I assume that this sampling distribution is a good description of the uncertainty of the parameter. If that's a good assumption, then the values in this interval are the most plausible or compatible with the data". The source of confidence in probability statements is the assumption that the selected sampling distribution is appropriate.

"The realized confidence distribution is clearly an epistemic probability distribution" (Schweder 2018). In Bayesian words, compatibility intervals (or confidence distributons, or consonance curves) are "posteriors without priors" (Schweder, Hjort, 2003).

The p-value indicates the degree of compatibility of the endpoints of the interval at a given confidence level with (1) the observed data and (2) model assumptions. The observed point estimate (p-value = 1) is the value estimated to be most compatible with the data and model assumptions, whereas values values far from the observed point estimate (where p approaches 0) are least compatible with the data and model assumptions (Schweder and Hjort 2016, pp. 60-61; Amrhein and Greenland 2022). In this regards, p-values are statements about confidence or compatibility: The p-value is not an absolute measure of evidence for a model (such as the null/alternative model), it is a continuous measure of the compatibility of the observed data with the model used to compute it (Greenland et al. 2016, Greenland 2023). Going one step further, and following Schweder, p-values can be considered as epistemic probability - "not necessarily of the hypothesis being true, but of it possibly being true" (Schweder 2018). Hence, the interpretation of p-values might be guided using bayestestR::p_to_pd().

Probability or compatibility?

We here presented the discussion of p-values and confidence intervals from the perspective of two paradigms, one saying that probability statements can be made, one saying that interpretation is guided in terms of "compatibility". Cox and Hinkley say, "interval estimates cannot be taken as probability statements" (Cox and Hinkley 1979: 208), which conflicts with the Schweder and Hjort confidence distribution school. However, if you view interval estimates as being intervals of values being consistent with the data, this comes close to the idea of (epistemic) probability. We do not believe that these two pardigms contradict or exclude each other. Rather, the aim is to emphasise one point of view or the other, i.e. to place the linguistic nuances either on 'compatibility' or 'probability'.

The main take-away is not to interpret p-values as dichotomous decisions that distinguish between "we found an effect" (statistically significant)" vs. "we found no effect" (statistically not significant) (Altman and Bland 1995).

Compatibility intervals - is their interpretation "conditional" or not?

The fact that the term "conditional" is used in different meanings in statistics, is confusing and unfortunate. Thus, we would summarize the (probabilistic) interpretation of compatibility intervals as follows: The intervals are built from the data and our modeling assumptions. The accuracy of the intervals depends on our model assumptions. If a value is outside the interval, that might be because (1) that parameter value isn't supported by the data, or (2) the modeling assumptions are a poor fit for the situation. When we make bad assumptions, the compatibility interval might be too wide or (more commonly and seriously) too narrow, making us think we know more about the parameter than is warranted.

When we say "there is a 95% chance the true value is in the interval", that is a statement of epistemic probability (i.e. description of uncertainty related to our knowledge or belief). When we talk about repeated samples or sampling distributions, that is referring to aleatoric (physical properties) probability. Frequentist inference is built on defining estimators with known aleatoric probability properties, from which we can draw epistemic probabilistic statements of uncertainty (Schweder and Hjort 2016).

Functions in the parameters package to check for effect existence and significance

The parameters package provides several options or functions to aid statistical inference. Beyond p_function(), there are, for example:

  • equivalence_test(), to compute the (conditional) equivalence test for frequentist models

  • p_significance(), to compute the probability of practical significance, which can be conceptualized as a unidirectional equivalence test

  • the pd argument (setting pd = TRUE) in model_parameters() includes a column with the probability of direction, i.e. the probability that a parameter is strictly positive or negative. See bayestestR::p_direction() for details. If plotting is desired, the p_direction() function can be used, together with plot().

  • the s_value argument (setting s_value = TRUE) in model_parameters() replaces the p-values with their related S-values (Rafi and Greenland 2020)

  • finally, it is possible to generate distributions of model coefficients by generating bootstrap-samples (setting bootstrap = TRUE) or simulating draws from model coefficients using simulate_model(). These samples can then be treated as "posterior samples" and used in many functions from the bayestestR package.


A data frame with p-values and compatibility intervals.


Curently, p_function() computes intervals based on Wald t- or z-statistic. For certain models (like mixed models), profiled intervals may be more accurate, however, this is currently not supported.


  • Altman DG, Bland JM. Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. BMJ. 1995;311(7003):485. doi:10.1136/bmj.311.7003.485

  • Amrhein V, Greenland S. Discuss practical importance of results based on interval estimates and p-value functions, not only on point estimates and null p-values. Journal of Information Technology 2022;37:316–20. doi:10.1177/02683962221105904

  • Cox DR, Hinkley DV. 1979. Theoretical Statistics. 6th edition. Chapman and Hall/CRC

  • Fraser DAS. The P-value function and statistical inference. The American Statistician. 2019;73(sup1):135-147. doi:10.1080/00031305.2018.1556735

  • Gelman A, Greenland S. Are confidence intervals better termed "uncertainty intervals"? BMJ (2019)l5381. doi:10.1136/bmj.l5381

  • Greenland S, Rafi Z, Matthews R, Higgs M. To Aid Scientific Inference, Emphasize Unconditional Compatibility Descriptions of Statistics. (2022) (Accessed November 10, 2022)

  • Greenland S, Senn SJ, Rothman KJ, Carlin JB, Poole C, Goodman SN, et al. (2016). Statistical tests, P values, confidence intervals, and power: A guide to misinterpretations. European Journal of Epidemiology. 31:337-350. doi:10.1007/s10654-016-0149-3

  • Greenland S (2023). Divergence versus decision P-values: A distinction worth making in theory and keeping in practice: Or, how divergence P-values measure evidence even when decision P-values do not. Scand J Statist, 50(1), 54-88.

  • Rafi Z, Greenland S. Semantic and cognitive tools to aid statistical science: Replace confidence and significance by compatibility and surprise. BMC Medical Research Methodology. 2020;20(1):244. doi:10.1186/s12874-020-01105-9

  • Schweder T. Confidence is epistemic probability for empirical science. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference (2018) 195:116–125. doi:10.1016/j.jspi.2017.09.016

  • Schweder T, Hjort NL. Confidence and Likelihood. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics. 2002;29(2):309-332. doi:10.1111/1467-9469.00285

  • Schweder T, Hjort NL. Frequentist analogues of priors and posteriors. In Stigum, B. (ed.), Econometrics and the Philosophy of Economics: Theory Data Confrontation in Economics, pp. 285-217. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, 2003

  • Schweder T, Hjort NL. Confidence, Likelihood, Probability: Statistical inference with confidence distributions. Cambridge University Press, 2016.

  • Vos P, Holbert D. Frequentist statistical inference without repeated sampling. Synthese 200, 89 (2022). doi:10.1007/s11229-022-03560-x

See Also

See also equivalence_test() and p_significance() for functions related to checking effect existence and significance.


model <- lm(Sepal.Length ~ Species, data = iris)

model <- lm(mpg ~ wt + as.factor(gear) + am, data = mtcars)
result <- p_function(model)

# single panels
plot(result, n_columns = 2)

# integrated plot, the default

Practical Significance (ps)


Compute the probability of Practical Significance (ps), which can be conceptualized as a unidirectional equivalence test. It returns the probability that an effect is above a given threshold corresponding to a negligible effect in the median's direction, considering a parameter's full confidence interval. In other words, it returns the probability of a clear direction of an effect, which is larger than the smallest effect size of interest (e.g., a minimal important difference). Its theoretical range is from zero to one, but the ps is typically larger than 0.5 (to indicate practical significance).

In comparison the the equivalence_test() function, where the SGPV (second generation p-value) describes the proportion of the full confidence interval that is inside the ROPE, the value returned by p_significance() describes the larger proportion of the full confidence interval that is outside the ROPE. This makes p_significance() comparable to bayestestR::p_direction(), however, while p_direction() compares to a point-null by default, p_significance() compares to a range-null.


## S3 method for class 'lm'
  threshold = "default",
  ci = 0.95,
  vcov = NULL,
  vcov_args = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE,



A statistical model.


The threshold value that separates significant from negligible effect, which can have following possible values:

  • "default", in which case the range is set to 0.1 if input is a vector, and based on rope_range() if a (Bayesian) model is provided.

  • a single numeric value (e.g., 0.1), which is used as range around zero (i.e. the threshold range is set to -0.1 and 0.1, i.e. reflects a symmetric interval)

  • a numeric vector of length two (e.g., c(-0.2, 0.1)), useful for asymmetric intervals

  • a list of numeric vectors, where each vector corresponds to a parameter

  • a list of named numeric vectors, where names correspond to parameter names. In this case, all parameters that have no matching name in threshold will be set to "default".


Confidence Interval (CI) level. Default to 0.95 (⁠95%⁠).


Variance-covariance matrix used to compute uncertainty estimates (e.g., for robust standard errors). This argument accepts a covariance matrix, a function which returns a covariance matrix, or a string which identifies the function to be used to compute the covariance matrix.

  • A covariance matrix

  • A function which returns a covariance matrix (e.g., stats::vcov())

  • A string which indicates the kind of uncertainty estimates to return.

    • Heteroskedasticity-consistent: "vcovHC", "HC", "HC0", "HC1", "HC2", "HC3", "HC4", "HC4m", "HC5". See ?sandwich::vcovHC.

    • Cluster-robust: "vcovCR", "CR0", "CR1", "CR1p", "CR1S", "CR2", "CR3". See ?clubSandwich::vcovCR.

    • Bootstrap: "vcovBS", "xy", "residual", "wild", "mammen", "webb". See ?sandwich::vcovBS.

    • Other sandwich package functions: "vcovHAC", "vcovPC", "vcovCL", "vcovPL".


List of arguments to be passed to the function identified by the vcov argument. This function is typically supplied by the sandwich or clubSandwich packages. Please refer to their documentation (e.g., ?sandwich::vcovHAC) to see the list of available arguments.


Toggle warnings and messages.


Arguments passed to other methods.


p_significance() returns the proportion of the full confidence interval range (assuming a normally or t-distributed, equal-tailed interval, based on the model) that is outside a certain range (the negligible effect, or ROPE, see argument threshold). If there are values of the distribution both below and above the ROPE, p_significance() returns the higher probability of a value being outside the ROPE. Typically, this value should be larger than 0.5 to indicate practical significance. However, if the range of the negligible effect is rather large compared to the range of the confidence interval, p_significance() will be less than 0.5, which indicates no clear practical significance.

Note that the assumed interval, which is used to calculate the practical significance, is an estimation of the full interval based on the chosen confidence level. For example, if the 95% confidence interval of a coefficient ranges from -1 to 1, the underlying full (normally or t-distributed) interval approximately ranges from -1.9 to 1.9, see also following code:

# simulate full normal distribution
out <- bayestestR::distribution_normal(10000, 0, 0.5)
# range of "full" distribution
# range of 95% CI
round(quantile(out, probs = c(0.025, 0.975)), 2)

This ensures that the practical significance always refers to the general compatible parameter space of coefficients. Therefore, the full interval is similar to a Bayesian posterior distribution of an equivalent Bayesian model, see following code:

m <- lm(mpg ~ gear + wt + cyl + hp, data = mtcars)
m2 <- brm(mpg ~ gear + wt + cyl + hp, data = mtcars)
# probability of significance (ps) for frequentist model
# similar to ps of Bayesian models
# similar to ps of simulated draws / bootstrap samples


A data frame with columns for the parameter names, the confidence intervals and the values for practical significance. Higher values indicate more practical significance (upper bound is one).

Statistical inference - how to quantify evidence

There is no standardized approach to drawing conclusions based on the available data and statistical models. A frequently chosen but also much criticized approach is to evaluate results based on their statistical significance (Amrhein et al. 2017).

A more sophisticated way would be to test whether estimated effects exceed the "smallest effect size of interest", to avoid even the smallest effects being considered relevant simply because they are statistically significant, but clinically or practically irrelevant (Lakens et al. 2018, Lakens 2024).

A rather unconventional approach, which is nevertheless advocated by various authors, is to interpret results from classical regression models either in terms of probabilities, similar to the usual approach in Bayesian statistics (Schweder 2018; Schweder and Hjort 2003; Vos 2022) or in terms of relative measure of "evidence" or "compatibility" with the data (Greenland et al. 2022; Rafi and Greenland 2020), which nevertheless comes close to a probabilistic interpretation.

A more detailed discussion of this topic is found in the documentation of p_function().

The parameters package provides several options or functions to aid statistical inference. These are, for example:

  • equivalence_test(), to compute the (conditional) equivalence test for frequentist models

  • p_significance(), to compute the probability of practical significance, which can be conceptualized as a unidirectional equivalence test

  • p_function(), or consonance function, to compute p-values and compatibility (confidence) intervals for statistical models

  • the pd argument (setting pd = TRUE) in model_parameters() includes a column with the probability of direction, i.e. the probability that a parameter is strictly positive or negative. See bayestestR::p_direction() for details. If plotting is desired, the p_direction() function can be used, together with plot().

  • the s_value argument (setting s_value = TRUE) in model_parameters() replaces the p-values with their related S-values (Rafi and Greenland 2020)

  • finally, it is possible to generate distributions of model coefficients by generating bootstrap-samples (setting bootstrap = TRUE) or simulating draws from model coefficients using simulate_model(). These samples can then be treated as "posterior samples" and used in many functions from the bayestestR package.

Most of the above shown options or functions derive from methods originally implemented for Bayesian models (Makowski et al. 2019). However, assuming that model assumptions are met (which means, the model fits well to the data, the correct model is chosen that reflects the data generating process (distributional model family) etc.), it seems appropriate to interpret results from classical frequentist models in a "Bayesian way" (more details: documentation in p_function()).


There is also a plot()-method implemented in the see-package.


  • Amrhein, V., Korner-Nievergelt, F., and Roth, T. (2017). The earth is flat (p > 0.05): Significance thresholds and the crisis of unreplicable research. PeerJ, 5, e3544. doi:10.7717/peerj.3544

  • Greenland S, Rafi Z, Matthews R, Higgs M. To Aid Scientific Inference, Emphasize Unconditional Compatibility Descriptions of Statistics. (2022) (Accessed November 10, 2022)

  • Lakens, D. (2024). Improving Your Statistical Inferences (Version v1.5.1). Retrieved from doi:10.5281/ZENODO.6409077

  • Lakens, D., Scheel, A. M., and Isager, P. M. (2018). Equivalence Testing for Psychological Research: A Tutorial. Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science, 1(2), 259–269. doi:10.1177/2515245918770963

  • Makowski, D., Ben-Shachar, M. S., Chen, S. H. A., and Lüdecke, D. (2019). Indices of Effect Existence and Significance in the Bayesian Framework. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 2767. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2019.02767

  • Rafi Z, Greenland S. Semantic and cognitive tools to aid statistical science: replace confidence and significance by compatibility and surprise. BMC Medical Research Methodology (2020) 20:244.

  • Schweder T. Confidence is epistemic probability for empirical science. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference (2018) 195:116–125. doi:10.1016/j.jspi.2017.09.016

  • Schweder T, Hjort NL. Frequentist analogues of priors and posteriors. In Stigum, B. (ed.), Econometrics and the Philosophy of Economics: Theory Data Confrontation in Economics, pp. 285-217. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, 2003

  • Vos P, Holbert D. Frequentist statistical inference without repeated sampling. Synthese 200, 89 (2022). doi:10.1007/s11229-022-03560-x

See Also

For more details, see bayestestR::p_significance(). See also equivalence_test(), p_function() and bayestestR::p_direction() for functions related to checking effect existence and significance.


model <- lm(QoL ~ time + age + education, data = qol_cancer)

p_significance(model, threshold = c(-0.5, 1.5))

# based on heteroscedasticity-robust standard errors
p_significance(model, vcov = "HC3")

if (require("see", quietly = TRUE)) {
  result <- p_significance(model)



This function attempts to return, or compute, p-values of a model's parameters. See the documentation for your object's class:


p_value(model, ...)

## Default S3 method:
  dof = NULL,
  method = NULL,
  component = "all",
  vcov = NULL,
  vcov_args = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE,

## S3 method for class 'emmGrid'
p_value(model, ci = 0.95, adjust = "none", ...)



A statistical model.


Additional arguments


Number of degrees of freedom to be used when calculating confidence intervals. If NULL (default), the degrees of freedom are retrieved by calling insight::get_df() with approximation method defined in method. If not NULL, use this argument to override the default degrees of freedom used to compute confidence intervals.


Method for computing degrees of freedom for confidence intervals (CI) and the related p-values. Allowed are following options (which vary depending on the model class): "residual", "normal", "likelihood", "satterthwaite", "kenward", "wald", "profile", "boot", "uniroot", "ml1", "betwithin", "hdi", "quantile", "ci", "eti", "si", "bci", or "bcai". See section Confidence intervals and approximation of degrees of freedom in model_parameters() for further details.


Model component for which parameters should be shown. See the documentation for your object's class in model_parameters() or p_value() for further details.


Variance-covariance matrix used to compute uncertainty estimates (e.g., for robust standard errors). This argument accepts a covariance matrix, a function which returns a covariance matrix, or a string which identifies the function to be used to compute the covariance matrix.

  • A covariance matrix

  • A function which returns a covariance matrix (e.g., stats::vcov())

  • A string which indicates the kind of uncertainty estimates to return.

    • Heteroskedasticity-consistent: "vcovHC", "HC", "HC0", "HC1", "HC2", "HC3", "HC4", "HC4m", "HC5". See ?sandwich::vcovHC.

    • Cluster-robust: "vcovCR", "CR0", "CR1", "CR1p", "CR1S", "CR2", "CR3". See ?clubSandwich::vcovCR.

    • Bootstrap: "vcovBS", "xy", "residual", "wild", "mammen", "webb". See ?sandwich::vcovBS.

    • Other sandwich package functions: "vcovHAC", "vcovPC", "vcovCL", "vcovPL".


List of arguments to be passed to the function identified by the vcov argument. This function is typically supplied by the sandwich or clubSandwich packages. Please refer to their documentation (e.g., ?sandwich::vcovHAC) to see the list of available arguments.


Toggle warnings and messages.


Confidence Interval (CI) level. Default to 0.95 (⁠95%⁠).


Character value naming the method used to adjust p-values or confidence intervals. See ?emmeans::summary.emmGrid for details.


A data frame with at least two columns: the parameter names and the p-values. Depending on the model, may also include columns for model components etc.

Confidence intervals and approximation of degrees of freedom

There are different ways of approximating the degrees of freedom depending on different assumptions about the nature of the model and its sampling distribution. The ci_method argument modulates the method for computing degrees of freedom (df) that are used to calculate confidence intervals (CI) and the related p-values. Following options are allowed, depending on the model class:

Classical methods:

Classical inference is generally based on the Wald method. The Wald approach to inference computes a test statistic by dividing the parameter estimate by its standard error (Coefficient / SE), then comparing this statistic against a t- or normal distribution. This approach can be used to compute CIs and p-values.


  • Applies to non-Bayesian models. For linear models, CIs computed using the Wald method (SE and a t-distribution with residual df); p-values computed using the Wald method with a t-distribution with residual df. For other models, CIs computed using the Wald method (SE and a normal distribution); p-values computed using the Wald method with a normal distribution.


  • Applies to non-Bayesian models. Compute Wald CIs and p-values, but always use a normal distribution.


  • Applies to non-Bayesian models. Compute Wald CIs and p-values, but always use a t-distribution with residual df when possible. If the residual df for a model cannot be determined, a normal distribution is used instead.

Methods for mixed models:

Compared to fixed effects (or single-level) models, determining appropriate df for Wald-based inference in mixed models is more difficult. See the R GLMM FAQ for a discussion.

Several approximate methods for computing df are available, but you should also consider instead using profile likelihood ("profile") or bootstrap ("⁠boot"⁠) CIs and p-values instead.


  • Applies to linear mixed models. CIs computed using the Wald method (SE and a t-distribution with Satterthwaite df); p-values computed using the Wald method with a t-distribution with Satterthwaite df.


  • Applies to linear mixed models. CIs computed using the Wald method (Kenward-Roger SE and a t-distribution with Kenward-Roger df); p-values computed using the Wald method with Kenward-Roger SE and t-distribution with Kenward-Roger df.


  • Applies to linear mixed models. CIs computed using the Wald method (SE and a t-distribution with m-l-1 approximated df); p-values computed using the Wald method with a t-distribution with m-l-1 approximated df. See ci_ml1().


  • Applies to linear mixed models and generalized linear mixed models. CIs computed using the Wald method (SE and a t-distribution with between-within df); p-values computed using the Wald method with a t-distribution with between-within df. See ci_betwithin().

Likelihood-based methods:

Likelihood-based inference is based on comparing the likelihood for the maximum-likelihood estimate to the the likelihood for models with one or more parameter values changed (e.g., set to zero or a range of alternative values). Likelihood ratios for the maximum-likelihood and alternative models are compared to a χ\chi-squared distribution to compute CIs and p-values.


  • Applies to non-Bayesian models of class glm, polr, merMod or glmmTMB. CIs computed by profiling the likelihood curve for a parameter, using linear interpolation to find where likelihood ratio equals a critical value; p-values computed using the Wald method with a normal-distribution (note: this might change in a future update!)


  • Applies to non-Bayesian models of class glmmTMB. CIs computed by profiling the likelihood curve for a parameter, using root finding to find where likelihood ratio equals a critical value; p-values computed using the Wald method with a normal-distribution (note: this might change in a future update!)

Methods for bootstrapped or Bayesian models:

Bootstrap-based inference is based on resampling and refitting the model to the resampled datasets. The distribution of parameter estimates across resampled datasets is used to approximate the parameter's sampling distribution. Depending on the type of model, several different methods for bootstrapping and constructing CIs and p-values from the bootstrap distribution are available.

For Bayesian models, inference is based on drawing samples from the model posterior distribution.

"quantile" (or "eti")

  • Applies to all models (including Bayesian models). For non-Bayesian models, only applies if bootstrap = TRUE. CIs computed as equal tailed intervals using the quantiles of the bootstrap or posterior samples; p-values are based on the probability of direction. See bayestestR::eti().


  • Applies to all models (including Bayesian models). For non-Bayesian models, only applies if bootstrap = TRUE. CIs computed as highest density intervals for the bootstrap or posterior samples; p-values are based on the probability of direction. See bayestestR::hdi().

"bci" (or "bcai")

  • Applies to all models (including Bayesian models). For non-Bayesian models, only applies if bootstrap = TRUE. CIs computed as bias corrected and accelerated intervals for the bootstrap or posterior samples; p-values are based on the probability of direction. See bayestestR::bci().


  • Applies to Bayesian models with proper priors. CIs computed as support intervals comparing the posterior samples against the prior samples; p-values are based on the probability of direction. See bayestestR::si().


  • Applies to non-Bayesian models of class merMod. CIs computed using parametric bootstrapping (simulating data from the fitted model); p-values computed using the Wald method with a normal-distribution) (note: this might change in a future update!).

For all iteration-based methods other than "boot" ("hdi", "quantile", "ci", "eti", "si", "bci", "bcai"), p-values are based on the probability of direction (bayestestR::p_direction()), which is converted into a p-value using bayestestR::pd_to_p().


model <- lm(Petal.Length ~ Sepal.Length + Species, data = iris)

p-values for Bayesian Models


This function attempts to return, or compute, p-values of Bayesian models.


## S3 method for class 'BFBayesFactor'
p_value(model, ...)



A statistical model.


Additional arguments


For Bayesian models, the p-values corresponds to the probability of direction (bayestestR::p_direction()), which is converted to a p-value using bayestestR::convert_pd_to_p().


The p-values.


model <- lm(Petal.Length ~ Sepal.Length + Species, data = iris)

p-values for Models with Special Components


This function attempts to return, or compute, p-values of models with special model components.


## S3 method for class 'DirichletRegModel'
p_value(model, component = c("all", "conditional", "precision"), ...)

## S3 method for class 'averaging'
p_value(model, component = c("conditional", "full"), ...)

## S3 method for class 'betareg'
  component = c("all", "conditional", "precision"),
  verbose = TRUE,

## S3 method for class 'cgam'
p_value(model, component = c("all", "conditional", "smooth_terms"), ...)

## S3 method for class 'clm2'
p_value(model, component = c("all", "conditional", "scale"), ...)



A statistical model.


Should all parameters, parameters for the conditional model, precision- or scale-component or smooth_terms be returned? component may be one of "conditional", "precision", "scale", "smooth_terms", "full" or "all" (default).


Additional arguments


Toggle warnings and messages.


The p-values.

p-values for Marginal Effects Models


This function attempts to return, or compute, p-values of marginal effects models from package mfx.


## S3 method for class 'poissonmfx'
p_value(model, component = c("all", "conditional", "marginal"), ...)

## S3 method for class 'betaor'
p_value(model, component = c("all", "conditional", "precision"), ...)

## S3 method for class 'betamfx'
  component = c("all", "conditional", "precision", "marginal"),



A statistical model.


Should all parameters, parameters for the conditional model, precision-component or marginal effects be returned? component may be one of "conditional", "precision", "marginal" or "all" (default).


Currently not used.


A data frame with at least two columns: the parameter names and the p-values. Depending on the model, may also include columns for model components etc.


if (require("mfx", quietly = TRUE)) {
  n <- 1000
  x <- rnorm(n)
  y <- rnegbin(n, mu = exp(1 + 0.5 * x), theta = 0.5)
  d <- data.frame(y, x)
  model <- poissonmfx(y ~ x, data = d)

  p_value(model, component = "marginal")

p-values for Models with Zero-Inflation


This function attempts to return, or compute, p-values of hurdle and zero-inflated models.


## S3 method for class 'zcpglm'
p_value(model, component = c("all", "conditional", "zi", "zero_inflated"), ...)

## S3 method for class 'zeroinfl'
  component = c("all", "conditional", "zi", "zero_inflated"),
  method = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE,



A statistical model.


Model component for which parameters should be shown. See the documentation for your object's class in model_parameters() or p_value() for further details.


Additional arguments


Method for computing degrees of freedom for confidence intervals (CI) and the related p-values. Allowed are following options (which vary depending on the model class): "residual", "normal", "likelihood", "satterthwaite", "kenward", "wald", "profile", "boot", "uniroot", "ml1", "betwithin", "hdi", "quantile", "ci", "eti", "si", "bci", or "bcai". See section Confidence intervals and approximation of degrees of freedom in model_parameters() for further details.


Toggle warnings and messages.


A data frame with at least two columns: the parameter names and the p-values. Depending on the model, may also include columns for model components etc.


if (require("pscl", quietly = TRUE)) {
  model <- zeroinfl(art ~ fem + mar + kid5 | kid5 + phd, data = bioChemists)
  p_value(model, component = "zi")

Type of model parameters


In a regression model, the parameters do not all have the meaning. For instance, the intercept has to be interpreted as theoretical outcome value under some conditions (when predictors are set to 0), whereas other coefficients are to be interpreted as amounts of change. Others, such as interactions, represent changes in another of the parameter. The parameters_type function attempts to retrieve information and meaning of parameters. It outputs a dataframe of information for each parameters, such as the Type (whether the parameter corresponds to a factor or a numeric predictor, or whether it is a (regular) interaction or a nested one), the Link (whether the parameter can be interpreted as a mean value, the slope of an association or a difference between two levels) and, in the case of interactions, which other parameters is impacted by which parameter.


parameters_type(model, ...)



A statistical model.


Arguments passed to or from other methods.


A data frame.



model <- lm(Sepal.Length ~ Petal.Length + Species, data = iris)

model <- lm(Sepal.Length ~ Species + poly(Sepal.Width, 2), data = iris)

model <- lm(Sepal.Length ~ Species + poly(Sepal.Width, 2, raw = TRUE), data = iris)

# Interactions
model <- lm(Sepal.Length ~ Sepal.Width * Species, data = iris)

model <- lm(Sepal.Length ~ Sepal.Width * Species * Petal.Length, data = iris)

model <- lm(Sepal.Length ~ Species * Sepal.Width, data = iris)

model <- lm(Sepal.Length ~ Species / Sepal.Width, data = iris)

# Complex interactions
data <- iris
data$fac2 <- ifelse(data$Sepal.Width > mean(data$Sepal.Width), "A", "B")
model <- lm(Sepal.Length ~ Species / fac2 / Petal.Length, data = data)

model <- lm(Sepal.Length ~ Species / fac2 * Petal.Length, data = data)

Pool Model Parameters


This function "pools" (i.e. combines) model parameters in a similar fashion as mice::pool(). However, this function pools parameters from parameters_model objects, as returned by model_parameters().


  exponentiate = FALSE,
  effects = "fixed",
  component = "all",
  verbose = TRUE,



A list of parameters_model objects, as returned by model_parameters(), or a list of model-objects that is supported by model_parameters().


Logical, indicating whether or not to exponentiate the coefficients (and related confidence intervals). This is typical for logistic regression, or more generally speaking, for models with log or logit links. It is also recommended to use exponentiate = TRUE for models with log-transformed response values. Note: Delta-method standard errors are also computed (by multiplying the standard errors by the transformed coefficients). This is to mimic behaviour of other software packages, such as Stata, but these standard errors poorly estimate uncertainty for the transformed coefficient. The transformed confidence interval more clearly captures this uncertainty. For compare_parameters(), exponentiate = "nongaussian" will only exponentiate coefficients from non-Gaussian families.


Should parameters for fixed effects ("fixed"), random effects ("random"), or both ("all") be returned? Only applies to mixed models. May be abbreviated. If the calculation of random effects parameters takes too long, you may use effects = "fixed".


Should all parameters, parameters for the conditional model, for the zero-inflation part of the model, or the dispersion model be returned? Applies to models with zero-inflation and/or dispersion component. component may be one of "conditional", "zi", "zero-inflated", "dispersion" or "all" (default). May be abbreviated.


Toggle warnings and messages.


Arguments passed down to model_parameters(), if x is a list of model-objects. Can be used, for instance, to specify arguments like ci or ci_method etc.


Averaging of parameters follows Rubin's rules (Rubin, 1987, p. 76). The pooled degrees of freedom is based on the Barnard-Rubin adjustment for small samples (Barnard and Rubin, 1999).


A data frame of indices related to the model's parameters.


Models with multiple components, (for instance, models with zero-inflation, where predictors appear in the count and zero-inflation part, or models with dispersion component) may fail in rare situations. In this case, compute the pooled parameters for components separately, using the component argument.

Some model objects do not return standard errors (e.g. objects of class htest). For these models, no pooled confidence intervals nor p-values are returned.


Barnard, J. and Rubin, D.B. (1999). Small sample degrees of freedom with multiple imputation. Biometrika, 86, 948-955. Rubin, D.B. (1987). Multiple Imputation for Nonresponse in Surveys. New York: John Wiley and Sons.


# example for multiple imputed datasets
data("nhanes2", package = "mice")
imp <- mice::mice(nhanes2, printFlag = FALSE)
models <- lapply(1:5, function(i) {
  lm(bmi ~ age + hyp + chl, data = mice::complete(imp, action = i))

# should be identical to:
m <- with(data = imp, exp = lm(bmi ~ age + hyp + chl))

# For glm, mice used residual df, while `pool_parameters()` uses `Inf`
nhanes2$hyp <- datawizard::slide(as.numeric(nhanes2$hyp))
imp <- mice::mice(nhanes2, printFlag = FALSE)
models <- lapply(1:5, function(i) {
  glm(hyp ~ age + chl, family = binomial, data = mice::complete(imp, action = i))
m <- with(data = imp, exp = glm(hyp ~ age + chl, family = binomial))
# residual df
# df = Inf
# use residual df instead
pool_parameters(models, ci_method = "residual")$df_error

Predict method for parameters_clusters objects


Predict method for parameters_clusters objects


## S3 method for class 'parameters_clusters'
predict(object, newdata = NULL, names = NULL, ...)



a model object for which prediction is desired.




character vector or list


additional arguments affecting the predictions produced.

Sample data set


A sample data set with longitudinal data, used in the vignette describing the datawizard::demean() function. Health-related quality of life from cancer-patients was measured at three time points (pre-surgery, 6 and 12 months after surgery).


A data frame with 564 rows and 7 variables:


Patient ID


Quality of Life Score


Timepoint of measurement


Age in years


Patients' Health Questionnaire, 4-item version


Hospital ID, where patient was treated


Patients' educational level

Summary information from random effects


This function extracts the different variance components of a mixed model and returns the result as a data frame.


random_parameters(model, component = "conditional")



A mixed effects model (including stanreg models).


Should all parameters, parameters for the conditional model, for the zero-inflation part of the model, or the dispersion model be returned? Applies to models with zero-inflation and/or dispersion component. component may be one of "conditional", "zi", "zero-inflated", "dispersion" or "all" (default). May be abbreviated.


The variance components are obtained from insight::get_variance() and are denoted as following:

Within-group (or residual) variance

The residual variance, σ2ε, is the sum of the distribution-specific variance and the variance due to additive dispersion. It indicates the within-group variance.

Between-group random intercept variance

The random intercept variance, or between-group variance for the intercept (τ00), is obtained from VarCorr(). It indicates how much groups or subjects differ from each other.

Between-group random slope variance

The random slope variance, or between-group variance for the slopes (τ11) is obtained from VarCorr(). This measure is only available for mixed models with random slopes. It indicates how much groups or subjects differ from each other according to their slopes.

Random slope-intercept correlation

The random slope-intercept correlation (ρ01) is obtained from VarCorr(). This measure is only available for mixed models with random intercepts and slopes.

Note: For the within-group and between-group variance, variance and standard deviations (which are simply the square root of the variance) are shown.


A data frame with random effects statistics for the variance components, including number of levels per random effect group, as well as complete observations in the model.


if (require("lme4")) {
  model <- lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (1 + Days | Subject), data = sleepstudy)

Dimensionality reduction (DR) / Features Reduction


This function performs a reduction in the parameter space (the number of variables). It starts by creating a new set of variables, based on the given method (the default method is "PCA", but other are available via the method argument, such as "cMDS", "DRR" or "ICA"). Then, it names this new dimensions using the original variables that correlates the most with it. For instance, a variable named 'V1_0.97/V4_-0.88' means that the V1 and the V4 variables correlate maximally (with respective coefficients of .97 and -.88) with this dimension. Although this function can be useful in exploratory data analysis, it's best to perform the dimension reduction step in a separate and dedicated stage, as this is a very important process in the data analysis workflow. reduce_data() is an alias for


reduce_parameters(x, method = "PCA", n = "max", distance = "euclidean", ...)

reduce_data(x, method = "PCA", n = "max", distance = "euclidean", ...)



A data frame or a statistical model.


The feature reduction method. Can be one of "PCA", "cMDS", "DRR", "ICA" (see the 'Details' section).


Number of components to extract. If n="all", then n is set as the number of variables minus 1 (ncol(x)-1). If n="auto" (default) or n=NULL, the number of components is selected through n_factors() resp. n_components(). Else, if n is a number, n components are extracted. If n exceeds number of variables in the data, it is automatically set to the maximum number (i.e. ncol(x)). In reduce_parameters(), can also be "max", in which case it will select all the components that are maximally pseudo-loaded (i.e., correlated) by at least one variable.


The distance measure to be used. Only applies when method = "cMDS". This must be one of "euclidean", "maximum", "manhattan", "canberra", "binary" or "minkowski". Any unambiguous substring can be given.


Arguments passed to or from other methods.


The different methods available are described below:

Supervised Methods

  • PCA: See principal_components().

  • cMDS / PCoA: Classical Multidimensional Scaling (cMDS) takes a set of dissimilarities (i.e., a distance matrix) and returns a set of points such that the distances between the points are approximately equal to the dissimilarities.

  • DRR: Dimensionality Reduction via Regression (DRR) is a very recent technique extending PCA (Laparra et al., 2015). Starting from a rotated PCA, it predicts redundant information from the remaining components using non-linear regression. Some of the most notable advantages of performing DRR are avoidance of multicollinearity between predictors and overfitting mitigation. DRR tends to perform well when the first principal component is enough to explain most of the variation in the predictors. Requires the DRR package to be installed.

  • ICA: Performs an Independent Component Analysis using the FastICA algorithm. Contrary to PCA, which attempts to find uncorrelated sources (through least squares minimization), ICA attempts to find independent sources, i.e., the source space that maximizes the "non-gaussianity" of all sources. Contrary to PCA, ICA does not rank each source, which makes it a poor tool for dimensionality reduction. Requires the fastICA package to be installed.

See also package vignette.


  • Nguyen, L. H., and Holmes, S. (2019). Ten quick tips for effective dimensionality reduction. PLOS Computational Biology, 15(6).

  • Laparra, V., Malo, J., and Camps-Valls, G. (2015). Dimensionality reduction via regression in hyperspectral imagery. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, 9(6), 1026-1036.


model <- lm(Sepal.Width ~ Species * Sepal.Length + Petal.Width, data = iris)

out <- reduce_data(iris, method = "PCA", n = "max")

Reshape loadings between wide/long formats


Reshape loadings between wide/long formats.


reshape_loadings(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'parameters_efa'
reshape_loadings(x, threshold = NULL, ...)

## S3 method for class 'data.frame'
reshape_loadings(x, threshold = NULL, loadings_columns = NULL, ...)



A data frame or a statistical model.


Arguments passed to or from other methods.


A value between 0 and 1 indicates which (absolute) values from the loadings should be removed. An integer higher than 1 indicates the n strongest loadings to retain. Can also be "max", in which case it will only display the maximum loading per variable (the most simple structure).


Vector indicating the columns corresponding to loadings.


if (require("psych")) {
  pca <- model_parameters(psych::fa(attitude, nfactors = 3))
  loadings <- reshape_loadings(pca)


Automated selection of model parameters


This function performs an automated selection of the 'best' parameters, updating and returning the "best" model.


select_parameters(model, ...)

## S3 method for class 'lm'
select_parameters(model, direction = "both", steps = 1000, k = 2, ...)

## S3 method for class 'merMod'
select_parameters(model, direction = "backward", steps = 1000, ...)



A statistical model (of class lm, glm, or merMod).


Arguments passed to or from other methods.


the mode of stepwise search, can be one of "both", "backward", or "forward", with a default of "both". If the scope argument is missing the default for direction is "backward". Values can be abbreviated.


the maximum number of steps to be considered. The default is 1000 (essentially as many as required). It is typically used to stop the process early.


The multiple of the number of degrees of freedom used for the penalty. Only k = 2 gives the genuine AIC: k = log(n) is sometimes referred to as BIC or SBC.


The model refitted with optimal number of parameters.

Classical lm and glm

For frequentist GLMs, select_parameters() performs an AIC-based stepwise selection.

Mixed models

For mixed-effects models of class merMod, stepwise selection is based on cAIC4::stepcAIC(). This step function only searches the "best" model based on the random-effects structure, i.e. select_parameters() adds or excludes random-effects until the cAIC can't be improved further.


model <- lm(mpg ~ ., data = mtcars)

model <- lm(mpg ~ cyl * disp * hp * wt, data = mtcars)

# lme4 -------------------------------------------
model <- lme4::lmer(
  Sepal.Width ~ Sepal.Length * Petal.Width * Petal.Length + (1 | Species),
  data = iris

Simulated draws from model coefficients


Simulate draws from a statistical model to return a data frame of estimates.


simulate_model(model, iterations = 1000, ...)

## S3 method for class 'glmmTMB'
  iterations = 1000,
  component = c("all", "conditional", "zi", "zero_inflated", "dispersion"),
  verbose = FALSE,



Statistical model (no Bayesian models).


The number of draws to simulate/bootstrap.


Arguments passed to insight::get_varcov(), e.g. to allow simulated draws to be based on heteroscedasticity consistent variance covariance matrices.


Should all parameters, parameters for the conditional model, for the zero-inflation part of the model, or the dispersion model be returned? Applies to models with zero-inflation and/or dispersion component. component may be one of "conditional", "zi", "zero-inflated", "dispersion" or "all" (default). May be abbreviated.


Toggle warnings and messages.


Technical Details

simulate_model() is a computationally faster alternative to bootstrap_model(). Simulated draws for coefficients are based on a multivariate normal distribution (MASS::mvrnorm()) with mean mu = coef(model) and variance Sigma = vcov(model).

Models with Zero-Inflation Component

For models from packages glmmTMB, pscl, GLMMadaptive and countreg, the component argument can be used to specify which parameters should be simulated. For all other models, parameters from the conditional component (fixed effects) are simulated. This may include smooth terms, but not random effects.


A data frame.

See Also

simulate_parameters(), bootstrap_model(), bootstrap_parameters()


model <- lm(Sepal.Length ~ Species * Petal.Width + Petal.Length, data = iris)

if (require("glmmTMB", quietly = TRUE)) {
  model <- glmmTMB(
    count ~ spp + mined + (1 | site),
    ziformula = ~mined,
    family = poisson(),
    data = Salamanders
  head(simulate_model(model, component = "zero_inflated"))

Simulate Model Parameters


Compute simulated draws of parameters and their related indices such as Confidence Intervals (CI) and p-values. Simulating parameter draws can be seen as a (computationally faster) alternative to bootstrapping.


## S3 method for class 'glmmTMB'
  iterations = 1000,
  centrality = "median",
  ci = 0.95,
  ci_method = "quantile",
  test = "p-value",

simulate_parameters(model, ...)

## Default S3 method:
  iterations = 1000,
  centrality = "median",
  ci = 0.95,
  ci_method = "quantile",
  test = "p-value",



Statistical model (no Bayesian models).


The number of draws to simulate/bootstrap.


The point-estimates (centrality indices) to compute. Character (vector) or list with one or more of these options: "median", "mean", "MAP" (see map_estimate()), "trimmed" (which is just mean(x, trim = threshold)), "mode" or "all".


Value or vector of probability of the CI (between 0 and 1) to be estimated. Default to 0.95 (⁠95%⁠).


The type of index used for Credible Interval. Can be "ETI" (default, see eti()), "HDI" (see hdi()), "BCI" (see bci()), "SPI" (see spi()), or "SI" (see si()).


The indices of effect existence to compute. Character (vector) or list with one or more of these options: "p_direction" (or "pd"), "rope", "p_map", "equivalence_test" (or "equitest"), "bayesfactor" (or "bf") or "all" to compute all tests. For each "test", the corresponding bayestestR function is called (e.g. rope() or p_direction()) and its results included in the summary output.


Arguments passed to insight::get_varcov(), e.g. to allow simulated draws to be based on heteroscedasticity consistent variance covariance matrices.


Technical Details

simulate_parameters() is a computationally faster alternative to bootstrap_parameters(). Simulated draws for coefficients are based on a multivariate normal distribution (MASS::mvrnorm()) with mean mu = coef(model) and variance Sigma = vcov(model).

Models with Zero-Inflation Component

For models from packages glmmTMB, pscl, GLMMadaptive and countreg, the component argument can be used to specify which parameters should be simulated. For all other models, parameters from the conditional component (fixed effects) are simulated. This may include smooth terms, but not random effects.


A data frame with simulated parameters.


There is also a plot()-method implemented in the see-package.


Gelman A, Hill J. Data analysis using regression and multilevel/hierarchical models. Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press 2007: 140-143

See Also

bootstrap_model(), bootstrap_parameters(), simulate_model()


model <- lm(Sepal.Length ~ Species * Petal.Width + Petal.Length, data = iris)

if (require("glmmTMB", quietly = TRUE)) {
  model <- glmmTMB(
    count ~ spp + mined + (1 | site),
    ziformula = ~mined,
    family = poisson(),
    data = Salamanders
  simulate_parameters(model, centrality = "mean")
  simulate_parameters(model, ci = c(.8, .95), component = "zero_inflated")

Sort parameters by coefficient values


Sort parameters by coefficient values


sort_parameters(x, ...)

## Default S3 method:
sort_parameters(x, sort = "none", column = "Coefficient", ...)



A data frame or a parameters_model object.


Arguments passed to or from other methods.


If "none" (default) do not sort, "ascending" sort by increasing coefficient value, or "descending" sort by decreasing coefficient value.


The column containing model parameter estimates. This will be "Coefficient" (default) in easystats packages, "estimate" in broom package, etc.


A sorted data frame or original object.


# creating object to sort (can also be a regular data frame)
mod <- model_parameters(stats::lm(wt ~ am * cyl, data = mtcars))

# original output

# sorted outputs
sort_parameters(mod, sort = "ascending")
sort_parameters(mod, sort = "descending")

Standard Errors


standard_error() attempts to return standard errors of model parameters.


standard_error(model, ...)

## Default S3 method:
  component = "all",
  vcov = NULL,
  vcov_args = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE,

## S3 method for class 'factor'
standard_error(model, force = FALSE, verbose = TRUE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'glmmTMB'
  effects = "fixed",
  component = "all",
  verbose = TRUE,

## S3 method for class 'merMod'
  effects = "fixed",
  method = NULL,
  vcov = NULL,
  vcov_args = NULL,



A model.


Arguments passed to or from other methods.


Model component for which standard errors should be shown. See the documentation for your object's class in model_parameters() or p_value() for further details.


Variance-covariance matrix used to compute uncertainty estimates (e.g., for robust standard errors). This argument accepts a covariance matrix, a function which returns a covariance matrix, or a string which identifies the function to be used to compute the covariance matrix.

  • A covariance matrix

  • A function which returns a covariance matrix (e.g., stats::vcov())

  • A string which indicates the kind of uncertainty estimates to return.

    • Heteroskedasticity-consistent: "vcovHC", "HC", "HC0", "HC1", "HC2", "HC3", "HC4", "HC4m", "HC5". See ?sandwich::vcovHC.

    • Cluster-robust: "vcovCR", "CR0", "CR1", "CR1p", "CR1S", "CR2", "CR3". See ?clubSandwich::vcovCR.

    • Bootstrap: "vcovBS", "xy", "residual", "wild", "mammen", "webb". See ?sandwich::vcovBS.

    • Other sandwich package functions: "vcovHAC", "vcovPC", "vcovCL", "vcovPL".


List of arguments to be passed to the function identified by the vcov argument. This function is typically supplied by the sandwich or clubSandwich packages. Please refer to their documentation (e.g., ?sandwich::vcovHAC) to see the list of available arguments.


Toggle warnings and messages.


Logical, if TRUE, factors are converted to numerical values to calculate the standard error, with the lowest level being the value 1 (unless the factor has numeric levels, which are converted to the corresponding numeric value). By default, NA is returned for factors or character vectors.


Should standard errors for fixed effects ("fixed"), random effects ("random"), or both ("all") be returned? Only applies to mixed models. May be abbreviated. When standard errors for random effects are requested, for each grouping factor a list of standard errors (per group level) for random intercepts and slopes is returned.


Method for computing degrees of freedom for confidence intervals (CI) and the related p-values. Allowed are following options (which vary depending on the model class): "residual", "normal", "likelihood", "satterthwaite", "kenward", "wald", "profile", "boot", "uniroot", "ml1", "betwithin", "hdi", "quantile", "ci", "eti", "si", "bci", or "bcai". See section Confidence intervals and approximation of degrees of freedom in model_parameters() for further details.


A data frame with at least two columns: the parameter names and the standard errors. Depending on the model, may also include columns for model components etc.


For Bayesian models (from rstanarm or brms), the standard error is the SD of the posterior samples.


model <- lm(Petal.Length ~ Sepal.Length * Species, data = iris)

# robust standard errors
standard_error(model, vcov = "HC3")

# cluster-robust standard errors
  vcov = "vcovCL",
  vcov_args = list(cluster = iris$Species)

Get Standardization Information


This function extracts information, such as the deviations (SD or MAD) from parent variables, that are necessary for post-hoc standardization of parameters. This function gives a window on how standardized are obtained, i.e., by what they are divided. The "basic" method of standardization uses.


standardize_info(model, ...)

## Default S3 method:
  robust = FALSE,
  two_sd = FALSE,
  include_pseudo = FALSE,
  verbose = TRUE,



A statistical model.


Arguments passed to or from other methods.


Logical, if TRUE, centering is done by subtracting the median from the variables and dividing it by the median absolute deviation (MAD). If FALSE, variables are standardized by subtracting the mean and dividing it by the standard deviation (SD).


If TRUE, the variables are scaled by two times the deviation (SD or MAD depending on robust). This method can be useful to obtain model coefficients of continuous parameters comparable to coefficients related to binary predictors, when applied to the predictors (not the outcome) (Gelman, 2008).


(For (G)LMMs) Should Pseudo-standardized information be included?


Toggle warnings and messages on or off.


A data frame with information on each parameter (see parameters_type()), and various standardization coefficients for the post-hoc methods (see standardize_parameters()) for the predictor and the response.

See Also

Other standardize: standardize_parameters()


model <- lm(mpg ~ ., data = mtcars)
standardize_info(model, robust = TRUE)
standardize_info(model, two_sd = TRUE)

Parameters standardization


Compute standardized model parameters (coefficients).


  method = "refit",
  ci = 0.95,
  robust = FALSE,
  two_sd = FALSE,
  include_response = TRUE,
  verbose = TRUE,

  method = "refit",
  robust = FALSE,
  two_sd = FALSE,
  include_response = TRUE,
  verbose = TRUE,



A statistical model.


The method used for standardizing the parameters. Can be "refit" (default), "posthoc", "smart", "basic", "pseudo" or "sdy". See Details'.


Confidence Interval (CI) level


Logical, if TRUE, centering is done by subtracting the median from the variables and dividing it by the median absolute deviation (MAD). If FALSE, variables are standardized by subtracting the mean and dividing it by the standard deviation (SD).


If TRUE, the variables are scaled by two times the deviation (SD or MAD depending on robust). This method can be useful to obtain model coefficients of continuous parameters comparable to coefficients related to binary predictors, when applied to the predictors (not the outcome) (Gelman, 2008).


If TRUE (default), the response value will also be standardized. If FALSE, only the predictors will be standardized. For GLMs the response value will never be standardized (see Generalized Linear Models section).


Toggle warnings and messages on or off.


For standardize_parameters(), arguments passed to model_parameters(), such as:

  • ci_method, centrality for Mixed models and Bayesian models...

  • exponentiate, ...

  • etc.


Standardization Methods

  • refit: This method is based on a complete model re-fit with a standardized version of the data. Hence, this method is equal to standardizing the variables before fitting the model. It is the "purest" and the most accurate (Neter et al., 1989), but it is also the most computationally costly and long (especially for heavy models such as Bayesian models). This method is particularly recommended for complex models that include interactions or transformations (e.g., polynomial or spline terms). The robust (default to FALSE) argument enables a robust standardization of data, i.e., based on the median and MAD instead of the mean and SD. See datawizard::standardize() for more details.

    • Note that standardize_parameters(method = "refit") may not return the same results as fitting a model on data that has been standardized with standardize(); standardize_parameters() used the data used by the model fitting function, which might not be same data if there are missing values. see the remove_na argument in standardize().

  • posthoc: Post-hoc standardization of the parameters, aiming at emulating the results obtained by "refit" without refitting the model. The coefficients are divided by the standard deviation (or MAD if robust) of the outcome (which becomes their expression 'unit'). Then, the coefficients related to numeric variables are additionally multiplied by the standard deviation (or MAD if robust) of the related terms, so that they correspond to changes of 1 SD of the predictor (e.g., "A change in 1 SD of x is related to a change of 0.24 of the SD of y). This does not apply to binary variables or factors, so the coefficients are still related to changes in levels. This method is not accurate and tend to give aberrant results when interactions are specified.

  • basic: This method is similar to method = "posthoc", but treats all variables as continuous: it also scales the coefficient by the standard deviation of model's matrix' parameter of factors levels (transformed to integers) or binary predictors. Although being inappropriate for these cases, this method is the one implemented by default in other software packages, such as lm.beta::lm.beta().

  • smart (Standardization of Model's parameters with Adjustment, Reconnaissance and Transformation - experimental): Similar to method = "posthoc" in that it does not involve model refitting. The difference is that the SD (or MAD if robust) of the response is computed on the relevant section of the data. For instance, if a factor with 3 levels A (the intercept), B and C is entered as a predictor, the effect corresponding to B vs. A will be scaled by the variance of the response at the intercept only. As a results, the coefficients for effects of factors are similar to a Glass' delta.

  • pseudo (for 2-level (G)LMMs only): In this (post-hoc) method, the response and the predictor are standardized based on the level of prediction (levels are detected with performance::check_heterogeneity_bias()): Predictors are standardized based on their SD at level of prediction (see also datawizard::demean()); The outcome (in linear LMMs) is standardized based on a fitted random-intercept-model, where sqrt(random-intercept-variance) is used for level 2 predictors, and sqrt(residual-variance) is used for level 1 predictors (Hoffman 2015, page 342). A warning is given when a within-group variable is found to have access between-group variance.

  • sdy (for logistic regression models only): This y-standardization is useful when comparing coefficients of logistic regression models across models for the same sample. Unobserved heterogeneity varies across models with different independent variables, and thus, odds ratios from the same predictor of different models cannot be compared directly. The y-standardization makes coefficients "comparable across models by dividing them with the estimated standard deviation of the latent variable for each model" (Mood 2010). Thus, whenever one has multiple logistic regression models that are fit to the same data and share certain predictors (e.g. nested models), it can be useful to use this standardization approach to make log-odds or odds ratios comparable.

Transformed Variables

When the model's formula contains transformations (e.g. y ~ exp(X)) method = "refit" will give different results compared to method = "basic" ("posthoc" and "smart" do not support such transformations): While "refit" standardizes the data prior to the transformation (e.g. equivalent to exp(scale(X))), the "basic" method standardizes the transformed data (e.g. equivalent to scale(exp(X))).

See the Transformed Variables section in datawizard::standardize.default() for more details on how different transformations are dealt with when method = "refit".

Confidence Intervals

The returned confidence intervals are re-scaled versions of the unstandardized confidence intervals, and not "true" confidence intervals of the standardized coefficients (cf. Jones & Waller, 2015).

Generalized Linear Models

Standardization for generalized linear models (GLM, GLMM, etc) is done only with respect to the predictors (while the outcome remains as-is, unstandardized) - maintaining the interpretability of the coefficients (e.g., in a binomial model: the exponent of the standardized parameter is the OR of a change of 1 SD in the predictor, etc.)

Dealing with Factors

standardize(model) or standardize_parameters(model, method = "refit") do not standardize categorical predictors (i.e. factors) / their dummy-variables, which may be a different behaviour compared to other R packages (such as lm.beta) or other software packages (like SPSS). To mimic such behaviours, either use standardize_parameters(model, method = "basic") to obtain post-hoc standardized parameters, or standardize the data with datawizard::standardize(data, force = TRUE) before fitting the model.


A data frame with the standardized parameters (⁠Std_*⁠, depending on the model type) and their CIs (CI_low and CI_high). Where applicable, standard errors (SEs) are returned as an attribute (attr(x, "standard_error")).


  • Hoffman, L. (2015). Longitudinal analysis: Modeling within-person fluctuation and change. Routledge.

  • Jones, J. A., & Waller, N. G. (2015). The normal-theory and asymptotic distribution-free (ADF) covariance matrix of standardized regression coefficients: theoretical extensions and finite sample behavior. Psychometrika, 80(2), 365-378.

  • Neter, J., Wasserman, W., & Kutner, M. H. (1989). Applied linear regression models.

  • Gelman, A. (2008). Scaling regression inputs by dividing by two standard deviations. Statistics in medicine, 27(15), 2865-2873.

  • Mood C. Logistic Regression: Why We Cannot Do What We Think We Can Do, and What We Can Do About It. European Sociological Review (2010) 26:67–82.

See Also

See also package vignette.

Other standardize: standardize_info()


model <- lm(len ~ supp * dose, data = ToothGrowth)
standardize_parameters(model, method = "refit")

standardize_parameters(model, method = "posthoc")
standardize_parameters(model, method = "smart")
standardize_parameters(model, method = "basic")

# Robust and 2 SD
standardize_parameters(model, robust = TRUE)
standardize_parameters(model, two_sd = TRUE)

model <- glm(am ~ cyl * mpg, data = mtcars, family = "binomial")
standardize_parameters(model, method = "refit")
standardize_parameters(model, method = "posthoc")
standardize_parameters(model, method = "basic", exponentiate = TRUE)

m <- lme4::lmer(mpg ~ cyl + am + vs + (1 | cyl), mtcars)
standardize_parameters(m, method = "pseudo", ci_method = "satterthwaite")

model <- rstanarm::stan_glm(rating ~ critical + privileges, data = attitude, refresh = 0)
standardize_posteriors(model, method = "refit", verbose = FALSE)
standardize_posteriors(model, method = "posthoc", verbose = FALSE)
standardize_posteriors(model, method = "smart", verbose = FALSE)
head(standardize_posteriors(model, method = "basic", verbose = FALSE))