Package 'datawizard'

Title: Easy Data Wrangling and Statistical Transformations
Description: A lightweight package to assist in key steps involved in any data analysis workflow: (1) wrangling the raw data to get it in the needed form, (2) applying preprocessing steps and statistical transformations, and (3) compute statistical summaries of data properties and distributions. It is also the data wrangling backend for packages in 'easystats' ecosystem. References: Patil et al. (2022) <doi:10.21105/joss.04684>.
Authors: Indrajeet Patil [aut] , Etienne Bacher [aut, cre] , Dominique Makowski [aut] , Daniel Lüdecke [aut] , Mattan S. Ben-Shachar [aut] , Brenton M. Wiernik [aut] , Rémi Thériault [ctb] , Thomas J. Faulkenberry [rev], Robert Garrett [rev]
Maintainer: Etienne Bacher <[email protected]>
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Built: 2024-10-12 07:20:51 UTC

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Adjust data for the effect of other variable(s)


This function can be used to adjust the data for the effect of other variables present in the dataset. It is based on an underlying fitting of regressions models, allowing for quite some flexibility, such as including factors as random effects in mixed models (multilevel partialization), continuous variables as smooth terms in general additive models (non-linear partialization) and/or fitting these models under a Bayesian framework. The values returned by this function are the residuals of the regression models. Note that a regular correlation between two "adjusted" variables is equivalent to the partial correlation between them.


  effect = NULL,
  select = is.numeric,
  exclude = NULL,
  multilevel = FALSE,
  additive = FALSE,
  bayesian = FALSE,
  keep_intercept = FALSE,
  ignore_case = FALSE,
  regex = FALSE,
  verbose = FALSE

  effect = NULL,
  select = is.numeric,
  exclude = NULL,
  multilevel = FALSE,
  additive = FALSE,
  bayesian = FALSE,
  keep_intercept = FALSE,
  ignore_case = FALSE,
  regex = FALSE,
  verbose = FALSE



A data frame.


Character vector of column names to be adjusted for (regressed out). If NULL (the default), all variables will be selected.


Variables that will be included when performing the required tasks. Can be either

  • a variable specified as a literal variable name (e.g., column_name),

  • a string with the variable name (e.g., "column_name"), a character vector of variable names (e.g., c("col1", "col2", "col3")), or a character vector of variable names including ranges specified via : (e.g., c("col1:col3", "col5")),

  • a formula with variable names (e.g., ~column_1 + column_2),

  • a vector of positive integers, giving the positions counting from the left (e.g. 1 or c(1, 3, 5)),

  • a vector of negative integers, giving the positions counting from the right (e.g., -1 or -1:-3),

  • one of the following select-helpers: starts_with(), ends_with(), contains(), a range using : or regex(""). starts_with(), ends_with(), and contains() accept several patterns, e.g starts_with("Sep", "Petal").

  • or a function testing for logical conditions, e.g. is.numeric() (or is.numeric), or any user-defined function that selects the variables for which the function returns TRUE (like: foo <- function(x) mean(x) > 3),

  • ranges specified via literal variable names, select-helpers (except regex()) and (user-defined) functions can be negated, i.e. return non-matching elements, when prefixed with a -, e.g. -ends_with(""), -is.numeric or -(Sepal.Width:Petal.Length). Note: Negation means that matches are excluded, and thus, the exclude argument can be used alternatively. For instance, select=-ends_with("Length") (with -) is equivalent to exclude=ends_with("Length") (no -). In case negation should not work as expected, use the exclude argument instead.

If NULL, selects all columns. Patterns that found no matches are silently ignored, e.g. extract_column_names(iris, select = c("Species", "Test")) will just return "Species".


See select, however, column names matched by the pattern from exclude will be excluded instead of selected. If NULL (the default), excludes no columns.


If TRUE, the factors are included as random factors. Else, if FALSE (default), they are included as fixed effects in the simple regression model.


If TRUE, continuous variables as included as smooth terms in additive models. The goal is to regress-out potential non-linear effects.


If TRUE, the models are fitted under the Bayesian framework using rstanarm.


If FALSE (default), the intercept of the model is re-added. This avoids the centering around 0 that happens by default when regressing out another variable (see the examples below for a visual representation of this).


Logical, if TRUE and when one of the select-helpers or a regular expression is used in select, ignores lower/upper case in the search pattern when matching against variable names.


Logical, if TRUE, the search pattern from select will be treated as regular expression. When regex = TRUE, select must be a character string (or a variable containing a character string) and is not allowed to be one of the supported select-helpers or a character vector of length > 1. regex = TRUE is comparable to using one of the two select-helpers, select = contains("") or select = regex(""), however, since the select-helpers may not work when called from inside other functions (see 'Details'), this argument may be used as workaround.


Toggle warnings.


A data frame comparable to data, with adjusted variables.


adjusted_all <- adjust(attitude)
adjusted_one <- adjust(attitude, effect = "complaints", select = "rating")

adjust(attitude, effect = "complaints", select = "rating", bayesian = TRUE)
adjust(attitude, effect = "complaints", select = "rating", additive = TRUE)
attitude$complaints_LMH <- cut(attitude$complaints, 3)
adjust(attitude, effect = "complaints_LMH", select = "rating", multilevel = TRUE)

# Generate data
data <- simulate_correlation(n = 100, r = 0.7)
data$V2 <- (5 * data$V2) + 20 # Add intercept

# Adjust
adjusted <- adjust(data, effect = "V1", select = "V2")
adjusted_icpt <- adjust(data, effect = "V1", select = "V2", keep_intercept = TRUE)

# Visualize
  data$V1, data$V2,
  pch = 19, col = "blue",
  ylim = c(min(adjusted$V2), max(data$V2)),
  main = "Original (blue), adjusted (green), and adjusted - intercept kept (red) data"
abline(lm(V2 ~ V1, data = data), col = "blue")
points(adjusted$V1, adjusted$V2, pch = 19, col = "green")
abline(lm(V2 ~ V1, data = adjusted), col = "green")
points(adjusted_icpt$V1, adjusted_icpt$V2, pch = 19, col = "red")
abline(lm(V2 ~ V1, data = adjusted_icpt), col = "red")

Assign variable and value labels


Assign variable and values labels to a variable or variables in a data frame. Labels are stored as attributes ("label" for variable labels and "labels") for value labels.


assign_labels(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'numeric'
assign_labels(x, variable = NULL, values = NULL, ...)

## S3 method for class 'data.frame'
  select = NULL,
  exclude = NULL,
  values = NULL,
  ignore_case = FALSE,
  regex = FALSE,
  verbose = TRUE,



A data frame, factor or vector.


Currently not used.


The variable label as string.


The value labels as (named) character vector. If values is not a named vector, the length of labels must be equal to the length of unique values. For a named vector, the left-hand side (LHS) is the value in x, the right-hand side (RHS) the associated value label. Non-matching labels are omitted.


Variables that will be included when performing the required tasks. Can be either

  • a variable specified as a literal variable name (e.g., column_name),

  • a string with the variable name (e.g., "column_name"), a character vector of variable names (e.g., c("col1", "col2", "col3")), or a character vector of variable names including ranges specified via : (e.g., c("col1:col3", "col5")),

  • a formula with variable names (e.g., ~column_1 + column_2),

  • a vector of positive integers, giving the positions counting from the left (e.g. 1 or c(1, 3, 5)),

  • a vector of negative integers, giving the positions counting from the right (e.g., -1 or -1:-3),

  • one of the following select-helpers: starts_with(), ends_with(), contains(), a range using : or regex(""). starts_with(), ends_with(), and contains() accept several patterns, e.g starts_with("Sep", "Petal").

  • or a function testing for logical conditions, e.g. is.numeric() (or is.numeric), or any user-defined function that selects the variables for which the function returns TRUE (like: foo <- function(x) mean(x) > 3),

  • ranges specified via literal variable names, select-helpers (except regex()) and (user-defined) functions can be negated, i.e. return non-matching elements, when prefixed with a -, e.g. -ends_with(""), -is.numeric or -(Sepal.Width:Petal.Length). Note: Negation means that matches are excluded, and thus, the exclude argument can be used alternatively. For instance, select=-ends_with("Length") (with -) is equivalent to exclude=ends_with("Length") (no -). In case negation should not work as expected, use the exclude argument instead.

If NULL, selects all columns. Patterns that found no matches are silently ignored, e.g. extract_column_names(iris, select = c("Species", "Test")) will just return "Species".


See select, however, column names matched by the pattern from exclude will be excluded instead of selected. If NULL (the default), excludes no columns.


Logical, if TRUE and when one of the select-helpers or a regular expression is used in select, ignores lower/upper case in the search pattern when matching against variable names.


Logical, if TRUE, the search pattern from select will be treated as regular expression. When regex = TRUE, select must be a character string (or a variable containing a character string) and is not allowed to be one of the supported select-helpers or a character vector of length > 1. regex = TRUE is comparable to using one of the two select-helpers, select = contains("") or select = regex(""), however, since the select-helpers may not work when called from inside other functions (see 'Details'), this argument may be used as workaround.


Toggle warnings.


A labelled variable, or a data frame of labelled variables.

Selection of variables - the select argument

For most functions that have a select argument (including this function), the complete input data frame is returned, even when select only selects a range of variables. That is, the function is only applied to those variables that have a match in select, while all other variables remain unchanged. In other words: for this function, select will not omit any non-included variables, so that the returned data frame will include all variables from the input data frame.


x <- 1:3
# labelling by providing required number of labels
  variable = "My x",
  values = c("one", "two", "three")

# labelling using named vectors
out <- assign_labels(
  variable = "Labelled Species",
  values = c(`setosa` = "Spec1", `versicolor` = "Spec2", `virginica` = "Spec3")

# data frame example
out <- assign_labels(
  select = "Species",
  variable = "Labelled Species",
  values = c(`setosa` = "Spec1", `versicolor` = "Spec2", `virginica` = "Spec3")

# Partial labelling
x <- 1:5
  variable = "My x",
  values = c(`1` = "lowest", `5` = "highest")

Recode (or "cut" / "bin") data into groups of values.


This functions divides the range of variables into intervals and recodes the values inside these intervals according to their related interval. It is basically a wrapper around base R's cut(), providing a simplified and more accessible way to define the interval breaks (cut-off values).


categorize(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'numeric'
  split = "median",
  n_groups = NULL,
  range = NULL,
  lowest = 1,
  breaks = "exclusive",
  labels = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE,

## S3 method for class 'data.frame'
  select = NULL,
  exclude = NULL,
  split = "median",
  n_groups = NULL,
  range = NULL,
  lowest = 1,
  breaks = "exclusive",
  labels = NULL,
  append = FALSE,
  ignore_case = FALSE,
  regex = FALSE,
  verbose = TRUE,



A (grouped) data frame, numeric vector or factor.


not used.


Character vector, indicating at which breaks to split variables, or numeric values with values indicating breaks. If character, may be one of "median", "mean", "quantile", "equal_length", or "equal_range". "median" or "mean" will return dichotomous variables, split at their mean or median, respectively. "quantile" and "equal_length" will split the variable into n_groups groups, where each group refers to an interval of a specific range of values. Thus, the length of each interval will be based on the number of groups. "equal_range" also splits the variable into multiple groups, however, the length of the interval is given, and the number of resulting groups (and hence, the number of breaks) will be determined by how many intervals can be generated, based on the full range of the variable.


If split is "quantile" or "equal_length", this defines the number of requested groups (i.e. resulting number of levels or values) for the recoded variable(s). "quantile" will define intervals based on the distribution of the variable, while "equal_length" tries to divide the range of the variable into pieces of equal length.


If split = "equal_range", this defines the range of values that are recoded into a new value.


Minimum value of the recoded variable(s). If NULL (the default), for numeric variables, the minimum of the original input is preserved. For factors, the default minimum is 1. For split = "equal_range", the default minimum is always 1, unless specified otherwise in lowest.


Character, indicating whether breaks for categorizing data are "inclusive" (values indicate the upper bound of the previous group or interval) or "exclusive" (values indicate the lower bound of the next group or interval to begin). Use labels = "range" to make this behaviour easier to see.


Character vector of value labels. If not NULL, categorize() will returns factors instead of numeric variables, with labels used for labelling the factor levels. Can also be "mean", "median", "range" or "observed" for a factor with labels as the mean/median, the requested range (even if not all values of that range are present in the data) or observed range (range of the actual recoded values) of each group. See 'Examples'.


Toggle warnings.


Variables that will be included when performing the required tasks. Can be either

  • a variable specified as a literal variable name (e.g., column_name),

  • a string with the variable name (e.g., "column_name"), a character vector of variable names (e.g., c("col1", "col2", "col3")), or a character vector of variable names including ranges specified via : (e.g., c("col1:col3", "col5")),

  • a formula with variable names (e.g., ~column_1 + column_2),

  • a vector of positive integers, giving the positions counting from the left (e.g. 1 or c(1, 3, 5)),

  • a vector of negative integers, giving the positions counting from the right (e.g., -1 or -1:-3),

  • one of the following select-helpers: starts_with(), ends_with(), contains(), a range using : or regex(""). starts_with(), ends_with(), and contains() accept several patterns, e.g starts_with("Sep", "Petal").

  • or a function testing for logical conditions, e.g. is.numeric() (or is.numeric), or any user-defined function that selects the variables for which the function returns TRUE (like: foo <- function(x) mean(x) > 3),

  • ranges specified via literal variable names, select-helpers (except regex()) and (user-defined) functions can be negated, i.e. return non-matching elements, when prefixed with a -, e.g. -ends_with(""), -is.numeric or -(Sepal.Width:Petal.Length). Note: Negation means that matches are excluded, and thus, the exclude argument can be used alternatively. For instance, select=-ends_with("Length") (with -) is equivalent to exclude=ends_with("Length") (no -). In case negation should not work as expected, use the exclude argument instead.

If NULL, selects all columns. Patterns that found no matches are silently ignored, e.g. extract_column_names(iris, select = c("Species", "Test")) will just return "Species".


See select, however, column names matched by the pattern from exclude will be excluded instead of selected. If NULL (the default), excludes no columns.


Logical or string. If TRUE, recoded or converted variables get new column names and are appended (column bind) to x, thus returning both the original and the recoded variables. The new columns get a suffix, based on the calling function: "_r" for recode functions, "_n" for to_numeric(), "_f" for to_factor(), or "_s" for slide(). If append=FALSE, original variables in x will be overwritten by their recoded versions. If a character value, recoded variables are appended with new column names (using the defined suffix) to the original data frame.


Logical, if TRUE and when one of the select-helpers or a regular expression is used in select, ignores lower/upper case in the search pattern when matching against variable names.


Logical, if TRUE, the search pattern from select will be treated as regular expression. When regex = TRUE, select must be a character string (or a variable containing a character string) and is not allowed to be one of the supported select-helpers or a character vector of length > 1. regex = TRUE is comparable to using one of the two select-helpers, select = contains("") or select = regex(""), however, since the select-helpers may not work when called from inside other functions (see 'Details'), this argument may be used as workaround.


x, recoded into groups. By default x is numeric, unless labels is specified. In this case, a factor is returned, where the factor levels (i.e. recoded groups are labelled accordingly.

Splits and breaks (cut-off values)

Breaks are by default exclusive, this means that these values indicate the lower bound of the next group or interval to begin. Take a simple example, a numeric variable with values from 1 to 9. The median would be 5, thus the first interval ranges from 1-4 and is recoded into 1, while 5-9 would turn into 2 (compare cbind(1:9, categorize(1:9))). The same variable, using split = "quantile" and n_groups = 3 would define breaks at 3.67 and 6.33 (see quantile(1:9, probs = c(1/3, 2/3))), which means that values from 1 to 3 belong to the first interval and are recoded into 1 (because the next interval starts at 3.67), 4 to 6 into 2 and 7 to 9 into 3.

The opposite behaviour can be achieved using breaks = "inclusive", in which case

Recoding into groups with equal size or range

split = "equal_length" and split = "equal_range" try to divide the range of x into intervals of similar (or same) length. The difference is that split = "equal_length" will divide the range of x into n_groups pieces and thereby defining the intervals used as breaks (hence, it is equivalent to cut(x, breaks = n_groups)), while split = "equal_range" will cut x into intervals that all have the length of range, where the first interval by defaults starts at 1. The lowest (or starting) value of that interval can be defined using the lowest argument.

Selection of variables - the select argument

For most functions that have a select argument (including this function), the complete input data frame is returned, even when select only selects a range of variables. That is, the function is only applied to those variables that have a match in select, while all other variables remain unchanged. In other words: for this function, select will not omit any non-included variables, so that the returned data frame will include all variables from the input data frame.

See Also


x <- sample(1:10, size = 50, replace = TRUE)


# by default, at median

# into 3 groups, based on distribution (quantiles)
table(categorize(x, split = "quantile", n_groups = 3))

# into 3 groups, user-defined break
table(categorize(x, split = c(3, 5)))

x <- sample(1:100, size = 500, replace = TRUE)

# into 5 groups, try to recode into intervals of similar length,
# i.e. the range within groups is the same for all groups
table(categorize(x, split = "equal_length", n_groups = 5))

# into 5 groups, try to return same range within groups
# i.e. 1-20, 21-40, 41-60, etc. Since the range of "x" is
# 1-100, and we have a range of 20, this results into 5
# groups, and thus is for this particular case identical
# to the previous result.
table(categorize(x, split = "equal_range", range = 20))

# return factor with value labels instead of numeric value
x <- sample(1:10, size = 30, replace = TRUE)
categorize(x, "equal_length", n_groups = 3)
categorize(x, "equal_length", n_groups = 3, labels = c("low", "mid", "high"))

# cut numeric into groups with the mean or median as a label name
x <- sample(1:10, size = 30, replace = TRUE)
categorize(x, "equal_length", n_groups = 3, labels = "mean")
categorize(x, "equal_length", n_groups = 3, labels = "median")

# cut numeric into groups with the requested range as a label name
# each category has the same range, and labels indicate this range
categorize(mtcars$mpg, "equal_length", n_groups = 5, labels = "range")
# in this example, each category has the same range, but labels only refer
# to the ranges of the actual values (present in the data) inside each group
categorize(mtcars$mpg, "equal_length", n_groups = 5, labels = "observed")

Centering (Grand-Mean Centering)


Performs a grand-mean centering of data.


center(x, ...)

centre(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'numeric'
  robust = FALSE,
  weights = NULL,
  reference = NULL,
  center = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE,

## S3 method for class 'data.frame'
  select = NULL,
  exclude = NULL,
  robust = FALSE,
  weights = NULL,
  reference = NULL,
  center = NULL,
  force = FALSE,
  remove_na = c("none", "selected", "all"),
  append = FALSE,
  ignore_case = FALSE,
  verbose = TRUE,
  regex = FALSE,



A (grouped) data frame, a (numeric or character) vector or a factor.


Currently not used.


Logical, if TRUE, centering is done by subtracting the median from the variables. If FALSE, variables are centered by subtracting the mean.


Can be NULL (for no weighting), or:

  • For data frames: a numeric vector of weights, or a character of the name of a column in the data.frame that contains the weights.

  • For numeric vectors: a numeric vector of weights.


A data frame or variable from which the centrality and deviation will be computed instead of from the input variable. Useful for standardizing a subset or new data according to another data frame.


Numeric value, which can be used as alternative to reference to define a reference centrality. If center is of length 1, it will be recycled to match the length of selected variables for centering. Else, center must be of same length as the number of selected variables. Values in center will be matched to selected variables in the provided order, unless a named vector is given. In this case, names are matched against the names of the selected variables.


Toggle warnings and messages.


Variables that will be included when performing the required tasks. Can be either

  • a variable specified as a literal variable name (e.g., column_name),

  • a string with the variable name (e.g., "column_name"), a character vector of variable names (e.g., c("col1", "col2", "col3")), or a character vector of variable names including ranges specified via : (e.g., c("col1:col3", "col5")),

  • a formula with variable names (e.g., ~column_1 + column_2),

  • a vector of positive integers, giving the positions counting from the left (e.g. 1 or c(1, 3, 5)),

  • a vector of negative integers, giving the positions counting from the right (e.g., -1 or -1:-3),

  • one of the following select-helpers: starts_with(), ends_with(), contains(), a range using : or regex(""). starts_with(), ends_with(), and contains() accept several patterns, e.g starts_with("Sep", "Petal").

  • or a function testing for logical conditions, e.g. is.numeric() (or is.numeric), or any user-defined function that selects the variables for which the function returns TRUE (like: foo <- function(x) mean(x) > 3),

  • ranges specified via literal variable names, select-helpers (except regex()) and (user-defined) functions can be negated, i.e. return non-matching elements, when prefixed with a -, e.g. -ends_with(""), -is.numeric or -(Sepal.Width:Petal.Length). Note: Negation means that matches are excluded, and thus, the exclude argument can be used alternatively. For instance, select=-ends_with("Length") (with -) is equivalent to exclude=ends_with("Length") (no -). In case negation should not work as expected, use the exclude argument instead.

If NULL, selects all columns. Patterns that found no matches are silently ignored, e.g. extract_column_names(iris, select = c("Species", "Test")) will just return "Species".


See select, however, column names matched by the pattern from exclude will be excluded instead of selected. If NULL (the default), excludes no columns.


Logical, if TRUE, forces centering of factors as well. Factors are converted to numerical values, with the lowest level being the value 1 (unless the factor has numeric levels, which are converted to the corresponding numeric value).


How should missing values (NA) be treated: if "none" (default): each column's standardization is done separately, ignoring NAs. Else, rows with NA in the columns selected with select / exclude ("selected") or in all columns ("all") are dropped before standardization, and the resulting data frame does not include these cases.


Logical or string. If TRUE, centered variables get new column names (with the suffix "_c") and are appended (column bind) to x, thus returning both the original and the centered variables. If FALSE, original variables in x will be overwritten by their centered versions. If a character value, centered variables are appended with new column names (using the defined suffix) to the original data frame.


Logical, if TRUE and when one of the select-helpers or a regular expression is used in select, ignores lower/upper case in the search pattern when matching against variable names.


Logical, if TRUE, the search pattern from select will be treated as regular expression. When regex = TRUE, select must be a character string (or a variable containing a character string) and is not allowed to be one of the supported select-helpers or a character vector of length > 1. regex = TRUE is comparable to using one of the two select-helpers, select = contains("") or select = regex(""), however, since the select-helpers may not work when called from inside other functions (see 'Details'), this argument may be used as workaround.


The centered variables.

Selection of variables - the select argument

For most functions that have a select argument (including this function), the complete input data frame is returned, even when select only selects a range of variables. That is, the function is only applied to those variables that have a match in select, while all other variables remain unchanged. In other words: for this function, select will not omit any non-included variables, so that the returned data frame will include all variables from the input data frame.


Difference between centering and standardizing: Standardized variables are computed by subtracting the mean of the variable and then dividing it by the standard deviation, while centering variables involves only the subtraction.

See Also

If centering within-clusters (instead of grand-mean centering) is required, see demean(). For standardizing, see standardize(), and makepredictcall.dw_transformer() for use in model formulas.



# entire data frame or a vector
head(center(iris, force = TRUE))

# only the selected columns from a data frame
center(anscombe, select = c("x1", "x3"))
center(anscombe, exclude = c("x1", "x3"))

# centering with reference center and scale
d <- data.frame(
  a = c(-2, -1, 0, 1, 2),
  b = c(3, 4, 5, 6, 7)

# default centering at mean

# centering, using 0 as mean
center(d, center = 0)

# centering, using -5 as mean
center(d, center = -5)

Compute the coefficient of variation


Compute the coefficient of variation (CV, ratio of the standard deviation to the mean, σ/μ\sigma/\mu) for a set of numeric values.


coef_var(x, ...)

distribution_coef_var(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'numeric'
  mu = NULL,
  sigma = NULL,
  method = c("standard", "unbiased", "median_mad", "qcd"),
  trim = 0,
  remove_na = FALSE,
  n = NULL,



A numeric vector of ratio scale (see details), or vector of values than can be coerced to one.


Further arguments passed to computation functions.


A numeric vector of mean values to use to compute the coefficient of variation. If supplied, x is not used to compute the mean.


A numeric vector of standard deviation values to use to compute the coefficient of variation. If supplied, x is not used to compute the SD.


Method to use to compute the CV. Can be "standard" to compute by dividing the standard deviation by the mean, "unbiased" for the unbiased estimator for normally distributed data, or one of two robust alternatives: "median_mad" to divide the median by the stats::mad(), or "qcd" (quartile coefficient of dispersion, interquartile range divided by the sum of the quartiles [twice the midhinge]: (Q3Q1)/(Q3+Q1)(Q_3 - Q_1)/(Q_3 + Q_1).


the fraction (0 to 0.5) of values to be trimmed from each end of x before the mean and standard deviation (or other measures) are computed. Values of trim outside the range of (0 to 0.5) are taken as the nearest endpoint.


Logical. Should NA values be removed before computing (TRUE) or not (FALSE, default)?


If method = "unbiased" and both mu and sigma are provided (not computed from x), what sample size to use to adjust the computed CV for small-sample bias?


CV is only applicable of values taken on a ratio scale: values that have a fixed meaningfully defined 0 (which is either the lowest or highest possible value), and that ratios between them are interpretable For example, how many sandwiches have I eaten this week? 0 means "none" and 20 sandwiches is 4 times more than 5 sandwiches. If I were to center the number of sandwiches, it will no longer be on a ratio scale (0 is no "none" it is the mean, and the ratio between 4 and -2 is not meaningful). Scaling a ratio scale still results in a ratio scale. So I can re define "how many half sandwiches did I eat this week ( = sandwiches * 0.5) and 0 would still mean "none", and 20 half-sandwiches is still 4 times more than 5 half-sandwiches.

This means that CV is NOT invariant to shifting, but it is to scaling:

sandwiches <- c(0, 4, 15, 0, 0, 5, 2, 7)
#> [1] 1.239094

coef_var(sandwiches / 2) # same
#> [1] 1.239094

coef_var(sandwiches + 4) # different! 0 is no longer meaningful!
#> [1] 0.6290784


The computed coefficient of variation for x.


coef_var(c(1:10, 100), method = "median_mad")
coef_var(c(1:10, 100), method = "qcd")
coef_var(mu = 10, sigma = 20)
coef_var(mu = 10, sigma = 20, method = "unbiased", n = 30)

Convert to Numeric (if possible)


Tries to convert vector to numeric if possible (if no warnings or errors). Otherwise, leaves it as is.





A vector to be converted.


Numeric vector (if possible)


coerce_to_numeric(c("1", "2"))
coerce_to_numeric(c("1", "2", "A"))

Deviation Contrast Matrix


Build a deviation contrast matrix, a type of effects contrast matrix.


contr.deviation(n, base = 1, contrasts = TRUE, sparse = FALSE)



a vector of levels for a factor, or the number of levels.


an integer specifying which group is considered the baseline group. Ignored if contrasts is FALSE.


a logical indicating whether contrasts should be computed.


logical indicating if the result should be sparse (of class dgCMatrix), using package Matrix.


In effects coding, unlike treatment/dummy coding (stats::contr.treatment()), each contrast sums to 0. In regressions models, this results in an intercept that represents the (unweighted) average of the group means. In ANOVA settings, this also guarantees that lower order effects represent main effects (and not simple or conditional effects, as is the case when using R's default stats::contr.treatment()).

Deviation coding (contr.deviation) is a type of effects coding. With deviation coding, the coefficients for factor variables are interpreted as the difference of each factor level from the base level (this is the same interpretation as with treatment/dummy coding). For example, for a factor group with levels "A", "B", and "C", with contr.devation, the intercept represents the overall mean (average of the group means for the 3 groups), and the coefficients groupB and groupC represent the differences between the A group mean and the B and C group means, respectively.

Sum coding (stats::contr.sum()) is another type of effects coding. With sum coding, the coefficients for factor variables are interpreted as the difference of each factor level from the grand (across-groups) mean. For example, for a factor group with levels "A", "B", and "C", with contr.sum, the intercept represents the overall mean (average of the group means for the 3 groups), and the coefficients group1 and group2 represent the differences the A and B group means from the overall mean, respectively.

See Also




mtcars <- data_modify(mtcars, cyl = factor(cyl))

c.treatment <- cbind(Intercept = 1, contrasts(mtcars$cyl))
#>            4 6 8
#> Intercept  1 0 0  # mean of the 1st level
#> 6         -1 1 0  # 2nd level - 1st level
#> 8         -1 0 1  # 3rd level - 1st level

contrasts(mtcars$cyl) <- contr.sum
c.sum <- cbind(Intercept = 1, contrasts(mtcars$cyl))
#>                4      6      8
#> Intercept  0.333  0.333  0.333   # overall mean
#>            0.667 -0.333 -0.333   # deviation of 1st from overall mean
#>           -0.333  0.667 -0.333   # deviation of 2nd from overall mean

contrasts(mtcars$cyl) <- contr.deviation
c.deviation <- cbind(Intercept = 1, contrasts(mtcars$cyl))
#>                4     6     8
#> Intercept  0.333 0.333 0.333   # overall mean
#> 6         -1.000 1.000 0.000   # 2nd level - 1st level
#> 8         -1.000 0.000 1.000   # 3rd level - 1st level

## With Interactions -----------------------------------------
mtcars <- data_modify(mtcars, am = C(am, contr = contr.deviation))
mtcars <- data_arrange(mtcars, select = c("cyl", "am"))

mm <- unique(model.matrix(~ cyl * am, data = mtcars))
rownames(mm) <- c(
  "cyl4.am0", "cyl4.am1", "cyl6.am0",
  "cyl6.am1", "cyl8.am0", "cyl8.am1"

#>             cyl4.am0 cyl4.am1 cyl6.am0 cyl6.am1 cyl8.am0 cyl8.am1
#> (Intercept)    0.167    0.167    0.167    0.167    0.167    0.167  # overall mean
#> cyl6          -0.500   -0.500    0.500    0.500    0.000    0.000  # cyl MAIN eff: 2nd - 1st
#> cyl8          -0.500   -0.500    0.000    0.000    0.500    0.500  # cyl MAIN eff: 2nd - 1st
#> am1           -0.333    0.333   -0.333    0.333   -0.333    0.333  # am MAIN eff
#> cyl6:am1       1.000   -1.000   -1.000    1.000    0.000    0.000
#> cyl8:am1       1.000   -1.000    0.000    0.000   -1.000    1.000

Replace missing values in a variable or a data frame.


Replace missing values in a variable or a data frame.


convert_na_to(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'numeric'
convert_na_to(x, replacement = NULL, verbose = TRUE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'character'
convert_na_to(x, replacement = NULL, verbose = TRUE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'data.frame'
  select = NULL,
  exclude = NULL,
  replacement = NULL,
  replace_num = replacement,
  replace_char = replacement,
  replace_fac = replacement,
  ignore_case = FALSE,
  regex = FALSE,
  verbose = TRUE,



A numeric, factor, or character vector, or a data frame.


Not used.


Numeric or character value that will be used to replace NA.


Toggle warnings.


Variables that will be included when performing the required tasks. Can be either

  • a variable specified as a literal variable name (e.g., column_name),

  • a string with the variable name (e.g., "column_name"), a character vector of variable names (e.g., c("col1", "col2", "col3")), or a character vector of variable names including ranges specified via : (e.g., c("col1:col3", "col5")),

  • a formula with variable names (e.g., ~column_1 + column_2),

  • a vector of positive integers, giving the positions counting from the left (e.g. 1 or c(1, 3, 5)),

  • a vector of negative integers, giving the positions counting from the right (e.g., -1 or -1:-3),

  • one of the following select-helpers: starts_with(), ends_with(), contains(), a range using : or regex(""). starts_with(), ends_with(), and contains() accept several patterns, e.g starts_with("Sep", "Petal").

  • or a function testing for logical conditions, e.g. is.numeric() (or is.numeric), or any user-defined function that selects the variables for which the function returns TRUE (like: foo <- function(x) mean(x) > 3),

  • ranges specified via literal variable names, select-helpers (except regex()) and (user-defined) functions can be negated, i.e. return non-matching elements, when prefixed with a -, e.g. -ends_with(""), -is.numeric or -(Sepal.Width:Petal.Length). Note: Negation means that matches are excluded, and thus, the exclude argument can be used alternatively. For instance, select=-ends_with("Length") (with -) is equivalent to exclude=ends_with("Length") (no -). In case negation should not work as expected, use the exclude argument instead.

If NULL, selects all columns. Patterns that found no matches are silently ignored, e.g. extract_column_names(iris, select = c("Species", "Test")) will just return "Species".


See select, however, column names matched by the pattern from exclude will be excluded instead of selected. If NULL (the default), excludes no columns.


Value to replace NA when variable is of type numeric.


Value to replace NA when variable is of type character.


Value to replace NA when variable is of type factor.


Logical, if TRUE and when one of the select-helpers or a regular expression is used in select, ignores lower/upper case in the search pattern when matching against variable names.


Logical, if TRUE, the search pattern from select will be treated as regular expression. When regex = TRUE, select must be a character string (or a variable containing a character string) and is not allowed to be one of the supported select-helpers or a character vector of length > 1. regex = TRUE is comparable to using one of the two select-helpers, select = contains("") or select = regex(""), however, since the select-helpers may not work when called from inside other functions (see 'Details'), this argument may be used as workaround.


x, where NA values are replaced by replacement.

Selection of variables - the select argument

For most functions that have a select argument (including this function), the complete input data frame is returned, even when select only selects a range of variables. That is, the function is only applied to those variables that have a match in select, while all other variables remain unchanged. In other words: for this function, select will not omit any non-included variables, so that the returned data frame will include all variables from the input data frame.


# Convert NA to 0 in a numeric vector
  c(9, 3, NA, 2, 3, 1, NA, 8),
  replacement = 0

# Convert NA to "missing" in a character vector
  c("a", NA, "d", "z", NA, "t"),
  replacement = "missing"

### For data frames

test_df <- data.frame(
  x = c(1, 2, NA),
  x2 = c(4, 5, NA),
  y = c("a", "b", NA)

# Convert all NA to 0 in numeric variables, and all NA to "missing" in
# character variables
  replace_num = 0,
  replace_char = "missing"

# Convert a specific variable in the data frame
  replace_num = 0,
  replace_char = "missing",
  select = "x"

# Convert all variables starting with "x"
  replace_num = 0,
  replace_char = "missing",
  select = starts_with("x")

# Convert NA to 1 in variable 'x2' and to 0 in all other numeric
# variables
  replace_num = 0,
  select = list(x2 = 1)

Convert non-missing values in a variable into missing values.


Convert non-missing values in a variable into missing values.


convert_to_na(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'numeric'
convert_to_na(x, na = NULL, verbose = TRUE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'factor'
convert_to_na(x, na = NULL, drop_levels = FALSE, verbose = TRUE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'data.frame'
  select = NULL,
  exclude = NULL,
  na = NULL,
  drop_levels = FALSE,
  ignore_case = FALSE,
  regex = FALSE,
  verbose = TRUE,



A vector, factor or a data frame.


Not used.


Numeric, character vector or logical (or a list of numeric, character vectors or logicals) with values that should be converted to NA. Numeric values applied to numeric vectors, character values are used for factors, character vectors or date variables, and logical values for logical vectors.


Toggle warnings.


Logical, for factors, when specific levels are replaced by NA, should unused levels be dropped?


Variables that will be included when performing the required tasks. Can be either

  • a variable specified as a literal variable name (e.g., column_name),

  • a string with the variable name (e.g., "column_name"), a character vector of variable names (e.g., c("col1", "col2", "col3")), or a character vector of variable names including ranges specified via : (e.g., c("col1:col3", "col5")),

  • a formula with variable names (e.g., ~column_1 + column_2),

  • a vector of positive integers, giving the positions counting from the left (e.g. 1 or c(1, 3, 5)),

  • a vector of negative integers, giving the positions counting from the right (e.g., -1 or -1:-3),

  • one of the following select-helpers: starts_with(), ends_with(), contains(), a range using : or regex(""). starts_with(), ends_with(), and contains() accept several patterns, e.g starts_with("Sep", "Petal").

  • or a function testing for logical conditions, e.g. is.numeric() (or is.numeric), or any user-defined function that selects the variables for which the function returns TRUE (like: foo <- function(x) mean(x) > 3),

  • ranges specified via literal variable names, select-helpers (except regex()) and (user-defined) functions can be negated, i.e. return non-matching elements, when prefixed with a -, e.g. -ends_with(""), -is.numeric or -(Sepal.Width:Petal.Length). Note: Negation means that matches are excluded, and thus, the exclude argument can be used alternatively. For instance, select=-ends_with("Length") (with -) is equivalent to exclude=ends_with("Length") (no -). In case negation should not work as expected, use the exclude argument instead.

If NULL, selects all columns. Patterns that found no matches are silently ignored, e.g. extract_column_names(iris, select = c("Species", "Test")) will just return "Species".


See select, however, column names matched by the pattern from exclude will be excluded instead of selected. If NULL (the default), excludes no columns.


Logical, if TRUE and when one of the select-helpers or a regular expression is used in select, ignores lower/upper case in the search pattern when matching against variable names.


Logical, if TRUE, the search pattern from select will be treated as regular expression. When regex = TRUE, select must be a character string (or a variable containing a character string) and is not allowed to be one of the supported select-helpers or a character vector of length > 1. regex = TRUE is comparable to using one of the two select-helpers, select = contains("") or select = regex(""), however, since the select-helpers may not work when called from inside other functions (see 'Details'), this argument may be used as workaround.


x, where all values in na are converted to NA.


x <- sample(1:6, size = 30, replace = TRUE)
# values 4 and 5 to NA
convert_to_na(x, na = 4:5)

# data frames
x <- data.frame(
  a = sample(1:6, size = 20, replace = TRUE),
  b = sample(letters[1:6], size = 20, replace = TRUE),
  c = sample(c(30:33, 99), size = 20, replace = TRUE)
# for all numerics, convert 5 to NA. Character/factor will be ignored.
convert_to_na(x, na = 5)

# for numerics, 5 to NA, for character/factor, "f" to NA
convert_to_na(x, na = list(6, "f"))

# select specific variables
convert_to_na(x, select = c("a", "b"), na = list(6, "f"))

Rename columns and variable names


Safe and intuitive functions to rename variables or rows in data frames. data_rename() will rename column names, i.e. it facilitates renaming variables data_addprefix() or data_addsuffix() add prefixes or suffixes to column names. data_rename_rows() is a convenient shortcut to add or rename row names of a data frame, but unlike row.names(), its input and output is a data frame, thus, integrating smoothly into a possible pipe-workflow.


  select = NULL,
  exclude = NULL,
  ignore_case = FALSE,
  regex = FALSE,
  verbose = TRUE,

  select = NULL,
  exclude = NULL,
  ignore_case = FALSE,
  regex = FALSE,
  verbose = TRUE,

  pattern = NULL,
  replacement = NULL,
  safe = TRUE,
  verbose = TRUE,

data_rename_rows(data, rows = NULL)



A data frame, or an object that can be coerced to a data frame.


Character vector. For data_rename(), indicates columns that should be selected for renaming. Can be NULL (in which case all columns are selected). For data_addprefix() or data_addsuffix(), a character string, which will be added as prefix or suffix to the column names. For data_rename(), pattern can also be a named vector. In this case, names are used as values for the replacement argument (i.e. pattern can be a character vector using ⁠<new name> = "<old name>"⁠ and argument replacement will be ignored then).


Variables that will be included when performing the required tasks. Can be either

  • a variable specified as a literal variable name (e.g., column_name),

  • a string with the variable name (e.g., "column_name"), a character vector of variable names (e.g., c("col1", "col2", "col3")), or a character vector of variable names including ranges specified via : (e.g., c("col1:col3", "col5")),

  • a formula with variable names (e.g., ~column_1 + column_2),

  • a vector of positive integers, giving the positions counting from the left (e.g. 1 or c(1, 3, 5)),

  • a vector of negative integers, giving the positions counting from the right (e.g., -1 or -1:-3),

  • one of the following select-helpers: starts_with(), ends_with(), contains(), a range using : or regex(""). starts_with(), ends_with(), and contains() accept several patterns, e.g starts_with("Sep", "Petal").

  • or a function testing for logical conditions, e.g. is.numeric() (or is.numeric), or any user-defined function that selects the variables for which the function returns TRUE (like: foo <- function(x) mean(x) > 3),

  • ranges specified via literal variable names, select-helpers (except regex()) and (user-defined) functions can be negated, i.e. return non-matching elements, when prefixed with a -, e.g. -ends_with(""), -is.numeric or -(Sepal.Width:Petal.Length). Note: Negation means that matches are excluded, and thus, the exclude argument can be used alternatively. For instance, select=-ends_with("Length") (with -) is equivalent to exclude=ends_with("Length") (no -). In case negation should not work as expected, use the exclude argument instead.

If NULL, selects all columns. Patterns that found no matches are silently ignored, e.g. extract_column_names(iris, select = c("Species", "Test")) will just return "Species".


See select, however, column names matched by the pattern from exclude will be excluded instead of selected. If NULL (the default), excludes no columns.


Logical, if TRUE and when one of the select-helpers or a regular expression is used in select, ignores lower/upper case in the search pattern when matching against variable names.


Logical, if TRUE, the search pattern from select will be treated as regular expression. When regex = TRUE, select must be a character string (or a variable containing a character string) and is not allowed to be one of the supported select-helpers or a character vector of length > 1. regex = TRUE is comparable to using one of the two select-helpers, select = contains("") or select = regex(""), however, since the select-helpers may not work when called from inside other functions (see 'Details'), this argument may be used as workaround.


Toggle warnings and messages.


Other arguments passed to or from other functions.


Character vector. Indicates the new name of the columns selected in pattern. Can be NULL (in which case column are numbered in sequential order). If not NULL, pattern and replacement must be of the same length. If pattern is a named vector, replacement is ignored.


Do not throw error if for instance the variable to be renamed/removed doesn't exist.


Vector of row names.


A modified data frame.

See Also


# Add prefix / suffix to all columns
head(data_addprefix(iris, "NEW_"))
head(data_addsuffix(iris, "_OLD"))

# Rename columns
head(data_rename(iris, "Sepal.Length", "length"))
# data_rename(iris, "FakeCol", "length", safe=FALSE)  # This fails
head(data_rename(iris, "FakeCol", "length")) # This doesn't
head(data_rename(iris, c("Sepal.Length", "Sepal.Width"), c("length", "width")))

# use named vector to rename
head(data_rename(iris, c(length = "Sepal.Length", width = "Sepal.Width")))

# Reset names
head(data_rename(iris, NULL))

# Change all
head(data_rename(iris, replacement = paste0("Var", 1:5)))

Arrange rows by column values


data_arrange() orders the rows of a data frame by the values of selected columns.


data_arrange(data, select = NULL, safe = TRUE)



A data frame, or an object that can be coerced to a data frame.


Character vector of column names. Use a dash just before column name to arrange in decreasing order, for example "-x1".


Do not throw an error if one of the variables specified doesn't exist.


A data frame.


# Arrange using several variables
data_arrange(head(mtcars), c("gear", "carb"))

# Arrange in decreasing order
data_arrange(head(mtcars), "-carb")

# Throw an error if one of the variables specified doesn't exist
try(data_arrange(head(mtcars), c("gear", "foo"), safe = FALSE))

Generate a codebook of a data frame.


data_codebook() generates codebooks from data frames, i.e. overviews of all variables and some more information about each variable (like labels, values or value range, frequencies, amount of missing values).


  select = NULL,
  exclude = NULL,
  variable_label_width = NULL,
  value_label_width = NULL,
  max_values = 10,
  range_at = 6,
  ignore_case = FALSE,
  regex = FALSE,
  verbose = TRUE,

## S3 method for class 'data_codebook'
  font_size = "100%",
  line_padding = 3,
  row_color = "#eeeeee",



A data frame, or an object that can be coerced to a data frame.


Variables that will be included when performing the required tasks. Can be either

  • a variable specified as a literal variable name (e.g., column_name),

  • a string with the variable name (e.g., "column_name"), a character vector of variable names (e.g., c("col1", "col2", "col3")), or a character vector of variable names including ranges specified via : (e.g., c("col1:col3", "col5")),

  • a formula with variable names (e.g., ~column_1 + column_2),

  • a vector of positive integers, giving the positions counting from the left (e.g. 1 or c(1, 3, 5)),

  • a vector of negative integers, giving the positions counting from the right (e.g., -1 or -1:-3),

  • one of the following select-helpers: starts_with(), ends_with(), contains(), a range using : or regex(""). starts_with(), ends_with(), and contains() accept several patterns, e.g starts_with("Sep", "Petal").

  • or a function testing for logical conditions, e.g. is.numeric() (or is.numeric), or any user-defined function that selects the variables for which the function returns TRUE (like: foo <- function(x) mean(x) > 3),

  • ranges specified via literal variable names, select-helpers (except regex()) and (user-defined) functions can be negated, i.e. return non-matching elements, when prefixed with a -, e.g. -ends_with(""), -is.numeric or -(Sepal.Width:Petal.Length). Note: Negation means that matches are excluded, and thus, the exclude argument can be used alternatively. For instance, select=-ends_with("Length") (with -) is equivalent to exclude=ends_with("Length") (no -). In case negation should not work as expected, use the exclude argument instead.

If NULL, selects all columns. Patterns that found no matches are silently ignored, e.g. extract_column_names(iris, select = c("Species", "Test")) will just return "Species".


See select, however, column names matched by the pattern from exclude will be excluded instead of selected. If NULL (the default), excludes no columns.


Length of variable labels. Longer labels will be wrapped at variable_label_width chars. If NULL, longer labels will not be split into multiple lines. Only applies to labelled data.


Length of value labels. Longer labels will be shortened, where the remaining part is truncated. Only applies to labelled data or factor levels.


Number of maximum values that should be displayed. Can be used to avoid too many rows when variables have lots of unique values.


Indicates how many unique values in a numeric vector are needed in order to print a range for that variable instead of a frequency table for all numeric values. Can be useful if the data contains numeric variables with only a few unique values and where full frequency tables instead of value ranges should be displayed.


Logical, if TRUE and when one of the select-helpers or a regular expression is used in select, ignores lower/upper case in the search pattern when matching against variable names.


Logical, if TRUE, the search pattern from select will be treated as regular expression. When regex = TRUE, select must be a character string (or a variable containing a character string) and is not allowed to be one of the supported select-helpers or a character vector of length > 1. regex = TRUE is comparable to using one of the two select-helpers, select = contains("") or select = regex(""), however, since the select-helpers may not work when called from inside other functions (see 'Details'), this argument may be used as workaround.


Toggle warnings and messages on or off.


Arguments passed to or from other methods.


A (grouped) data frame, a vector or a statistical model (for unstandardize() cannot be a model).


For HTML tables, the font size.


For HTML tables, the distance (in pixel) between lines.


For HTML tables, the fill color for odd rows.


A formatted data frame, summarizing the content of the data frame. Returned columns include the column index of the variables in the original data frame (ID), column name, variable label (if data is labelled), type of variable, number of missing values, unique values (or value range), value labels (for labelled data), and a frequency table (N for each value). Most columns are formatted as character vectors.


There are methods to print() the data frame in a nicer output, as well methods for printing in markdown or HTML format (print_md() and print_html()).


data_codebook(iris, select = starts_with("Sepal"))


# shorten labels
data_codebook(efc, variable_label_width = 20, value_label_width = 15)

# automatic range for numerics at more than 5 unique values
data_codebook(mtcars, select = starts_with("c"))

# force all values to be displayed
data_codebook(mtcars, select = starts_with("c"), range_at = 100)

Extract all duplicates


Extract all duplicates, for visual inspection. Note that it also contains the first occurrence of future duplicates, unlike duplicated() or dplyr::distinct()). Also contains an additional column reporting the number of missing values for that row, to help in the decision-making when selecting which duplicates to keep.


  select = NULL,
  exclude = NULL,
  ignore_case = FALSE,
  regex = FALSE,
  verbose = TRUE



A data frame.


Variables that will be included when performing the required tasks. Can be either

  • a variable specified as a literal variable name (e.g., column_name),

  • a string with the variable name (e.g., "column_name"), a character vector of variable names (e.g., c("col1", "col2", "col3")), or a character vector of variable names including ranges specified via : (e.g., c("col1:col3", "col5")),

  • a formula with variable names (e.g., ~column_1 + column_2),

  • a vector of positive integers, giving the positions counting from the left (e.g. 1 or c(1, 3, 5)),

  • a vector of negative integers, giving the positions counting from the right (e.g., -1 or -1:-3),

  • one of the following select-helpers: starts_with(), ends_with(), contains(), a range using : or regex(""). starts_with(), ends_with(), and contains() accept several patterns, e.g starts_with("Sep", "Petal").

  • or a function testing for logical conditions, e.g. is.numeric() (or is.numeric), or any user-defined function that selects the variables for which the function returns TRUE (like: foo <- function(x) mean(x) > 3),

  • ranges specified via literal variable names, select-helpers (except regex()) and (user-defined) functions can be negated, i.e. return non-matching elements, when prefixed with a -, e.g. -ends_with(""), -is.numeric or -(Sepal.Width:Petal.Length). Note: Negation means that matches are excluded, and thus, the exclude argument can be used alternatively. For instance, select=-ends_with("Length") (with -) is equivalent to exclude=ends_with("Length") (no -). In case negation should not work as expected, use the exclude argument instead.

If NULL, selects all columns. Patterns that found no matches are silently ignored, e.g. extract_column_names(iris, select = c("Species", "Test")) will just return "Species".


See select, however, column names matched by the pattern from exclude will be excluded instead of selected. If NULL (the default), excludes no columns.


Logical, if TRUE and when one of the select-helpers or a regular expression is used in select, ignores lower/upper case in the search pattern when matching against variable names.


Logical, if TRUE, the search pattern from select will be treated as regular expression. When regex = TRUE, select must be a character string (or a variable containing a character string) and is not allowed to be one of the supported select-helpers or a character vector of length > 1. regex = TRUE is comparable to using one of the two select-helpers, select = contains("") or select = regex(""), however, since the select-helpers may not work when called from inside other functions (see 'Details'), this argument may be used as workaround.


Toggle warnings.


A dataframe, containing all duplicates.

See Also



df1 <- data.frame(
  id = c(1, 2, 3, 1, 3),
  year = c(2022, 2022, 2022, 2022, 2000),
  item1 = c(NA, 1, 1, 2, 3),
  item2 = c(NA, 1, 1, 2, 3),
  item3 = c(NA, 1, 1, 2, 3)

data_duplicated(df1, select = "id")

data_duplicated(df1, select = c("id", "year"))

# Filter to exclude duplicates
df2 <- df1[-c(1, 5), ]

Extract one or more columns or elements from an object


data_extract() (or its alias extract()) is similar to $. It extracts either a single column or element from an object (e.g., a data frame, list), or multiple columns resp. elements.


data_extract(data, select, ...)

## S3 method for class 'data.frame'
  name = NULL,
  extract = "all",
  as_data_frame = FALSE,
  ignore_case = FALSE,
  regex = FALSE,
  verbose = TRUE,



The object to subset. Methods are currently available for data frames and data frame extensions (e.g., tibbles).


Variables that will be included when performing the required tasks. Can be either

  • a variable specified as a literal variable name (e.g., column_name),

  • a string with the variable name (e.g., "column_name"), a character vector of variable names (e.g., c("col1", "col2", "col3")), or a character vector of variable names including ranges specified via : (e.g., c("col1:col3", "col5")),

  • a formula with variable names (e.g., ~column_1 + column_2),

  • a vector of positive integers, giving the positions counting from the left (e.g. 1 or c(1, 3, 5)),

  • a vector of negative integers, giving the positions counting from the right (e.g., -1 or -1:-3),

  • one of the following select-helpers: starts_with(), ends_with(), contains(), a range using : or regex(""). starts_with(), ends_with(), and contains() accept several patterns, e.g starts_with("Sep", "Petal").

  • or a function testing for logical conditions, e.g. is.numeric() (or is.numeric), or any user-defined function that selects the variables for which the function returns TRUE (like: foo <- function(x) mean(x) > 3),

  • ranges specified via literal variable names, select-helpers (except regex()) and (user-defined) functions can be negated, i.e. return non-matching elements, when prefixed with a -, e.g. -ends_with(""), -is.numeric or -(Sepal.Width:Petal.Length). Note: Negation means that matches are excluded, and thus, the exclude argument can be used alternatively. For instance, select=-ends_with("Length") (with -) is equivalent to exclude=ends_with("Length") (no -). In case negation should not work as expected, use the exclude argument instead.

If NULL, selects all columns. Patterns that found no matches are silently ignored, e.g. extract_column_names(iris, select = c("Species", "Test")) will just return "Species".


For use by future methods.


An optional argument that specifies the column to be used as names for the vector elements after extraction. Must be specified either as literal variable name (e.g., column_name) or as string ("column_name"). name will be ignored when a data frame is returned.


String, indicating which element will be extracted when select matches multiple variables. Can be "all" (the default) to return all matched variables, "first" or "last" to return the first or last match, or "odd" and "even" to return all odd-numbered or even-numbered matches. Note that "first" or "last" return a vector (unless as_data_frame = TRUE), while "all" can return a vector (if only one match was found) or a data frame (for more than one match). Type safe return values are only possible when extract is "first" or "last" (will always return a vector) or when as_data_frame = TRUE (always returns a data frame).


Logical, if TRUE, will always return a data frame, even if only one variable was matched. If FALSE, either returns a vector or a data frame. See extract for details.


Logical, if TRUE and when one of the select-helpers or a regular expression is used in select, ignores lower/upper case in the search pattern when matching against variable names.


Logical, if TRUE, the search pattern from select will be treated as regular expression. When regex = TRUE, select must be a character string (or a variable containing a character string) and is not allowed to be one of the supported select-helpers or a character vector of length > 1. regex = TRUE is comparable to using one of the two select-helpers, select = contains("") or select = regex(""), however, since the select-helpers may not work when called from inside other functions (see 'Details'), this argument may be used as workaround.


Toggle warnings.


data_extract() can be used to select multiple variables or pull a single variable from a data frame. Thus, the return value is by default not type safe - data_extract() either returns a vector or a data frame.

Extracting single variables (vectors)

When select is the name of a single column, or when select only matches one column, a vector is returned. A single variable is also returned when extract is either ⁠"first⁠ or "last". Setting as_data_frame to TRUE overrides this behaviour and always returns a data frame.

Extracting a data frame of variables

When select is a character vector containing more than one column name (or a numeric vector with more than one valid column indices), or when select uses one of the supported select-helpers that match multiple columns, a data frame is returned. Setting as_data_frame to TRUE always returns a data frame.


A vector (or a data frame) containing the extracted element, or NULL if no matching variable was found.


# single variable
data_extract(mtcars, cyl, name = gear)
data_extract(mtcars, "cyl", name = gear)
data_extract(mtcars, -1, name = gear)
data_extract(mtcars, cyl, name = 0)
data_extract(mtcars, cyl, name = "row.names")

# selecting multiple variables
head(data_extract(iris, starts_with("Sepal")))
head(data_extract(iris, ends_with("Width")))
head(data_extract(iris, 2:4))

# select first of multiple variables
data_extract(iris, starts_with("Sepal"), extract = "first")

# select first of multiple variables, return as data frame
head(data_extract(iris, starts_with("Sepal"), extract = "first", as_data_frame = TRUE))

Create a grouped data frame


This function is comparable to dplyr::group_by(), but just following the datawizard function design. data_ungroup() removes the grouping information from a grouped data frame.


  select = NULL,
  exclude = NULL,
  ignore_case = FALSE,
  regex = FALSE,
  verbose = TRUE,

data_ungroup(data, verbose = TRUE, ...)



A data frame


Variables that will be included when performing the required tasks. Can be either

  • a variable specified as a literal variable name (e.g., column_name),

  • a string with the variable name (e.g., "column_name"), a character vector of variable names (e.g., c("col1", "col2", "col3")), or a character vector of variable names including ranges specified via : (e.g., c("col1:col3", "col5")),

  • a formula with variable names (e.g., ~column_1 + column_2),

  • a vector of positive integers, giving the positions counting from the left (e.g. 1 or c(1, 3, 5)),

  • a vector of negative integers, giving the positions counting from the right (e.g., -1 or -1:-3),

  • one of the following select-helpers: starts_with(), ends_with(), contains(), a range using : or regex(""). starts_with(), ends_with(), and contains() accept several patterns, e.g starts_with("Sep", "Petal").

  • or a function testing for logical conditions, e.g. is.numeric() (or is.numeric), or any user-defined function that selects the variables for which the function returns TRUE (like: foo <- function(x) mean(x) > 3),

  • ranges specified via literal variable names, select-helpers (except regex()) and (user-defined) functions can be negated, i.e. return non-matching elements, when prefixed with a -, e.g. -ends_with(""), -is.numeric or -(Sepal.Width:Petal.Length). Note: Negation means that matches are excluded, and thus, the exclude argument can be used alternatively. For instance, select=-ends_with("Length") (with -) is equivalent to exclude=ends_with("Length") (no -). In case negation should not work as expected, use the exclude argument instead.

If NULL, selects all columns. Patterns that found no matches are silently ignored, e.g. extract_column_names(iris, select = c("Species", "Test")) will just return "Species".


See select, however, column names matched by the pattern from exclude will be excluded instead of selected. If NULL (the default), excludes no columns.


Logical, if TRUE and when one of the select-helpers or a regular expression is used in select, ignores lower/upper case in the search pattern when matching against variable names.


Logical, if TRUE, the search pattern from select will be treated as regular expression. When regex = TRUE, select must be a character string (or a variable containing a character string) and is not allowed to be one of the supported select-helpers or a character vector of length > 1. regex = TRUE is comparable to using one of the two select-helpers, select = contains("") or select = regex(""), however, since the select-helpers may not work when called from inside other functions (see 'Details'), this argument may be used as workaround.


Toggle warnings.


Arguments passed down to other functions. Mostly not used yet.


A grouped data frame, i.e. a data frame with additional information about the grouping structure saved as attributes.


suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(poorman, quietly = TRUE))

# total mean
efc %>%
  summarize(mean_hours = mean(c12hour, na.rm = TRUE))

# mean by educational level
efc %>%
  data_group(c172code) %>%
  summarize(mean_hours = mean(c12hour, na.rm = TRUE))

Return filtered or sliced data frame, or row indices


Return a filtered (or sliced) data frame or row indices of a data frame that match a specific condition. data_filter() works like data_match(), but works with logical expressions or row indices of a data frame to specify matching conditions.


  match = "and",
  return_indices = FALSE,
  remove_na = TRUE,

data_filter(x, ...)



A data frame.


A data frame matching the specified conditions. Note that if match is a value other than "and", the original row order might be changed. See 'Details'.


String, indicating with which logical operation matching conditions should be combined. Can be "and" (or "&"), "or" (or "|") or "not" (or "!").


Logical, if FALSE, return the vector of rows that can be used to filter the original data frame. If FALSE (default), returns directly the filtered data frame instead of the row indices.


Logical, if TRUE, missing values (NAs) are removed before filtering the data. This is the default behaviour, however, sometimes when row indices are requested (i.e. return_indices=TRUE), it might be useful to preserve NA values, so returned row indices match the row indices of the original data frame.


Deprecated, please use remove_na instead.


A sequence of logical expressions indicating which rows to keep, or a numeric vector indicating the row indices of rows to keep. Can also be a string representation of a logical expression (e.g. "x > 4"), a character vector (e.g. c("x > 4", "y == 2")) or a variable that contains the string representation of a logical expression. These might be useful when used in packages to avoid defining undefined global variables.


For data_match(), if match is either "or" or "not", the original row order from x might be changed. If preserving row order is required, use data_filter() instead.

# mimics subset() behaviour, preserving original row order
head(data_filter(mtcars[c("mpg", "vs", "am")], vs == 0 | am == 1))
#>                    mpg vs am
#> Mazda RX4         21.0  0  1
#> Mazda RX4 Wag     21.0  0  1
#> Datsun 710        22.8  1  1
#> Hornet Sportabout 18.7  0  0
#> Duster 360        14.3  0  0
#> Merc 450SE        16.4  0  0

# re-sorting rows
head(data_match(mtcars[c("mpg", "vs", "am")],
                data.frame(vs = 0, am = 1),
                match = "or"))
#>                    mpg vs am
#> Mazda RX4         21.0  0  1
#> Mazda RX4 Wag     21.0  0  1
#> Hornet Sportabout 18.7  0  0
#> Duster 360        14.3  0  0
#> Merc 450SE        16.4  0  0
#> Merc 450SL        17.3  0  0

While data_match() works with data frames to match conditions against, data_filter() is basically a wrapper around ⁠subset(subset = <filter>)⁠. However, unlike subset(), it preserves label attributes and is useful when working with labelled data.


A filtered data frame, or the row indices that match the specified configuration.

See Also


data_match(mtcars, data.frame(vs = 0, am = 1))
data_match(mtcars, data.frame(vs = 0, am = c(0, 1)))

# observations where "vs" is NOT 0 AND "am" is NOT 1
data_match(mtcars, data.frame(vs = 0, am = 1), match = "not")
# equivalent to
data_filter(mtcars, vs != 0 & am != 1)

# observations where EITHER "vs" is 0 OR "am" is 1
data_match(mtcars, data.frame(vs = 0, am = 1), match = "or")
# equivalent to
data_filter(mtcars, vs == 0 | am == 1)

# slice data frame by row indices
data_filter(mtcars, 5:10)

# Define a custom function containing data_filter()
my_filter <- function(data, variable) {
  data_filter(data, variable)
my_filter(mtcars, "cyl == 6")

# Pass complete filter-condition as string.
my_filter <- function(data, condition) {
  data_filter(data, condition)
my_filter(mtcars, "am != 0")

# string can also be used directly as argument
data_filter(mtcars, "am != 0")

# or as variable
fl <- "am != 0"
data_filter(mtcars, fl)

Merge (join) two data frames, or a list of data frames


Merge (join) two data frames, or a list of data frames. However, unlike base R's merge(), data_merge() offers a few more methods to join data frames, and it does not drop data frame nor column attributes.


data_merge(x, ...)

data_join(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'data.frame'
data_merge(x, y, join = "left", by = NULL, id = NULL, verbose = TRUE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'list'
data_merge(x, join = "left", by = NULL, id = NULL, verbose = TRUE, ...)


x, y

A data frame to merge. x may also be a list of data frames that will be merged. Note that the list-method has no y argument.


Not used.


Character vector, indicating the method of joining the data frames. Can be "full", "left" (default), "right", "inner", "anti", "semi" or "bind". See details below.


Specifications of the columns used for merging.


Optional name for ID column that will be created to indicate the source data frames for appended rows. Only applies if join = "bind".


Toggle warnings.


A merged data frame.

Merging data frames

Merging data frames is performed by adding rows (cases), columns (variables) or both from the source data frame (y) to the target data frame (x). This usually requires one or more variables which are included in both data frames and that are used for merging, typically indicated with the by argument. When by contains a variable present in both data frames, cases are matched and filtered by identical values of by in x and y.

Left- and right-joins

Left- and right joins usually don't add new rows (cases), but only new columns (variables) for existing cases in x. For join = "left" or join = "right" to work, by must indicate one or more columns that are included in both data frames. For join = "left", if by is an identifier variable, which is included in both x and y, all variables from y are copied to x, but only those cases from y that have matching values in their identifier variable in x (i.e. all cases in x that are also found in y get the related values from the new columns in y). If there is no match between identifiers in x and y, the copied variable from y will get a NA value for this particular case. Other variables that occur both in x and y, but are not used as identifiers (with by), will be renamed to avoid multiple identical variable names. Cases in y where values from the identifier have no match in x's identifier are removed. join = "right" works in a similar way as join = "left", just that only cases from x that have matching values in their identifier variable in y are chosen.

In base R, these are equivalent to merge(x, y, all.x = TRUE) and merge(x, y, all.y = TRUE).

Full joins

Full joins copy all cases from y to x. For matching cases in both data frames, values for new variables are copied from y to x. For cases in y not present in x, these will be added as new rows to x. Thus, full joins not only add new columns (variables), but also might add new rows (cases).

In base R, this is equivalent to merge(x, y, all = TRUE).

Inner joins

Inner joins merge two data frames, however, only those rows (cases) are kept that are present in both data frames. Thus, inner joins usually add new columns (variables), but also remove rows (cases) that only occur in one data frame.

In base R, this is equivalent to merge(x, y).


join = "bind" row-binds the complete second data frame y to x. Unlike simple rbind(), which requires the same columns for both data frames, join = "bind" will bind shared columns from y to x, and add new columns from y to x.

See Also


x <- data.frame(a = 1:3, b = c("a", "b", "c"), c = 5:7, id = 1:3)
y <- data.frame(c = 6:8, d = c("f", "g", "h"), e = 100:102, id = 2:4)


# "by" will default to all shared columns, i.e. "c" and "id". new columns
# "d" and "e" will be copied from "y" to "x", but there are only two cases
# in "x" that have the same values for "c" and "id" in "y". only those cases
# have values in the copied columns, the other case gets "NA".
data_merge(x, y, join = "left")

# we change the id-value here
x <- data.frame(a = 1:3, b = c("a", "b", "c"), c = 5:7, id = 1:3)
y <- data.frame(c = 6:8, d = c("f", "g", "h"), e = 100:102, id = 3:5)


# no cases in "y" have the same matching "c" and "id" as in "x", thus
# copied variables from "y" to "x" copy no values, all get NA.
data_merge(x, y, join = "left")

# one case in "y" has a match in "id" with "x", thus values for this
# case from the remaining variables in "y" are copied to "x", all other
# values (cases) in those remaining variables get NA
data_merge(x, y, join = "left", by = "id")

x <- mtcars[1:5, 1:3]
y <- mtcars[28:32, 4:6]

# add ID common column
x$id <- 1:5
y$id <- 3:7

# left-join, add new variables and copy values from y to x,
# where "id" values match
data_merge(x, y)

# right-join, add new variables and copy values from x to y,
# where "id" values match
data_merge(x, y, join = "right")

# full-join
data_merge(x, y, join = "full")

x <- mtcars[1:5, 1:3]
y <- mtcars[28:32, c(1, 4:5)]

# add ID common column
x$id <- 1:5
y$id <- 3:7

# left-join, no matching rows (because columns "id" and "disp" are used)
# new variables get all NA values
data_merge(x, y)

# one common value in "mpg", so one row from y is copied to x
data_merge(x, y, by = "mpg")

# only keep rows with matching values in by-column
data_merge(x, y, join = "semi", by = "mpg")

# only keep rows with non-matching values in by-column
data_merge(x, y, join = "anti", by = "mpg")

# merge list of data frames. can be of different rows
x <- mtcars[1:5, 1:3]
y <- mtcars[28:31, 3:5]
z <- mtcars[11:18, c(1, 3:4, 6:8)]
x$id <- 1:5
y$id <- 4:7
z$id <- 3:10
data_merge(list(x, y, z), join = "bind", by = "id", id = "source")

Create new variables in a data frame


Create new variables or modify existing variables in a data frame. Unlike base::transform(), data_modify() can be used on grouped data frames, and newly created variables can be directly used.


data_modify(data, ...)

## S3 method for class 'data.frame'
data_modify(data, ..., .if = NULL, .at = NULL, .modify = NULL)



A data frame


One or more expressions that define the new variable name and the values or recoding of those new variables. These expressions can be one of:

  • A sequence of named, literal expressions, where the left-hand side refers to the name of the new variable, while the right-hand side represent the values of the new variable. Example: Sepal.Width = center(Sepal.Width).

  • A sequence of string values, representing expressions.

  • A variable that contains a string representation of the expression. Example:

    a <- "2 * Sepal.Width"
    data_modify(iris, a)
  • A character vector of expressions. Example: c("SW_double = 2 * Sepal.Width", "SW_fraction = SW_double / 10"). This type of expression cannot be mixed with other expressions, i.e. if a character vector is provided, you may not add further elements to ....

  • Using NULL as right-hand side removes a variable from the data frame. Example: Petal.Width = NULL.

Note that newly created variables can be used in subsequent expressions, including .at or .if. See also 'Examples'.


A function that returns TRUE for columns in the data frame where .if applies. This argument is used in combination with the .modify argument. Note that only one of .at or .if can be provided, but not both at the same time. Newly created variables in ... can also be selected, see 'Examples'.


A character vector of variable names that should be modified. This argument is used in combination with the .modify argument. Note that only one of .at or .if can be provided, but not both at the same time. Newly created variables in ... can also be selected, see 'Examples'.


A function that modifies the variables defined in .at or .if. This argument is used in combination with either the .at or the .if argument. Note that the modified variable (i.e. the result from .modify) must be either of length 1 or of same length as the input variable.


data_modify() can also be used inside functions. However, it is recommended to pass the recode-expression as character vector or list of characters.


new_efc <- data_modify(
  c12hour_c = center(c12hour),
  c12hour_z = c12hour_c / sd(c12hour, na.rm = TRUE),
  c12hour_z2 = standardize(c12hour)

# using strings instead of literal expressions
new_efc <- data_modify(
  "c12hour_c = center(c12hour)",
  "c12hour_z = c12hour_c / sd(c12hour, na.rm = TRUE)",
  "c12hour_z2 = standardize(c12hour)"

# using character strings, provided as variable
stand <- "c12hour_c / sd(c12hour, na.rm = TRUE)"
new_efc <- data_modify(
  c12hour_c = center(c12hour),
  c12hour_z = stand

# providing expressions as character vector
new_exp <- c(
  "c12hour_c = center(c12hour)",
  "c12hour_z = c12hour_c / sd(c12hour, na.rm = TRUE)"
new_efc <- data_modify(efc, new_exp)

# attributes - in this case, value and variable labels - are preserved

# overwrite existing variable, remove old variable
out <- data_modify(iris, Petal.Length = 1 / Sepal.Length, Sepal.Length = NULL)

# works on grouped data
grouped_efc <- data_group(efc, "c172code")
new_efc <- data_modify(
  c12hour_c = center(c12hour),
  c12hour_z = c12hour_c / sd(c12hour, na.rm = TRUE),
  c12hour_z2 = standardize(c12hour)

# works from inside functions
foo <- function(data, z) {
  head(data_modify(data, z))
foo(iris, "var_a = Sepal.Width / 10")

new_exp <- c("SW_double = 2 * Sepal.Width", "SW_fraction = SW_double / 10")
foo(iris, new_exp)

# modify at specific positions or if condition is met
d <- iris[1:5, ]
data_modify(d, .at = "Species", .modify = as.numeric)
data_modify(d, .if = is.factor, .modify = as.numeric)

# can be combined with dots
data_modify(d, new_length = Petal.Length * 2, .at = "Species", .modify = as.numeric)

# new variables used in `.at` or `.if`
  new_length = Petal.Length * 2,
  .at = c("Petal.Length", "new_length"),
  .modify = round

# combine "extract_column_names()" and ".at" argument
out <- data_modify(
  .at = extract_column_names(d, select = starts_with("Sepal")),
  .modify = as.factor
# "Sepal.Length" and "Sepal.Width" are now factors

Partition data


Creates data partitions (for instance, a training and a test set) based on a data frame that can also be stratified (i.e., evenly spread a given factor) using the by argument.


  proportion = 0.7,
  by = NULL,
  seed = NULL,
  row_id = ".row_id",
  verbose = TRUE,



A data frame, or an object that can be coerced to a data frame.


Scalar (between 0 and 1) or numeric vector, indicating the proportion(s) of the training set(s). The sum of proportion must not be greater than 1. The remaining part will be used for the test set.


A character vector indicating the name(s) of the column(s) used for stratified partitioning.


A random number generator seed. Enter an integer (e.g. 123) so that the random sampling will be the same each time you run the function.


Character string, indicating the name of the column that contains the row-id's.


Toggle messages and warnings.


Other arguments passed to or from other functions.


A list of data frames. The list includes one training set per given proportion and the remaining data as test set. List elements of training sets are named after the given proportions (e.g., ⁠$p_0.7⁠), the test set is named ⁠$test⁠.

See Also


out <- data_partition(iris, proportion = 0.9)

# Stratify by group (equal proportions of each species)
out <- data_partition(iris, proportion = 0.9, by = "Species")

# Create multiple partitions
out <- data_partition(iris, proportion = c(0.3, 0.3))
lapply(out, head)

# Create multiple partitions, stratified by group - 30% equally sampled
# from species in first training set, 50% in second training set and
# remaining 20% equally sampled from each species in test set.
out <- data_partition(iris, proportion = c(0.3, 0.5), by = "Species")
lapply(out, function(i) table(i$Species))

Peek at values and type of variables in a data frame


This function creates a table a data frame, showing all column names, variable types and the first values (as many as fit into the screen).


data_peek(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'data.frame'
  select = NULL,
  exclude = NULL,
  ignore_case = FALSE,
  regex = FALSE,
  width = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE,



A data frame.


not used.


Variables that will be included when performing the required tasks. Can be either

  • a variable specified as a literal variable name (e.g., column_name),

  • a string with the variable name (e.g., "column_name"), a character vector of variable names (e.g., c("col1", "col2", "col3")), or a character vector of variable names including ranges specified via : (e.g., c("col1:col3", "col5")),

  • a formula with variable names (e.g., ~column_1 + column_2),

  • a vector of positive integers, giving the positions counting from the left (e.g. 1 or c(1, 3, 5)),

  • a vector of negative integers, giving the positions counting from the right (e.g., -1 or -1:-3),

  • one of the following select-helpers: starts_with(), ends_with(), contains(), a range using : or regex(""). starts_with(), ends_with(), and contains() accept several patterns, e.g starts_with("Sep", "Petal").

  • or a function testing for logical conditions, e.g. is.numeric() (or is.numeric), or any user-defined function that selects the variables for which the function returns TRUE (like: foo <- function(x) mean(x) > 3),

  • ranges specified via literal variable names, select-helpers (except regex()) and (user-defined) functions can be negated, i.e. return non-matching elements, when prefixed with a -, e.g. -ends_with(""), -is.numeric or -(Sepal.Width:Petal.Length). Note: Negation means that matches are excluded, and thus, the exclude argument can be used alternatively. For instance, select=-ends_with("Length") (with -) is equivalent to exclude=ends_with("Length") (no -). In case negation should not work as expected, use the exclude argument instead.

If NULL, selects all columns. Patterns that found no matches are silently ignored, e.g. extract_column_names(iris, select = c("Species", "Test")) will just return "Species".


See select, however, column names matched by the pattern from exclude will be excluded instead of selected. If NULL (the default), excludes no columns.


Logical, if TRUE and when one of the select-helpers or a regular expression is used in select, ignores lower/upper case in the search pattern when matching against variable names.


Logical, if TRUE, the search pattern from select will be treated as regular expression. When regex = TRUE, select must be a character string (or a variable containing a character string) and is not allowed to be one of the supported select-helpers or a character vector of length > 1. regex = TRUE is comparable to using one of the two select-helpers, select = contains("") or select = regex(""), however, since the select-helpers may not work when called from inside other functions (see 'Details'), this argument may be used as workaround.


Maximum width of line length to display. If NULL, width will be determined using options()$width.


Toggle warnings.


A data frame with three columns, containing information about the name, type and first values of the input data frame.


To show only specific or a limited number of variables, use the select argument, e.g. select = 1:5 to show only the first five variables.


# show variables two to four
data_peek(efc, select = 2:4)

Read (import) data files from various sources


This functions imports data from various file types. It is a small wrapper around haven::read_spss(), haven::read_stata(), haven::read_sas(), readxl::read_excel() and data.table::fread() resp. readr::read_delim() (the latter if package data.table is not installed). Thus, supported file types for importing data are data files from SPSS, SAS or Stata, Excel files or text files (like '.csv' files). All other file types are passed to rio::import(). data_write() works in a similar way.


  path_catalog = NULL,
  encoding = NULL,
  convert_factors = TRUE,
  verbose = TRUE,

  delimiter = ",",
  convert_factors = FALSE,
  save_labels = FALSE,
  verbose = TRUE,



Character string, the file path to the data file.


Character string, path to the catalog file. Only relevant for SAS data files.


The character encoding used for the file. Usually not needed.


If TRUE (default), numeric variables, where all values have a value label, are assumed to be categorical and converted into factors. If FALSE, no variable types are guessed and no conversion of numeric variables into factors will be performed. See also section 'Differences to other packages'. For data_write(), this argument only applies to the text (e.g. .txt or .csv) or spreadsheet file formats (like .xlsx). Converting to factors might be useful for these formats because labelled numeric variables are then converted into factors and exported as character columns - else, value labels would be lost and only numeric values are written to the file.


Toggle warnings and messages.


Arguments passed to the related ⁠read_*()⁠ or ⁠write_*()⁠ functions.


The data frame that should be written to a file.


For CSV-files, specifies the delimiter. Defaults to ",", but in particular in European regions, ";" might be a useful alternative, especially when exported CSV-files should be opened in Excel.


Only applies to CSV files. If TRUE, value and variable labels (if any) will be saved as additional CSV file. This file has the same file name as the exported CSV file, but includes a "_labels" suffix (i.e. when the file name is "mydat.csv", the additional file with value and variable labels is named "mydat_labels.csv").


A data frame.

Supported file types

  • data_read() is a wrapper around the haven, data.table, readr readxl and rio packages. Currently supported file types are .txt, .csv, .xls, .xlsx, .sav, .por, .dta and .sas (and related files). All other file types are passed to rio::import().

  • data_write() is a wrapper around haven, readr and rio packages, and supports writing files into all formats supported by these packages.

Compressed files (zip) and URLs

data_read() can also read the above mentioned files from URLs or from inside zip-compressed files. Thus, path can also be a URL to a file like "". When path points to a zip-compressed file, and there are multiple files inside the zip-archive, then the first supported file is extracted and loaded.

General behaviour

data_read() detects the appropriate ⁠read_*()⁠ function based on the file-extension of the data file. Thus, in most cases it should be enough to only specify the path argument. However, if more control is needed, all arguments in ... are passed down to the related ⁠read_*()⁠ function. The same applies to data_write(), i.e. based on the file extension provided in path, the appropriate ⁠write_*()⁠ function is used automatically.

SPSS specific behaviour

data_read() does not import user-defined ("tagged") NA values from SPSS, i.e. argument user_na is always set to FALSE when importing SPSS data with the haven package. Use convert_to_na() to define missing values in the imported data, if necessary. Furthermore, data_write() compresses SPSS files by default. If this causes problems with (older) SPSS versions, use compress = "none", for example data_write(data, "myfile.sav", compress = "none").

Differences to other packages that read foreign data formats

data_read() is most comparable to rio::import(). For data files from SPSS, SAS or Stata, which support labelled data, variables are converted into their most appropriate type. The major difference to rio::import() is that data_read() automatically converts fully labelled numeric variables into factors, where imported value labels will be set as factor levels. If a numeric variable has no value labels or less value labels than values, it is not converted to factor. In this case, value labels are preserved as "labels" attribute. Character vectors are preserved. Use convert_factors = FALSE to remove the automatic conversion of numeric variables to factors.

Relocate (reorder) columns of a data frame


data_relocate() will reorder columns to specific positions, indicated by before or after. data_reorder() will instead move selected columns to the beginning of a data frame. Finally, data_remove() removes columns from a data frame. All functions support select-helpers that allow flexible specification of a search pattern to find matching columns, which should be reordered or removed.


  before = NULL,
  after = NULL,
  ignore_case = FALSE,
  regex = FALSE,
  verbose = TRUE,

  exclude = NULL,
  ignore_case = FALSE,
  regex = FALSE,
  verbose = TRUE,

  select = NULL,
  exclude = NULL,
  ignore_case = FALSE,
  regex = FALSE,
  verbose = FALSE,



A data frame.


Variables that will be included when performing the required tasks. Can be either

  • a variable specified as a literal variable name (e.g., column_name),

  • a string with the variable name (e.g., "column_name"), a character vector of variable names (e.g., c("col1", "col2", "col3")), or a character vector of variable names including ranges specified via : (e.g., c("col1:col3", "col5")),

  • a formula with variable names (e.g., ~column_1 + column_2),

  • a vector of positive integers, giving the positions counting from the left (e.g. 1 or c(1, 3, 5)),

  • a vector of negative integers, giving the positions counting from the right (e.g., -1 or -1:-3),

  • one of the following select-helpers: starts_with(), ends_with(), contains(), a range using : or regex(""). starts_with(), ends_with(), and contains() accept several patterns, e.g starts_with("Sep", "Petal").

  • or a function testing for logical conditions, e.g. is.numeric() (or is.numeric), or any user-defined function that selects the variables for which the function returns TRUE (like: foo <- function(x) mean(x) > 3),

  • ranges specified via literal variable names, select-helpers (except regex()) and (user-defined) functions can be negated, i.e. return non-matching elements, when prefixed with a -, e.g. -ends_with(""), -is.numeric or -(Sepal.Width:Petal.Length). Note: Negation means that matches are excluded, and thus, the exclude argument can be used alternatively. For instance, select=-ends_with("Length") (with -) is equivalent to exclude=ends_with("Length") (no -). In case negation should not work as expected, use the exclude argument instead.

If NULL, selects all columns. Patterns that found no matches are silently ignored, e.g. extract_column_names(iris, select = c("Species", "Test")) will just return "Species".

before, after

Destination of columns. Supplying neither will move columns to the left-hand side; specifying both is an error. Can be a character vector, indicating the name of the destination column, or a numeric value, indicating the index number of the destination column. If -1, will be added before or after the last column.


Logical, if TRUE and when one of the select-helpers or a regular expression is used in select, ignores lower/upper case in the search pattern when matching against variable names.


Logical, if TRUE, the search pattern from select will be treated as regular expression. When regex = TRUE, select must be a character string (or a variable containing a character string) and is not allowed to be one of the supported select-helpers or a character vector of length > 1. regex = TRUE is comparable to using one of the two select-helpers, select = contains("") or select = regex(""), however, since the select-helpers may not work when called from inside other functions (see 'Details'), this argument may be used as workaround.


Toggle warnings.


Arguments passed down to other functions. Mostly not used yet.


See select, however, column names matched by the pattern from exclude will be excluded instead of selected. If NULL (the default), excludes no columns.


A data frame with reordered columns.

See Also


# Reorder columns
head(data_relocate(iris, select = "Species", before = "Sepal.Length"))
head(data_relocate(iris, select = "Species", before = "Sepal.Width"))
head(data_relocate(iris, select = "Sepal.Width", after = "Species"))
# which is same as
head(data_relocate(iris, select = "Sepal.Width", after = -1))

# Reorder multiple columns
head(data_relocate(iris, select = c("Species", "Petal.Length"), after = "Sepal.Width"))
# which is same as
head(data_relocate(iris, select = c("Species", "Petal.Length"), after = 2))

# Reorder columns
head(data_reorder(iris, c("Species", "Sepal.Length")))

# Remove columns
head(data_remove(iris, "Sepal.Length"))
head(data_remove(iris, starts_with("Sepal")))

Expand (i.e. replicate rows) a data frame


Expand a data frame by replicating rows based on another variable that contains the counts of replications per row.


  expand = NULL,
  select = NULL,
  exclude = NULL,
  remove_na = FALSE,
  ignore_case = FALSE,
  verbose = TRUE,
  regex = FALSE,



A data frame.


The name of the column that contains the counts of replications for each row. Can also be a numeric value, indicating the position of that column. Note that the variable indicated by expand must be an integer vector.


Variables that will be included when performing the required tasks. Can be either

  • a variable specified as a literal variable name (e.g., column_name),

  • a string with the variable name (e.g., "column_name"), a character vector of variable names (e.g., c("col1", "col2", "col3")), or a character vector of variable names including ranges specified via : (e.g., c("col1:col3", "col5")),

  • a formula with variable names (e.g., ~column_1 + column_2),

  • a vector of positive integers, giving the positions counting from the left (e.g. 1 or c(1, 3, 5)),

  • a vector of negative integers, giving the positions counting from the right (e.g., -1 or -1:-3),

  • one of the following select-helpers: starts_with(), ends_with(), contains(), a range using : or regex(""). starts_with(), ends_with(), and contains() accept several patterns, e.g starts_with("Sep", "Petal").

  • or a function testing for logical conditions, e.g. is.numeric() (or is.numeric), or any user-defined function that selects the variables for which the function returns TRUE (like: foo <- function(x) mean(x) > 3),

  • ranges specified via literal variable names, select-helpers (except regex()) and (user-defined) functions can be negated, i.e. return non-matching elements, when prefixed with a -, e.g. -ends_with(""), -is.numeric or -(Sepal.Width:Petal.Length). Note: Negation means that matches are excluded, and thus, the exclude argument can be used alternatively. For instance, select=-ends_with("Length") (with -) is equivalent to exclude=ends_with("Length") (no -). In case negation should not work as expected, use the exclude argument instead.

If NULL, selects all columns. Patterns that found no matches are silently ignored, e.g. extract_column_names(iris, select = c("Species", "Test")) will just return "Species".


See select, however, column names matched by the pattern from exclude will be excluded instead of selected. If NULL (the default), excludes no columns.


Logical. If TRUE, missing values in the column provided in expand are removed from the data frame. If FALSE and expand contains missing values, the function will throw an error.


Logical, if TRUE and when one of the select-helpers or a regular expression is used in select, ignores lower/upper case in the search pattern when matching against variable names.


Toggle warnings.


Logical, if TRUE, the search pattern from select will be treated as regular expression. When regex = TRUE, select must be a character string (or a variable containing a character string) and is not allowed to be one of the supported select-helpers or a character vector of length > 1. regex = TRUE is comparable to using one of the two select-helpers, select = contains("") or select = regex(""), however, since the select-helpers may not work when called from inside other functions (see 'Details'), this argument may be used as workaround.


Currently not used.


A dataframe with each row replicated as many times as defined in expand.


data_replicate(head(mtcars), "carb")

Restore the type of columns according to a reference data frame


Restore the type of columns according to a reference data frame


data_restoretype(data, reference = NULL, ...)



A data frame for which to restore the column types.


A reference data frame from which to find the correct column types. If NULL, each column is converted to numeric if it doesn't generate NAs. For example, c("1", "2") can be converted to numeric but not c("Sepal.Length").


Currently not used.


A data frame with columns whose types have been restored based on the reference data frame.


data <- data.frame(
  Sepal.Length = c("1", "3", "2"),
  Species = c("setosa", "versicolor", "setosa"),
  New = c("1", "3", "4")

fixed <- data_restoretype(data, reference = iris)

Rotate a data frame


This function rotates a data frame, i.e. columns become rows and vice versa. It's the equivalent of using t() but restores the data.frame class, preserves attributes and prints a warning if the data type is modified (see example).


data_rotate(data, rownames = NULL, colnames = FALSE, verbose = TRUE)

data_transpose(data, rownames = NULL, colnames = FALSE, verbose = TRUE)



A data frame.


Character vector (optional). If not NULL, the data frame's rownames will be added as (first) column to the output, with rownames being the name of this column.


Logical or character vector (optional). If TRUE, the values of the first column in x will be used as column names in the rotated data frame. If a character vector, values from that column are used as column names.


Toggle warnings.


A (rotated) data frame.

See Also


x <- mtcars[1:3, 1:4]


data_rotate(x, rownames = "property")

# use values in 1. column as column name
data_rotate(x, colnames = TRUE)
data_rotate(x, rownames = "property", colnames = TRUE)

# use either first column or specific column for column names
x <- data.frame(a = 1:5, b = 11:15, c = 21:25)
data_rotate(x, colnames = TRUE)
data_rotate(x, colnames = "c")

Find variables by their names, variable or value labels


This functions seeks variables in a data frame, based on patterns that either match the variable name (column name), variable labels, value labels or factor levels. Matching variable and value labels only works for "labelled" data, i.e. when the variables either have a label attribute or labels attribute.

data_seek() is particular useful for larger data frames with labelled data - finding the correct variable name can be a challenge. This function helps to find the required variables, when only certain patterns of variable names or labels are known.


data_seek(data, pattern, seek = c("names", "labels"), fuzzy = FALSE)



A data frame.


Character string (regular expression) to be matched in data. May also be a character vector of length > 1. pattern is searched for in column names, variable label and value labels attributes, or factor levels of variables in data.


Character vector, indicating where pattern is sought. Use one or more of the following options:

  • "names": Searches in column names. "column_names" and "columns" are aliases for "names".

  • "labels": Searches in variable labels. Only applies when a label attribute is set for a variable.

  • "values": Searches in value labels or factor levels. Only applies when a labels attribute is set for a variable, or if a variable is a factor. "levels" is an alias for "values".

  • "all": Searches in all of the above.


Logical. If TRUE, "fuzzy matching" (partial and close distance matching) will be used to find pattern.


A data frame with three columns: the column index, the column name and - if available - the variable label of all matched variables in data.


# seek variables with "Length" in variable name or labels
data_seek(iris, "Length")

# seek variables with "dependency" in names or labels
# column "e42dep" has a label-attribute "elder's dependency"
data_seek(efc, "dependency")

# "female" only appears as value label attribute - default search is in
# variable names and labels only, so no match
data_seek(efc, "female")
# when we seek in all sources, we find the variable "e16sex"
data_seek(efc, "female", seek = "all")

# typo, no match
data_seek(iris, "Lenght")
# typo, fuzzy match
data_seek(iris, "Lenght", fuzzy = TRUE)

Find or get columns in a data frame based on search patterns


extract_column_names() returns column names from a data set that match a certain search pattern, while data_select() returns the found data.


  select = NULL,
  exclude = NULL,
  ignore_case = FALSE,
  regex = FALSE,
  verbose = TRUE,

  select = NULL,
  exclude = NULL,
  ignore_case = FALSE,
  regex = FALSE,
  verbose = TRUE,

  select = NULL,
  exclude = NULL,
  ignore_case = FALSE,
  regex = FALSE,
  verbose = TRUE,



A data frame.


Variables that will be included when performing the required tasks. Can be either

  • a variable specified as a literal variable name (e.g., column_name),

  • a string with the variable name (e.g., "column_name"), a character vector of variable names (e.g., c("col1", "col2", "col3")), or a character vector of variable names including ranges specified via : (e.g., c("col1:col3", "col5")),

  • a formula with variable names (e.g., ~column_1 + column_2),

  • a vector of positive integers, giving the positions counting from the left (e.g. 1 or c(1, 3, 5)),

  • a vector of negative integers, giving the positions counting from the right (e.g., -1 or -1:-3),

  • one of the following select-helpers: starts_with(), ends_with(), contains(), a range using : or regex(""). starts_with(), ends_with(), and contains() accept several patterns, e.g starts_with("Sep", "Petal").

  • or a function testing for logical conditions, e.g. is.numeric() (or is.numeric), or any user-defined function that selects the variables for which the function returns TRUE (like: foo <- function(x) mean(x) > 3),

  • ranges specified via literal variable names, select-helpers (except regex()) and (user-defined) functions can be negated, i.e. return non-matching elements, when prefixed with a -, e.g. -ends_with(""), -is.numeric or -(Sepal.Width:Petal.Length). Note: Negation means that matches are excluded, and thus, the exclude argument can be used alternatively. For instance, select=-ends_with("Length") (with -) is equivalent to exclude=ends_with("Length") (no -). In case negation should not work as expected, use the exclude argument instead.

If NULL, selects all columns. Patterns that found no matches are silently ignored, e.g. extract_column_names(iris, select = c("Species", "Test")) will just return "Species".


See select, however, column names matched by the pattern from exclude will be excluded instead of selected. If NULL (the default), excludes no columns.


Logical, if TRUE and when one of the select-helpers or a regular expression is used in select, ignores lower/upper case in the search pattern when matching against variable names.


Logical, if TRUE, the search pattern from select will be treated as regular expression. When regex = TRUE, select must be a character string (or a variable containing a character string) and is not allowed to be one of the supported select-helpers or a character vector of length > 1. regex = TRUE is comparable to using one of the two select-helpers, select = contains("") or select = regex(""), however, since the select-helpers may not work when called from inside other functions (see 'Details'), this argument may be used as workaround.


Toggle warnings.


Arguments passed down to other functions. Mostly not used yet.


Specifically for data_select(), select can also be a named character vector. In this case, the names are used to rename the columns in the output data frame. See 'Examples'.

Note that it is possible to either pass an entire select helper or only the pattern inside a select helper as a function argument:

foo <- function(data, pattern) {
  extract_column_names(data, select = starts_with(pattern))
foo(iris, pattern = "Sep")

foo2 <- function(data, pattern) {
  extract_column_names(data, select = pattern)
foo2(iris, pattern = starts_with("Sep"))

This means that it is also possible to use loop values as arguments or patterns:

for (i in c("Sepal", "Sp")) {
  head(iris) |>
    extract_column_names(select = starts_with(i)) |>

However, this behavior is limited to a "single-level function". It will not work in nested functions, like below:

inner <- function(data, arg) {
  extract_column_names(data, select = arg)
outer <- function(data, arg) {
  inner(data, starts_with(arg))
outer(iris, "Sep")

In this case, it is better to pass the whole select helper as the argument of outer():

outer <- function(data, arg) {
  inner(data, arg)
outer(iris, starts_with("Sep"))


extract_column_names() returns a character vector with column names that matched the pattern in select and exclude, or NULL if no matching column name was found. data_select() returns a data frame with matching columns.

See Also


# Find column names by pattern
extract_column_names(iris, starts_with("Sepal"))
extract_column_names(iris, ends_with("Width"))
extract_column_names(iris, regex("\\."))
extract_column_names(iris, c("Petal.Width", "Sepal.Length"))

# starts with "Sepal", but not allowed to end with "width"
extract_column_names(iris, starts_with("Sepal"), exclude = contains("Width"))

# find numeric with mean > 3.5
numeric_mean_35 <- function(x) is.numeric(x) && mean(x, na.rm = TRUE) > 3.5
extract_column_names(iris, numeric_mean_35)

# find range of colum names by range, using character vector
extract_column_names(mtcars, c("cyl:hp", "wt"))

# rename returned columns for "data_select()"
head(data_select(mtcars, c(`Miles per Gallon` = "mpg", Cylinders = "cyl")))

Separate single variable into multiple variables


Separates a single variable into multiple new variables.


  select = NULL,
  new_columns = NULL,
  separator = "[^[:alnum:]]+",
  guess_columns = NULL,
  merge_multiple = FALSE,
  merge_separator = "",
  fill = "right",
  extra = "drop_right",
  convert_na = TRUE,
  exclude = NULL,
  append = FALSE,
  ignore_case = FALSE,
  verbose = TRUE,
  regex = FALSE,



A data frame.


Variables that will be included when performing the required tasks. Can be either

  • a variable specified as a literal variable name (e.g., column_name),

  • a string with the variable name (e.g., "column_name"), a character vector of variable names (e.g., c("col1", "col2", "col3")), or a character vector of variable names including ranges specified via : (e.g., c("col1:col3", "col5")),

  • a formula with variable names (e.g., ~column_1 + column_2),

  • a vector of positive integers, giving the positions counting from the left (e.g. 1 or c(1, 3, 5)),

  • a vector of negative integers, giving the positions counting from the right (e.g., -1 or -1:-3),

  • one of the following select-helpers: starts_with(), ends_with(), contains(), a range using : or regex(""). starts_with(), ends_with(), and contains() accept several patterns, e.g starts_with("Sep", "Petal").

  • or a function testing for logical conditions, e.g. is.numeric() (or is.numeric), or any user-defined function that selects the variables for which the function returns TRUE (like: foo <- function(x) mean(x) > 3),

  • ranges specified via literal variable names, select-helpers (except regex()) and (user-defined) functions can be negated, i.e. return non-matching elements, when prefixed with a -, e.g. -ends_with(""), -is.numeric or -(Sepal.Width:Petal.Length). Note: Negation means that matches are excluded, and thus, the exclude argument can be used alternatively. For instance, select=-ends_with("Length") (with -) is equivalent to exclude=ends_with("Length") (no -). In case negation should not work as expected, use the exclude argument instead.

If NULL, selects all columns. Patterns that found no matches are silently ignored, e.g. extract_column_names(iris, select = c("Species", "Test")) will just return "Species".


The names of the new columns, as character vector. If more than one variable was selected (in select), the new names are prefixed with the name of the original column. new_columns can also be a list of (named) character vectors when multiple variables should be separated. See 'Examples'.


Separator between columns. Can be a character vector, which is then treated as regular expression, or a numeric vector that indicates at which positions the string values will be split.


If new_columns is not given, the required number of new columns is guessed based on the results of value splitting. For example, if a variable is split into three new columns, this will be considered as the required number of new columns, and columns are named "split_1", "split_2" and "split_3". When values from a variable are split into different amount of new columns, the guess_column can be either "mode" (number of new columns is based on the most common number of splits), "min" or "max" to use the minimum resp. maximum number of possible splits as required number of columns.


Logical, if TRUE and more than one variable is selected for separating, new columns can be merged. Value pairs of all split variables are merged.


Separator string when merge_multiple = TRUE. Defines the string that is used to merge values together.


How to deal with values that return fewer new columns after splitting? Can be "left" (fill missing columns from the left with NA), "right" (fill missing columns from the right with NA) or "value_left" or "value_right" to fill missing columns from left or right with the left-most or right-most values.


How to deal with values that return too many new columns after splitting? Can be "drop_left" or "drop_right" to drop the left-most or right-most values, or "merge_left" or "merge_right" to merge the left- or right-most value together, and keeping all remaining values as is.


Logical, if TRUE, character "NA" values are converted into real NA values.


See select, however, column names matched by the pattern from exclude will be excluded instead of selected. If NULL (the default), excludes no columns.


Logical, if FALSE (default), removes original columns that were separated. If TRUE, all columns are preserved and the new columns are appended to the data frame.


Logical, if TRUE and when one of the select-helpers or a regular expression is used in select, ignores lower/upper case in the search pattern when matching against variable names.


Toggle warnings.


Logical, if TRUE, the search pattern from select will be treated as regular expression. When regex = TRUE, select must be a character string (or a variable containing a character string) and is not allowed to be one of the supported select-helpers or a character vector of length > 1. regex = TRUE is comparable to using one of the two select-helpers, select = contains("") or select = regex(""), however, since the select-helpers may not work when called from inside other functions (see 'Details'), this argument may be used as workaround.


Currently not used.


A data frame with the newly created variable(s), or - when append = TRUE - data including new variables.

See Also



# simple case
d <- data.frame(
  x = c("1.a.6", "2.b.7", "3.c.8"),
  stringsAsFactors = FALSE
data_separate(d, new_columns = c("a", "b", "c"))

# guess number of columns
d <- data.frame(
  x = c("1.a.6", NA, "2.b.6.7", "3.c", "x.y.z"),
  stringsAsFactors = FALSE
data_separate(d, guess_columns = "mode")

data_separate(d, guess_columns = "max")

# drop left-most column
data_separate(d, guess_columns = "mode", extra = "drop_left")

# merge right-most column
data_separate(d, guess_columns = "mode", extra = "merge_right")

# fill columns with fewer values with left-most values
data_separate(d, guess_columns = "mode", fill = "value_left")

# fill and merge
  guess_columns = "mode",
  fill = "value_left",
  extra = "merge_right"

# multiple columns to split
d <- data.frame(
  x = c("1.a.6", "2.b.7", "3.c.8"),
  y = c("x.y.z", "10.11.12", "m.n.o"),
  stringsAsFactors = FALSE
# split two columns, default column names
data_separate(d, guess_columns = "mode")

# split into new named columns, repeating column names
data_separate(d, new_columns = c("a", "b", "c"))

# split selected variable new columns
data_separate(d, select = "y", new_columns = c("a", "b", "c"))

# merge multiple split columns
  new_columns = c("a", "b", "c"),
  merge_multiple = TRUE

# merge multiple split columns
  new_columns = c("a", "b", "c"),
  merge_multiple = TRUE,
  merge_separator = "-"

# separate multiple columns, give proper column names
d_sep <- data.frame(
  x = c("1.a.6", "2.b.7.d", "3.c.8", "5.j"),
  y = c("m.n.99.22", "77.f.g.34", "44.9", NA),
  stringsAsFactors = FALSE

  select = c("x", "y"),
  new_columns = list(
    x = c("A", "B", "C"), # separate "x" into three columns
    y = c("EE", "FF", "GG", "HH") # separate "y" into four columns
  verbose = FALSE

Summarize data


This function can be used to compute summary statistics for a data frame or a matrix.


data_summary(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'data.frame'
data_summary(x, ..., by = NULL, remove_na = FALSE)



A (grouped) data frame.


One or more named expressions that define the new variable name and the function to compute the summary statistic. Example: mean_sepal_width = mean(Sepal.Width). The expression can also be provided as a character string, e.g. "mean_sepal_width = mean(Sepal.Width)". The summary function n() can be used to count the number of observations.


Optional character string, indicating the name of a variable in x. If supplied, the data will be split by this variable and summary statistics will be computed for each group.


Logical. If TRUE, missing values are omitted from the grouping variable. If FALSE (default), missing values are included as a level in the grouping variable.


A data frame with the requested summary statistics.


data_summary(iris, MW = mean(Sepal.Width), SD = sd(Sepal.Width))
  MW = mean(Sepal.Width),
  SD = sd(Sepal.Width),
  by = "Species"

# same as
d <- data_group(iris, "Species")
data_summary(d, MW = mean(Sepal.Width), SD = sd(Sepal.Width))

# multiple groups
data_summary(mtcars, MW = mean(mpg), SD = sd(mpg), by = c("am", "gear"))

# expressions can also be supplied as character strings
data_summary(mtcars, "MW = mean(mpg)", "SD = sd(mpg)", by = c("am", "gear"))

# count observations within groups
data_summary(mtcars, observations = n(), by = c("am", "gear"))

# first and last observations of "mpg" within groups
  first = mpg[1],
  last = mpg[length(mpg)],
  by = c("am", "gear")

Create frequency and crosstables of variables


This function creates frequency or crosstables of variables, including the number of levels/values as well as the distribution of raw, valid and cumulative percentages. For crosstables, row, column and cell percentages can be calculated.


data_tabulate(x, ...)

## Default S3 method:
  by = NULL,
  drop_levels = FALSE,
  weights = NULL,
  remove_na = FALSE,
  proportions = NULL,
  name = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE,

## S3 method for class 'data.frame'
  select = NULL,
  exclude = NULL,
  ignore_case = FALSE,
  regex = FALSE,
  by = NULL,
  drop_levels = FALSE,
  weights = NULL,
  remove_na = FALSE,
  proportions = NULL,
  collapse = FALSE,
  verbose = TRUE,

## S3 method for class 'datawizard_tables'
  row.names = NULL,
  optional = FALSE,
  stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
  add_total = FALSE



A (grouped) data frame, a vector or factor.


not used.


Optional vector or factor. If supplied, a crosstable is created. If x is a data frame, by can also be a character string indicating the name of a variable in x.


Logical, if FALSE, factor levels that do not occur in the data are included in the table (with frequency of zero), else unused factor levels are dropped from the frequency table.


Optional numeric vector of weights. Must be of the same length as x. If weights is supplied, weighted frequencies are calculated.


Logical, if FALSE, missing values are included in the frequency or crosstable, else missing values are omitted.


Optional character string, indicating the type of percentages to be calculated. Only applies to crosstables, i.e. when by is not NULL. Can be "row" (row percentages), "column" (column percentages) or "full" (to calculate relative frequencies for the full table).


Optional character string, which includes the name that is used for printing.


Toggle warnings.


Variables that will be included when performing the required tasks. Can be either

  • a variable specified as a literal variable name (e.g., column_name),

  • a string with the variable name (e.g., "column_name"), a character vector of variable names (e.g., c("col1", "col2", "col3")), or a character vector of variable names including ranges specified via : (e.g., c("col1:col3", "col5")),

  • a formula with variable names (e.g., ~column_1 + column_2),

  • a vector of positive integers, giving the positions counting from the left (e.g. 1 or c(1, 3, 5)),

  • a vector of negative integers, giving the positions counting from the right (e.g., -1 or -1:-3),

  • one of the following select-helpers: starts_with(), ends_with(), contains(), a range using : or regex(""). starts_with(), ends_with(), and contains() accept several patterns, e.g starts_with("Sep", "Petal").

  • or a function testing for logical conditions, e.g. is.numeric() (or is.numeric), or any user-defined function that selects the variables for which the function returns TRUE (like: foo <- function(x) mean(x) > 3),

  • ranges specified via literal variable names, select-helpers (except regex()) and (user-defined) functions can be negated, i.e. return non-matching elements, when prefixed with a -, e.g. -ends_with(""), -is.numeric or -(Sepal.Width:Petal.Length). Note: Negation means that matches are excluded, and thus, the exclude argument can be used alternatively. For instance, select=-ends_with("Length") (with -) is equivalent to exclude=ends_with("Length") (no -). In case negation should not work as expected, use the exclude argument instead.

If NULL, selects all columns. Patterns that found no matches are silently ignored, e.g. extract_column_names(iris, select = c("Species", "Test")) will just return "Species".


See select, however, column names matched by the pattern from exclude will be excluded instead of selected. If NULL (the default), excludes no columns.


Logical, if TRUE and when one of the select-helpers or a regular expression is used in select, ignores lower/upper case in the search pattern when matching against variable names.


Logical, if TRUE, the search pattern from select will be treated as regular expression. When regex = TRUE, select must be a character string (or a variable containing a character string) and is not allowed to be one of the supported select-helpers or a character vector of length > 1. regex = TRUE is comparable to using one of the two select-helpers, select = contains("") or select = regex(""), however, since the select-helpers may not work when called from inside other functions (see 'Details'), this argument may be used as workaround.


Logical, if TRUE collapses multiple tables into one larger table for printing. This affects only printing, not the returned object.


NULL or a character vector giving the row names for the data frame. Missing values are not allowed.


logical. If TRUE, setting row names and converting column names (to syntactic names: see make.names) is optional. Note that all of R's base package methods use optional only for column names treatment, basically with the meaning of data.frame(*, check.names = !optional). See also the make.names argument of the matrix method.


logical: should the character vector be converted to a factor?


For crosstables (i.e. when by is not NULL), a row and column with the total N values are added to the data frame. add_total has no effect in for simple frequency tables.


There is an method, to return the frequency tables as a data frame. The structure of the returned object is a nested data frame, where the first column contains name of the variable for which frequencies were calculated, and the second column is a list column that contains the frequency tables as data frame. See 'Examples'.


A data frame, or a list of data frames, with one frequency table as data frame per variable.


If by is supplied, a crosstable is created. The crosstable includes ⁠<NA>⁠ (missing) values by default. The first column indicates values of x, the first row indicates values of by (including missing values). The last row and column contain the total frequencies for each row and column, respectively. Setting remove_na = FALSE will omit missing values from the crosstable. Setting proportions to "row" or "column" will add row or column percentages. Setting proportions to "full" will add relative frequencies for the full table.


There are print_html() and print_md() methods available for printing frequency or crosstables in HTML and markdown format, e.g. print_html(data_tabulate(x)).


# frequency tables -------
# ------------------------

# vector/factor

# drop missing values
data_tabulate(efc$c172code, remove_na = TRUE)

# data frame
data_tabulate(efc, c("e42dep", "c172code"))

# grouped data frame
suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(poorman, quietly = TRUE))
efc %>%
  group_by(c172code) %>%

# collapse tables
efc %>%
  group_by(c172code) %>%
  data_tabulate("e16sex", collapse = TRUE)

# for larger N's (> 100000), a big mark is automatically added
x <- sample(1:3, 1e6, TRUE)
data_tabulate(x, name = "Large Number")

# to remove the big mark, use "print(..., big_mark = "")"
print(data_tabulate(x), big_mark = "")

# weighted frequencies
efc$weights <- abs(rnorm(n = nrow(efc), mean = 1, sd = 0.5))
data_tabulate(efc$e42dep, weights = efc$weights)

# crosstables ------
# ------------------

# add some missing values
efc$e16sex[, 5)] <- NA

data_tabulate(efc, "c172code", by = "e16sex")

# add row and column percentages
data_tabulate(efc, "c172code", by = "e16sex", proportions = "row")
data_tabulate(efc, "c172code", by = "e16sex", proportions = "column")

# omit missing values
  by = efc$e16sex,
  proportions = "column",
  remove_na = TRUE

# round percentages
out <- data_tabulate(efc, "c172code", by = "e16sex", proportions = "column")
print(out, digits = 0)

# coerce to data frames
result <- data_tabulate(efc, "c172code", by = "e16sex")$table, add_total = TRUE)$table

Reshape (pivot) data from wide to long


This function "lengthens" data, increasing the number of rows and decreasing the number of columns. This is a dependency-free base-R equivalent of tidyr::pivot_longer().


  select = "all",
  names_to = "name",
  names_prefix = NULL,
  names_sep = NULL,
  names_pattern = NULL,
  values_to = "value",
  values_drop_na = FALSE,
  rows_to = NULL,
  ignore_case = FALSE,
  regex = FALSE,

  select = "all",
  names_to = "name",
  names_prefix = NULL,
  names_sep = NULL,
  names_pattern = NULL,
  values_to = "value",
  values_drop_na = FALSE,
  rows_to = NULL,
  ignore_case = FALSE,
  regex = FALSE,



A data frame to convert to long format, so that it has more rows and fewer columns after the operation.


Variables that will be included when performing the required tasks. Can be either

  • a variable specified as a literal variable name (e.g., column_name),

  • a string with the variable name (e.g., "column_name"), a character vector of variable names (e.g., c("col1", "col2", "col3")), or a character vector of variable names including ranges specified via : (e.g., c("col1:col3", "col5")),

  • a formula with variable names (e.g., ~column_1 + column_2),

  • a vector of positive integers, giving the positions counting from the left (e.g. 1 or c(1, 3, 5)),

  • a vector of negative integers, giving the positions counting from the right (e.g., -1 or -1:-3),

  • one of the following select-helpers: starts_with(), ends_with(), contains(), a range using : or regex(""). starts_with(), ends_with(), and contains() accept several patterns, e.g starts_with("Sep", "Petal").

  • or a function testing for logical conditions, e.g. is.numeric() (or is.numeric), or any user-defined function that selects the variables for which the function returns TRUE (like: foo <- function(x) mean(x) > 3),

  • ranges specified via literal variable names, select-helpers (except regex()) and (user-defined) functions can be negated, i.e. return non-matching elements, when prefixed with a -, e.g. -ends_with(""), -is.numeric or -(Sepal.Width:Petal.Length). Note: Negation means that matches are excluded, and thus, the exclude argument can be used alternatively. For instance, select=-ends_with("Length") (with -) is equivalent to exclude=ends_with("Length") (no -). In case negation should not work as expected, use the exclude argument instead.

If NULL, selects all columns. Patterns that found no matches are silently ignored, e.g. extract_column_names(iris, select = c("Species", "Test")) will just return "Species".


The name of the new column (variable) that will contain the names from columns in select as values, to identify the source of the values. names_to can be a character vector with more than one column name, in which case names_sep or names_pattern must be provided in order to identify which parts of the column names go into newly created columns. See also 'Examples'.


A regular expression used to remove matching text from the start of each variable name.

names_sep, names_pattern

If names_to contains multiple values, this argument controls how the column name is broken up. names_pattern takes a regular expression containing matching groups, i.e. "()".


The name of the new column that will contain the values of the columns in select.


If TRUE, will drop rows that contain only NA in the values_to column. This effectively converts explicit missing values to implicit missing values, and should generally be used only when missing values in data were created by its structure.


The name of the column that will contain the row names or row numbers from the original data. If NULL, will be removed.


Logical, if TRUE and when one of the select-helpers or a regular expression is used in select, ignores lower/upper case in the search pattern when matching against variable names.


Logical, if TRUE, the search pattern from select will be treated as regular expression. When regex = TRUE, select must be a character string (or a variable containing a character string) and is not allowed to be one of the supported select-helpers or a character vector of length > 1. regex = TRUE is comparable to using one of the two select-helpers, select = contains("") or select = regex(""), however, since the select-helpers may not work when called from inside other functions (see 'Details'), this argument may be used as workaround.


Currently not used.


Identical to select. This argument is here to ensure compatibility with tidyr::pivot_longer(). If both select and cols are provided, cols is used.


Reshaping data into long format usually means that the input data frame is in wide format, where multiple measurements taken on the same subject are stored in multiple columns (variables). The long format stores the same information in a single column, with each measurement per subject stored in a separate row. The values of all variables that are not in select will be repeated.

The necessary information for data_to_long() is:

  • The columns that contain the repeated measurements (select).

  • The name of the newly created column that will contain the names of the columns in select (names_to), to identify the source of the values. names_to can also be a character vector with more than one column name, in which case names_sep or names_pattern must be provided to specify which parts of the column names go into the newly created columns.

  • The name of the newly created column that contains the values of the columns in select (values_to).

In other words: repeated measurements that are spread across several columns will be gathered into a single column (values_to), with the original column names, that identify the source of the gathered values, stored in one or more new columns (names_to).


If a tibble was provided as input, reshape_longer() also returns a tibble. Otherwise, it returns a data frame.

See Also


wide_data <- setNames(
  data.frame(replicate(2, rnorm(8))),
  c("Time1", "Time2")
wide_data$ID <- 1:8

# Default behaviour (equivalent to tidyr::pivot_longer(wide_data, cols = 1:3))
# probably doesn't make much sense to mix "time" and "id"

# Customizing the names
  select = c("Time1", "Time2"),
  names_to = "Timepoint",
  values_to = "Score"

# Reshape multiple columns into long format.
mydat <- data.frame(
  age = c(20, 30, 40),
  sex = c("Female", "Male", "Male"),
  score_t1 = c(30, 35, 32),
  score_t2 = c(33, 34, 37),
  score_t3 = c(36, 35, 38),
  speed_t1 = c(2, 3, 1),
  speed_t2 = c(3, 4, 5),
  speed_t3 = c(1, 8, 6)
# The column names are split into two columns: "type" and "time". The
# pattern for splitting column names is provided in `names_pattern`. Values
# of all "score_*" and "speed_*" columns are gathered into a single column
# named "count".
  select = 3:8,
  names_to = c("type", "time"),
  names_pattern = "(score|speed)_t(\\d+)",
  values_to = "count"

# Full example
# ------------------
data <- psych::bfi # Wide format with one row per participant's personality test

# Pivot long format
very_long_data <- data_to_long(data,
  select = regex("\\d"), # Select all columns that contain a digit
  names_to = "Item",
  values_to = "Score",
  rows_to = "Participant"

even_longer_data <- data_to_long(
  select = new_sp_m014:newrel_f65,
  names_to = c("diagnosis", "gender", "age"),
  names_pattern = "new_?(.*)_(.)(.*)",
  values_to = "count"

Reshape (pivot) data from long to wide


This function "widens" data, increasing the number of columns and decreasing the number of rows. This is a dependency-free base-R equivalent of tidyr::pivot_wider().


  id_cols = NULL,
  values_from = "Value",
  names_from = "Name",
  names_sep = "_",
  names_prefix = "",
  names_glue = NULL,
  values_fill = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE,

  id_cols = NULL,
  values_from = "Value",
  names_from = "Name",
  names_sep = "_",
  names_prefix = "",
  names_glue = NULL,
  values_fill = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE,



A data frame to convert to wide format, so that it has more columns and fewer rows post-widening than pre-widening.


The name of the column that identifies the rows in the data by which observations are grouped and the gathered data is spread into new columns. Usually, this is a variable containing an ID for observations that have been repeatedly measured. If NULL, it will use all remaining columns that are not in names_from or values_from as ID columns. id_cols can also be a character vector with more than one name of identifier columns. See also 'Details' and 'Examples'.


The name of the columns in the original data that contains the values used to fill the new columns created in the widened data.


The name of the column in the original data whose values will be used for naming the new columns created in the widened data. Each unique value in this column will become the name of one of these new columns. In case names_prefix is provided, column names will be concatenated with the string given in names_prefix.


If names_from or values_from contains multiple variables, this will be used to join their values together into a single string to use as a column name.


String added to the start of every variable name. This is particularly useful if names_from is a numeric vector and you want to create syntactic variable names.


Instead of names_sep and names_prefix, you can supply a glue specification that uses the names_from columns to create custom column names. Note that the only delimiters supported by names_glue are curly brackets, ⁠{⁠ and ⁠}⁠.


Optionally, a (scalar) value that will be used to replace missing values in the new columns created.


Toggle warnings.


Not used for now.


Reshaping data into wide format usually means that the input data frame is in long format, where multiple measurements taken on the same subject are stored in multiple rows. The wide format stores the same information in a single row, with each measurement stored in a separate column. Thus, the necessary information for data_to_wide() is:

  • The name of the column(s) that identify the groups or repeated measurements (id_cols).

  • The name of the column whose values will become the new column names (names_from). Since these values may not necessarily reflect appropriate column names, you can use names_prefix to add a prefix to each newly created column name.

  • The name of the column that contains the values (values_from) for the new columns that are created by names_from.

In other words: repeated measurements, as indicated by id_cols, that are saved into the column values_from will be spread into new columns, which will be named after the values in names_from. See also 'Examples'.


If a tibble was provided as input, data_to_wide() also returns a tibble. Otherwise, it returns a data frame.

See Also


data_long <- read.table(header = TRUE, text = "
 subject sex condition measurement
       1   M   control         7.9
       1   M     cond1        12.3
       1   M     cond2        10.7
       2   F   control         6.3
       2   F     cond1        10.6
       2   F     cond2        11.1
       3   F   control         9.5
       3   F     cond1        13.1
       3   F     cond2        13.8
       4   M   control        11.5
       4   M     cond1        13.4
       4   M     cond2        12.9")

# converting long data into wide format
  id_cols = "subject",
  names_from = "condition",
  values_from = "measurement"

# converting long data into wide format with custom column names
  id_cols = "subject",
  names_from = "condition",
  values_from = "measurement",
  names_prefix = "Var.",
  names_sep = "."

# converting long data into wide format, combining multiple columns
production <- expand.grid(
  product = c("A", "B"),
  country = c("AI", "EI"),
  year = 2000:2014
production <- data_filter(production, (product == "A" & country == "AI") | product == "B")
production$production <- rnorm(nrow(production))

  names_from = c("product", "country"),
  values_from = "production",
  names_glue = "prod_{product}_{country}"

# using the "sleepstudy" dataset
data(sleepstudy, package = "lme4")

# the sleepstudy data contains repeated measurements of average reaction
# times for each subjects over multiple days, in a sleep deprivation study.
# It is in long-format, i.e. each row corresponds to a single measurement.
# The variable "Days" contains the timepoint of the measurement, and
# "Reaction" contains the measurement itself. Converting this data to wide
# format will create a new column for each day, with the reaction time as the
# value.

  id_cols = "Subject",
  names_from = "Days",
  values_from = "Reaction"

# clearer column names
  id_cols = "Subject",
  names_from = "Days",
  values_from = "Reaction",
  names_prefix = "Reaction_Day_"

# For unequal group sizes, missing information is filled with NA
d <- subset(sleepstudy, Days %in% c(0, 1, 2, 3, 4))[c(1:9, 11:13, 16:17, 21), ]

# long format, different number of "Subjects"

  id_cols = "Subject",
  names_from = "Days",
  values_from = "Reaction",
  names_prefix = "Reaction_Day_"

# filling missing values with 0
  id_cols = "Subject",
  names_from = "Days",
  values_from = "Reaction",
  names_prefix = "Reaction_Day_",
  values_fill = 0

Keep only one row from all with duplicated IDs


From all rows with at least one duplicated ID, keep only one. Methods for selecting the duplicated row are either the first duplicate, the last duplicate, or the "best" duplicate (default), based on the duplicate with the smallest number of NA. In case of ties, it picks the first duplicate, as it is the one most likely to be valid and authentic, given practice effects.

Contrarily to dplyr::distinct(), data_unique() keeps all columns.


  select = NULL,
  keep = "best",
  exclude = NULL,
  ignore_case = FALSE,
  regex = FALSE,
  verbose = TRUE



A data frame.


Variables that will be included when performing the required tasks. Can be either

  • a variable specified as a literal variable name (e.g., column_name),

  • a string with the variable name (e.g., "column_name"), a character vector of variable names (e.g., c("col1", "col2", "col3")), or a character vector of variable names including ranges specified via : (e.g., c("col1:col3", "col5")),

  • a formula with variable names (e.g., ~column_1 + column_2),

  • a vector of positive integers, giving the positions counting from the left (e.g. 1 or c(1, 3, 5)),

  • a vector of negative integers, giving the positions counting from the right (e.g., -1 or -1:-3),

  • one of the following select-helpers: starts_with(), ends_with(), contains(), a range using : or regex(""). starts_with(), ends_with(), and contains() accept several patterns, e.g starts_with("Sep", "Petal").

  • or a function testing for logical conditions, e.g. is.numeric() (or is.numeric), or any user-defined function that selects the variables for which the function returns TRUE (like: foo <- function(x) mean(x) > 3),

  • ranges specified via literal variable names, select-helpers (except regex()) and (user-defined) functions can be negated, i.e. return non-matching elements, when prefixed with a -, e.g. -ends_with(""), -is.numeric or -(Sepal.Width:Petal.Length). Note: Negation means that matches are excluded, and thus, the exclude argument can be used alternatively. For instance, select=-ends_with("Length") (with -) is equivalent to exclude=ends_with("Length") (no -). In case negation should not work as expected, use the exclude argument instead.

If NULL, selects all columns. Patterns that found no matches are silently ignored, e.g. extract_column_names(iris, select = c("Species", "Test")) will just return "Species".


The method to be used for duplicate selection, either "best" (the default), "first", or "last".


See select, however, column names matched by the pattern from exclude will be excluded instead of selected. If NULL (the default), excludes no columns.


Logical, if TRUE and when one of the select-helpers or a regular expression is used in select, ignores lower/upper case in the search pattern when matching against variable names.


Logical, if TRUE, the search pattern from select will be treated as regular expression. When regex = TRUE, select must be a character string (or a variable containing a character string) and is not allowed to be one of the supported select-helpers or a character vector of length > 1. regex = TRUE is comparable to using one of the two select-helpers, select = contains("") or select = regex(""), however, since the select-helpers may not work when called from inside other functions (see 'Details'), this argument may be used as workaround.


Toggle warnings.


A data frame, containing only the chosen duplicates.

See Also



df1 <- data.frame(
  id = c(1, 2, 3, 1, 3),
  item1 = c(NA, 1, 1, 2, 3),
  item2 = c(NA, 1, 1, 2, 3),
  item3 = c(NA, 1, 1, 2, 3)

data_unique(df1, select = "id")

Unite ("merge") multiple variables


Merge values of multiple variables per observation into one new variable.


  new_column = NULL,
  select = NULL,
  exclude = NULL,
  separator = "_",
  append = FALSE,
  remove_na = FALSE,
  ignore_case = FALSE,
  verbose = TRUE,
  regex = FALSE,



A data frame.


The name of the new column, as a string.


Variables that will be included when performing the required tasks. Can be either

  • a variable specified as a literal variable name (e.g., column_name),

  • a string with the variable name (e.g., "column_name"), a character vector of variable names (e.g., c("col1", "col2", "col3")), or a character vector of variable names including ranges specified via : (e.g., c("col1:col3", "col5")),

  • a formula with variable names (e.g., ~column_1 + column_2),

  • a vector of positive integers, giving the positions counting from the left (e.g. 1 or c(1, 3, 5)),

  • a vector of negative integers, giving the positions counting from the right (e.g., -1 or -1:-3),

  • one of the following select-helpers: starts_with(), ends_with(), contains(), a range using : or regex(""). starts_with(), ends_with(), and contains() accept several patterns, e.g starts_with("Sep", "Petal").

  • or a function testing for logical conditions, e.g. is.numeric() (or is.numeric), or any user-defined function that selects the variables for which the function returns TRUE (like: foo <- function(x) mean(x) > 3),

  • ranges specified via literal variable names, select-helpers (except regex()) and (user-defined) functions can be negated, i.e. return non-matching elements, when prefixed with a -, e.g. -ends_with(""), -is.numeric or -(Sepal.Width:Petal.Length). Note: Negation means that matches are excluded, and thus, the exclude argument can be used alternatively. For instance, select=-ends_with("Length") (with -) is equivalent to exclude=ends_with("Length") (no -). In case negation should not work as expected, use the exclude argument instead.

If NULL, selects all columns. Patterns that found no matches are silently ignored, e.g. extract_column_names(iris, select = c("Species", "Test")) will just return "Species".


See select, however, column names matched by the pattern from exclude will be excluded instead of selected. If NULL (the default), excludes no columns.


A character to use between values.


Logical, if FALSE (default), removes original columns that were united. If TRUE, all columns are preserved and the new column is appended to the data frame.


Logical, if TRUE, missing values (NA) are not included in the united values. If FALSE, missing values are represented as "NA" in the united values.


Logical, if TRUE and when one of the select-helpers or a regular expression is used in select, ignores lower/upper case in the search pattern when matching against variable names.


Toggle warnings.


Logical, if TRUE, the search pattern from select will be treated as regular expression. When regex = TRUE, select must be a character string (or a variable containing a character string) and is not allowed to be one of the supported select-helpers or a character vector of length > 1. regex = TRUE is comparable to using one of the two select-helpers, select = contains("") or select = regex(""), however, since the select-helpers may not work when called from inside other functions (see 'Details'), this argument may be used as workaround.


Currently not used.


data, with a newly created variable.

See Also



d <- data.frame(
  x = 1:3,
  y = letters[1:3],
  z = 6:8
data_unite(d, new_column = "xyz")
data_unite(d, new_column = "xyz", remove = FALSE)
data_unite(d, new_column = "xyz", select = c("x", "z"))
data_unite(d, new_column = "xyz", select = c("x", "z"), append = TRUE)

Compute group-meaned and de-meaned variables


demean() computes group- and de-meaned versions of a variable that can be used in regression analysis to model the between- and within-subject effect. degroup() is more generic in terms of the centering-operation. While demean() always uses mean-centering, degroup() can also use the mode or median for centering.


  nested = FALSE,
  suffix_demean = "_within",
  suffix_groupmean = "_between",
  add_attributes = TRUE,
  verbose = TRUE

  nested = FALSE,
  center = "mean",
  suffix_demean = "_within",
  suffix_groupmean = "_between",
  add_attributes = TRUE,
  verbose = TRUE

  nested = FALSE,
  center = "mean",
  suffix_demean = "_within",
  suffix_groupmean = "_between",
  add_attributes = TRUE,
  verbose = TRUE



A data frame.


Character vector (or formula) with names of variables to select that should be group- and de-meaned.


Character vector (or formula) with the name of the variable that indicates the group- or cluster-ID. For cross-classified or nested designs, by can also identify two or more variables as group- or cluster-IDs. If the data is nested and should be treated as such, set nested = TRUE. Else, if by defines two or more variables and nested = FALSE, a cross-classified design is assumed. Note that demean() and degroup() can't handle a mix of nested and cross-classified designs in one model.

For nested designs, by can be:

  • a character vector with the name of the variable that indicates the levels, ordered from highest level to lowest (e.g. by = c("L4", "L3", "L2").

  • a character vector with variable names in the format by = "L4/L3/L2", where the levels are separated by /.

See also section De-meaning for cross-classified designs and De-meaning for nested designs below.


Logical, if TRUE, the data is treated as nested. If FALSE, the data is treated as cross-classified. Only applies if by contains more than one variable.

suffix_demean, suffix_groupmean

String value, will be appended to the names of the group-meaned and de-meaned variables of x. By default, de-meaned variables will be suffixed with "_within" and grouped-meaned variables with "_between".


Logical, if TRUE, the returned variables gain attributes to indicate the within- and between-effects. This is only relevant when printing model_parameters() - in such cases, the within- and between-effects are printed in separated blocks.


Toggle warnings and messages.


Method for centering. demean() always performs mean-centering, while degroup() can use center = "median" or center = "mode" for median- or mode-centering, and also "min" or "max".


A data frame with the group-/de-meaned variables, which get the suffix "_between" (for the group-meaned variable) and "_within" (for the de-meaned variable) by default. For cross-classified or nested designs, the name pattern of the group-meaned variables is the name of the centered variable followed by the name of the variable that indicates the related grouping level, e.g. predictor_L3_between and predictor_L2_between.

Heterogeneity Bias

Mixed models include different levels of sources of variability, i.e. error terms at each level. When macro-indicators (or level-2 predictors, or higher-level units, or more general: group-level predictors that vary within and across groups) are included as fixed effects (i.e. treated as covariate at level-1), the variance that is left unaccounted for this covariate will be absorbed into the error terms of level-1 and level-2 (Bafumi and Gelman 2006; Gelman and Hill 2007, Chapter 12.6.): "Such covariates contain two parts: one that is specific to the higher-level entity that does not vary between occasions, and one that represents the difference between occasions, within higher-level entities" (Bell et al. 2015). Hence, the error terms will be correlated with the covariate, which violates one of the assumptions of mixed models (iid, independent and identically distributed error terms). This bias is also called the heterogeneity bias (Bell et al. 2015). To resolve this problem, level-2 predictors used as (level-1) covariates should be separated into their "within" and "between" effects by "de-meaning" and "group-meaning": After demeaning time-varying predictors, "at the higher level, the mean term is no longer constrained by Level 1 effects, so it is free to account for all the higher-level variance associated with that variable" (Bell et al. 2015).

Panel data and correlating fixed and group effects

demean() is intended to create group- and de-meaned variables for panel regression models (fixed effects models), or for complex random-effect-within-between models (see Bell et al. 2015, 2018), where group-effects (random effects) and fixed effects correlate (see Bafumi and Gelman 2006). This can happen, for instance, when analyzing panel data, which can lead to Heterogeneity Bias. To control for correlating predictors and group effects, it is recommended to include the group-meaned and de-meaned version of time-varying covariates (and group-meaned version of time-invariant covariates that are on a higher level, e.g. level-2 predictors) in the model. By this, one can fit complex multilevel models for panel data, including time-varying predictors, time-invariant predictors and random effects.

Why mixed models are preferred over fixed effects models

A mixed models approach can model the causes of endogeneity explicitly by including the (separated) within- and between-effects of time-varying fixed effects and including time-constant fixed effects. Furthermore, mixed models also include random effects, thus a mixed models approach is superior to classic fixed-effects models, which lack information of variation in the group-effects or between-subject effects. Furthermore, fixed effects regression cannot include random slopes, which means that fixed effects regressions are neglecting "cross-cluster differences in the effects of lower-level controls (which) reduces the precision of estimated context effects, resulting in unnecessarily wide confidence intervals and low statistical power" (Heisig et al. 2017).


The group-meaned variable is simply the mean of an independent variable within each group (or id-level or cluster) represented by by. It represents the cluster-mean of an independent variable. The regression coefficient of a group-meaned variable is the between-subject-effect. The de-meaned variable is then the centered version of the group-meaned variable. De-meaning is sometimes also called person-mean centering or centering within clusters. The regression coefficient of a de-meaned variable represents the within-subject-effect.

De-meaning with continuous predictors

For continuous time-varying predictors, the recommendation is to include both their de-meaned and group-meaned versions as fixed effects, but not the raw (untransformed) time-varying predictors themselves. The de-meaned predictor should also be included as random effect (random slope). In regression models, the coefficient of the de-meaned predictors indicates the within-subject effect, while the coefficient of the group-meaned predictor indicates the between-subject effect.

De-meaning with binary predictors

For binary time-varying predictors, there are two recommendations. First is to include the raw (untransformed) binary predictor as fixed effect only and the de-meaned variable as random effect (random slope). The alternative would be to add the de-meaned version(s) of binary time-varying covariates as additional fixed effect as well (instead of adding it as random slope). Centering time-varying binary variables to obtain within-effects (level 1) isn't necessary. They have a sensible interpretation when left in the typical 0/1 format (Hoffmann 2015, chapter 8-2.I). demean() will thus coerce categorical time-varying predictors to numeric to compute the de- and group-meaned versions for these variables, where the raw (untransformed) binary predictor and the de-meaned version should be added to the model.

De-meaning of factors with more than 2 levels

Factors with more than two levels are demeaned in two ways: first, these are also converted to numeric and de-meaned; second, dummy variables are created (binary, with 0/1 coding for each level) and these binary dummy-variables are de-meaned in the same way (as described above). Packages like panelr internally convert factors to dummies before demeaning, so this behaviour can be mimicked here.

De-meaning interaction terms

There are multiple ways to deal with interaction terms of within- and between-effects.

  • A classical approach is to simply use the product term of the de-meaned variables (i.e. introducing the de-meaned variables as interaction term in the model formula, e.g. y ~ x_within * time_within). This approach, however, might be subject to bias (see Giesselmann & Schmidt-Catran 2020).

  • Another option is to first calculate the product term and then apply the de-meaning to it. This approach produces an estimator "that reflects unit-level differences of interacted variables whose moderators vary within units", which is desirable if no within interaction of two time-dependent variables is required. This is what demean() does internally when select contains interaction terms.

  • A third option, when the interaction should result in a genuine within estimator, is to "double de-mean" the interaction terms (Giesselmann & Schmidt-Catran 2018), however, this is currently not supported by demean(). If this is required, the wmb() function from the panelr package should be used.

To de-mean interaction terms for within-between models, simply specify the term as interaction for the select-argument, e.g. select = "a*b" (see 'Examples').

De-meaning for cross-classified designs

demean() can handle cross-classified designs, where the data has two or more groups at the higher (i.e. second) level. In such cases, the by-argument can identify two or more variables that represent the cross-classified group- or cluster-IDs. The de-meaned variables for cross-classified designs are simply subtracting all group means from each individual value, i.e. fully cluster-mean-centering (see Guo et al. 2024 for details). Note that de-meaning for cross-classified designs is not equivalent to de-meaning of nested data structures from models with three or more levels. Set nested = TRUE to explicitly assume a nested design. For cross-classified designs, de-meaning is supposed to work for models like y ~ x + (1|level3) + (1|level2), but not for models like y ~ x + (1|level3/level2). Note that demean() and degroup() can't handle a mix of nested and cross-classified designs in one model.

De-meaning for nested designs

Brincks et al. (2017) have suggested an algorithm to center variables for nested designs, which is implemented in demean(). For nested designs, set nested = TRUE and specify the variables that indicate the different levels in descending order in the by argument. E.g., ⁠by = c("level4", "level3, "level2")⁠ assumes a model like y ~ x + (1|level4/level3/level2). An alternative notation for the by-argument would be by = "level4/level3/level2", similar to the formula notation.

Analysing panel data with mixed models using lme4

A description of how to translate the formulas described in Bell et al. 2018 into R using lmer() from lme4 can be found in this vignette.


  • Bafumi J, Gelman A. 2006. Fitting Multilevel Models When Predictors and Group Effects Correlate. In. Philadelphia, PA: Annual meeting of the American Political Science Association.

  • Bell A, Fairbrother M, Jones K. 2019. Fixed and Random Effects Models: Making an Informed Choice. Quality & Quantity (53); 1051-1074

  • Bell A, Jones K. 2015. Explaining Fixed Effects: Random Effects Modeling of Time-Series Cross-Sectional and Panel Data. Political Science Research and Methods, 3(1), 133–153.

  • Brincks, A. M., Enders, C. K., Llabre, M. M., Bulotsky-Shearer, R. J., Prado, G., and Feaster, D. J. (2017). Centering Predictor Variables in Three-Level Contextual Models. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 52(2), 149–163.

  • Gelman A, Hill J. 2007. Data Analysis Using Regression and Multilevel/Hierarchical Models. Analytical Methods for Social Research. Cambridge, New York: Cambridge University Press

  • Giesselmann M, Schmidt-Catran, AW. 2020. Interactions in fixed effects regression models. Sociological Methods & Research, 1–28.

  • Guo Y, Dhaliwal J, Rights JD. 2024. Disaggregating level-specific effects in cross-classified multilevel models. Behavior Research Methods, 56(4), 3023–3057.

  • Heisig JP, Schaeffer M, Giesecke J. 2017. The Costs of Simplicity: Why Multilevel Models May Benefit from Accounting for Cross-Cluster Differences in the Effects of Controls. American Sociological Review 82 (4): 796–827.

  • Hoffman L. 2015. Longitudinal analysis: modeling within-person fluctuation and change. New York: Routledge

See Also

If grand-mean centering (instead of centering within-clusters) is required, see center(). See performance::check_heterogeneity_bias() to check for heterogeneity bias.


iris$ID <- sample(1:4, nrow(iris), replace = TRUE) # fake-ID
iris$binary <- as.factor(rbinom(150, 1, .35)) # binary variable

x <- demean(iris, select = c("Sepal.Length", "Petal.Length"), by = "ID")

x <- demean(iris, select = c("Sepal.Length", "binary", "Species"), by = "ID")

# demean interaction term x*y
dat <- data.frame(
  a = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4),
  x = c(4, 3, 3, 4, 1, 2, 1, 2),
  y = c(1, 2, 1, 2, 4, 3, 2, 1),
  ID = c(1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2)
demean(dat, select = c("a", "x*y"), by = "ID")

# or in formula-notation
demean(dat, select = ~ a + x * y, by = ~ID)

Describe a distribution


This function describes a distribution by a set of indices (e.g., measures of centrality, dispersion, range, skewness, kurtosis).


describe_distribution(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'numeric'
  centrality = "mean",
  dispersion = TRUE,
  iqr = TRUE,
  range = TRUE,
  quartiles = FALSE,
  ci = NULL,
  iterations = 100,
  threshold = 0.1,
  verbose = TRUE,

## S3 method for class 'factor'
describe_distribution(x, dispersion = TRUE, range = TRUE, verbose = TRUE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'data.frame'
  select = NULL,
  exclude = NULL,
  centrality = "mean",
  dispersion = TRUE,
  iqr = TRUE,
  range = TRUE,
  quartiles = FALSE,
  include_factors = FALSE,
  ci = NULL,
  iterations = 100,
  threshold = 0.1,
  ignore_case = FALSE,
  regex = FALSE,
  verbose = TRUE,



A numeric vector, a character vector, a data frame, or a list. See Details.


Additional arguments to be passed to or from methods.


The point-estimates (centrality indices) to compute. Character (vector) or list with one or more of these options: "median", "mean", "MAP" (see map_estimate()), "trimmed" (which is just mean(x, trim = threshold)), "mode" or "all".


Logical, if TRUE, computes indices of dispersion related to the estimate(s) (SD and MAD for mean and median, respectively). Dispersion is not available for "MAP" or "mode" centrality indices.


Logical, if TRUE, the interquartile range is calculated (based on stats::IQR(), using type = 6).


Return the range (min and max).


Return the first and third quartiles (25th and 75pth percentiles).


Confidence Interval (CI) level. Default is NULL, i.e. no confidence intervals are computed. If not NULL, confidence intervals are based on bootstrap replicates (see iterations). If centrality = "all", the bootstrapped confidence interval refers to the first centrality index (which is typically the median).


The number of bootstrap replicates for computing confidence intervals. Only applies when ci is not NULL.


For centrality = "trimmed" (i.e. trimmed mean), indicates the fraction (0 to 0.5) of observations to be trimmed from each end of the vector before the mean is computed.


Toggle warnings and messages.


Variables that will be included when performing the required tasks. Can be either

  • a variable specified as a literal variable name (e.g., column_name),

  • a string with the variable name (e.g., "column_name"), a character vector of variable names (e.g., c("col1", "col2", "col3")), or a character vector of variable names including ranges specified via : (e.g., c("col1:col3", "col5")),

  • a formula with variable names (e.g., ~column_1 + column_2),

  • a vector of positive integers, giving the positions counting from the left (e.g. 1 or c(1, 3, 5)),

  • a vector of negative integers, giving the positions counting from the right (e.g., -1 or -1:-3),

  • one of the following select-helpers: starts_with(), ends_with(), contains(), a range using : or regex(""). starts_with(), ends_with(), and contains() accept several patterns, e.g starts_with("Sep", "Petal").

  • or a function testing for logical conditions, e.g. is.numeric() (or is.numeric), or any user-defined function that selects the variables for which the function returns TRUE (like: foo <- function(x) mean(x) > 3),

  • ranges specified via literal variable names, select-helpers (except regex()) and (user-defined) functions can be negated, i.e. return non-matching elements, when prefixed with a -, e.g. -ends_with(""), -is.numeric or -(Sepal.Width:Petal.Length). Note: Negation means that matches are excluded, and thus, the exclude argument can be used alternatively. For instance, select=-ends_with("Length") (with -) is equivalent to exclude=ends_with("Length") (no -). In case negation should not work as expected, use the exclude argument instead.

If NULL, selects all columns. Patterns that found no matches are silently ignored, e.g. extract_column_names(iris, select = c("Species", "Test")) will just return "Species".


See select, however, column names matched by the pattern from exclude will be excluded instead of selected. If NULL (the default), excludes no columns.


Logical, if TRUE, factors are included in the output, however, only columns for range (first and last factor levels) as well as n and missing will contain information.


Logical, if TRUE and when one of the select-helpers or a regular expression is used in select, ignores lower/upper case in the search pattern when matching against variable names.


Logical, if TRUE, the search pattern from select will be treated as regular expression. When regex = TRUE, select must be a character string (or a variable containing a character string) and is not allowed to be one of the supported select-helpers or a character vector of length > 1. regex = TRUE is comparable to using one of the two select-helpers, select = contains("") or select = regex(""), however, since the select-helpers may not work when called from inside other functions (see 'Details'), this argument may be used as workaround.


If x is a data frame, only numeric variables are kept and will be displayed in the summary.

If x is a list, the behavior is different whether x is a stored list. If x is stored (for example, describe_distribution(mylist) where mylist was created before), artificial variable names are used in the summary (Var_1, Var_2, etc.). If x is an unstored list (for example, describe_distribution(list(mtcars$mpg))), then "mtcars$mpg" is used as variable name.


A data frame with columns that describe the properties of the variables.


There is also a plot()-method implemented in the see-package.



describe_distribution(iris, include_factors = TRUE, quartiles = TRUE)
describe_distribution(list(mtcars$mpg, mtcars$cyl))

Compute mode for a statistical distribution


Compute mode for a statistical distribution





An atomic vector, a list, or a data frame.


The value that appears most frequently in the provided data. The returned data structure will be the same as the entered one.

See Also

For continuous variables, the Highest Maximum a Posteriori probability estimate (MAP) may be a more useful way to estimate the most commonly-observed value than the mode. See bayestestR::map_estimate().


distribution_mode(c(1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5))
distribution_mode(c(1.5, 2.3, 3.7, 3.7, 4.0, 5))

Sample dataset from the EFC Survey


Selected variables from the EUROFAMCARE survey. Useful when testing on "real-life" data sets, including random missing values. This data set also has value and variable label attributes.

Convert value labels into factor levels


Convert value labels into factor levels


labels_to_levels(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'factor'
labels_to_levels(x, verbose = TRUE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'data.frame'
  select = NULL,
  exclude = NULL,
  ignore_case = FALSE,
  append = FALSE,
  regex = FALSE,
  verbose = TRUE,



A data frame or factor. Other variable types (e.g. numerics) are not allowed.


Currently not used.


Toggle warnings.


Variables that will be included when performing the required tasks. Can be either

  • a variable specified as a literal variable name (e.g., column_name),

  • a string with the variable name (e.g., "column_name"), a character vector of variable names (e.g., c("col1", "col2", "col3")), or a character vector of variable names including ranges specified via : (e.g., c("col1:col3", "col5")),

  • a formula with variable names (e.g., ~column_1 + column_2),

  • a vector of positive integers, giving the positions counting from the left (e.g. 1 or c(1, 3, 5)),

  • a vector of negative integers, giving the positions counting from the right (e.g., -1 or -1:-3),

  • one of the following select-helpers: starts_with(), ends_with(), contains(), a range using : or regex(""). starts_with(), ends_with(), and contains() accept several patterns, e.g starts_with("Sep", "Petal").

  • or a function testing for logical conditions, e.g. is.numeric() (or is.numeric), or any user-defined function that selects the variables for which the function returns TRUE (like: foo <- function(x) mean(x) > 3),

  • ranges specified via literal variable names, select-helpers (except regex()) and (user-defined) functions can be negated, i.e. return non-matching elements, when prefixed with a -, e.g. -ends_with(""), -is.numeric or -(Sepal.Width:Petal.Length). Note: Negation means that matches are excluded, and thus, the exclude argument can be used alternatively. For instance, select=-ends_with("Length") (with -) is equivalent to exclude=ends_with("Length") (no -). In case negation should not work as expected, use the exclude argument instead.

If NULL, selects all columns. Patterns that found no matches are silently ignored, e.g. extract_column_names(iris, select = c("Species", "Test")) will just return "Species".


See select, however, column names matched by the pattern from exclude will be excluded instead of selected. If NULL (the default), excludes no columns.


Logical, if TRUE and when one of the select-helpers or a regular expression is used in select, ignores lower/upper case in the search pattern when matching against variable names.


Logical or string. If TRUE, recoded or converted variables get new column names and are appended (column bind) to x, thus returning both the original and the recoded variables. The new columns get a suffix, based on the calling function: "_r" for recode functions, "_n" for to_numeric(), "_f" for to_factor(), or "_s" for slide(). If append=FALSE, original variables in x will be overwritten by their recoded versions. If a character value, recoded variables are appended with new column names (using the defined suffix) to the original data frame.


Logical, if TRUE, the search pattern from select will be treated as regular expression. When regex = TRUE, select must be a character string (or a variable containing a character string) and is not allowed to be one of the supported select-helpers or a character vector of length > 1. regex = TRUE is comparable to using one of the two select-helpers, select = contains("") or select = regex(""), however, since the select-helpers may not work when called from inside other functions (see 'Details'), this argument may be used as workaround.


labels_to_levels() allows to use value labels of factors as their levels.


x, where for all factors former levels are replaced by their value labels.


# create factor
x <- as.factor(efc$c172code)
# add value labels - these are not factor levels yet
x <- assign_labels(x, values = c(`1` = "low", `2` = "mid", `3` = "high"))

x <- labels_to_levels(x)

Utility Function for Safe Prediction with datawizard transformers


This function allows for the use of (some of) datawizard's transformers inside a model formula. See examples below.

Currently, center(), standardize(), normalize(), & rescale() are supported.


## S3 method for class 'dw_transformer'
makepredictcall(var, call)



A variable.


The term in the formula, as a call.


A replacement for call for the predvars attribute of the terms.

See Also



train <- mtcars[1:30, ]
test <- mtcars[31:32, ]

m1 <- lm(mpg ~ center(hp), data = train)
predict(m1, newdata = test) # Data is "centered" before the prediction is made,
# according to the center of the old data

m2 <- lm(mpg ~ standardize(hp), data = train)
m3 <- lm(mpg ~ scale(hp), data = train) # same as above
predict(m2, newdata = test) # Data is "standardized" before the prediction is made.
predict(m3, newdata = test) # Data is "standardized" before the prediction is made.

m4 <- lm(mpg ~ normalize(hp), data = mtcars)
m5 <- lm(mpg ~ rescale(hp, to = c(-3, 3)), data = mtcars)

(newdata <- data.frame(hp = c(range(mtcars$hp), 400))) # 400 is outside original range!

model.frame(delete.response(terms(m4)), data = newdata)
model.frame(delete.response(terms(m5)), data = newdata)

Summary Helpers


Summary Helpers


mean_sd(x, times = 1L, remove_na = TRUE, named = TRUE, ...)

  times = 1L,
  remove_na = TRUE,
  constant = 1.4826,
  named = TRUE,



A numeric vector (or one that can be coerced to one via as.numeric()) to be summarized.


How many SDs above and below the Mean (or MADs around the Median)


Logical. Should NA values be removed before computing (TRUE) or not (FALSE, default)?


Should the vector be named? (E.g., c("-SD" = -1, Mean = 1, "+SD" = 2).)


Not used.


scale factor.


A (possibly named) numeric vector of length 2*times + 1 of SDs below the mean, the mean, and SDs above the mean (or median and MAD).



mean_sd(mtcars$mpg, times = 2L)


Summary of mean values by group


Computes summary table of means by groups.


means_by_group(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'numeric'
means_by_group(x, by = NULL, ci = 0.95, weights = NULL, digits = NULL, ...)

## S3 method for class 'data.frame'
  select = NULL,
  by = NULL,
  ci = 0.95,
  weights = NULL,
  digits = NULL,
  exclude = NULL,
  ignore_case = FALSE,
  regex = FALSE,
  verbose = TRUE,



A vector or a data frame.


Currently not used


If x is a numeric vector, by should be a factor that indicates the group-classifying categories. If x is a data frame, by should be a character string, naming the variable in x that is used for grouping. Numeric vectors are coerced to factors. Not that by should only refer to a single variable.


Level of confidence interval for mean estimates. Default is 0.95. Use ci = NA to suppress confidence intervals.


If x is a numeric vector, weights should be a vector of weights that will be applied to weight all observations. If x is a data frame, weights can also be a character string indicating the name of the variable in x that should be used for weighting. Default is NULL, so no weights are used.


Optional scalar, indicating the amount of digits after decimal point when rounding estimates and values.


Variables that will be included when performing the required tasks. Can be either

  • a variable specified as a literal variable name (e.g., column_name),

  • a string with the variable name (e.g., "column_name"), a character vector of variable names (e.g., c("col1", "col2", "col3")), or a character vector of variable names including ranges specified via : (e.g., c("col1:col3", "col5")),

  • a formula with variable names (e.g., ~column_1 + column_2),

  • a vector of positive integers, giving the positions counting from the left (e.g. 1 or c(1, 3, 5)),

  • a vector of negative integers, giving the positions counting from the right (e.g., -1 or -1:-3),

  • one of the following select-helpers: starts_with(), ends_with(), contains(), a range using : or regex(""). starts_with(), ends_with(), and contains() accept several patterns, e.g starts_with("Sep", "Petal").

  • or a function testing for logical conditions, e.g. is.numeric() (or is.numeric), or any user-defined function that selects the variables for which the function returns TRUE (like: foo <- function(x) mean(x) > 3),

  • ranges specified via literal variable names, select-helpers (except regex()) and (user-defined) functions can be negated, i.e. return non-matching elements, when prefixed with a -, e.g. -ends_with(""), -is.numeric or -(Sepal.Width:Petal.Length). Note: Negation means that matches are excluded, and thus, the exclude argument can be used alternatively. For instance, select=-ends_with("Length") (with -) is equivalent to exclude=ends_with("Length") (no -). In case negation should not work as expected, use the exclude argument instead.

If NULL, selects all columns. Patterns that found no matches are silently ignored, e.g. extract_column_names(iris, select = c("Species", "Test")) will just return "Species".


See select, however, column names matched by the pattern from exclude will be excluded instead of selected. If NULL (the default), excludes no columns.


Logical, if TRUE and when one of the select-helpers or a regular expression is used in select, ignores lower/upper case in the search pattern when matching against variable names.


Logical, if TRUE, the search pattern from select will be treated as regular expression. When regex = TRUE, select must be a character string (or a variable containing a character string) and is not allowed to be one of the supported select-helpers or a character vector of length > 1. regex = TRUE is comparable to using one of the two select-helpers, select = contains("") or select = regex(""), however, since the select-helpers may not work when called from inside other functions (see 'Details'), this argument may be used as workaround.


Toggle warnings.


This function is comparable to aggregate(x, by, mean), but provides some further information, including summary statistics from a One-Way-ANOVA using x as dependent and by as independent variable. emmeans::contrast() is used to get p-values for each sub-group. P-values indicate whether each group-mean is significantly different from the total mean.


A data frame with information on mean and further summary statistics for each sub-group.


means_by_group(efc, "c12hour", "e42dep")

means_by_group(iris, "Sepal.Width", "Species")

# weighting
efc$weight <- abs(rnorm(n = nrow(efc), mean = 1, sd = .5))
means_by_group(efc, "c12hour", "e42dep", weights = "weight")

Sample dataset from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey


Selected variables from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey that are used in the example from Lumley (2010), Appendix E.


Lumley T (2010). Complex Surveys: a guide to analysis using R. Wiley

Normalize numeric variable to 0-1 range


Performs a normalization of data, i.e., it scales variables in the range 0 - 1. This is a special case of rescale(). unnormalize() is the counterpart, but only works for variables that have been normalized with normalize().


normalize(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'numeric'
normalize(x, include_bounds = TRUE, verbose = TRUE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'data.frame'
  select = NULL,
  exclude = NULL,
  include_bounds = TRUE,
  append = FALSE,
  ignore_case = FALSE,
  regex = FALSE,
  verbose = TRUE,

unnormalize(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'numeric'
unnormalize(x, verbose = TRUE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'data.frame'
  select = NULL,
  exclude = NULL,
  ignore_case = FALSE,
  regex = FALSE,
  verbose = TRUE,

## S3 method for class 'grouped_df'
  select = NULL,
  exclude = NULL,
  ignore_case = FALSE,
  regex = FALSE,
  verbose = TRUE,



A numeric vector, (grouped) data frame, or matrix. See 'Details'.


Arguments passed to or from other methods.


Numeric or logical. Using this can be useful in case of beta-regression, where the response variable is not allowed to include zeros and ones. If TRUE, the input is normalized to a range that includes zero and one. If FALSE, the return value is compressed, using Smithson and Verkuilen's (2006) formula (x * (n - 1) + 0.5) / n, to avoid zeros and ones in the normalized variables. Else, if numeric (e.g., 0.001), include_bounds defines the "distance" to the lower and upper bound, i.e. the normalized vectors are rescaled to a range from 0 + include_bounds to 1 - include_bounds.


Toggle warnings and messages on or off.


Variables that will be included when performing the required tasks. Can be either

  • a variable specified as a literal variable name (e.g., column_name),

  • a string with the variable name (e.g., "column_name"), a character vector of variable names (e.g., c("col1", "col2", "col3")), or a character vector of variable names including ranges specified via : (e.g., c("col1:col3", "col5")),

  • a formula with variable names (e.g., ~column_1 + column_2),

  • a vector of positive integers, giving the positions counting from the left (e.g. 1 or c(1, 3, 5)),

  • a vector of negative integers, giving the positions counting from the right (e.g., -1 or -1:-3),

  • one of the following select-helpers: starts_with(), ends_with(), contains(), a range using : or regex(""). starts_with(), ends_with(), and contains() accept several patterns, e.g starts_with("Sep", "Petal").

  • or a function testing for logical conditions, e.g. is.numeric() (or is.numeric), or any user-defined function that selects the variables for which the function returns TRUE (like: foo <- function(x) mean(x) > 3),

  • ranges specified via literal variable names, select-helpers (except regex()) and (user-defined) functions can be negated, i.e. return non-matching elements, when prefixed with a -, e.g. -ends_with(""), -is.numeric or -(Sepal.Width:Petal.Length). Note: Negation means that matches are excluded, and thus, the exclude argument can be used alternatively. For instance, select=-ends_with("Length") (with -) is equivalent to exclude=ends_with("Length") (no -). In case negation should not work as expected, use the exclude argument instead.

If NULL, selects all columns. Patterns that found no matches are silently ignored, e.g. extract_column_names(iris, select = c("Species", "Test")) will just return "Species".


See select, however, column names matched by the pattern from exclude will be excluded instead of selected. If NULL (the default), excludes no columns.


Logical or string. If TRUE, standardized variables get new column names (with the suffix "_z") and are appended (column bind) to x, thus returning both the original and the standardized variables. If FALSE, original variables in x will be overwritten by their standardized versions. If a character value, standardized variables are appended with new column names (using the defined suffix) to the original data frame.


Logical, if TRUE and when one of the select-helpers or a regular expression is used in select, ignores lower/upper case in the search pattern when matching against variable names.


Logical, if TRUE, the search pattern from select will be treated as regular expression. When regex = TRUE, select must be a character string (or a variable containing a character string) and is not allowed to be one of the supported select-helpers or a character vector of length > 1. regex = TRUE is comparable to using one of the two select-helpers, select = contains("") or select = regex(""), however, since the select-helpers may not work when called from inside other functions (see 'Details'), this argument may be used as workaround.


  • If x is a matrix, normalization is performed across all values (not column- or row-wise). For column-wise normalization, convert the matrix to a data.frame.

  • If x is a grouped data frame (grouped_df), normalization is performed separately for each group.


A normalized object.

Selection of variables - the select argument

For most functions that have a select argument (including this function), the complete input data frame is returned, even when select only selects a range of variables. That is, the function is only applied to those variables that have a match in select, while all other variables remain unchanged. In other words: for this function, select will not omit any non-included variables, so that the returned data frame will include all variables from the input data frame.


Smithson M, Verkuilen J (2006). A Better Lemon Squeezer? Maximum-Likelihood Regression with Beta-Distributed Dependent Variables. Psychological Methods, 11(1), 54–71.

See Also

See makepredictcall.dw_transformer() for use in model formulas.

Other transform utilities: ranktransform(), rescale(), reverse(), standardize()


normalize(c(0, 1, 5, -5, -2))
normalize(c(0, 1, 5, -5, -2), include_bounds = FALSE)
# use a value defining the bounds
normalize(c(0, 1, 5, -5, -2), include_bounds = .001)


(Signed) rank transformation


Transform numeric values with the integers of their rank (i.e., 1st smallest, 2nd smallest, 3rd smallest, etc.). Setting the sign argument to TRUE will give you signed ranks, where the ranking is done according to absolute size but where the sign is preserved (i.e., 2, 1, -3, 4).


ranktransform(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'numeric'
ranktransform(x, sign = FALSE, method = "average", verbose = TRUE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'data.frame'
  select = NULL,
  exclude = NULL,
  sign = FALSE,
  method = "average",
  ignore_case = FALSE,
  regex = FALSE,
  verbose = TRUE,





Arguments passed to or from other methods.


Logical, if TRUE, return signed ranks.


Treatment of ties. Can be one of "average" (default), "first", "last", "random", "max" or "min". See rank() for details.


Toggle warnings.


Variables that will be included when performing the required tasks. Can be either

  • a variable specified as a literal variable name (e.g., column_name),

  • a string with the variable name (e.g., "column_name"), a character vector of variable names (e.g., c("col1", "col2", "col3")), or a character vector of variable names including ranges specified via : (e.g., c("col1:col3", "col5")),

  • a formula with variable names (e.g., ~column_1 + column_2),

  • a vector of positive integers, giving the positions counting from the left (e.g. 1 or c(1, 3, 5)),

  • a vector of negative integers, giving the positions counting from the right (e.g., -1 or -1:-3),

  • one of the following select-helpers: starts_with(), ends_with(), contains(), a range using : or regex(""). starts_with(), ends_with(), and contains() accept several patterns, e.g starts_with("Sep", "Petal").

  • or a function testing for logical conditions, e.g. is.numeric() (or is.numeric), or any user-defined function that selects the variables for which the function returns TRUE (like: foo <- function(x) mean(x) > 3),

  • ranges specified via literal variable names, select-helpers (except regex()) and (user-defined) functions can be negated, i.e. return non-matching elements, when prefixed with a -, e.g. -ends_with(""), -is.numeric or -(Sepal.Width:Petal.Length). Note: Negation means that matches are excluded, and thus, the exclude argument can be used alternatively. For instance, select=-ends_with("Length") (with -) is equivalent to exclude=ends_with("Length") (no -). In case negation should not work as expected, use the exclude argument instead.

If NULL, selects all columns. Patterns that found no matches are silently ignored, e.g. extract_column_names(iris, select = c("Species", "Test")) will just return "Species".


See select, however, column names matched by the pattern from exclude will be excluded instead of selected. If NULL (the default), excludes no columns.


Logical, if TRUE and when one of the select-helpers or a regular expression is used in select, ignores lower/upper case in the search pattern when matching against variable names.


Logical, if TRUE, the search pattern from select will be treated as regular expression. When regex = TRUE, select must be a character string (or a variable containing a character string) and is not allowed to be one of the supported select-helpers or a character vector of length > 1. regex = TRUE is comparable to using one of the two select-helpers, select = contains("") or select = regex(""), however, since the select-helpers may not work when called from inside other functions (see 'Details'), this argument may be used as workaround.


A rank-transformed object.

Selection of variables - the select argument

For most functions that have a select argument (including this function), the complete input data frame is returned, even when select only selects a range of variables. That is, the function is only applied to those variables that have a match in select, while all other variables remain unchanged. In other words: for this function, select will not omit any non-included variables, so that the returned data frame will include all variables from the input data frame.

See Also

Other transform utilities: normalize(), rescale(), reverse(), standardize()


ranktransform(c(0, 1, 5, -5, -2))

# Won't work
# ranktransform(c(0, 1, 5, -5, -2), sign = TRUE)


Recode values from one or more variables into a new variable


This functions recodes values from one or more variables into a new variable. It is a convenient function to avoid nested ifelse() statements, which is similar to dplyr::case_when().


  data = NULL,
  default = NA,
  overwrite = TRUE,
  preserve_na = FALSE,
  verbose = TRUE



A sequence of two-sided formulas, where the left hand side (LHS) is a logical matching condition that determines which values match this case. The LHS of this formula is also called "recode pattern" (e.g., in messages). The right hand side (RHS) indicates the replacement value.


Optional, name of a data frame. This can be used to avoid writing the data name multiple times in .... See 'Examples'.


Indicates the default value that is chosen when no match in the formulas in ... is found. If not provided, NA is used as default value.


Logical, if TRUE (default) and more than one recode pattern apply to the same case, already recoded values will be overwritten by subsequent recode patterns. If FALSE, former recoded cases will not be altered by later recode patterns that would apply to those cases again. A warning message is printed to alert such situations and to avoid unintentional recodings.


Logical, if TRUE and default is not NA, missing values in the original variable will be set back to NA in the recoded variable (unless overwritten by other recode patterns). If FALSE, missing values in the original variable will be recoded to default. Setting preserve_na = TRUE prevents unintentional overwriting of missing values with default, which means that you won't find valid values where the original data only had missing values. See 'Examples'.


Toggle warnings.


A vector with recoded values.


x <- 1:30
  x > 15 ~ "a",
  x > 10 & x <= 15 ~ "b",
  default = "c"

x <- 1:10
# default behaviour: second recode pattern "x > 5" overwrites
# some of the formerly recoded cases from pattern "x >= 3 & x <= 7"
  x >= 3 & x <= 7 ~ 1,
  x > 5 ~ 2,
  default = 0,
  verbose = FALSE

# setting "overwrite = FALSE" will not alter formerly recoded cases
  x >= 3 & x <= 7 ~ 1,
  x > 5 ~ 2,
  default = 0,
  overwrite = FALSE,
  verbose = FALSE

d <- data.frame(
  x = sample(1:5, 30, TRUE),
  y = sample(letters[1:5], 30, TRUE),
  stringsAsFactors = FALSE

# from different variables into new vector
  d$x %in% 1:3 & d$y %in% c("a", "b") ~ 1,
  d$x > 3 ~ 2,
  default = 0

# no need to write name of data frame each time
  x %in% 1:3 & y %in% c("a", "b") ~ 1,
  x > 3 ~ 2,
  data = d,
  default = 0

# handling of missing values
d <- data.frame(
  x = c(1, NA, 2, NA, 3, 4),
  y = c(1, 11, 3, NA, 5, 6)
# first NA in x is overwritten by valid value from y
# we have no known value for second NA in x and y,
# thus we get one NA in the result
  x <= 3 ~ 1,
  y > 5 ~ 2,
  data = d,
  default = 0,
  preserve_na = TRUE
# first NA in x is overwritten by valid value from y
# default value is used for second NA
  x <= 3 ~ 1,
  y > 5 ~ 2,
  data = d,
  default = 0,
  preserve_na = FALSE

Recode old values of variables into new values


This functions recodes old values into new values and can be used to to recode numeric or character vectors, or factors.


recode_values(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'numeric'
  recode = NULL,
  default = NULL,
  preserve_na = TRUE,
  verbose = TRUE,

## S3 method for class 'data.frame'
  select = NULL,
  exclude = NULL,
  recode = NULL,
  default = NULL,
  preserve_na = TRUE,
  append = FALSE,
  ignore_case = FALSE,
  regex = FALSE,
  verbose = TRUE,



A data frame, numeric or character vector, or factor.


not used.


A list of named vectors, which indicate the recode pairs. The names of the list-elements (i.e. the left-hand side) represent the new values, while the values of the list-elements indicate the original (old) values that should be replaced. When recoding numeric vectors, element names have to be surrounded in backticks. For example, recode=list(`0`=1) would recode all 1 into 0 in a numeric vector. See also 'Examples' and 'Details'.


Defines the default value for all values that have no match in the recode-pairs. Note that, if preserve_na=FALSE, missing values (NA) are also captured by the default argument, and thus will also be recoded into the specified value. See 'Examples' and 'Details'.


Logical, if TRUE, NA (missing values) are preserved. This overrides any other arguments, including default. Hence, if preserve_na=TRUE, default will no longer convert NA into the specified default value.


Toggle warnings.


Variables that will be included when performing the required tasks. Can be either

  • a variable specified as a literal variable name (e.g., column_name),

  • a string with the variable name (e.g., "column_name"), a character vector of variable names (e.g., c("col1", "col2", "col3")), or a character vector of variable names including ranges specified via : (e.g., c("col1:col3", "col5")),

  • a formula with variable names (e.g., ~column_1 + column_2),

  • a vector of positive integers, giving the positions counting from the left (e.g. 1 or c(1, 3, 5)),

  • a vector of negative integers, giving the positions counting from the right (e.g., -1 or -1:-3),

  • one of the following select-helpers: starts_with(), ends_with(), contains(), a range using : or regex(""). starts_with(), ends_with(), and contains() accept several patterns, e.g starts_with("Sep", "Petal").

  • or a function testing for logical conditions, e.g. is.numeric() (or is.numeric), or any user-defined function that selects the variables for which the function returns TRUE (like: foo <- function(x) mean(x) > 3),

  • ranges specified via literal variable names, select-helpers (except regex()) and (user-defined) functions can be negated, i.e. return non-matching elements, when prefixed with a -, e.g. -ends_with(""), -is.numeric or -(Sepal.Width:Petal.Length). Note: Negation means that matches are excluded, and thus, the exclude argument can be used alternatively. For instance, select=-ends_with("Length") (with -) is equivalent to exclude=ends_with("Length") (no -). In case negation should not work as expected, use the exclude argument instead.

If NULL, selects all columns. Patterns that found no matches are silently ignored, e.g. extract_column_names(iris, select = c("Species", "Test")) will just return "Species".


See select, however, column names matched by the pattern from exclude will be excluded instead of selected. If NULL (the default), excludes no columns.


Logical or string. If TRUE, recoded or converted variables get new column names and are appended (column bind) to x, thus returning both the original and the recoded variables. The new columns get a suffix, based on the calling function: "_r" for recode functions, "_n" for to_numeric(), "_f" for to_factor(), or "_s" for slide(). If append=FALSE, original variables in x will be overwritten by their recoded versions. If a character value, recoded variables are appended with new column names (using the defined suffix) to the original data frame.


Logical, if TRUE and when one of the select-helpers or a regular expression is used in select, ignores lower/upper case in the search pattern when matching against variable names.


Logical, if TRUE, the search pattern from select will be treated as regular expression. When regex = TRUE, select must be a character string (or a variable containing a character string) and is not allowed to be one of the supported select-helpers or a character vector of length > 1. regex = TRUE is comparable to using one of the two select-helpers, select = contains("") or select = regex(""), however, since the select-helpers may not work when called from inside other functions (see 'Details'), this argument may be used as workaround.


This section describes the pattern of the recode arguments, which also provides some shortcuts, in particular when recoding numeric values.

  • Single values

    Single values either need to be wrapped in backticks (in case of numeric values) or "as is" (for character or factor levels). Example: recode=list(`0`=1,`1`=2) would recode 1 into 0, and 2 into 1. For factors or character vectors, an example is: recode=list(x="a",y="b") (recode "a" into "x" and "b" into "y").

  • Multiple values

    Multiple values that should be recoded into a new value can be separated with comma. Example: recode=list(`1`=c(1,4),`2`=c(2,3)) would recode the values 1 and 4 into 1, and 2 and 3 into 2. It is also possible to define the old values as a character string, like: recode=list(`1`="1,4",`2`="2,3") For factors or character vectors, an example is: recode=list(x=c("a","b"),y=c("c","d")).

  • Value range

    Numeric value ranges can be defined using the :. Example: recode=list(`1`=1:3,`2`=4:6) would recode all values from 1 to 3 into 1, and 4 to 6 into 2.

  • min and max

    placeholder to use the minimum or maximum value of the (numeric) variable. Useful, e.g., when recoding ranges of values. Example: recode=list(`1`="min:10",`2`="11:max").

  • default values

    The default argument defines the default value for all values that have no match in the recode-pairs. For example, ⁠recode=list(`1`=c(1,2),`2`=c(3,4)), default=9⁠ would recode values 1 and 2 into 1, 3 and 4 into 2, and all other values into 9. If preserve_na is set to FALSE, NA (missing values) will also be recoded into the specified default value.

  • Reversing and rescaling

    See reverse() and rescale().


x, where old values are replaced by new values.

Selection of variables - the select argument

For most functions that have a select argument (including this function), the complete input data frame is returned, even when select only selects a range of variables. That is, the function is only applied to those variables that have a match in select, while all other variables remain unchanged. In other words: for this function, select will not omit any non-included variables, so that the returned data frame will include all variables from the input data frame.


You can use options(data_recode_pattern = "old=new") to switch the behaviour of the recode-argument, i.e. recode-pairs are now following the pattern ⁠old values = new values⁠, e.g. if getOption("data_recode_pattern") is set to "old=new", then recode(`1`=0) would recode all 1 into 0. The default for recode(`1`=0) is to recode all 0 into 1.

See Also


# numeric ----------
x <- sample(c(1:4, NA), 15, TRUE)
table(x, useNA = "always")

out <- recode_values(x, list(`0` = 1, `1` = 2:3, `2` = 4))
table(out, useNA = "always")

# to recode NA values, set preserve_na to FALSE
out <- recode_values(
  list(`0` = 1, `1` = 2:3, `2` = 4, `9` = NA),
  preserve_na = FALSE
table(out, useNA = "always")

# preserve na ----------
out <- recode_values(x, list(`0` = 1, `1` = 2:3), default = 77)
table(out, useNA = "always")

# recode na into default ----------
out <- recode_values(
  list(`0` = 1, `1` = 2:3),
  default = 77,
  preserve_na = FALSE
table(out, useNA = "always")

# factors (character vectors are similar) ----------
x <- as.factor(sample(c("a", "b", "c"), 15, TRUE))

out <- recode_values(x, list(x = "a", y = c("b", "c")))

out <- recode_values(x, list(x = "a", y = "b", z = "c"))

out <- recode_values(x, list(y = "b,c"), default = 77)
# same as
# recode_values(x, list(y = c("b", "c")), default = 77)

# data frames ----------
d <- data.frame(
  x = sample(c(1:4, NA), 12, TRUE),
  y = as.factor(sample(c("a", "b", "c"), 12, TRUE)),
  stringsAsFactors = FALSE

  recode = list(`0` = 1, `1` = 2:3, `2` = 4, x = "a", y = c("b", "c")),
  append = TRUE

# switch recode pattern to "old=new" ----------
options(data_recode_pattern = "old=new")

# numeric
x <- sample(c(1:4, NA), 15, TRUE)
table(x, useNA = "always")

out <- recode_values(x, list(`1` = 0, `2:3` = 1, `4` = 2))
table(out, useNA = "always")

# factors (character vectors are similar)
x <- as.factor(sample(c("a", "b", "c"), 15, TRUE))

out <- recode_values(x, list(a = "x", `b, c` = "y"))

# reset options
options(data_recode_pattern = NULL)

Return or remove variables or observations that are completely missing


These functions check which rows or columns of a data frame completely contain missing values, i.e. which observations or variables completely have missing values, and either (1) returns their indices; or (2) removes them from the data frame.









A data frame.


For character vectors, empty string values (i.e. "") are also considered as missing value. Thus, if a character vector only contains NA and ⁠""``, it is considered as empty variable and will be removed. Same applies to observations (rows) that only contain ⁠NAor""'.


  • For empty_columns() and empty_rows(), a numeric (named) vector with row or column indices of those variables that completely have missing values.

  • For remove_empty_columns() and remove_empty_rows(), a data frame with "empty" columns or rows removed, respectively.

  • For remove_empty(), both empty rows and columns will be removed.


tmp <- data.frame(
  a = c(1, 2, 3, NA, 5),
  b = c(1, NA, 3, NA, 5),
  c = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA),
  d = c(1, NA, 3, NA, 5)


# indices of empty columns or rows

# remove empty columns or rows

# remove empty columns and rows

# also remove "empty" character vectors
tmp <- data.frame(
  a = c(1, 2, 3, NA, 5),
  b = c(1, NA, 3, NA, 5),
  c = c("", "", "", "", ""),
  stringsAsFactors = FALSE

Convert infinite or NaN values into NA


Replaces all infinite (Inf and -Inf) or NaN values with NA.


replace_nan_inf(x, ...)



A vector or a dataframe


Currently not used.


Data with Inf, -Inf, and NaN converted to NA.


# a vector
x <- c(1, 2, NA, 3, NaN, 4, NA, 5, Inf, -Inf, 6, 7)

# a data frame
df <- data.frame(
  x = c(1, NA, 5, Inf, 2, NA),
  y = c(3, NaN, 4, -Inf, 6, 7),
  stringsAsFactors = FALSE

Rescale Variables to a New Range


Rescale variables to a new range. Can also be used to reverse-score variables (change the keying/scoring direction), or to expand a range.


rescale(x, ...)

change_scale(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'numeric'
  to = c(0, 100),
  multiply = NULL,
  add = NULL,
  range = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE,

## S3 method for class 'data.frame'
  select = NULL,
  exclude = NULL,
  to = c(0, 100),
  multiply = NULL,
  add = NULL,
  range = NULL,
  append = FALSE,
  ignore_case = FALSE,
  regex = FALSE,
  verbose = FALSE,



A (grouped) data frame, numeric vector or factor.


Arguments passed to or from other methods.


Numeric vector of length 2 giving the new range that the variable will have after rescaling. To reverse-score a variable, the range should be given with the maximum value first. See examples.


If not NULL, to is ignored and multiply will be used, giving the factor by which the actual range of x should be expanded. For example, if a vector ranges from 5 to 15 and multiply = 1.1, the current range of 10 will be expanded by the factor of 1.1, giving a new range of 11. Thus, the rescaled vector would range from 4.5 to 15.5.


A vector of length 1 or 2. If not NULL, to is ignored and add will be used, giving the amount by which the minimum and maximum of the actual range of x should be expanded. For example, if a vector ranges from 5 to 15 and add = 1, the range will be expanded from 4 to 16. If add is of length 2, then the first value is used for the lower bound and the second value for the upper bound.


Initial (old) range of values. If NULL, will take the range of the input vector (range(x)).


Toggle warnings.


Variables that will be included when performing the required tasks. Can be either

  • a variable specified as a literal variable name (e.g., column_name),

  • a string with the variable name (e.g., "column_name"), a character vector of variable names (e.g., c("col1", "col2", "col3")), or a character vector of variable names including ranges specified via : (e.g., c("col1:col3", "col5")),

  • a formula with variable names (e.g., ~column_1 + column_2),

  • a vector of positive integers, giving the positions counting from the left (e.g. 1 or c(1, 3, 5)),

  • a vector of negative integers, giving the positions counting from the right (e.g., -1 or -1:-3),

  • one of the following select-helpers: starts_with(), ends_with(), contains(), a range using : or regex(""). starts_with(), ends_with(), and contains() accept several patterns, e.g starts_with("Sep", "Petal").

  • or a function testing for logical conditions, e.g. is.numeric() (or is.numeric), or any user-defined function that selects the variables for which the function returns TRUE (like: foo <- function(x) mean(x) > 3),

  • ranges specified via literal variable names, select-helpers (except regex()) and (user-defined) functions can be negated, i.e. return non-matching elements, when prefixed with a -, e.g. -ends_with(""), -is.numeric or -(Sepal.Width:Petal.Length). Note: Negation means that matches are excluded, and thus, the exclude argument can be used alternatively. For instance, select=-ends_with("Length") (with -) is equivalent to exclude=ends_with("Length") (no -). In case negation should not work as expected, use the exclude argument instead.

If NULL, selects all columns. Patterns that found no matches are silently ignored, e.g. extract_column_names(iris, select = c("Species", "Test")) will just return "Species".


See select, however, column names matched by the pattern from exclude will be excluded instead of selected. If NULL (the default), excludes no columns.


Logical or string. If TRUE, recoded or converted variables get new column names and are appended (column bind) to x, thus returning both the original and the recoded variables. The new columns get a suffix, based on the calling function: "_r" for recode functions, "_n" for to_numeric(), "_f" for to_factor(), or "_s" for slide(). If append=FALSE, original variables in x will be overwritten by their recoded versions. If a character value, recoded variables are appended with new column names (using the defined suffix) to the original data frame.


Logical, if TRUE and when one of the select-helpers or a regular expression is used in select, ignores lower/upper case in the search pattern when matching against variable names.


Logical, if TRUE, the search pattern from select will be treated as regular expression. When regex = TRUE, select must be a character string (or a variable containing a character string) and is not allowed to be one of the supported select-helpers or a character vector of length > 1. regex = TRUE is comparable to using one of the two select-helpers, select = contains("") or select = regex(""), however, since the select-helpers may not work when called from inside other functions (see 'Details'), this argument may be used as workaround.


A rescaled object.

Selection of variables - the select argument

For most functions that have a select argument (including this function), the complete input data frame is returned, even when select only selects a range of variables. That is, the function is only applied to those variables that have a match in select, while all other variables remain unchanged. In other words: for this function, select will not omit any non-included variables, so that the returned data frame will include all variables from the input data frame.

See Also

See makepredictcall.dw_transformer() for use in model formulas.

Other transform utilities: normalize(), ranktransform(), reverse(), standardize()


rescale(c(0, 1, 5, -5, -2))
rescale(c(0, 1, 5, -5, -2), to = c(-5, 5))
rescale(c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5), to = c(-2, 2))

# Specify the "theoretical" range of the input vector
rescale(c(1, 3, 4), to = c(0, 40), range = c(0, 4))

# Reverse-score a variable
rescale(c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5), to = c(5, 1))
rescale(c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5), to = c(2, -2))

# Data frames
head(rescale(iris, to = c(0, 1)))
head(rescale(iris, to = c(0, 1), select = "Sepal.Length"))

# One can specify a list of ranges
head(rescale(iris, to = list(
  "Sepal.Length" = c(0, 1),
  "Petal.Length" = c(-1, 0)

# "expand" ranges by a factor or a given value
x <- 5:15
# both will expand the range by 10%
rescale(x, multiply = 1.1)
rescale(x, add = 0.5)

# expand range by different values
rescale(x, add = c(1, 3))

# Specify list of multipliers
d <- data.frame(x = 5:15, y = 5:15)
rescale(d, multiply = list(x = 1.1, y = 0.5))

Rescale design weights for multilevel analysis


Most functions to fit multilevel and mixed effects models only allow to specify frequency weights, but not design (i.e. sampling or probability) weights, which should be used when analyzing complex samples and survey data. rescale_weights() implements an algorithm proposed by Asparouhov (2006) and Carle (2009) to rescale design weights in survey data to account for the grouping structure of multilevel models, which then can be used for multilevel modelling.


rescale_weights(data, by, probability_weights, nest = FALSE)



A data frame.


Variable names (as character vector, or as formula), indicating the grouping structure (strata) of the survey data (level-2-cluster variable). It is also possible to create weights for multiple group variables; in such cases, each created weighting variable will be suffixed by the name of the group variable.


Variable indicating the probability (design or sampling) weights of the survey data (level-1-weight).


Logical, if TRUE and by indicates at least two group variables, then groups are "nested", i.e. groups are now a combination from each group level of the variables in by.


Rescaling is based on two methods: For pweights_a, the sample weights probability_weights are adjusted by a factor that represents the proportion of group size divided by the sum of sampling weights within each group. The adjustment factor for pweights_b is the sum of sample weights within each group divided by the sum of squared sample weights within each group (see Carle (2009), Appendix B). In other words, pweights_a "scales the weights so that the new weights sum to the cluster sample size" while pweights_b "scales the weights so that the new weights sum to the effective cluster size".

Regarding the choice between scaling methods A and B, Carle suggests that "analysts who wish to discuss point estimates should report results based on weighting method A. For analysts more interested in residual between-group variance, method B may generally provide the least biased estimates". In general, it is recommended to fit a non-weighted model and weighted models with both scaling methods and when comparing the models, see whether the "inferential decisions converge", to gain confidence in the results.

Though the bias of scaled weights decreases with increasing group size, method A is preferred when insufficient or low group size is a concern.

The group ID and probably PSU may be used as random effects (e.g. nested design, or group and PSU as varying intercepts), depending on the survey design that should be mimicked.


data, including the new weighting variables: pweights_a and pweights_b, which represent the rescaled design weights to use in multilevel models (use these variables for the weights argument).


  • Carle A.C. (2009). Fitting multilevel models in complex survey data with design weights: Recommendations. BMC Medical Research Methodology 9(49): 1-13

  • Asparouhov T. (2006). General Multi-Level Modeling with Sampling Weights. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods 35: 439-460


if (require("lme4")) {
  head(rescale_weights(nhanes_sample, "SDMVSTRA", "WTINT2YR"))

  # also works with multiple group-variables
  head(rescale_weights(nhanes_sample, c("SDMVSTRA", "SDMVPSU"), "WTINT2YR"))

  # or nested structures.
  x <- rescale_weights(
    data = nhanes_sample,
    by = c("SDMVSTRA", "SDMVPSU"),
    probability_weights = "WTINT2YR",
    nest = TRUE

  nhanes_sample <- rescale_weights(nhanes_sample, "SDMVSTRA", "WTINT2YR")

    total ~ factor(RIAGENDR) * (log(age) + factor(RIDRETH1)) + (1 | SDMVPSU),
    family = poisson(),
    data = nhanes_sample,
    weights = pweights_a

Reshape CI between wide/long formats


Reshape CI between wide/long formats.


reshape_ci(x, ci_type = "CI")



A data frame containing columns named CI_low and CI_high (or similar, see ci_type).


String indicating the "type" (i.e. prefix) of the interval columns. Per easystats convention, confidence or credible intervals are named CI_low and CI_high, and the related ci_type would be "CI". If column names for other intervals differ, ci_type can be used to indicate the name, e.g. ci_type = "SI" can be used for support intervals, where the column names in the data frame would be SI_low and SI_high.


A data frame with columns corresponding to confidence intervals reshaped either to wide or long format.


x <- data.frame(
  Parameter = c("Term 1", "Term 2", "Term 1", "Term 2"),
  CI = c(.8, .8, .9, .9),
  CI_low = c(.2, .3, .1, .15),
  CI_high = c(.5, .6, .8, .85),
  stringsAsFactors = FALSE


Reverse-Score Variables


Reverse-score variables (change the keying/scoring direction).


reverse(x, ...)

reverse_scale(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'numeric'
reverse(x, range = NULL, verbose = TRUE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'data.frame'
  select = NULL,
  exclude = NULL,
  range = NULL,
  append = FALSE,
  ignore_case = FALSE,
  regex = FALSE,
  verbose = FALSE,



A (grouped) data frame, numeric vector or factor.


Arguments passed to or from other methods.


Range of values that is used as reference for reversing the scale. For numeric variables, can be NULL or a numeric vector of length two, indicating the lowest and highest value of the reference range. If NULL, will take the range of the input vector (range(x)). For factors, range can be NULL, a numeric vector of length two, or a (numeric) vector of at least the same length as factor levels (i.e. must be equal to or larger than nlevels(x)). Note that providing a range for factors usually only makes sense when factor levels are numeric, not characters.


Toggle warnings.


Variables that will be included when performing the required tasks. Can be either

  • a variable specified as a literal variable name (e.g., column_name),

  • a string with the variable name (e.g., "column_name"), a character vector of variable names (e.g., c("col1", "col2", "col3")), or a character vector of variable names including ranges specified via : (e.g., c("col1:col3", "col5")),

  • a formula with variable names (e.g., ~column_1 + column_2),

  • a vector of positive integers, giving the positions counting from the left (e.g. 1 or c(1, 3, 5)),

  • a vector of negative integers, giving the positions counting from the right (e.g., -1 or -1:-3),

  • one of the following select-helpers: starts_with(), ends_with(), contains(), a range using : or regex(""). starts_with(), ends_with(), and contains() accept several patterns, e.g starts_with("Sep", "Petal").

  • or a function testing for logical conditions, e.g. is.numeric() (or is.numeric), or any user-defined function that selects the variables for which the function returns TRUE (like: foo <- function(x) mean(x) > 3),

  • ranges specified via literal variable names, select-helpers (except regex()) and (user-defined) functions can be negated, i.e. return non-matching elements, when prefixed with a -, e.g. -ends_with(""), -is.numeric or -(Sepal.Width:Petal.Length). Note: Negation means that matches are excluded, and thus, the exclude argument can be used alternatively. For instance, select=-ends_with("Length") (with -) is equivalent to exclude=ends_with("Length") (no -). In case negation should not work as expected, use the exclude argument instead.

If NULL, selects all columns. Patterns that found no matches are silently ignored, e.g. extract_column_names(iris, select = c("Species", "Test")) will just return "Species".


See select, however, column names matched by the pattern from exclude will be excluded instead of selected. If NULL (the default), excludes no columns.


Logical or string. If TRUE, recoded or converted variables get new column names and are appended (column bind) to x, thus returning both the original and the recoded variables. The new columns get a suffix, based on the calling function: "_r" for recode functions, "_n" for to_numeric(), "_f" for to_factor(), or "_s" for slide(). If append=FALSE, original variables in x will be overwritten by their recoded versions. If a character value, recoded variables are appended with new column names (using the defined suffix) to the original data frame.


Logical, if TRUE and when one of the select-helpers or a regular expression is used in select, ignores lower/upper case in the search pattern when matching against variable names.


Logical, if TRUE, the search pattern from select will be treated as regular expression. When regex = TRUE, select must be a character string (or a variable containing a character string) and is not allowed to be one of the supported select-helpers or a character vector of length > 1. regex = TRUE is comparable to using one of the two select-helpers, select = contains("") or select = regex(""), however, since the select-helpers may not work when called from inside other functions (see 'Details'), this argument may be used as workaround.


A reverse-scored object.

Selection of variables - the select argument

For most functions that have a select argument (including this function), the complete input data frame is returned, even when select only selects a range of variables. That is, the function is only applied to those variables that have a match in select, while all other variables remain unchanged. In other words: for this function, select will not omit any non-included variables, so that the returned data frame will include all variables from the input data frame.

See Also

Other transform utilities: normalize(), ranktransform(), rescale(), standardize()


reverse(c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5))
reverse(c(-2, -1, 0, 2, 1))

# Specify the "theoretical" range of the input vector
reverse(c(1, 3, 4), range = c(0, 4))

# Factor variables
reverse(factor(c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)))
reverse(factor(c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)), range = 0:10)

# Data frames
head(reverse(iris, select = "Sepal.Length"))

Count specific values row-wise


row_count() mimics base R's rowSums(), with sums for a specific value indicated by count. Hence, it is similar to rowSums(x == count, na.rm = TRUE), but offers some more options, including strict comparisons. Comparisons using == coerce values to atomic vectors, thus both 2 == 2 and "2" == 2 are TRUE. In row_count(), it is also possible to make "type safe" comparisons using the allow_coercion argument, where "2" == 2 is not true.


  select = NULL,
  exclude = NULL,
  count = NULL,
  allow_coercion = TRUE,
  ignore_case = FALSE,
  regex = FALSE,
  verbose = TRUE



A data frame with at least two columns, where number of specific values are counted row-wise.


Variables that will be included when performing the required tasks. Can be either

  • a variable specified as a literal variable name (e.g., column_name),

  • a string with the variable name (e.g., "column_name"), a character vector of variable names (e.g., c("col1", "col2", "col3")), or a character vector of variable names including ranges specified via : (e.g., c("col1:col3", "col5")),

  • a formula with variable names (e.g., ~column_1 + column_2),

  • a vector of positive integers, giving the positions counting from the left (e.g. 1 or c(1, 3, 5)),

  • a vector of negative integers, giving the positions counting from the right (e.g., -1 or -1:-3),

  • one of the following select-helpers: starts_with(), ends_with(), contains(), a range using : or regex(""). starts_with(), ends_with(), and contains() accept several patterns, e.g starts_with("Sep", "Petal").

  • or a function testing for logical conditions, e.g. is.numeric() (or is.numeric), or any user-defined function that selects the variables for which the function returns TRUE (like: foo <- function(x) mean(x) > 3),

  • ranges specified via literal variable names, select-helpers (except regex()) and (user-defined) functions can be negated, i.e. return non-matching elements, when prefixed with a -, e.g. -ends_with(""), -is.numeric or -(Sepal.Width:Petal.Length). Note: Negation means that matches are excluded, and thus, the exclude argument can be used alternatively. For instance, select=-ends_with("Length") (with -) is equivalent to exclude=ends_with("Length") (no -). In case negation should not work as expected, use the exclude argument instead.

If NULL, selects all columns. Patterns that found no matches are silently ignored, e.g. extract_column_names(iris, select = c("Species", "Test")) will just return "Species".


See select, however, column names matched by the pattern from exclude will be excluded instead of selected. If NULL (the default), excludes no columns.


The value for which the row sum should be computed. May be a numeric value, a character string (for factors or character vectors), NA or Inf.


Logical. If FALSE, count matches only values of same class (i.e. when count = 2, the value "2" is not counted and vice versa). By default, when allow_coercion = TRUE, count = 2 also matches "2". In order to count factor levels in the data, use count = factor("level"). See 'Examples'.


Logical, if TRUE and when one of the select-helpers or a regular expression is used in select, ignores lower/upper case in the search pattern when matching against variable names.


Logical, if TRUE, the search pattern from select will be treated as regular expression. When regex = TRUE, select must be a character string (or a variable containing a character string) and is not allowed to be one of the supported select-helpers or a character vector of length > 1. regex = TRUE is comparable to using one of the two select-helpers, select = contains("") or select = regex(""), however, since the select-helpers may not work when called from inside other functions (see 'Details'), this argument may be used as workaround.


Toggle warnings.


A vector with row-wise counts of values specified in count.


dat <- data.frame(
  c1 = c(1, 2, NA, 4),
  c2 = c(NA, 2, NA, 5),
  c3 = c(NA, 4, NA, NA),
  c4 = c(2, 3, 7, 8)

# count all 4s per row
row_count(dat, count = 4)
# count all missing values per row
row_count(dat, count = NA)

dat <- data.frame(
  c1 = c("1", "2", NA, "3"),
  c2 = c(NA, "2", NA, "3"),
  c3 = c(NA, 4, NA, NA),
  c4 = c(2, 3, 7, Inf)
# count all 2s and "2"s per row
row_count(dat, count = 2)
# only count 2s, but not "2"s
row_count(dat, count = 2, allow_coercion = FALSE)

dat <- data.frame(
  c1 = factor(c("1", "2", NA, "3")),
  c2 = c("2", "1", NA, "3"),
  c3 = c(NA, 4, NA, NA),
  c4 = c(2, 3, 7, Inf)
# find only character "2"s
row_count(dat, count = "2", allow_coercion = FALSE)
# find only factor level "2"s
row_count(dat, count = factor("2"), allow_coercion = FALSE)

Row means or sums (optionally with minimum amount of valid values)


This function is similar to the SPSS MEAN.n or SUM.n function and computes row means or row sums from a data frame or matrix if at least min_valid values of a row are valid (and not NA).


  select = NULL,
  exclude = NULL,
  min_valid = NULL,
  digits = NULL,
  ignore_case = FALSE,
  regex = FALSE,
  remove_na = FALSE,
  verbose = TRUE

  select = NULL,
  exclude = NULL,
  min_valid = NULL,
  digits = NULL,
  ignore_case = FALSE,
  regex = FALSE,
  remove_na = FALSE,
  verbose = TRUE



A data frame with at least two columns, where row means or row sums are applied.


Variables that will be included when performing the required tasks. Can be either

  • a variable specified as a literal variable name (e.g., column_name),

  • a string with the variable name (e.g., "column_name"), a character vector of variable names (e.g., c("col1", "col2", "col3")), or a character vector of variable names including ranges specified via : (e.g., c("col1:col3", "col5")),

  • a formula with variable names (e.g., ~column_1 + column_2),

  • a vector of positive integers, giving the positions counting from the left (e.g. 1 or c(1, 3, 5)),

  • a vector of negative integers, giving the positions counting from the right (e.g., -1 or -1:-3),

  • one of the following select-helpers: starts_with(), ends_with(), contains(), a range using : or regex(""). starts_with(), ends_with(), and contains() accept several patterns, e.g starts_with("Sep", "Petal").

  • or a function testing for logical conditions, e.g. is.numeric() (or is.numeric), or any user-defined function that selects the variables for which the function returns TRUE (like: foo <- function(x) mean(x) > 3),

  • ranges specified via literal variable names, select-helpers (except regex()) and (user-defined) functions can be negated, i.e. return non-matching elements, when prefixed with a -, e.g. -ends_with(""), -is.numeric or -(Sepal.Width:Petal.Length). Note: Negation means that matches are excluded, and thus, the exclude argument can be used alternatively. For instance, select=-ends_with("Length") (with -) is equivalent to exclude=ends_with("Length") (no -). In case negation should not work as expected, use the exclude argument instead.

If NULL, selects all columns. Patterns that found no matches are silently ignored, e.g. extract_column_names(iris, select = c("Species", "Test")) will just return "Species".


See select, however, column names matched by the pattern from exclude will be excluded instead of selected. If NULL (the default), excludes no columns.


Optional, a numeric value of length 1. May either be

  • a numeric value that indicates the amount of valid values per row to calculate the row mean or row sum;

  • or a value between 0 and 1, indicating a proportion of valid values per row to calculate the row mean or row sum (see 'Details').

  • NULL (default), in which all cases are considered.

If a row's sum of valid values is less than min_valid, NA will be returned.


Numeric value indicating the number of decimal places to be used for rounding mean values. Negative values are allowed (see 'Details'). By default, digits = NULL and no rounding is used.


Logical, if TRUE and when one of the select-helpers or a regular expression is used in select, ignores lower/upper case in the search pattern when matching against variable names.


Logical, if TRUE, the search pattern from select will be treated as regular expression. When regex = TRUE, select must be a character string (or a variable containing a character string) and is not allowed to be one of the supported select-helpers or a character vector of length > 1. regex = TRUE is comparable to using one of the two select-helpers, select = contains("") or select = regex(""), however, since the select-helpers may not work when called from inside other functions (see 'Details'), this argument may be used as workaround.


Logical, if TRUE (default), removes missing (NA) values before calculating row means or row sums. Only applies if min_valid is not specified.


Toggle warnings.


Rounding to a negative number of digits means rounding to a power of ten, for example row_means(df, 3, digits = -2) rounds to the nearest hundred. For min_valid, if not NULL, min_valid must be a numeric value from 0 to ncol(data). If a row in the data frame has at least min_valid non-missing values, the row mean or row sum is returned. If min_valid is a non-integer value from 0 to 1, min_valid is considered to indicate the proportion of required non-missing values per row. E.g., if min_valid = 0.75, a row must have at least ncol(data) * min_valid non-missing values for the row mean or row sum to be calculated. See 'Examples'.


A vector with row means (for row_means()) or row sums (for row_sums()) for those rows with at least n valid values.


dat <- data.frame(
  c1 = c(1, 2, NA, 4),
  c2 = c(NA, 2, NA, 5),
  c3 = c(NA, 4, NA, NA),
  c4 = c(2, 3, 7, 8)

# default, all means are shown, if no NA values are present

# remove all NA before computing row means
row_means(dat, remove_na = TRUE)

# needs at least 4 non-missing values per row
row_means(dat, min_valid = 4) # 1 valid return value
row_sums(dat, min_valid = 4) # 1 valid return value

# needs at least 3 non-missing values per row
row_means(dat, min_valid = 3) # 2 valid return values

# needs at least 2 non-missing values per row
row_means(dat, min_valid = 2)

# needs at least 1 non-missing value per row, for two selected variables
row_means(dat, select = c("c1", "c3"), min_valid = 1)

# needs at least 50% of non-missing values per row
row_means(dat, min_valid = 0.5) # 3 valid return values
row_sums(dat, min_valid = 0.5)

# needs at least 75% of non-missing values per row
row_means(dat, min_valid = 0.75) # 2 valid return values

Tools for working with column names


Tools for working with column names


row_to_colnames(x, row = 1, na_prefix = "x", verbose = TRUE)

colnames_to_row(x, prefix = "x")



A data frame.


Row to use as column names.


Prefix to give to the column name if the row has an NA. Default is 'x', and it will be incremented at each NA (x1, x2, etc.).


Toggle warnings.


Prefix to give to the column name. Default is 'x', and it will be incremented at each column (x1, x2, etc.).


row_to_colnames() and colnames_to_row() both return a data frame.


# Convert a row to column names --------------------------------
test <- data.frame(
  a = c("iso", 2, 5),
  b = c("year", 3, 6),
  c = c("value", 5, 7)

# Convert column names to row --------------------------------
test <- data.frame(
  ARG = c("BRA", "FRA"),
  `1960` = c(1960, 1960),
  `2000` = c(2000, 2000)

Tools for working with row names or row ids


Tools for working with row names or row ids


rownames_as_column(x, var = "rowname")

column_as_rownames(x, var = "rowname")

rowid_as_column(x, var = "rowid")



A data frame.


Name of column to use for row names/ids. For column_as_rownames(), this argument can be the variable name or the column number. For rownames_as_column() and rowid_as_column(), the column name must not already exist in the data.


These are similar to tibble's functions column_to_rownames(), rownames_to_column() and rowid_to_column(). Note that the behavior of rowid_as_column() is different for grouped dataframe: instead of making the rowid unique across the full dataframe, it creates rowid per group. Therefore, there can be several rows with the same rowid if they belong to different groups.

If you are familiar with dplyr, this is similar to doing the following:

data |>
  group_by(grp) |>
  mutate(id = row_number()) |>


A data frame.


# Convert between row names and column --------------------------------
test <- rownames_as_column(mtcars, var = "car")
head(column_as_rownames(test, var = "car"))

test_data <- head(iris)

rowid_as_column(test_data, var = "my_id")

Compute Skewness and (Excess) Kurtosis


Compute Skewness and (Excess) Kurtosis


skewness(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'numeric'
  remove_na = TRUE,
  type = "2",
  iterations = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE,

kurtosis(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'numeric'
  remove_na = TRUE,
  type = "2",
  iterations = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE,

## S3 method for class 'parameters_kurtosis'
print(x, digits = 3, test = FALSE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'parameters_skewness'
print(x, digits = 3, test = FALSE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'parameters_skewness'
summary(object, test = FALSE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'parameters_kurtosis'
summary(object, test = FALSE, ...)



A numeric vector or data.frame.


Arguments passed to or from other methods.


Logical. Should NA values be removed before computing (TRUE) or not (FALSE, default)?


Type of algorithm for computing skewness. May be one of 1 (or "1", "I" or "classic"), 2 (or "2", "II" or "SPSS" or "SAS") or 3 (or "3", "III" or "Minitab"). See 'Details'.


The number of bootstrap replicates for computing standard errors. If NULL (default), parametric standard errors are computed.


Toggle warnings and messages.


Number of decimal places.


Logical, if TRUE, tests if skewness or kurtosis is significantly different from zero.


An object returned by skewness() or kurtosis().



Symmetric distributions have a skewness around zero, while a negative skewness values indicates a "left-skewed" distribution, and a positive skewness values indicates a "right-skewed" distribution. Examples for the relationship of skewness and distributions are:

  • Normal distribution (and other symmetric distribution) has a skewness of 0

  • Half-normal distribution has a skewness just below 1

  • Exponential distribution has a skewness of 2

  • Lognormal distribution can have a skewness of any positive value, depending on its parameters


Types of Skewness

skewness() supports three different methods for estimating skewness, as discussed in Joanes and Gill (1988):

  • Type "1" is the "classical" method, which is g1 = (sum((x - mean(x))^3) / n) / (sum((x - mean(x))^2) / n)^1.5

  • Type "2" first calculates the type-1 skewness, then adjusts the result: G1 = g1 * sqrt(n * (n - 1)) / (n - 2). This is what SAS and SPSS usually return.

  • Type "3" first calculates the type-1 skewness, then adjusts the result: b1 = g1 * ((1 - 1 / n))^1.5. This is what Minitab usually returns.


The kurtosis is a measure of "tailedness" of a distribution. A distribution with a kurtosis values of about zero is called "mesokurtic". A kurtosis value larger than zero indicates a "leptokurtic" distribution with fatter tails. A kurtosis value below zero indicates a "platykurtic" distribution with thinner tails (

Types of Kurtosis

kurtosis() supports three different methods for estimating kurtosis, as discussed in Joanes and Gill (1988):

  • Type "1" is the "classical" method, which is g2 = n * sum((x - mean(x))^4) / (sum((x - mean(x))^2)^2) - 3.

  • Type "2" first calculates the type-1 kurtosis, then adjusts the result: G2 = ((n + 1) * g2 + 6) * (n - 1)/((n - 2) * (n - 3)). This is what SAS and SPSS usually return

  • Type "3" first calculates the type-1 kurtosis, then adjusts the result: b2 = (g2 + 3) * (1 - 1 / n)^2 - 3. This is what Minitab usually returns.

Standard Errors

It is recommended to compute empirical (bootstrapped) standard errors (via the iterations argument) than relying on analytic standard errors (Wright & Herrington, 2011).


Values of skewness or kurtosis.


  • D. N. Joanes and C. A. Gill (1998). Comparing measures of sample skewness and kurtosis. The Statistician, 47, 183–189.

  • Wright, D. B., & Herrington, J. A. (2011). Problematic standard errors and confidence intervals for skewness and kurtosis. Behavior research methods, 43(1), 8-17.



Shift numeric value range


This functions shifts the value range of a numeric variable, so that the new range starts at a given value.


slide(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'numeric'
slide(x, lowest = 0, ...)

## S3 method for class 'data.frame'
  select = NULL,
  exclude = NULL,
  lowest = 0,
  append = FALSE,
  ignore_case = FALSE,
  regex = FALSE,
  verbose = TRUE,



A data frame or numeric vector.


not used.


Numeric, indicating the lowest (minimum) value when converting factors or character vectors to numeric values.


Variables that will be included when performing the required tasks. Can be either

  • a variable specified as a literal variable name (e.g., column_name),

  • a string with the variable name (e.g., "column_name"), a character vector of variable names (e.g., c("col1", "col2", "col3")), or a character vector of variable names including ranges specified via : (e.g., c("col1:col3", "col5")),

  • a formula with variable names (e.g., ~column_1 + column_2),

  • a vector of positive integers, giving the positions counting from the left (e.g. 1 or c(1, 3, 5)),

  • a vector of negative integers, giving the positions counting from the right (e.g., -1 or -1:-3),

  • one of the following select-helpers: starts_with(), ends_with(), contains(), a range using : or regex(""). starts_with(), ends_with(), and contains() accept several patterns, e.g starts_with("Sep", "Petal").

  • or a function testing for logical conditions, e.g. is.numeric() (or is.numeric), or any user-defined function that selects the variables for which the function returns TRUE (like: foo <- function(x) mean(x) > 3),

  • ranges specified via literal variable names, select-helpers (except regex()) and (user-defined) functions can be negated, i.e. return non-matching elements, when prefixed with a -, e.g. -ends_with(""), -is.numeric or -(Sepal.Width:Petal.Length). Note: Negation means that matches are excluded, and thus, the exclude argument can be used alternatively. For instance, select=-ends_with("Length") (with -) is equivalent to exclude=ends_with("Length") (no -). In case negation should not work as expected, use the exclude argument instead.

If NULL, selects all columns. Patterns that found no matches are silently ignored, e.g. extract_column_names(iris, select = c("Species", "Test")) will just return "Species".


See select, however, column names matched by the pattern from exclude will be excluded instead of selected. If NULL (the default), excludes no columns.


Logical or string. If TRUE, recoded or converted variables get new column names and are appended (column bind) to x, thus returning both the original and the recoded variables. The new columns get a suffix, based on the calling function: "_r" for recode functions, "_n" for to_numeric(), "_f" for to_factor(), or "_s" for slide(). If append=FALSE, original variables in x will be overwritten by their recoded versions. If a character value, recoded variables are appended with new column names (using the defined suffix) to the original data frame.


Logical, if TRUE and when one of the select-helpers or a regular expression is used in select, ignores lower/upper case in the search pattern when matching against variable names.


Logical, if TRUE, the search pattern from select will be treated as regular expression. When regex = TRUE, select must be a character string (or a variable containing a character string) and is not allowed to be one of the supported select-helpers or a character vector of length > 1. regex = TRUE is comparable to using one of the two select-helpers, select = contains("") or select = regex(""), however, since the select-helpers may not work when called from inside other functions (see 'Details'), this argument may be used as workaround.


Toggle warnings.


x, where the range of numeric variables starts at a new value.

Selection of variables - the select argument

For most functions that have a select argument (including this function), the complete input data frame is returned, even when select only selects a range of variables. That is, the function is only applied to those variables that have a match in select, while all other variables remain unchanged. In other words: for this function, select will not omit any non-included variables, so that the returned data frame will include all variables from the input data frame.

See Also


# numeric
head(slide(mtcars$gear, lowest = 10))

# data frame
sapply(slide(mtcars, lowest = 1), min)
sapply(mtcars, min)

Quantify the smoothness of a vector


Quantify the smoothness of a vector


smoothness(x, method = "cor", lag = 1, iterations = NULL, ...)



Numeric vector (similar to a time series).


Can be "diff" (the standard deviation of the standardized differences) or "cor" (default, lag-one autocorrelation).


An integer indicating which lag to use. If less than 1, will be interpreted as expressed in percentage of the length of the vector.


The number of bootstrap replicates for computing standard errors. If NULL (default), parametric standard errors are computed.


Arguments passed to or from other methods.


Value of smoothness.



x <- (-10:10)^3 + rnorm(21, 0, 100)
smoothness(x, method = "cor")
smoothness(x, method = "diff")

Standardization (Z-scoring)


Performs a standardization of data (z-scoring), i.e., centering and scaling, so that the data is expressed in terms of standard deviation (i.e., mean = 0, SD = 1) or Median Absolute Deviance (median = 0, MAD = 1). When applied to a statistical model, this function extracts the dataset, standardizes it, and refits the model with this standardized version of the dataset. The normalize() function can also be used to scale all numeric variables within the 0 - 1 range.

For model standardization, see standardize.default().


standardize(x, ...)

standardise(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'numeric'
  robust = FALSE,
  two_sd = FALSE,
  weights = NULL,
  reference = NULL,
  center = NULL,
  scale = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE,

## S3 method for class 'factor'
  robust = FALSE,
  two_sd = FALSE,
  weights = NULL,
  force = FALSE,
  verbose = TRUE,

## S3 method for class 'data.frame'
  select = NULL,
  exclude = NULL,
  robust = FALSE,
  two_sd = FALSE,
  weights = NULL,
  reference = NULL,
  center = NULL,
  scale = NULL,
  remove_na = c("none", "selected", "all"),
  force = FALSE,
  append = FALSE,
  ignore_case = FALSE,
  regex = FALSE,
  verbose = TRUE,

unstandardize(x, ...)

unstandardise(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'numeric'
  center = NULL,
  scale = NULL,
  reference = NULL,
  robust = FALSE,
  two_sd = FALSE,

## S3 method for class 'data.frame'
  center = NULL,
  scale = NULL,
  reference = NULL,
  robust = FALSE,
  two_sd = FALSE,
  select = NULL,
  exclude = NULL,
  ignore_case = FALSE,
  regex = FALSE,
  verbose = TRUE,



A (grouped) data frame, a vector or a statistical model (for unstandardize() cannot be a model).


Arguments passed to or from other methods.


Logical, if TRUE, centering is done by subtracting the median from the variables and dividing it by the median absolute deviation (MAD). If FALSE, variables are standardized by subtracting the mean and dividing it by the standard deviation (SD).


If TRUE, the variables are scaled by two times the deviation (SD or MAD depending on robust). This method can be useful to obtain model coefficients of continuous parameters comparable to coefficients related to binary predictors, when applied to the predictors (not the outcome) (Gelman, 2008).


Can be NULL (for no weighting), or:

  • For model: if TRUE (default), a weighted-standardization is carried out.

  • For data.frames: a numeric vector of weights, or a character of the name of a column in the data.frame that contains the weights.

  • For numeric vectors: a numeric vector of weights.


A data frame or variable from which the centrality and deviation will be computed instead of from the input variable. Useful for standardizing a subset or new data according to another data frame.

center, scale
  • For standardize():
    Numeric values, which can be used as alternative to reference to define a reference centrality and deviation. If scale and center are of length 1, they will be recycled to match the length of selected variables for standardization. Else, center and scale must be of same length as the number of selected variables. Values in center and scale will be matched to selected variables in the provided order, unless a named vector is given. In this case, names are matched against the names of the selected variables.

  • For unstandardize():
    center and scale correspond to the center (the mean / median) and the scale (SD / MAD) of the original non-standardized data (for data frames, should be named, or have column order correspond to the numeric column). However, one can also directly provide the original data through reference, from which the center and the scale will be computed (according to robust and two_sd). Alternatively, if the input contains the attributes center and scale (as does the output of standardize()), it will take it from there if the rest of the arguments are absent.


Toggle warnings and messages on or off.


Logical, if TRUE, forces recoding of factors and character vectors as well.


Variables that will be included when performing the required tasks. Can be either

  • a variable specified as a literal variable name (e.g., column_name),

  • a string with the variable name (e.g., "column_name"), a character vector of variable names (e.g., c("col1", "col2", "col3")), or a character vector of variable names including ranges specified via : (e.g., c("col1:col3", "col5")),

  • a formula with variable names (e.g., ~column_1 + column_2),

  • a vector of positive integers, giving the positions counting from the left (e.g. 1 or c(1, 3, 5)),

  • a vector of negative integers, giving the positions counting from the right (e.g., -1 or -1:-3),

  • one of the following select-helpers: starts_with(), ends_with(), contains(), a range using : or regex(""). starts_with(), ends_with(), and contains() accept several patterns, e.g starts_with("Sep", "Petal").

  • or a function testing for logical conditions, e.g. is.numeric() (or is.numeric), or any user-defined function that selects the variables for which the function returns TRUE (like: foo <- function(x) mean(x) > 3),

  • ranges specified via literal variable names, select-helpers (except regex()) and (user-defined) functions can be negated, i.e. return non-matching elements, when prefixed with a -, e.g. -ends_with(""), -is.numeric or -(Sepal.Width:Petal.Length). Note: Negation means that matches are excluded, and thus, the exclude argument can be used alternatively. For instance, select=-ends_with("Length") (with -) is equivalent to exclude=ends_with("Length") (no -). In case negation should not work as expected, use the exclude argument instead.

If NULL, selects all columns. Patterns that found no matches are silently ignored, e.g. extract_column_names(iris, select = c("Species", "Test")) will just return "Species".


See select, however, column names matched by the pattern from exclude will be excluded instead of selected. If NULL (the default), excludes no columns.


How should missing values (NA) be treated: if "none" (default): each column's standardization is done separately, ignoring NAs. Else, rows with NA in the columns selected with select / exclude ("selected") or in all columns ("all") are dropped before standardization, and the resulting data frame does not include these cases.


Logical or string. If TRUE, standardized variables get new column names (with the suffix "_z") and are appended (column bind) to x, thus returning both the original and the standardized variables. If FALSE, original variables in x will be overwritten by their standardized versions. If a character value, standardized variables are appended with new column names (using the defined suffix) to the original data frame.


Logical, if TRUE and when one of the select-helpers or a regular expression is used in select, ignores lower/upper case in the search pattern when matching against variable names.


Logical, if TRUE, the search pattern from select will be treated as regular expression. When regex = TRUE, select must be a character string (or a variable containing a character string) and is not allowed to be one of the supported select-helpers or a character vector of length > 1. regex = TRUE is comparable to using one of the two select-helpers, select = contains("") or select = regex(""), however, since the select-helpers may not work when called from inside other functions (see 'Details'), this argument may be used as workaround.


The standardized object (either a standardize data frame or a statistical model fitted on standardized data).

Selection of variables - the select argument

For most functions that have a select argument (including this function), the complete input data frame is returned, even when select only selects a range of variables. That is, the function is only applied to those variables that have a match in select, while all other variables remain unchanged. In other words: for this function, select will not omit any non-included variables, so that the returned data frame will include all variables from the input data frame.


When x is a vector or a data frame with ⁠remove_na = "none")⁠, missing values are preserved, so the return value has the same length / number of rows as the original input.

See Also

See center() for grand-mean centering of variables, and makepredictcall.dw_transformer() for use in model formulas.

Other transform utilities: normalize(), ranktransform(), rescale(), reverse()

Other standardize: standardize.default()


d <- iris[1:4, ]

# vectors

# Data frames
# overwrite
standardise(d, select = c("Sepal.Length", "Sepal.Width"))

# append
standardise(d, select = c("Sepal.Length", "Sepal.Width"), append = TRUE)

# append, suffix
standardise(d, select = c("Sepal.Length", "Sepal.Width"), append = "_std")

# standardizing with reference center and scale
d <- data.frame(
  a = c(-2, -1, 0, 1, 2),
  b = c(3, 4, 5, 6, 7)

# default standardization, based on mean and sd of each variable
standardize(d) # means are 0 and 5, sd ~ 1.581139

# standardization, based on mean and sd set to the same values
standardize(d, center = c(0, 5), scale = c(1.581, 1.581))

# standardization, mean and sd for each variable newly defined
standardize(d, center = c(3, 4), scale = c(2, 4))

# standardization, taking same mean and sd for each variable
standardize(d, center = 1, scale = 3)

Re-fit a model with standardized data


Performs a standardization of data (z-scoring) using standardize() and then re-fits the model to the standardized data.

Standardization is done by completely refitting the model on the standardized data. Hence, this approach is equal to standardizing the variables before fitting the model and will return a new model object. This method is particularly recommended for complex models that include interactions or transformations (e.g., polynomial or spline terms). The robust (default to FALSE) argument enables a robust standardization of data, based on the median and the MAD instead of the mean and the SD.


## Default S3 method:
  robust = FALSE,
  two_sd = FALSE,
  weights = TRUE,
  verbose = TRUE,
  include_response = TRUE,



A statistical model.


Logical, if TRUE, centering is done by subtracting the median from the variables and dividing it by the median absolute deviation (MAD). If FALSE, variables are standardized by subtracting the mean and dividing it by the standard deviation (SD).


If TRUE, the variables are scaled by two times the deviation (SD or MAD depending on robust). This method can be useful to obtain model coefficients of continuous parameters comparable to coefficients related to binary predictors, when applied to the predictors (not the outcome) (Gelman, 2008).


If TRUE (default), a weighted-standardization is carried out.


Toggle warnings and messages on or off.


If TRUE (default), the response value will also be standardized. If FALSE, only the predictors will be standardized.

  • Note that for GLMs and models with non-linear link functions, the response value will not be standardized, to make re-fitting the model work.

  • If the model contains an stats::offset(), the offset variable(s) will be standardized only if the response is standardized. If two_sd = TRUE, offsets are standardized by one-sd (similar to the response).

  • (For mediate models, the include_response refers to the outcome in the y model; m model's response will always be standardized when possible).


Arguments passed to or from other methods.


A statistical model fitted on standardized data

Generalized Linear Models

Standardization for generalized linear models (GLM, GLMM, etc) is done only with respect to the predictors (while the outcome remains as-is, unstandardized) - maintaining the interpretability of the coefficients (e.g., in a binomial model: the exponent of the standardized parameter is the OR of a change of 1 SD in the predictor, etc.)

Dealing with Factors

standardize(model) or standardize_parameters(model, method = "refit") do not standardize categorical predictors (i.e. factors) / their dummy-variables, which may be a different behaviour compared to other R packages (such as lm.beta) or other software packages (like SPSS). To mimic such behaviours, either use standardize_parameters(model, method = "basic") to obtain post-hoc standardized parameters, or standardize the data with standardize(data, force = TRUE) before fitting the model.

Transformed Variables

When the model's formula contains transformations (e.g. y ~ exp(X)) the transformation effectively takes place after standardization (e.g., exp(scale(X))). Since some transformations are undefined for none positive values, such as log() and sqrt(), the relevel variables are shifted (post standardization) by Z - min(Z) + 1 or Z - min(Z) (respectively).

See Also

Other standardize: standardize()


model <- lm(Infant.Mortality ~ Education * Fertility, data = swiss)

Convenient text formatting functionalities


Convenience functions to manipulate and format text.


  sep = ", ",
  last = " and ",
  width = NULL,
  enclose = NULL,


text_lastchar(text, n = 1)

text_concatenate(text, sep = ", ", last = " and ", enclose = NULL)

text_paste(text, text2 = NULL, sep = ", ", enclose = NULL, ...)

text_remove(text, pattern = "", ...)

text_wrap(text, width = NULL, ...)


text, text2

A character string.




Last separator.


Positive integer giving the target column width for wrapping lines in the output. Can be "auto", in which case it will select 90\ default width.


Character that will be used to wrap elements of text, so these can be, e.g., enclosed with quotes or backticks. If NULL (default), text elements will not be enclosed.


Other arguments to be passed to or from other functions.


The number of characters to find.


Character vector. For data_rename(), indicates columns that should be selected for renaming. Can be NULL (in which case all columns are selected). For data_addprefix() or data_addsuffix(), a character string, which will be added as prefix or suffix to the column names. For data_rename(), pattern can also be a named vector. In this case, names are used as values for the replacement argument (i.e. pattern can be a character vector using ⁠<new name> = "<old name>"⁠ and argument replacement will be ignored then).


A character string.


# Add full stop if missing
text_fullstop(c("something", "something else."))

# Find last characters
text_lastchar(c("ABC", "DEF"), n = 2)

# Smart concatenation
text_concatenate(c("First", "Second", "Last"))
text_concatenate(c("First", "Second", "Last"), last = " or ", enclose = "`")

# Remove parts of string
text_remove(c("one!", "two", "three!"), "!")

# Wrap text
long_text <- paste(rep("abc ", 100), collapse = "")
cat(text_wrap(long_text, width = 50))

# Paste with optional separator
text_paste(c("A", "", "B"), c("42", "42", "42"))

Convert data to factors


Convert data to factors


to_factor(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'numeric'
to_factor(x, labels_to_levels = TRUE, verbose = TRUE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'data.frame'
  select = NULL,
  exclude = NULL,
  ignore_case = FALSE,
  append = FALSE,
  regex = FALSE,
  verbose = TRUE,



A data frame or vector.


Arguments passed to or from other methods.


Logical, if TRUE, value labels are used as factor levels after x was converted to factor. Else, factor levels are based on the values of x (i.e. as if using as.factor()).


Toggle warnings.


Variables that will be included when performing the required tasks. Can be either

  • a variable specified as a literal variable name (e.g., column_name),

  • a string with the variable name (e.g., "column_name"), a character vector of variable names (e.g., c("col1", "col2", "col3")), or a character vector of variable names including ranges specified via : (e.g., c("col1:col3", "col5")),

  • a formula with variable names (e.g., ~column_1 + column_2),

  • a vector of positive integers, giving the positions counting from the left (e.g. 1 or c(1, 3, 5)),

  • a vector of negative integers, giving the positions counting from the right (e.g., -1 or -1:-3),

  • one of the following select-helpers: starts_with(), ends_with(), contains(), a range using : or regex(""). starts_with(), ends_with(), and contains() accept several patterns, e.g starts_with("Sep", "Petal").

  • or a function testing for logical conditions, e.g. is.numeric() (or is.numeric), or any user-defined function that selects the variables for which the function returns TRUE (like: foo <- function(x) mean(x) > 3),

  • ranges specified via literal variable names, select-helpers (except regex()) and (user-defined) functions can be negated, i.e. return non-matching elements, when prefixed with a -, e.g. -ends_with(""), -is.numeric or -(Sepal.Width:Petal.Length). Note: Negation means that matches are excluded, and thus, the exclude argument can be used alternatively. For instance, select=-ends_with("Length") (with -) is equivalent to exclude=ends_with("Length") (no -). In case negation should not work as expected, use the exclude argument instead.

If NULL, selects all columns. Patterns that found no matches are silently ignored, e.g. extract_column_names(iris, select = c("Species", "Test")) will just return "Species".


See select, however, column names matched by the pattern from exclude will be excluded instead of selected. If NULL (the default), excludes no columns.


Logical, if TRUE and when one of the select-helpers or a regular expression is used in select, ignores lower/upper case in the search pattern when matching against variable names.


Logical or string. If TRUE, recoded or converted variables get new column names and are appended (column bind) to x, thus returning both the original and the recoded variables. The new columns get a suffix, based on the calling function: "_r" for recode functions, "_n" for to_numeric(), "_f" for to_factor(), or "_s" for slide(). If append=FALSE, original variables in x will be overwritten by their recoded versions. If a character value, recoded variables are appended with new column names (using the defined suffix) to the original data frame.


Logical, if TRUE, the search pattern from select will be treated as regular expression. When regex = TRUE, select must be a character string (or a variable containing a character string) and is not allowed to be one of the supported select-helpers or a character vector of length > 1. regex = TRUE is comparable to using one of the two select-helpers, select = contains("") or select = regex(""), however, since the select-helpers may not work when called from inside other functions (see 'Details'), this argument may be used as workaround.


Convert variables or data into factors. If the data is labelled, value labels will be used as factor levels. The counterpart to convert variables into numeric is to_numeric().


A factor, or a data frame of factors.

Selection of variables - the select argument

For most functions that have a select argument (including this function), the complete input data frame is returned, even when select only selects a range of variables. That is, the function is only applied to those variables that have a match in select, while all other variables remain unchanged. In other words: for this function, select will not omit any non-included variables, so that the returned data frame will include all variables from the input data frame.


Factors are ignored and returned as is. If you want to use value labels as levels for factors, use labels_to_levels() instead.



# use labels as levels

Convert data to numeric


Convert data to numeric by converting characters to factors and factors to either numeric levels or dummy variables. The "counterpart" to convert variables into factors is to_factor().


to_numeric(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'data.frame'
  select = NULL,
  exclude = NULL,
  dummy_factors = FALSE,
  preserve_levels = FALSE,
  lowest = NULL,
  append = FALSE,
  ignore_case = FALSE,
  regex = FALSE,
  verbose = TRUE,



A data frame, factor or vector.


Arguments passed to or from other methods.


Variables that will be included when performing the required tasks. Can be either

  • a variable specified as a literal variable name (e.g., column_name),

  • a string with the variable name (e.g., "column_name"), a character vector of variable names (e.g., c("col1", "col2", "col3")), or a character vector of variable names including ranges specified via : (e.g., c("col1:col3", "col5")),

  • a formula with variable names (e.g., ~column_1 + column_2),

  • a vector of positive integers, giving the positions counting from the left (e.g. 1 or c(1, 3, 5)),

  • a vector of negative integers, giving the positions counting from the right (e.g., -1 or -1:-3),

  • one of the following select-helpers: starts_with(), ends_with(), contains(), a range using : or regex(""). starts_with(), ends_with(), and contains() accept several patterns, e.g starts_with("Sep", "Petal").

  • or a function testing for logical conditions, e.g. is.numeric() (or is.numeric), or any user-defined function that selects the variables for which the function returns TRUE (like: foo <- function(x) mean(x) > 3),

  • ranges specified via literal variable names, select-helpers (except regex()) and (user-defined) functions can be negated, i.e. return non-matching elements, when prefixed with a -, e.g. -ends_with(""), -is.numeric or -(Sepal.Width:Petal.Length). Note: Negation means that matches are excluded, and thus, the exclude argument can be used alternatively. For instance, select=-ends_with("Length") (with -) is equivalent to exclude=ends_with("Length") (no -). In case negation should not work as expected, use the exclude argument instead.

If NULL, selects all columns. Patterns that found no matches are silently ignored, e.g. extract_column_names(iris, select = c("Species", "Test")) will just return "Species".


See select, however, column names matched by the pattern from exclude will be excluded instead of selected. If NULL (the default), excludes no columns.


Transform factors to dummy factors (all factor levels as different columns filled with a binary 0-1 value).


Logical, only applies if x is a factor. If TRUE, and x has numeric factor levels, these will be converted into the related numeric values. If this is not possible, the converted numeric values will start from 1 to number of levels.


Numeric, indicating the lowest (minimum) value when converting factors or character vectors to numeric values.


Logical or string. If TRUE, recoded or converted variables get new column names and are appended (column bind) to x, thus returning both the original and the recoded variables. The new columns get a suffix, based on the calling function: "_r" for recode functions, "_n" for to_numeric(), "_f" for to_factor(), or "_s" for slide(). If append=FALSE, original variables in x will be overwritten by their recoded versions. If a character value, recoded variables are appended with new column names (using the defined suffix) to the original data frame.


Logical, if TRUE and when one of the select-helpers or a regular expression is used in select, ignores lower/upper case in the search pattern when matching against variable names.


Logical, if TRUE, the search pattern from select will be treated as regular expression. When regex = TRUE, select must be a character string (or a variable containing a character string) and is not allowed to be one of the supported select-helpers or a character vector of length > 1. regex = TRUE is comparable to using one of the two select-helpers, select = contains("") or select = regex(""), however, since the select-helpers may not work when called from inside other functions (see 'Details'), this argument may be used as workaround.


Toggle warnings.


A data frame of numeric variables.

Selection of variables - select argument

For most functions that have a select argument the complete input data frame is returned, even when select only selects a range of variables. However, for to_numeric(), factors might be converted into dummies, thus, the number of variables of the returned data frame no longer match the input data frame. Hence, when select is used, only those variables (or their dummies) specified in select will be returned. Use append=TRUE to also include the original variables in the returned data frame.


When factors should be converted into multiple "binary" dummies, i.e. each factor level is converted into a separate column filled with a binary 0-1 value, set dummy_factors = TRUE. If you want to preserve the original factor levels (in case these represent numeric values), use preserve_levels = TRUE.


to_numeric(head(ToothGrowth), dummy_factors = TRUE)

# factors
x <- as.factor(mtcars$gear)
to_numeric(x, preserve_levels = TRUE)
# same as:

Prepare objects for visualisation


This function prepares objects for visualisation by returning a list of layers with data and geoms that can be easily plotted using for instance ggplot2.

If the see package is installed, the call to visualization_recipe() can be replaced by plot(), which will internally call the former and then plot it using ggplot. The resulting plot can be customized ad-hoc (by adding ggplot's geoms, theme or specifications), or via some of the arguments of visualisation_recipe() that control the aesthetic parameters.

See the specific documentation page for your object's class:


visualisation_recipe(x, ...)



An easystats object.


Other arguments passed to other functions.

Weighted Mean, Median, SD, and MAD


Weighted Mean, Median, SD, and MAD


weighted_mean(x, weights = NULL, remove_na = TRUE, verbose = TRUE, ...)

weighted_median(x, weights = NULL, remove_na = TRUE, verbose = TRUE, ...)

weighted_sd(x, weights = NULL, remove_na = TRUE, verbose = TRUE, ...)

  weights = NULL,
  constant = 1.4826,
  remove_na = TRUE,
  verbose = TRUE,



an object containing the values whose weighted mean is to be computed.


A numerical vector of weights the same length as x giving the weights to use for elements of x. If weights = NULL, x is passed to the non-weighted function.


Logical, if TRUE (default), removes missing (NA) and infinite values from x and weights.


Show warning when weights are negative?


arguments to be passed to or from methods.


scale factor.


## GPA from Siegel 1994
x <- c(3.7, 3.3, 3.5, 2.8)
wt <- c(5, 5, 4, 1) / 15

weighted_mean(x, wt)
weighted_median(x, wt)

weighted_sd(x, wt)
weighted_mad(x, wt)

Winsorize data


Winsorize data


winsorize(data, ...)

## S3 method for class 'numeric'
  threshold = 0.2,
  method = "percentile",
  robust = FALSE,
  verbose = TRUE,



data frame or vector.


Currently not used.


The amount of winsorization, depends on the value of method:

  • For method = "percentile": the amount to winsorize from each tail. The value of threshold must be between 0 and 0.5 and of length 1.

  • For method = "zscore": the number of SD/MAD-deviations from the mean/median (see robust). The value of threshold must be greater than 0 and of length 1.

  • For method = "raw": a vector of length 2 with the lower and upper bound for winsorization.


One of "percentile" (default), "zscore", or "raw".


Logical, if TRUE, winsorizing through the "zscore" method is done via the median and the median absolute deviation (MAD); if FALSE, via the mean and the standard deviation.


Not used anymore since datawizard 0.6.6.


Winsorizing or winsorization is the transformation of statistics by limiting extreme values in the statistical data to reduce the effect of possibly spurious outliers. The distribution of many statistics can be heavily influenced by outliers. A typical strategy is to set all outliers (values beyond a certain threshold) to a specified percentile of the data; for example, a ⁠90%⁠ winsorization would see all data below the 5th percentile set to the 5th percentile, and data above the 95th percentile set to the 95th percentile. Winsorized estimators are usually more robust to outliers than their more standard forms.


A data frame with winsorized columns or a winsorized vector.

See Also


hist(iris$Sepal.Length, main = "Original data")

hist(winsorize(iris$Sepal.Length, threshold = 0.2),
  xlim = c(4, 8), main = "Percentile Winsorization"

hist(winsorize(iris$Sepal.Length, threshold = 1.5, method = "zscore"),
  xlim = c(4, 8), main = "Mean (+/- SD) Winsorization"

hist(winsorize(iris$Sepal.Length, threshold = 1.5, method = "zscore", robust = TRUE),
  xlim = c(4, 8), main = "Median (+/- MAD) Winsorization"

hist(winsorize(iris$Sepal.Length, threshold = c(5, 7.5), method = "raw"),
  xlim = c(4, 8), main = "Raw Thresholds"

# Also works on a data frame:
winsorize(iris, threshold = 0.2)