Package 'insight'

Title: Easy Access to Model Information for Various Model Objects
Description: A tool to provide an easy, intuitive and consistent access to information contained in various R models, like model formulas, model terms, information about random effects, data that was used to fit the model or data from response variables. 'insight' mainly revolves around two types of functions: Functions that find (the names of) information, starting with 'find_', and functions that get the underlying data, starting with 'get_'. The package has a consistent syntax and works with many different model objects, where otherwise functions to access these information are missing.
Authors: Daniel Lüdecke [aut, cre] , Dominique Makowski [aut, ctb] , Indrajeet Patil [aut, ctb] , Philip Waggoner [aut, ctb] , Mattan S. Ben-Shachar [aut, ctb] , Brenton M. Wiernik [aut, ctb] , Vincent Arel-Bundock [aut, ctb] , Etienne Bacher [aut, ctb] , Alex Hayes [rev] , Grant McDermott [ctb] , Rémi Thériault [ctb] , Alex Reinhart [ctb]
Maintainer: Daniel Lüdecke <[email protected]>
License: GPL-3
Built: 2025-03-23 22:22:32 UTC

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Checks if all objects are models of same class


Small helper that checks if all objects are supported (regression) model objects and of same class.


all_models_equal(..., verbose = FALSE)

all_models_same_class(..., verbose = FALSE)



A list of objects.


Toggle off warnings.


A logical, TRUE if x are all supported model objects of same class.


data(sleepstudy, package = "lme4")

m1 <- lm(mpg ~ wt + cyl + vs, data = mtcars)
m2 <- lm(mpg ~ wt + cyl, data = mtcars)
m3 <- lme4::lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (1 | Subject), data = sleepstudy)
m4 <- glm(formula = vs ~ wt, family = binomial(), data = mtcars)

all_models_same_class(m1, m2)
all_models_same_class(m1, m2, m3)
all_models_same_class(m1, m4, m2, m3, verbose = TRUE)
all_models_same_class(m1, m4, mtcars, m2, m3, verbose = TRUE)

Data frame and Tables Pretty Formatting


Function to export data frames into tables, which can be printed to the console, or displayed in markdown or HTML format (and thereby, exported to other formats like Word or PDF). The table width is automatically adjusted to fit into the width of the display device (e.g., width of console). Use the table_width argument to control this behaviour.


apply_table_theme(out, x, theme = "default", sub_header_positions = NULL)

  sep = " | ",
  header = "-",
  cross = NULL,
  empty_line = NULL,
  digits = 2,
  protect_integers = TRUE,
  missing = "",
  width = NULL,
  format = NULL,
  title = NULL,
  caption = title,
  subtitle = NULL,
  footer = NULL,
  align = NULL,
  by = NULL,
  zap_small = FALSE,
  table_width = "auto",
  remove_duplicates = FALSE,
  verbose = TRUE,



A tinytable object.


A data frame. May also be a list of data frames, to export multiple data frames into multiple tables.


The theme to apply to the table. One of "default", "grid", "striped", "bootstrap", "void", "tabular", or "darklines".


A vector of row positions to apply a border to. Currently particular for internal use of other easystats packages.


Column separator.


Header separator. Can be NULL.


Character that is used where separator and header lines cross.


Separator used for empty lines. If NULL, line remains empty (i.e. filled with whitespaces).


Number of digits for rounding or significant figures. May also be "signif" to return significant figures or "scientific" to return scientific notation. Control the number of digits by adding the value as suffix, e.g. digits = "scientific4" to have scientific notation with 4 decimal places, or digits = "signif5" for 5 significant figures (see also signif()).


Should integers be kept as integers (i.e., without decimals)?


Value by which NA values are replaced. By default, an empty string (i.e. "") is returned for NA.


Refers to the width of columns (with numeric values). Can be either NULL, a number or a named numeric vector. If NULL, the width for each column is adjusted to the minimum required width. If a number, columns with numeric values will have the minimum width specified in width. If a named numeric vector, value names are matched against column names, and for each match, the specified width is used (see 'Examples'). Only applies to text-format (see format).


Name of output-format, as string. If NULL (or "text"), returned output is used for basic printing. Can be one of NULL (the default) resp. "text" for plain text, "markdown" (or "md") for markdown and "html" for HTML output.

title, caption, subtitle

Table title (same as caption) and subtitle, as strings. If NULL, no title or subtitle is printed, unless it is stored as attributes (table_title, or its alias table_caption, and table_subtitle). If x is a list of data frames, caption may be a list of table captions, one for each table.


Table footer, as string. For markdown-formatted tables, table footers, due to the limitation in markdown rendering, are actually just a new text line under the table. If x is a list of data frames, footer may be a list of table captions, one for each table.


Column alignment. For markdown-formatted tables, the default align = NULL will right-align numeric columns, while all other columns will be left-aligned. If format = "html", the default is left-align first column and center all remaining. May be a string to indicate alignment rules for the complete table, like "left", "right", "center" or "firstleft" (to left-align first column, center remaining); or a string with abbreviated alignment characters, where the length of the string must equal the number of columns. For instance, align = "lccrl" would left-align the first column, center the second and third, right-align column four and left-align the fifth column.


Name of column in x that indicates grouping for tables. Only applies when format = "html". by is passed down to gt::gt(groupname_col = by).


Logical, if TRUE, small values are rounded after digits decimal places. If FALSE, values with more decimal places than digits are printed in scientific notation.


Numeric,"auto", NULL or Inf, indicating the width of the complete table.

  • If table_width = "auto" (default) and the table is wider than the current width (i.e. line length) of the console (or any other source for textual output, like markdown files), the table is split into multiple parts.

  • Else, if table_width is numeric and table rows are larger than table_width, the table is split into multiple parts. For each new table, the first column is repeated for better orientation.

  • Use NULL or Inf to turn off automatic splitting of the table.

  • ⁠options(easystats_table_width = <value>)⁠ can be used to set a default width for tables.


Logical, if TRUE and table is split into multiple parts, duplicated ("empty") rows will be removed. If FALSE, empty rows will be preserved. Only applies when table_width is not NULL (or Inf) and table is split into multiple parts.


Toggle messages and warnings.


Currently not used.


If format = "text" (or NULL), a formatted character string is returned. format = "markdown" (or "md") returns a character string of class knitr_kable, which renders nicely in markdown files. format = "html" returns an gt object (created by the gt package), which - by default - is displayed in the IDE's viewer pane or default browser. This object can be further modified with the various gt-functions.


The values for caption, subtitle and footer can also be provided as attributes of x, e.g. if caption = NULL and x has attribute table_caption, the value for this attribute will be used as table caption. table_subtitle is the attribute for subtitle, and table_footer for footer.

See Also

Vignettes Formatting, printing and exporting tables and Formatting model parameters.


export_table(head(iris), cross = "+")
export_table(head(iris), sep = " ", header = "*", digits = 1)

# split longer tables
export_table(head(iris), table_width = 30)

# colored footers
x <-[1:5, ])
attr(x, "table_footer") <- c("This is a yellow footer line.", "yellow")

attr(x, "table_footer") <- list(
  c("\nA yellow line", "yellow"),
  c("\nAnd a red line", "red"),
  c("\nAnd a blue line", "blue")

attr(x, "table_footer") <- list(
  c("Without the ", "yellow"),
  c("new-line character ", "red"),
  c("we can have multiple colors per line.", "blue")

# column-width
d <- data.frame(
  x = c(1, 2, 3),
  y = c(100, 200, 300),
  z = c(10000, 20000, 30000)
export_table(d, width = 8)
export_table(d, width = c(x = 5, z = 10))
export_table(d, width = c(x = 5, y = 5, z = 10), align = "lcr")

Checking if needed package is installed


Checking if needed package is installed


  reason = "for this function to work",
  stop = TRUE,
  minimum_version = NULL,
  quietly = FALSE,
  prompt = interactive(),



A character vector naming the package(s), whose installation needs to be checked in any of the libraries.


A phrase describing why the package is needed. The default is a generic description.


Logical that decides whether the function should stop if the needed package is not installed.


A character vector, representing the minimum package version that is required for each package. Should be of same length as package. If NULL, will automatically check the DESCRIPTION file for the correct minimum version. If using minimum_version with more than one package, NA should be used instead of NULL for packages where a specific version is not necessary.


Logical, if TRUE, invisibly returns a vector of logicals (TRUE for each installed package, FALSE otherwise), and does not stop or throw a warning. If quietly = TRUE, arguments stop and prompt are ignored. Use this argument to internally check for package dependencies without stopping or warnings.


If TRUE, will prompt the user to install needed package(s). Ignored if quietly = TRUE.


Currently ignored


If stop = TRUE, and package is not yet installed, the function stops and throws an error. Else, a named logical vector is returned, indicating which of the packages are installed, and which not.


try(check_if_installed("datawizard", stop = FALSE))
try(check_if_installed("rstanarm", stop = FALSE))
try(check_if_installed("nonexistent_package", stop = FALSE))
try(check_if_installed("insight", minimum_version = "99.8.7"))
try(check_if_installed(c("nonexistent", "also_not_here"), stop = FALSE))
try(check_if_installed(c("datawizard", "rstanarm"), stop = FALSE))
try(check_if_installed(c("datawizard", "rstanarm"),
  minimum_version = c(NA, "2.21.1"), stop = FALSE

Get clean names of model terms


This function "cleans" names of model terms (or a character vector with such names) by removing patterns like log() or as.factor() etc.


clean_names(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'character'
clean_names(x, include_names = FALSE, ...)



A fitted model, or a character vector.


Currently not used.


Logical, if TRUE, returns a named vector where names are the original values of x.


The "cleaned" variable names as character vector, i.e. pattern like s() for splines or log() are removed from the model terms.


Typically, this method is intended to work on character vectors, in order to remove patterns that obscure the variable names. For convenience reasons it is also possible to call clean_names() also on a model object. If x is a regression model, this function is (almost) equal to calling find_variables(). The main difference is that clean_names() always returns a character vector, while find_variables() returns a list of character vectors, unless flatten = TRUE. See 'Examples'.


# example from ?stats::glm
counts <- c(18, 17, 15, 20, 10, 20, 25, 13, 12)
outcome <- as.numeric(gl(3, 1, 9))
treatment <- gl(3, 3)
m <- glm(counts ~ log(outcome) + as.factor(treatment), family = poisson())

# difference "clean_names()" and "find_variables()"
data(cbpp, package = "lme4")
m <- lme4::glmer(
  cbind(incidence, size - incidence) ~ period + (1 | herd),
  data = cbpp,
  family = binomial

find_variables(m, flatten = TRUE)

Get clean names of model parameters


This function "cleans" names of model parameters by removing patterns like "r_" or "b[]" (mostly applicable to Stan models) and adding columns with information to which group or component parameters belong (i.e. fixed or random, count or zero-inflated...)

The main purpose of this function is to easily filter and select model parameters, in particular of - but not limited to - posterior samples from Stan models, depending on certain characteristics. This might be useful when only selective results should be reported or results from all parameters should be filtered to return only certain results (see print_parameters()).


clean_parameters(x, ...)



A fitted model.


Currently not used.


The Effects column indicate if a parameter is a fixed or random effect. The Component can either be conditional or zero_inflated. For models with random effects, the Group column indicates the grouping factor of the random effects. For multivariate response models from brms or rstanarm, an additional Response column is included, to indicate which parameters belong to which response formula. Furthermore, Cleaned_Parameter column is returned that contains "human readable" parameter names (which are mostly identical to Parameter, except for for models from brms or rstanarm, or for specific terms like smooth- or spline-terms).


A data frame with "cleaned" parameter names and information on effects, component and group where parameters belong to. To be consistent across different models, the returned data frame always has at least four columns Parameter, Effects, Component and Cleaned_Parameter. See 'Details'.


model <- download_model("brms_zi_2")

Color-formatting for data columns based on condition


Convenient function that formats columns in data frames with color codes, where the color is chosen based on certain conditions. Columns are then printed in color in the console.


  predicate = `>`,
  value = 0,
  color_if = "green",
  color_else = "red",
  digits = 2

  predicate = `>`,
  value = 0,
  colour_if = "green",
  colour_else = "red",
  digits = 2



A data frame


Character vector with column names of x that should be formatted.


A function that takes columns and value as input and which should return TRUE or FALSE, based on if the condition (in comparison with value) is met.


The comparator. May be used in conjunction with predicate to quickly set up a function which compares elements in colums to value. May be ignored when predicate is a function that internally computes other comparisons. See 'Examples'.

color_if, colour_if

Character vector, indicating the color code used to format values in x that meet the condition of predicate and value. May be one of "red", "yellow", "green", "blue", "violet", "cyan" or "grey". Formatting is also possible with "bold" or "italic".

color_else, colour_else

See color_if, but only for conditions that are not met.


Digits for rounded values.


The predicate-function simply works like this: which(predicate(x[, columns], value))


x, where columns matched by predicate are wrapped into color codes.


# all values in Sepal.Length larger than 5 in green, all remaining in red
x <- color_if(iris[1:10, ], columns = "Sepal.Length", predicate = `>`, value = 5)

# all levels "setosa" in Species in green, all remaining in red
x <- color_if(iris, columns = "Species", predicate = `==`, value = "setosa")

# own function, argument "value" not needed here
p <- function(x, y) {
  x >= 4.9 & x <= 5.1
# all values in Sepal.Length between 4.9 and 5.1 in green, all remaining in red
x <- color_if(iris[1:10, ], columns = "Sepal.Length", predicate = p)

Remove empty strings from character


Remove empty strings from character





A single character or a vector of characters.


A character or a character vector with empty strings removed.


compact_character(c("x", "y", NA))
compact_character(c("x", "NULL", "", "y"))

Remove empty elements from lists


Remove empty elements from lists


compact_list(x, remove_na = FALSE)



A list or vector.


Logical to decide if NAs should be removed.


compact_list(list(NULL, 1, c(NA, NA)))
compact_list(c(1, NA, NA))
compact_list(c(1, NA, NA), remove_na = TRUE)

Generic export of data frames into formatted tables


display() is a generic function to export data frames into various table formats (like plain text, markdown, ...). print_md() usually is a convenient wrapper for display(format = "markdown"). Similar, print_html() is a shortcut for display(format = "html"). See the documentation for the specific objects' classes.


display(object, ...)

print_md(x, ...)

print_html(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'data.frame'
display(object, format = "markdown", ...)

## S3 method for class 'data.frame'
print_md(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'data.frame'
print_html(x, ...)


object, x

A data frame.


Arguments passed to other methods.


String, indicating the output format. Can be "markdown" or "html".


Depending on format, either an object of class gt_tbl or a character vector of class knitr_kable.


display(iris[1:5, ], format = "html")

Download circus models


Downloads pre-compiled models from the circus-repository. The circus-repository contains a variety of fitted models to help the systematic testing of other packages


  url = "",
  extension = ".rda",
  verbose = TRUE



Model name.


String with the URL from where to download the model data. Optional, and should only be used in case the repository-URL is changing. By default, models are downloaded from ⁠⁠.


File extension. Default is .rda.


Toggle messages and warnings.


The code that generated the model is available at the


A model from the circus-repository, or NULL if model could not be downloaded (e.g., due to server problems).




Easystats columns


Returns all valid column names that are used or defined across easystats packages as character vector.


easystats_columns(select = "all")

broom_columns(select = "all")



String, indicating which columns to return.


A character vector with all (or selected) column names that are in use across the easystats-ecosystem, or broom-alike column names for broom_columns().



Sample dataset from the EFC Survey


A sample data set, internally used in tests. Consists of 28 variables from 908 observations. The data set is part of the EUROFAMCARE project, a cross-national survey on informal caregiving in Europe. Useful when testing on "real-life" data sets, including random missing values. This data set also has value and variable label attributes.

Gather information about objects in ellipsis (dot dot dot)


Provides information regarding the models entered in an ellipsis. It detects whether all are models, regressions, nested regressions etc., assigning different classes to the list of objects.


ellipsis_info(objects, ...)

## Default S3 method:
ellipsis_info(..., only_models = TRUE, verbose = TRUE)


objects, ...

Arbitrary number of objects. May also be a list of model objects.


Only keep supported models (default to TRUE).


Toggle warnings.


The list with objects that were passed to the function, including additional information as attributes (e.g. if models have same response or are nested).


m1 <- lm(Sepal.Length ~ Petal.Width + Species, data = iris)
m2 <- lm(Sepal.Length ~ Species, data = iris)
m3 <- lm(Sepal.Length ~ Petal.Width, data = iris)
m4 <- lm(Sepal.Length ~ 1, data = iris)
m5 <- lm(Petal.Width ~ 1, data = iris)

objects <- ellipsis_info(m1, m2, m3, m4)

objects <- ellipsis_info(m1, m2, m4)

objects <- ellipsis_info(m1, m2, m5)

Find sampling algorithm and optimizers


Returns information on the sampling or estimation algorithm as well as optimization functions, or for Bayesian model information on chains, iterations and warmup-samples.


find_algorithm(x, ...)



A fitted model.


Currently not used.


A list with elements depending on the model.

For frequentist models:

  • algorithm, for instance "OLS" or "ML"

  • optimizer, name of optimizing function, only applies to specific models (like gam)

For frequentist mixed models:

  • algorithm, for instance "REML" or "ML"

  • optimizer, name of optimizing function

For Bayesian models:

  • algorithm, the algorithm

  • chains, number of chains

  • iterations, number of iterations per chain

  • warmup, number of warmups per chain


data(sleepstudy, package = "lme4")
m <- lme4::lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (1 | Subject), data = sleepstudy)

data(sleepstudy, package = "lme4")
m <- suppressWarnings(rstanarm::stan_lmer(
  Reaction ~ Days + (1 | Subject),
  data = sleepstudy,
  refresh = 0

Find model formula


Returns the formula(s) for the different parts of a model (like fixed or random effects, zero-inflated component, ...). formula_ok() checks if a model formula has valid syntax regarding writing TRUE instead of T inside poly() and that no data names are used (i.e. no data$variable, but rather variable).


find_formula(x, ...)

  checks = "all",
  action = "warning",
  prefix_msg = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE,

## Default S3 method:
find_formula(x, verbose = TRUE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'nestedLogit'
find_formula(x, dichotomies = FALSE, verbose = TRUE, ...)



A fitted model.


Currently not used.


Indicates what kind of checks are conducted when checking the formula notation. Currently, four different formula specification that can result in unexpected behaviour of downstream-functions are checked. checks can be one or more of:

  • "dollar": Check if formula contains data name with "$", e.g. mtcars$am.

  • "T": Check if formula contains poly-term with "raw=T", e.g. poly(x, 2, raw=T). In this case, all.vars() returns T as variable, which is not intended.

  • "index": Check if formula contains indexed data frames as response variable (e.g., df[, 5] ~ x).

  • "name": Check if syntactically invalid variable names were used and quoted in backticks.

  • "all": Checks all of the above mentioned options.


Should a message, warning or error be given for an invalid formula? Must be one of "message", "warning" (default) or "error".


Optional string that will be added to the warning/error message. This can be used to add additional information, e.g. about the specific function that was calling formula_ok() and failed.


Toggle warnings.


Logical, if model is a nestedLogit objects, returns the formulas for the dichotomies.


A list of formulas that describe the model. For simple models, only one list-element, conditional, is returned. For more complex models, the returned list may have following elements:

  • conditional, the "fixed effects" part from the model (in the context of fixed-effects or instrumental variable regression, also called regressors) . One exception are DirichletRegModel models from DirichletReg, which has two or three components, depending on model.

  • random, the "random effects" part from the model (or the id for gee-models and similar)

  • zero_inflated, the "fixed effects" part from the zero-inflation component of the model

  • zero_inflated_random, the "random effects" part from the zero-inflation component of the model

  • dispersion, the dispersion formula

  • instruments, for fixed-effects or instrumental variable regressions like ivreg::ivreg(), lfe::felm() or plm::plm(), the instrumental variables

  • cluster, for fixed-effects regressions like lfe::felm(), the cluster specification

  • correlation, for models with correlation-component like nlme::gls(), the formula that describes the correlation structure

  • scale, for distributional models such as mgcv::gaulss() family fitted with mgcv::gam(), the formula that describes the scale parameter

  • slopes, for fixed-effects individual-slope models like feisr::feis(), the formula for the slope parameters

  • precision, for DirichletRegModel models from DirichletReg, when parametrization (i.e. model) is "alternative".

  • bidrange, for models of class oohbchoice (from package DCchoice), which indicates the right-hand side of the bar (the bid-range).


For models of class lme or gls the correlation-component is only returned, when it is explicitly defined as named argument (form), e.g. corAR1(form = ~1 | Mare)


m <- lm(mpg ~ wt + cyl + vs, data = mtcars)

m <- lme4::lmer(Sepal.Length ~ Sepal.Width + (1 | Species), data = iris)
f <- find_formula(m)

Find interaction terms from models


Returns all lowest to highest order interaction terms from a model.


find_interactions(x, component = "all", flatten = FALSE)



A fitted model.


Which type of parameters to return, such as parameters for the conditional model, the zero-inflated part of the model, the dispersion term, the instrumental variables or marginal effects be returned? Applies to models with zero-inflated and/or dispersion formula, or to models with instrumental variables (so called fixed-effects regressions), or models with marginal effects (from mfx). See details in section Model Components .May be abbreviated. Note that the conditional component also refers to the count or mean component - names may differ, depending on the modeling package. There are three convenient shortcuts (not applicable to all model classes):

  • component = "all" returns all possible parameters.

  • If component = "location", location parameters such as conditional, zero_inflated, smooth_terms, or instruments are returned (everything that are fixed or random effects - depending on the effects argument - but no auxiliary parameters).

  • For component = "distributional" (or "auxiliary"), components like sigma, dispersion, beta or precision (and other auxiliary parameters) are returned.


Logical, if TRUE, the values are returned as character vector, not as list. Duplicated values are removed.


A list of character vectors that represent the interaction terms. Depending on component, the returned list has following elements (or NULL, if model has no interaction term):

  • conditional, interaction terms that belong to the "fixed effects" terms from the model

  • zero_inflated, interaction terms that belong to the "fixed effects" terms from the zero-inflation component of the model

  • instruments, for fixed-effects regressions like ivreg, felm or plm, interaction terms that belong to the instrumental variables

Model components

Possible values for the component argument depend on the model class. Following are valid options:

  • "all": returns all model components, applies to all models, but will only have an effect for models with more than just the conditional model component.

  • "conditional": only returns the conditional component, i.e. "fixed effects" terms from the model. Will only have an effect for models with more than just the conditional model component.

  • "smooth_terms": returns smooth terms, only applies to GAMs (or similar models that may contain smooth terms).

  • "zero_inflated" (or "zi"): returns the zero-inflation component.

  • "dispersion": returns the dispersion model component. This is common for models with zero-inflation or that can model the dispersion parameter.

  • "instruments": for instrumental-variable or some fixed effects regression, returns the instruments.

  • "nonlinear": for non-linear models (like models of class nlmerMod or nls), returns staring estimates for the nonlinear parameters.

  • "correlation": for models with correlation-component, like gls, the variables used to describe the correlation structure are returned.

  • "location": returns location parameters such as conditional, zero_inflated, smooth_terms, or instruments (everything that are fixed or random effects - depending on the effects argument - but no auxiliary parameters).

  • "distributional" (or "auxiliary"): components like sigma, dispersion, beta or precision (and other auxiliary parameters) are returned.

Special models

Some model classes also allow rather uncommon options. These are:

  • mhurdle: "infrequent_purchase", "ip", and "auxiliary"

  • BGGM: "correlation" and "intercept"

  • BFBayesFactor, glmx: "extra"

  • averaging:"conditional" and "full"

  • mjoint: "survival"

  • mfx: "precision", "marginal"

  • betareg, DirichletRegModel: "precision"

  • mvord: "thresholds" and "correlation"

  • clm2: "scale"

  • selection: "selection", "outcome", and "auxiliary"

For models of class brmsfit (package brms), even more options are possible for the component argument, which are not all documented in detail here.



m <- lm(mpg ~ wt + cyl + vs, data = mtcars)

m <- lm(mpg ~ wt * cyl + vs * hp * gear + carb, data = mtcars)

Find possible offset terms in a model


Returns a character vector with the name(s) of offset terms.





A fitted model.


A character vector with the name(s) of offset terms.


# Generate some zero-inflated data
N <- 100 # Samples
x <- runif(N, 0, 10) # Predictor
off <- rgamma(N, 3, 2) # Offset variable
yhat <- -1 + x * 0.5 + log(off) # Prediction on log scale
dat <- data.frame(y = NA, x, logOff = log(off))
dat$y <- rpois(N, exp(yhat)) # Poisson process
dat$y <- ifelse(rbinom(N, 1, 0.3), 0, dat$y) # Zero-inflation process

m1 <- zeroinfl(y ~ offset(logOff) + x | 1, data = dat, dist = "poisson")

m2 <- zeroinfl(y ~ x | 1, data = dat, offset = logOff, dist = "poisson")

Find names of model parameters


Returns the names of model parameters, like they typically appear in the summary() output. For Bayesian models, the parameter names equal the column names of the posterior samples after coercion from See the documentation for your object's class:


find_parameters(x, ...)

## Default S3 method:
find_parameters(x, flatten = FALSE, verbose = TRUE, ...)



A fitted model.


Currently not used.


Logical, if TRUE, the values are returned as character vector, not as list. Duplicated values are removed.


Toggle messages and warnings.


A list of parameter names. For simple models, only one list-element, conditional, is returned.

Model components

Possible values for the component argument depend on the model class. Following are valid options:

  • "all": returns all model components, applies to all models, but will only have an effect for models with more than just the conditional model component.

  • "conditional": only returns the conditional component, i.e. "fixed effects" terms from the model. Will only have an effect for models with more than just the conditional model component.

  • "smooth_terms": returns smooth terms, only applies to GAMs (or similar models that may contain smooth terms).

  • "zero_inflated" (or "zi"): returns the zero-inflation component.

  • "dispersion": returns the dispersion model component. This is common for models with zero-inflation or that can model the dispersion parameter.

  • "instruments": for instrumental-variable or some fixed effects regression, returns the instruments.

  • "nonlinear": for non-linear models (like models of class nlmerMod or nls), returns staring estimates for the nonlinear parameters.

  • "correlation": for models with correlation-component, like gls, the variables used to describe the correlation structure are returned.

  • "location": returns location parameters such as conditional, zero_inflated, smooth_terms, or instruments (everything that are fixed or random effects - depending on the effects argument - but no auxiliary parameters).

  • "distributional" (or "auxiliary"): components like sigma, dispersion, beta or precision (and other auxiliary parameters) are returned.

Special models

Some model classes also allow rather uncommon options. These are:

  • mhurdle: "infrequent_purchase", "ip", and "auxiliary"

  • BGGM: "correlation" and "intercept"

  • BFBayesFactor, glmx: "extra"

  • averaging:"conditional" and "full"

  • mjoint: "survival"

  • mfx: "precision", "marginal"

  • betareg, DirichletRegModel: "precision"

  • mvord: "thresholds" and "correlation"

  • clm2: "scale"

  • selection: "selection", "outcome", and "auxiliary"

For models of class brmsfit (package brms), even more options are possible for the component argument, which are not all documented in detail here.

Parameters, Variables, Predictors and Terms

There are four functions that return information about the variables in a model: find_predictors(), find_variables(), find_terms() and find_parameters(). There are some differences between those functions, which are explained using following model. Note that some, but not all of those functions return information about the dependent and independent variables. In this example, we only show the differences for the independent variables.

model <- lm(mpg ~ factor(gear), data = mtcars)
  • find_terms(model) returns the model terms, i.e. how the variables were used in the model, e.g. applying transformations like factor(), poly() etc. find_terms() may return a variable name multiple times in case of multiple transformations. The return value would be "factor(gear)".

  • find_parameters(model) returns the names of the model parameters (coefficients). The return value would be "(Intercept)", "factor(gear)4" and "factor(gear)5".

  • find_variables() returns the original variable names. find_variables() returns each variable name only once. The return value would be "gear".

  • find_predictors() is comparable to find_variables() and also returns the original variable names, but excluded the dependent (response) variables. The return value would be "gear".


m <- lm(mpg ~ wt + cyl + vs, data = mtcars)

Find model parameters from models with special components


Returns the names of model parameters, like they typically appear in the summary() output.


## S3 method for class 'averaging'
find_parameters(x, component = "conditional", flatten = FALSE, ...)



A fitted model.


Which type of parameters to return, such as parameters for the conditional model, the zero-inflated part of the model, the dispersion term, the instrumental variables or marginal effects be returned? Applies to models with zero-inflated and/or dispersion formula, or to models with instrumental variables (so called fixed-effects regressions), or models with marginal effects (from mfx). See details in section Model Components .May be abbreviated. Note that the conditional component also refers to the count or mean component - names may differ, depending on the modeling package. There are three convenient shortcuts (not applicable to all model classes):

  • component = "all" returns all possible parameters.

  • If component = "location", location parameters such as conditional, zero_inflated, smooth_terms, or instruments are returned (everything that are fixed or random effects - depending on the effects argument - but no auxiliary parameters).

  • For component = "distributional" (or "auxiliary"), components like sigma, dispersion, beta or precision (and other auxiliary parameters) are returned.


Logical, if TRUE, the values are returned as character vector, not as list. Duplicated values are removed.


Currently not used.


A list of parameter names. The returned list may have following elements, usually requested via the component argument:

  • conditional, the "fixed effects" part from the model.

  • full, parameters from the full model.

  • precision for models of class betareg.

  • survival for model of class mjoint.

  • extra for models of class glmx.

Model components

Possible values for the component argument depend on the model class. Following are valid options:

  • "all": returns all model components, applies to all models, but will only have an effect for models with more than just the conditional model component.

  • "conditional": only returns the conditional component, i.e. "fixed effects" terms from the model. Will only have an effect for models with more than just the conditional model component.

  • "smooth_terms": returns smooth terms, only applies to GAMs (or similar models that may contain smooth terms).

  • "zero_inflated" (or "zi"): returns the zero-inflation component.

  • "dispersion": returns the dispersion model component. This is common for models with zero-inflation or that can model the dispersion parameter.

  • "instruments": for instrumental-variable or some fixed effects regression, returns the instruments.

  • "nonlinear": for non-linear models (like models of class nlmerMod or nls), returns staring estimates for the nonlinear parameters.

  • "correlation": for models with correlation-component, like gls, the variables used to describe the correlation structure are returned.

  • "location": returns location parameters such as conditional, zero_inflated, smooth_terms, or instruments (everything that are fixed or random effects - depending on the effects argument - but no auxiliary parameters).

  • "distributional" (or "auxiliary"): components like sigma, dispersion, beta or precision (and other auxiliary parameters) are returned.

Special models

Some model classes also allow rather uncommon options. These are:

  • mhurdle: "infrequent_purchase", "ip", and "auxiliary"

  • BGGM: "correlation" and "intercept"

  • BFBayesFactor, glmx: "extra"

  • averaging:"conditional" and "full"

  • mjoint: "survival"

  • mfx: "precision", "marginal"

  • betareg, DirichletRegModel: "precision"

  • mvord: "thresholds" and "correlation"

  • clm2: "scale"

  • selection: "selection", "outcome", and "auxiliary"

For models of class brmsfit (package brms), even more options are possible for the component argument, which are not all documented in detail here.


data("GasolineYield", package = "betareg")
m <- betareg::betareg(yield ~ batch + temp, data = GasolineYield)
find_parameters(m, component = "precision")

Find names of model parameters from marginal effects models


Returns the names of model parameters, like they typically appear in the summary() output.


## S3 method for class 'betamfx'
find_parameters(x, component = "all", flatten = FALSE, ...)



A fitted model.


Which type of parameters to return, such as parameters for the conditional model, the zero-inflated part of the model, the dispersion term, the instrumental variables or marginal effects be returned? Applies to models with zero-inflated and/or dispersion formula, or to models with instrumental variables (so called fixed-effects regressions), or models with marginal effects (from mfx). See details in section Model Components .May be abbreviated. Note that the conditional component also refers to the count or mean component - names may differ, depending on the modeling package. There are three convenient shortcuts (not applicable to all model classes):

  • component = "all" returns all possible parameters.

  • If component = "location", location parameters such as conditional, zero_inflated, smooth_terms, or instruments are returned (everything that are fixed or random effects - depending on the effects argument - but no auxiliary parameters).

  • For component = "distributional" (or "auxiliary"), components like sigma, dispersion, beta or precision (and other auxiliary parameters) are returned.


Logical, if TRUE, the values are returned as character vector, not as list. Duplicated values are removed.


Currently not used.


A list of parameter names. The returned list may have following elements:

  • conditional, the "fixed effects" part from the model.

  • marginal, the marginal effects.

  • precision, the precision parameter.

Model components

Possible values for the component argument depend on the model class. Following are valid options:

  • "all": returns all model components, applies to all models, but will only have an effect for models with more than just the conditional model component.

  • "conditional": only returns the conditional component, i.e. "fixed effects" terms from the model. Will only have an effect for models with more than just the conditional model component.

  • "smooth_terms": returns smooth terms, only applies to GAMs (or similar models that may contain smooth terms).

  • "zero_inflated" (or "zi"): returns the zero-inflation component.

  • "dispersion": returns the dispersion model component. This is common for models with zero-inflation or that can model the dispersion parameter.

  • "instruments": for instrumental-variable or some fixed effects regression, returns the instruments.

  • "nonlinear": for non-linear models (like models of class nlmerMod or nls), returns staring estimates for the nonlinear parameters.

  • "correlation": for models with correlation-component, like gls, the variables used to describe the correlation structure are returned.

  • "location": returns location parameters such as conditional, zero_inflated, smooth_terms, or instruments (everything that are fixed or random effects - depending on the effects argument - but no auxiliary parameters).

  • "distributional" (or "auxiliary"): components like sigma, dispersion, beta or precision (and other auxiliary parameters) are returned.

Special models

Some model classes also allow rather uncommon options. These are:

  • mhurdle: "infrequent_purchase", "ip", and "auxiliary"

  • BGGM: "correlation" and "intercept"

  • BFBayesFactor, glmx: "extra"

  • averaging:"conditional" and "full"

  • mjoint: "survival"

  • mfx: "precision", "marginal"

  • betareg, DirichletRegModel: "precision"

  • mvord: "thresholds" and "correlation"

  • clm2: "scale"

  • selection: "selection", "outcome", and "auxiliary"

For models of class brmsfit (package brms), even more options are possible for the component argument, which are not all documented in detail here.


m <- lm(mpg ~ wt + cyl + vs, data = mtcars)

Find names of model parameters from Bayesian models


Returns the names of model parameters, like they typically appear in the summary() output. For Bayesian models, the parameter names equal the column names of the posterior samples after coercion from


## S3 method for class 'BGGM'
find_parameters(x, component = "correlation", flatten = FALSE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'brmsfit'
  effects = "all",
  component = "all",
  flatten = FALSE,
  parameters = NULL,



A fitted model.


Which type of parameters to return, such as parameters for the conditional model, the zero-inflated part of the model, the dispersion term, the instrumental variables or marginal effects be returned? Applies to models with zero-inflated and/or dispersion formula, or to models with instrumental variables (so called fixed-effects regressions), or models with marginal effects (from mfx). See details in section Model Components .May be abbreviated. Note that the conditional component also refers to the count or mean component - names may differ, depending on the modeling package. There are three convenient shortcuts (not applicable to all model classes):

  • component = "all" returns all possible parameters.

  • If component = "location", location parameters such as conditional, zero_inflated, smooth_terms, or instruments are returned (everything that are fixed or random effects - depending on the effects argument - but no auxiliary parameters).

  • For component = "distributional" (or "auxiliary"), components like sigma, dispersion, beta or precision (and other auxiliary parameters) are returned.


Logical, if TRUE, the values are returned as character vector, not as list. Duplicated values are removed.


Currently not used.


Should variables for fixed effects ("fixed"), random effects ("random") or both ("all") be returned? Only applies to mixed models. May be abbreviated.


Regular expression pattern that describes the parameters that should be returned.


A list of parameter names. For simple models, only one list-element, conditional, is returned. For more complex models, the returned list may have following elements:

  • conditional, the "fixed effects" part from the model

  • random, the "random effects" part from the model

  • zero_inflated, the "fixed effects" part from the zero-inflation component of the model

  • zero_inflated_random, the "random effects" part from the zero-inflation component of the model

  • smooth_terms, the smooth parameters

Furthermore, some models, especially from brms, can also return auxiliary parameters. These may be one of the following:

  • sigma, the residual standard deviation (auxiliary parameter)

  • dispersion, the dispersion parameters (auxiliary parameter)

  • beta, the beta parameter (auxiliary parameter)

  • simplex, simplex parameters of monotonic effects (brms only)

  • mix, mixture parameters (brms only)

  • shiftprop, shifted proportion parameters (brms only)

Models of class BGGM additionally can return the elements correlation and intercept.

Models of class BFBayesFactor additionally can return the element extra.


m <- lm(mpg ~ wt + cyl + vs, data = mtcars)

Find model parameters from estimated marginal means objects


Returns the parameter names from a model.


## S3 method for class 'emmGrid'
find_parameters(x, flatten = FALSE, merge_parameters = FALSE, ...)



A fitted model.


Logical, if TRUE, the values are returned as character vector, not as list. Duplicated values are removed.


Logical, if TRUE and x has multiple columns for parameter names (like emmGrid objects may have), these are merged into a single parameter column, with parameters names and values as values.


Currently not used.


A list of parameter names. For simple models, only one list-element, conditional, is returned.


model <- lm(mpg ~ wt * factor(cyl), data = mtcars)
emm <- emmeans(model, c("wt", "cyl"))

Find names of model parameters from generalized additive models


Returns the names of model parameters, like they typically appear in the summary() output.


## S3 method for class 'gamlss'
find_parameters(x, flatten = FALSE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'gam'
find_parameters(x, component = "all", flatten = FALSE, ...)



A fitted model.


Logical, if TRUE, the values are returned as character vector, not as list. Duplicated values are removed.


Currently not used.


Which type of parameters to return, such as parameters for the conditional model, the zero-inflated part of the model, the dispersion term, the instrumental variables or marginal effects be returned? Applies to models with zero-inflated and/or dispersion formula, or to models with instrumental variables (so called fixed-effects regressions), or models with marginal effects (from mfx). See details in section Model Components .May be abbreviated. Note that the conditional component also refers to the count or mean component - names may differ, depending on the modeling package. There are three convenient shortcuts (not applicable to all model classes):

  • component = "all" returns all possible parameters.

  • If component = "location", location parameters such as conditional, zero_inflated, smooth_terms, or instruments are returned (everything that are fixed or random effects - depending on the effects argument - but no auxiliary parameters).

  • For component = "distributional" (or "auxiliary"), components like sigma, dispersion, beta or precision (and other auxiliary parameters) are returned.


A list of parameter names. The returned list may have following elements:

  • conditional, the "fixed effects" part from the model.

  • smooth_terms, the smooth parameters.


m <- mgcv::gam(mpg ~ s(hp) + gear, data = mtcars)

Find names of model parameters from mixed models


Returns the names of model parameters, like they typically appear in the summary() output.


## S3 method for class 'glmmTMB'
find_parameters(x, effects = "all", component = "all", flatten = FALSE, ...)



A fitted model.


Should variables for fixed effects ("fixed"), random effects ("random") or both ("all") be returned? Only applies to mixed models. May be abbreviated.


Which type of parameters to return, such as parameters for the conditional model, the zero-inflated part of the model, the dispersion term, the instrumental variables or marginal effects be returned? Applies to models with zero-inflated and/or dispersion formula, or to models with instrumental variables (so called fixed-effects regressions), or models with marginal effects (from mfx). See details in section Model Components .May be abbreviated. Note that the conditional component also refers to the count or mean component - names may differ, depending on the modeling package. There are three convenient shortcuts (not applicable to all model classes):

  • component = "all" returns all possible parameters.

  • If component = "location", location parameters such as conditional, zero_inflated, smooth_terms, or instruments are returned (everything that are fixed or random effects - depending on the effects argument - but no auxiliary parameters).

  • For component = "distributional" (or "auxiliary"), components like sigma, dispersion, beta or precision (and other auxiliary parameters) are returned.


Logical, if TRUE, the values are returned as character vector, not as list. Duplicated values are removed.


Currently not used.


A list of parameter names. The returned list may have following elements, usually returned based on the combination of the effects and component arguments:

  • conditional, the "fixed effects" part from the model.

  • random, the "random effects" part from the model.

  • zero_inflated, the "fixed effects" part from the zero-inflation component of the model.

  • zero_inflated_random, the "random effects" part from the zero-inflation component of the model.

  • dispersion, the dispersion parameters (auxiliary parameter)

  • dispersion_random, the "random effects" part from the dispersion parameters (auxiliary parameter)

  • nonlinear, the parameters from the nonlinear formula.

Model components

Possible values for the component argument depend on the model class. Following are valid options:

  • "all": returns all model components, applies to all models, but will only have an effect for models with more than just the conditional model component.

  • "conditional": only returns the conditional component, i.e. "fixed effects" terms from the model. Will only have an effect for models with more than just the conditional model component.

  • "smooth_terms": returns smooth terms, only applies to GAMs (or similar models that may contain smooth terms).

  • "zero_inflated" (or "zi"): returns the zero-inflation component.

  • "dispersion": returns the dispersion model component. This is common for models with zero-inflation or that can model the dispersion parameter.

  • "instruments": for instrumental-variable or some fixed effects regression, returns the instruments.

  • "nonlinear": for non-linear models (like models of class nlmerMod or nls), returns staring estimates for the nonlinear parameters.

  • "correlation": for models with correlation-component, like gls, the variables used to describe the correlation structure are returned.

  • "location": returns location parameters such as conditional, zero_inflated, smooth_terms, or instruments (everything that are fixed or random effects - depending on the effects argument - but no auxiliary parameters).

  • "distributional" (or "auxiliary"): components like sigma, dispersion, beta or precision (and other auxiliary parameters) are returned.

Special models

Some model classes also allow rather uncommon options. These are:

  • mhurdle: "infrequent_purchase", "ip", and "auxiliary"

  • BGGM: "correlation" and "intercept"

  • BFBayesFactor, glmx: "extra"

  • averaging:"conditional" and "full"

  • mjoint: "survival"

  • mfx: "precision", "marginal"

  • betareg, DirichletRegModel: "precision"

  • mvord: "thresholds" and "correlation"

  • clm2: "scale"

  • selection: "selection", "outcome", and "auxiliary"

For models of class brmsfit (package brms), even more options are possible for the component argument, which are not all documented in detail here.


data(sleepstudy, package = "lme4")
m <- lme4::lmer(
  Reaction ~ Days + (1 + Days | Subject),
  data = sleepstudy

Find names of model parameters from zero-inflated models


Returns the names of model parameters, like they typically appear in the summary() output.


## S3 method for class 'zeroinfl'
find_parameters(x, component = "all", flatten = FALSE, ...)



A fitted model.


Which type of parameters to return, such as parameters for the conditional model, the zero-inflated part of the model, the dispersion term, the instrumental variables or marginal effects be returned? Applies to models with zero-inflated and/or dispersion formula, or to models with instrumental variables (so called fixed-effects regressions), or models with marginal effects (from mfx). See details in section Model Components .May be abbreviated. Note that the conditional component also refers to the count or mean component - names may differ, depending on the modeling package. There are three convenient shortcuts (not applicable to all model classes):

  • component = "all" returns all possible parameters.

  • If component = "location", location parameters such as conditional, zero_inflated, smooth_terms, or instruments are returned (everything that are fixed or random effects - depending on the effects argument - but no auxiliary parameters).

  • For component = "distributional" (or "auxiliary"), components like sigma, dispersion, beta or precision (and other auxiliary parameters) are returned.


Logical, if TRUE, the values are returned as character vector, not as list. Duplicated values are removed.


Currently not used.


A list of parameter names. The returned list may have following elements:

  • conditional, the "fixed effects" part from the model.

  • zero_inflated, the "fixed effects" part from the zero-inflation component of the model.

  • Special models are mhurdle, which also can have the components infrequent_purchase, ip, and auxiliary.

Model components

Possible values for the component argument depend on the model class. Following are valid options:

  • "all": returns all model components, applies to all models, but will only have an effect for models with more than just the conditional model component.

  • "conditional": only returns the conditional component, i.e. "fixed effects" terms from the model. Will only have an effect for models with more than just the conditional model component.

  • "smooth_terms": returns smooth terms, only applies to GAMs (or similar models that may contain smooth terms).

  • "zero_inflated" (or "zi"): returns the zero-inflation component.

  • "dispersion": returns the dispersion model component. This is common for models with zero-inflation or that can model the dispersion parameter.

  • "instruments": for instrumental-variable or some fixed effects regression, returns the instruments.

  • "nonlinear": for non-linear models (like models of class nlmerMod or nls), returns staring estimates for the nonlinear parameters.

  • "correlation": for models with correlation-component, like gls, the variables used to describe the correlation structure are returned.

  • "location": returns location parameters such as conditional, zero_inflated, smooth_terms, or instruments (everything that are fixed or random effects - depending on the effects argument - but no auxiliary parameters).

  • "distributional" (or "auxiliary"): components like sigma, dispersion, beta or precision (and other auxiliary parameters) are returned.

Special models

Some model classes also allow rather uncommon options. These are:

  • mhurdle: "infrequent_purchase", "ip", and "auxiliary"

  • BGGM: "correlation" and "intercept"

  • BFBayesFactor, glmx: "extra"

  • averaging:"conditional" and "full"

  • mjoint: "survival"

  • mfx: "precision", "marginal"

  • betareg, DirichletRegModel: "precision"

  • mvord: "thresholds" and "correlation"

  • clm2: "scale"

  • selection: "selection", "outcome", and "auxiliary"

For models of class brmsfit (package brms), even more options are possible for the component argument, which are not all documented in detail here.


data(bioChemists, package = "pscl")
m <- pscl::zeroinfl(
  art ~ fem + mar + kid5 + ment | kid5 + phd,
  data = bioChemists

Find names of model predictors


Returns the names of the predictor variables for the different parts of a model (like fixed or random effects, zero-inflated component, ...). Unlike find_parameters(), the names from find_predictors() match the original variable names from the data that was used to fit the model.


find_predictors(x, ...)

## Default S3 method:
  effects = "fixed",
  component = "all",
  flatten = FALSE,
  verbose = TRUE,



A fitted model.


Currently not used.


Should variables for fixed effects ("fixed"), random effects ("random") or both ("all") be returned? Only applies to mixed models. May be abbreviated.


Which type of parameters to return, such as parameters for the conditional model, the zero-inflated part of the model, the dispersion term, the instrumental variables or marginal effects be returned? Applies to models with zero-inflated and/or dispersion formula, or to models with instrumental variables (so called fixed-effects regressions), or models with marginal effects (from mfx). See details in section Model Components .May be abbreviated. Note that the conditional component also refers to the count or mean component - names may differ, depending on the modeling package. There are three convenient shortcuts (not applicable to all model classes):

  • component = "all" returns all possible parameters.

  • If component = "location", location parameters such as conditional, zero_inflated, smooth_terms, or instruments are returned (everything that are fixed or random effects - depending on the effects argument - but no auxiliary parameters).

  • For component = "distributional" (or "auxiliary"), components like sigma, dispersion, beta or precision (and other auxiliary parameters) are returned.


Logical, if TRUE, the values are returned as character vector, not as list. Duplicated values are removed.


Toggle warnings.


A list of character vectors that represent the name(s) of the predictor variables. Depending on the combination of the arguments effects and component, the returned list can have following elements:

  • conditional, the "fixed effects" terms from the model

  • random, the "random effects" terms from the model

  • zero_inflated, the "fixed effects" terms from the zero-inflation component of the model

  • zero_inflated_random, the "random effects" terms from the zero-inflation component of the model

  • dispersion, the dispersion terms

  • instruments, for fixed-effects regressions like ivreg, felm or plm, the instrumental variables

  • correlation, for models with correlation-component like gls, the variables used to describe the correlation structure

  • nonlinear, for non-linear models (like models of class nlmerMod or nls), the staring estimates for the nonlinear parameters

  • smooth_terms returns smooth terms, only applies to GAMs (or similar models that may contain smooth terms)

Model components

Possible values for the component argument depend on the model class. Following are valid options:

  • "all": returns all model components, applies to all models, but will only have an effect for models with more than just the conditional model component.

  • "conditional": only returns the conditional component, i.e. "fixed effects" terms from the model. Will only have an effect for models with more than just the conditional model component.

  • "smooth_terms": returns smooth terms, only applies to GAMs (or similar models that may contain smooth terms).

  • "zero_inflated" (or "zi"): returns the zero-inflation component.

  • "dispersion": returns the dispersion model component. This is common for models with zero-inflation or that can model the dispersion parameter.

  • "instruments": for instrumental-variable or some fixed effects regression, returns the instruments.

  • "nonlinear": for non-linear models (like models of class nlmerMod or nls), returns staring estimates for the nonlinear parameters.

  • "correlation": for models with correlation-component, like gls, the variables used to describe the correlation structure are returned.

  • "location": returns location parameters such as conditional, zero_inflated, smooth_terms, or instruments (everything that are fixed or random effects - depending on the effects argument - but no auxiliary parameters).

  • "distributional" (or "auxiliary"): components like sigma, dispersion, beta or precision (and other auxiliary parameters) are returned.

Special models

Some model classes also allow rather uncommon options. These are:

  • mhurdle: "infrequent_purchase", "ip", and "auxiliary"

  • BGGM: "correlation" and "intercept"

  • BFBayesFactor, glmx: "extra"

  • averaging:"conditional" and "full"

  • mjoint: "survival"

  • mfx: "precision", "marginal"

  • betareg, DirichletRegModel: "precision"

  • mvord: "thresholds" and "correlation"

  • clm2: "scale"

  • selection: "selection", "outcome", and "auxiliary"

For models of class brmsfit (package brms), even more options are possible for the component argument, which are not all documented in detail here.

Parameters, Variables, Predictors and Terms

There are four functions that return information about the variables in a model: find_predictors(), find_variables(), find_terms() and find_parameters(). There are some differences between those functions, which are explained using following model. Note that some, but not all of those functions return information about the dependent and independent variables. In this example, we only show the differences for the independent variables.

model <- lm(mpg ~ factor(gear), data = mtcars)
  • find_terms(model) returns the model terms, i.e. how the variables were used in the model, e.g. applying transformations like factor(), poly() etc. find_terms() may return a variable name multiple times in case of multiple transformations. The return value would be "factor(gear)".

  • find_parameters(model) returns the names of the model parameters (coefficients). The return value would be "(Intercept)", "factor(gear)4" and "factor(gear)5".

  • find_variables() returns the original variable names. find_variables() returns each variable name only once. The return value would be "gear".

  • find_predictors() is comparable to find_variables() and also returns the original variable names, but excluded the dependent (response) variables. The return value would be "gear".


m <- lm(mpg ~ wt + cyl + vs, data = mtcars)

Find names of random effects


Return the name of the grouping factors from mixed effects models.


find_random(x, split_nested = FALSE, flatten = FALSE)



A fitted mixed model.


Logical, if TRUE, terms from nested random effects will be returned as separated elements, not as single string with colon. See 'Examples'.


Logical, if TRUE, the values are returned as character vector, not as list. Duplicated values are removed.


A list of character vectors that represent the name(s) of the random effects (grouping factors). Depending on the model, the returned list has following elements:

  • random, the "random effects" terms from the conditional part of model

  • zero_inflated_random, the "random effects" terms from the zero-inflation component of the model


data(sleepstudy, package = "lme4")
sleepstudy$mygrp <- sample(1:5, size = 180, replace = TRUE)
sleepstudy$mysubgrp <- NA
for (i in 1:5) {
  filter_group <- sleepstudy$mygrp == i
  sleepstudy$mysubgrp[filter_group] <-
    sample(1:30, size = sum(filter_group), replace = TRUE)

m <- lme4::lmer(
  Reaction ~ Days + (1 | mygrp / mysubgrp) + (1 | Subject),
  data = sleepstudy

find_random(m, split_nested = TRUE)

Find names of random slopes


Return the name of the random slopes from mixed effects models.





A fitted mixed model.


A list of character vectors with the name(s) of the random slopes, or NULL if model has no random slopes. Depending on the model, the returned list has following elements:

  • random, the random slopes from the conditional part of model

  • zero_inflated_random, the random slopes from the zero-inflation component of the model


data(sleepstudy, package = "lme4")
m <- lme4::lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (1 + Days | Subject), data = sleepstudy)

Find name of the response variable


Returns the name(s) of the response variable(s) from a model object.


find_response(x, combine = TRUE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'joint'
find_response(x, combine = TRUE, component = "conditional", ...)



A fitted model.


Logical, if TRUE and the response is a matrix-column, the name of the response matches the notation in formula, and would for instance also contain patterns like "cbind(...)". Else, the original variable names from the matrix-column are returned. See 'Examples'.


Currently not used.


Character, if x is a joint model, this argument can be used to specify which component to return. Possible values are "conditional", "survival" or "all".


The name(s) of the response variable(s) from x as character vector, or NULL if response variable could not be found.


data(cbpp, package = "lme4")
cbpp$trials <- cbpp$size - cbpp$incidence
m <- glm(cbind(incidence, trials) ~ period, data = cbpp, family = binomial)

find_response(m, combine = TRUE)
find_response(m, combine = FALSE)

Find smooth terms from a model object


Return the names of smooth terms from a model object.


find_smooth(x, flatten = FALSE)



A (gam) model.


Logical, if TRUE, the values are returned as character vector, not as list. Duplicated values are removed.


A character vector with the name(s) of the smooth terms.


model <- mgcv::gam(Petal.Length ~ Petal.Width + s(Sepal.Length), data = iris)

Find statistic for model


Returns the statistic for a regression model (t-statistic, z-statistic, etc.).

Small helper that checks if a model is a regression model object and return the statistic used.


find_statistic(x, ...)



An object.


Currently not used.


A character describing the type of statistic. If there is no statistic available with a distribution, NULL will be returned.


# regression model object
m <- lm(mpg ~ wt + cyl + vs, data = mtcars)

Find all model terms


Returns a list with the names of all terms, including response value and random effects, "as is". This means, on-the-fly tranformations or arithmetic expressions like log(), I(), as.factor() etc. are preserved.


find_terms(x, ...)

## Default S3 method:
find_terms(x, flatten = FALSE, as_term_labels = FALSE, verbose = TRUE, ...)



A fitted model.


Currently not used.


Logical, if TRUE, the values are returned as character vector, not as list. Duplicated values are removed.


Logical, if TRUE, extracts model formula and tries to access the "term.labels" attribute. This should better mimic the terms() behaviour even for those models that do not have such a method, but may be insufficient, e.g. for mixed models.


Toggle warnings.


A list with (depending on the model) following elements (character vectors):

  • response, the name of the response variable

  • conditional, the names of the predictor variables from the conditional model (as opposed to the zero-inflated part of a model)

  • random, the names of the random effects (grouping factors)

  • zero_inflated, the names of the predictor variables from the zero-inflated part of the model

  • zero_inflated_random, the names of the random effects (grouping factors)

  • dispersion, the name of the dispersion terms

  • instruments, the names of instrumental variables

Returns NULL if no terms could be found (for instance, due to problems in accessing the formula).

Parameters, Variables, Predictors and Terms

There are four functions that return information about the variables in a model: find_predictors(), find_variables(), find_terms() and find_parameters(). There are some differences between those functions, which are explained using following model. Note that some, but not all of those functions return information about the dependent and independent variables. In this example, we only show the differences for the independent variables.

model <- lm(mpg ~ factor(gear), data = mtcars)
  • find_terms(model) returns the model terms, i.e. how the variables were used in the model, e.g. applying transformations like factor(), poly() etc. find_terms() may return a variable name multiple times in case of multiple transformations. The return value would be "factor(gear)".

  • find_parameters(model) returns the names of the model parameters (coefficients). The return value would be "(Intercept)", "factor(gear)4" and "factor(gear)5".

  • find_variables() returns the original variable names. find_variables() returns each variable name only once. The return value would be "gear".

  • find_predictors() is comparable to find_variables() and also returns the original variable names, but excluded the dependent (response) variables. The return value would be "gear".


The difference to find_variables() is that find_terms() may return a variable multiple times in case of multiple transformations (see examples below), while find_variables() returns each variable name only once.


data(sleepstudy, package = "lme4")
m <- suppressWarnings(lme4::lmer(
  log(Reaction) ~ Days + I(Days^2) + (1 + Days + exp(Days) | Subject),
  data = sleepstudy


# sometimes, it is necessary to retrieve terms from "term.labels" attribute
m <- lm(mpg ~ hp * (am + cyl), data = mtcars)
find_terms(m, as_term_labels = TRUE)

Find possible transformation of model variables


This functions checks whether any transformation, such as log- or exp-transforming, was applied to the response variable (dependent variable) in a regression formula. Optionally, all model terms can also be checked for any such transformation. Currently, following patterns are detected: log, log1p, log2, log10, exp, expm1, sqrt, ⁠log(y+<number>)⁠, log-log, ⁠log(y,base=<number>)⁠, power (e.g. to 2nd power, like I(y^2)), inverse (like 1/y), scale (e.g., y/3), and box-cox (e.g., (y^lambda - 1) / lambda).


find_transformation(x, ...)

## Default S3 method:
find_transformation(x, include_all = FALSE, ...)



A regression model or a character string of the formulation of the (response) variable.


Currently not used.


Logical, if TRUE, does not only check the response variable, but all model terms.


A string, with the name of the function of the applied transformation. Returns "identity" for no transformation, and e.g. "log(y+3)" when a specific values was added to the response variables before log-transforming. For unknown transformations, returns NULL.


# identity, no transformation
model <- lm(Sepal.Length ~ Species, data = iris)

# log-transformation
model <- lm(log(Sepal.Length) ~ Species, data = iris)

# log+2
model <- lm(log(Sepal.Length + 2) ~ Species, data = iris)

# find transformation for all model terms
model <- lm(mpg ~ log(wt) + I(gear^2) + exp(am), data = mtcars)
find_transformation(model, include_all = TRUE)

# inverse, response provided as character string
find_transformation("1 / y")

Find names of all variables


Returns a list with the names of all variables, including response value and random effects.


  effects = "all",
  component = "all",
  flatten = FALSE,
  verbose = TRUE



A fitted model.


Should variables for fixed effects ("fixed"), random effects ("random") or both ("all") be returned? Only applies to mixed models. May be abbreviated.


Which type of parameters to return, such as parameters for the conditional model, the zero-inflated part of the model, the dispersion term, the instrumental variables or marginal effects be returned? Applies to models with zero-inflated and/or dispersion formula, or to models with instrumental variables (so called fixed-effects regressions), or models with marginal effects (from mfx). See details in section Model Components .May be abbreviated. Note that the conditional component also refers to the count or mean component - names may differ, depending on the modeling package. There are three convenient shortcuts (not applicable to all model classes):

  • component = "all" returns all possible parameters.

  • If component = "location", location parameters such as conditional, zero_inflated, smooth_terms, or instruments are returned (everything that are fixed or random effects - depending on the effects argument - but no auxiliary parameters).

  • For component = "distributional" (or "auxiliary"), components like sigma, dispersion, beta or precision (and other auxiliary parameters) are returned.


Logical, if TRUE, the values are returned as character vector, not as list. Duplicated values are removed.


Toggle warnings.


A list with (depending on the model) following elements (character vectors):

  • response, the name of the response variable

  • conditional, the names of the predictor variables from the conditional model (as opposed to the zero-inflated part of a model)

  • cluster, the names of cluster or grouping variables

  • dispersion, the name of the dispersion terms

  • instruments, the names of instrumental variables

  • random, the names of the random effects (grouping factors)

  • zero_inflated, the names of the predictor variables from the zero-inflated part of the model

  • zero_inflated_random, the names of the random effects (grouping factors)

Model components

Possible values for the component argument depend on the model class. Following are valid options:

  • "all": returns all model components, applies to all models, but will only have an effect for models with more than just the conditional model component.

  • "conditional": only returns the conditional component, i.e. "fixed effects" terms from the model. Will only have an effect for models with more than just the conditional model component.

  • "smooth_terms": returns smooth terms, only applies to GAMs (or similar models that may contain smooth terms).

  • "zero_inflated" (or "zi"): returns the zero-inflation component.

  • "dispersion": returns the dispersion model component. This is common for models with zero-inflation or that can model the dispersion parameter.

  • "instruments": for instrumental-variable or some fixed effects regression, returns the instruments.

  • "nonlinear": for non-linear models (like models of class nlmerMod or nls), returns staring estimates for the nonlinear parameters.

  • "correlation": for models with correlation-component, like gls, the variables used to describe the correlation structure are returned.

  • "location": returns location parameters such as conditional, zero_inflated, smooth_terms, or instruments (everything that are fixed or random effects - depending on the effects argument - but no auxiliary parameters).

  • "distributional" (or "auxiliary"): components like sigma, dispersion, beta or precision (and other auxiliary parameters) are returned.

Special models

Some model classes also allow rather uncommon options. These are:

  • mhurdle: "infrequent_purchase", "ip", and "auxiliary"

  • BGGM: "correlation" and "intercept"

  • BFBayesFactor, glmx: "extra"

  • averaging:"conditional" and "full"

  • mjoint: "survival"

  • mfx: "precision", "marginal"

  • betareg, DirichletRegModel: "precision"

  • mvord: "thresholds" and "correlation"

  • clm2: "scale"

  • selection: "selection", "outcome", and "auxiliary"

For models of class brmsfit (package brms), even more options are possible for the component argument, which are not all documented in detail here.

Parameters, Variables, Predictors and Terms

There are four functions that return information about the variables in a model: find_predictors(), find_variables(), find_terms() and find_parameters(). There are some differences between those functions, which are explained using following model. Note that some, but not all of those functions return information about the dependent and independent variables. In this example, we only show the differences for the independent variables.

model <- lm(mpg ~ factor(gear), data = mtcars)
  • find_terms(model) returns the model terms, i.e. how the variables were used in the model, e.g. applying transformations like factor(), poly() etc. find_terms() may return a variable name multiple times in case of multiple transformations. The return value would be "factor(gear)".

  • find_parameters(model) returns the names of the model parameters (coefficients). The return value would be "(Intercept)", "factor(gear)4" and "factor(gear)5".

  • find_variables() returns the original variable names. find_variables() returns each variable name only once. The return value would be "gear".

  • find_predictors() is comparable to find_variables() and also returns the original variable names, but excluded the dependent (response) variables. The return value would be "gear".


The difference to find_terms() is that find_variables() returns each variable name only once, while find_terms() may return a variable multiple times in case of transformations or when arithmetic expressions were used in the formula.


data(cbpp, package = "lme4")
data(sleepstudy, package = "lme4")
# some data preparation...
cbpp$trials <- cbpp$size - cbpp$incidence
sleepstudy$mygrp <- sample(1:5, size = 180, replace = TRUE)
sleepstudy$mysubgrp <- NA
for (i in 1:5) {
  filter_group <- sleepstudy$mygrp == i
  sleepstudy$mysubgrp[filter_group] <-
    sample(1:30, size = sum(filter_group), replace = TRUE)

m1 <- lme4::glmer(
  cbind(incidence, size - incidence) ~ period + (1 | herd),
  data = cbpp,
  family = binomial

m2 <- lme4::lmer(
  Reaction ~ Days + (1 | mygrp / mysubgrp) + (1 | Subject),
  data = sleepstudy
find_variables(m2, flatten = TRUE)

Find names of model weights


Returns the name of the variable that describes the weights of a model.


find_weights(x, ...)



A fitted model.


Currently not used.


The name of the weighting variable as character vector, or NULL if no weights were specified.


mtcars$weight <- rnorm(nrow(mtcars), 1, .3)
m <- lm(mpg ~ wt + cyl + vs, data = mtcars, weights = weight)

Sample data set for count models


A sample data set, used in tests and some examples. Useful for testing count models.

Bayes Factor formatting


Bayes Factor formatting


  stars = FALSE,
  stars_only = FALSE,
  inferiority_star = "°",
  name = "BF",
  protect_ratio = FALSE,
  na_reference = NA,
  exact = FALSE



Bayes Factor.


Add significance stars (e.g., p < .001***). For Bayes factors, the thresholds for "significant" results are values larger than 3, 10, and 30.


Return only significance stars.


String, indicating the symbol that is used to indicate inferiority, i.e. when the Bayes Factor is smaller than one third (the thresholds are smaller than one third, 1/10 and 1/30).


Name prefixing the text. Can be NULL.


Should values smaller than 1 be represented as ratios?


How to format missing values (NA).


Should very large or very small values be reported with a scientific format (e.g., 4.24e5), or as truncated values (as "> 1000" and "< 1/1000").


A formatted string.


bfs <- c(0.000045, 0.033, NA, 1557, 3.54)
format_bf(bfs, exact = TRUE, name = NULL)
format_bf(bfs, stars = TRUE)
format_bf(bfs, protect_ratio = TRUE)
format_bf(bfs, protect_ratio = TRUE, exact = TRUE)
format_bf(bfs, na_reference = 1)

Capitalizes the first letter in a string


This function converts the first letter in a string into upper case.


format_capitalize(x, verbose = TRUE)



A character vector or a factor. The latter is coerced to character. All other objects are returned unchanged.


Toggle warnings.


x, with first letter capitalized.


format_capitalize(c("hello", "world"))

Confidence/Credible Interval (CI) Formatting


Confidence/Credible Interval (CI) Formatting


format_ci(CI_low, ...)

## S3 method for class 'numeric'
  ci = 0.95,
  digits = 2,
  brackets = TRUE,
  width = NULL,
  width_low = width,
  width_high = width,
  missing = "",
  zap_small = FALSE,
  ci_string = "CI",



Lower CI bound. Usually a numeric value, but can also be a CI output returned bayestestR, in which case the remaining arguments are unnecessary.


Arguments passed to or from other methods.


Upper CI bound.


CI level in percentage.


Number of digits for rounding or significant figures. May also be "signif" to return significant figures or "scientific" to return scientific notation. Control the number of digits by adding the value as suffix, e.g. digits = "scientific4" to have scientific notation with 4 decimal places, or digits = "signif5" for 5 significant figures (see also signif()).


Either a logical, and if TRUE (default), values are encompassed in square brackets. If FALSE or NULL, no brackets are used. Else, a character vector of length two, indicating the opening and closing brackets.


Minimum width of the returned string. If not NULL and width is larger than the string's length, leading whitespaces are added to the string. If width="auto", width will be set to the length of the longest string.

width_low, width_high

Like width, but only applies to the lower or higher confidence interval value. This can be used when the values for the lower and upper CI are of very different length.


Value by which NA values are replaced. By default, an empty string (i.e. "") is returned for NA.


Logical, if TRUE, small values are rounded after digits decimal places. If FALSE, values with more decimal places than digits are printed in scientific notation.


String to be used in the output to indicate the type of interval. Default is "CI", but can be changed to "HDI" or anything else, if necessary.


A formatted string.


format_ci(1.20, 3.57, ci = 0.90)
format_ci(1.20, 3.57, ci = NULL)
format_ci(1.20, 3.57, ci = NULL, brackets = FALSE)
format_ci(1.20, 3.57, ci = NULL, brackets = c("(", ")"))
format_ci(c(1.205645, 23.4), c(3.57, -1.35), ci = 0.90)
format_ci(c(1.20, NA, NA), c(3.57, -1.35, NA), ci = 0.90)

# automatic alignment of width, useful for printing multiple CIs in columns
x <- format_ci(c(1.205, 23.4, 100.43), c(3.57, -13.35, 9.4))
cat(x, sep = "\n")

x <- format_ci(c(1.205, 23.4, 100.43), c(3.57, -13.35, 9.4), width = "auto")
cat(x, sep = "\n")

Format messages and warnings


Inserts line breaks into a longer message or warning string. Line length is adjusted to maximum length of the console, if the width can be accessed. By default, new lines are indented by two spaces.

format_alert() is a wrapper that combines formatting a string with a call to message(), warning() or stop(). By default, format_alert() creates a message(). format_warning() and format_error() change the default type of exception to warning() and stop(), respectively.


  line_length = 0.9 * getOption("width", 80),
  indent = "  "

  line_length = 0.9 * getOption("width", 80),
  indent = "  ",
  type = "message",
  call = FALSE,
  immediate = FALSE

format_warning(..., immediate = FALSE)




A string.


Further strings that will be concatenated as indented new lines.


Numeric, the maximum length of a line. The default is 90% of the width of the console window.


Character vector. If further lines are specified in ..., a user-defined string can be specified to indent subsequent lines. Defaults to " " (two white spaces), hence for each start of the line after the first line, two white space characters are inserted.


Type of exception alert to raise. Can be "message" for message(), "warning" for warning(), or "error" for stop().


Logical. Indicating if the call should be included in the the error message. This is usually confusing for users when the function producing the warning or error is deep within another function, so the default is FALSE.


Logical. Indicating if the warning should be printed immediately. Only applies to format_warning() or format_alert() with type = "warning". The default is FALSE.


There is an experimental formatting feature implemented in this function. You can use following tags:

  • ⁠{.b text}⁠ for bold formatting

  • ⁠{.i text}⁠ to use italic font style

  • ⁠{.url}⁠ formats the string as URL (i.e., enclosing URL in < and >, blue color and italic font style)

  • ⁠{.pkg packagename}⁠ formats the text in blue color.

This features has some limitations: it's hard to detect the exact length for each line when the string has multiple lines (after line breaks) and the string contains formatting tags. Thus, it can happen that lines are wrapped at an earlier length than expected. Furthermore, if you have multiple words in a format tag (⁠{.b one two three}⁠), a line break might occur inside this tag, and the formatting no longer works (messing up the message-string).


For format_message(), a formatted string. For format_alert() and related functions, the requested exception, with the exception formatted using format_message().


msg <- format_message("Much too long string for just one line, I guess!",
  line_length = 15

msg <- format_message("Much too long string for just one line, I guess!",
  "First new line",
  "Second new line",
  "(both indented)",
  line_length = 30

msg <- format_message("Much too long string for just one line, I guess!",
  "First new line",
  "Second new line",
  "(not indented)",
  line_length = 30,
  indent = ""

# Caution, experimental! See 'Details'
msg <- format_message(
  "This is {.i italic}, visit {.url}",
  line_length = 30

# message
format_alert("This is a message.")
format_alert("This is a warning.", type = "message")

# error
try(format_error("This is an error."))

# warning
format_warning("This is a warning.")

Convert number to words


Convert number to words


format_number(x, textual = TRUE, ...)





Return words. If FALSE, will run format_value().


Arguments to be passed to format_value() if textual is FALSE.


A formatted string.


The code has been adapted from here



p-values formatting


Format p-values.


  stars = FALSE,
  stars_only = FALSE,
  whitespace = TRUE,
  name = "p",
  missing = "",
  decimal_separator = NULL,
  digits = 3,



value or vector of p-values.


Add significance stars (e.g., p < .001***). For Bayes factors, the thresholds for "significant" results are values larger than 3, 10, and 30.


Return only significance stars.


Logical, if TRUE (default), preserves whitespaces. Else, all whitespace characters are removed from the returned string.


Name prefixing the text. Can be NULL.


Value by which NA values are replaced. By default, an empty string (i.e. "") is returned for NA.


Character, if not NULL, will be used as decimal separator.


Number of significant digits. May also be "scientific" to return exact p-values in scientific notation, or "apa" to use an APA 7th edition-style for p-values (equivalent to digits = 3). If "scientific", control the number of digits by adding the value as a suffix, e.g.m digits = "scientific4" to have scientific notation with 4 decimal places.


Arguments from other methods.


A formatted string.


format_p(c(.02, .065, 0, .23))
format_p(c(.02, .065, 0, .23), name = NULL)
format_p(c(.02, .065, 0, .23), stars_only = TRUE)

model <- lm(mpg ~ wt + cyl, data = mtcars)
p <- coef(summary(model))[, 4]
format_p(p, digits = "apa")
format_p(p, digits = "scientific")
format_p(p, digits = "scientific2")

Probability of direction (pd) formatting


Probability of direction (pd) formatting


format_pd(pd, stars = FALSE, stars_only = FALSE, name = "pd")



Probability of direction (pd).


Add significance stars (e.g., p < .001***). For Bayes factors, the thresholds for "significant" results are values larger than 3, 10, and 30.


Return only significance stars.


Name prefixing the text. Can be NULL.


A formatted string.


format_pd(c(0.12, 1, 0.9999, 0.98, 0.995, 0.96), name = NULL)
format_pd(c(0.12, 1, 0.9999, 0.98, 0.995, 0.96), stars = TRUE)

Percentage in ROPE formatting


Percentage in ROPE formatting


format_rope(rope_percentage, name = "in ROPE", digits = 2)



Value or vector of percentages in ROPE.


Name prefixing the text. Can be NULL.


Number of significant digits. May also be "scientific" to return exact p-values in scientific notation, or "apa" to use an APA 7th edition-style for p-values (equivalent to digits = 3). If "scientific", control the number of digits by adding the value as a suffix, e.g.m digits = "scientific4" to have scientific notation with 4 decimal places.


A formatted string.


format_rope(c(0.02, 0.12, 0.357, 0))
format_rope(c(0.02, 0.12, 0.357, 0), name = NULL)

String Values Formatting


String Values Formatting


format_string(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'character'
format_string(x, length = NULL, abbreviate = "...", ...)



String value.


Arguments passed to or from other methods.


Numeric, maximum length of the returned string. If not NULL, will shorten the string to a maximum length, however, it will not truncate inside words. I.e. if the string length happens to be inside a word, this word is removed from the returned string, so the returned string has a maximum length of length, but might be shorter.


String that will be used as suffix, if x was shortened.


A formatted string.


s <- "This can be considered as very long string!"
# string is shorter than max.length, so returned as is
format_string(s, 60)

# string is shortened to as many words that result in
# a string of maximum 20 chars
format_string(s, 20)

Parameter table formatting


This functions takes a data frame (usually with model parameters) as input and formats certain columns into a more readable layout (like collapsing separate columns for lower and upper confidence interval values). Furthermore, column names are formatted as well. Note that format_table() converts all columns into character vectors!


  pretty_names = TRUE,
  stars = FALSE,
  stars_only = FALSE,
  digits = 2,
  ci_width = "auto",
  ci_brackets = TRUE,
  ci_digits = digits,
  p_digits = 3,
  rope_digits = digits,
  ic_digits = 1,
  zap_small = FALSE,
  preserve_attributes = FALSE,
  exact = TRUE,
  use_symbols = getOption("insight_use_symbols", FALSE),
  select = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE,



A data frame of model's parameters, as returned by various functions of the easystats-packages. May also be a result from broom::tidy().


Return "pretty" (i.e. more human readable) parameter names.


If TRUE, add significance stars (e.g., ⁠p < .001***⁠). Can also be a character vector, naming the columns that should include stars for significant values. This is especially useful for Bayesian models, where we might have multiple columns with significant values, e.g. BF for the Bayes factor or pd for the probability of direction. In such cases, use stars = c("pd", "BF") to add stars to both columns, or stars = "BF" to only add stars to the Bayes factor and exclude the pd column. Currently, following columns are recognized: "BF", "pd" and "p".


If TRUE, return significant stars only (and no p-values).

digits, ci_digits, p_digits, rope_digits, ic_digits

Number of digits for rounding or significant figures. May also be "signif" to return significant figures or "scientific" to return scientific notation. Control the number of digits by adding the value as suffix, e.g. digits = "scientific4" to have scientific notation with 4 decimal places, or digits = "signif5" for 5 significant figures (see also signif()).


Minimum width of the returned string for confidence intervals. If not NULL and width is larger than the string's length, leading whitespaces are added to the string. If width="auto", width will be set to the length of the longest string.


Logical, if TRUE (default), CI-values are encompassed in square brackets (else in parentheses).


Logical, if TRUE, small values are rounded after digits decimal places. If FALSE, values with more decimal places than digits are printed in scientific notation.


Logical, if TRUE, preserves all attributes from the input data frame.


Formatting for Bayes factor columns, in case the provided data frame contains such a column (i.e. columns named "BF" or "log_BF"). For exact = TRUE, very large or very small values are then either reported with a scientific format (e.g., 4.24e5), else as truncated values (as "> 1000" and "< 1/1000").


Logical, if TRUE, column names that refer to particular effectsizes (like Phi, Omega or Epsilon) include the related unicode-character instead of the written name. This only works on Windows for R >= 4.2, and on OS X or Linux for R >= 4.0. It is possible to define a global option for this setting, see 'Note'.


Determines which columns are printed and the table layout. There are two options for this argument:

  • A string expression with layout pattern

    select is a string with "tokens" enclosed in braces. These tokens will be replaced by their associated columns, where the selected columns will be collapsed into one column. Following tokens are replaced by the related coefficients or statistics: {estimate}, {se}, {ci} (or {ci_low} and {ci_high}), {p}, {pd} and {stars}. The token {ci} will be replaced by ⁠{ci_low}, {ci_high}⁠. Example: select = "{estimate}{stars} ({ci})"

    It is possible to create multiple columns as well. A | separates values into new cells/columns. Example: select = "{estimate} ({ci})|{p}".

  • A string indicating a pre-defined layout

    select can be one of the following string values, to create one of the following pre-defined column layouts:

    • "minimal": Estimates, confidence intervals and numeric p-values, in two columns. This is equivalent to select = "{estimate} ({ci})|{p}".

    • "short": Estimate, standard errors and numeric p-values, in two columns. This is equivalent to select = "{estimate} ({se})|{p}".

    • "ci": Estimates and confidence intervals, no asterisks for p-values. This is equivalent to select = "{estimate} ({ci})".

    • "se": Estimates and standard errors, no asterisks for p-values. This is equivalent to select = "{estimate} ({se})".

    • "ci_p": Estimates, confidence intervals and asterisks for p-values. This is equivalent to select = "{estimate}{stars} ({ci})".

    • "se_p": Estimates, standard errors and asterisks for p-values. This is equivalent to select = "{estimate}{stars} ({se})"..

Using select to define columns will re-order columns and remove all columns related to uncertainty (standard errors, confidence intervals), test statistics, and p-values (and similar, like pd or BF for Bayesian models), because these are assumed to be included or intentionally excluded when using select. The new column order will be: Parameter columns first, followed by the "glue" columns, followed by all remaining columns. If further columns should also be placed first, add those as focal_terms attributes to x. I.e., following columns are considers as "parameter columns" and placed first: c(easystats_columns("parameter"), attributes(x)$focal_terms).

Note: glue-like syntax is still experimental in the case of more complex models (like mixed models) and may not return expected results.


Toggle messages and warnings.


Arguments passed to or from other methods.


A data frame. Note that format_table() converts all columns into character vectors!


options(insight_use_symbols = TRUE) overrides the use_symbols argument and always displays symbols, if possible.

See Also

Vignettes Formatting, printing and exporting tables and Formatting model parameters.


format_table(head(iris), digits = 1)

m <- lm(Sepal.Length ~ Species * Sepal.Width, data = iris)
x <- parameters::model_parameters(m), p_digits = "scientific"))
# "glue" columns, select = "minimal")), select = "{estimate}{stars}|{p}"))

model <- rstanarm::stan_glm(
  Sepal.Length ~ Species,
  data = iris,
  refresh = 0,
  seed = 123
x <- parameters::model_parameters(model, ci = c(0.69, 0.89, 0.95))

Numeric Values Formatting


format_value() converts numeric values into formatted string values, where formatting can be something like rounding digits, scientific notation etc. format_percent() is a short-cut for format_value(as_percent = TRUE).


format_value(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'data.frame'
  digits = 2,
  protect_integers = FALSE,
  missing = "",
  width = NULL,
  as_percent = FALSE,
  zap_small = FALSE,
  lead_zero = TRUE,
  style_positive = "none",
  style_negative = "hyphen",
  decimal_point = getOption("OutDec"),

## S3 method for class 'numeric'
  digits = 2,
  protect_integers = FALSE,
  missing = "",
  width = NULL,
  as_percent = FALSE,
  zap_small = FALSE,
  lead_zero = TRUE,
  style_positive = "none",
  style_negative = "hyphen",
  decimal_point = getOption("OutDec"),

format_percent(x, ...)



Numeric value.


Arguments passed to or from other methods.


Number of digits for rounding or significant figures. May also be "signif" to return significant figures or "scientific" to return scientific notation. Control the number of digits by adding the value as suffix, e.g. digits = "scientific4" to have scientific notation with 4 decimal places, or digits = "signif5" for 5 significant figures (see also signif()).


Should integers be kept as integers (i.e., without decimals)?


Value by which NA values are replaced. By default, an empty string (i.e. "") is returned for NA.


Minimum width of the returned string. If not NULL and width is larger than the string's length, leading whitespaces are added to the string.


Logical, if TRUE, value is formatted as percentage value.


Logical, if TRUE, small values are rounded after digits decimal places. If FALSE, values with more decimal places than digits are printed in scientific notation.


Logical, if TRUE (default), includes leading zeros, else leading zeros are dropped.


A string that determines the style of positive numbers. May be "none" (default), "plus" to add a plus-sign or "space" to precede the string by a Unicode "figure space", i.e., a space equally as wide as a number or +.


A string that determines the style of negative numbers. May be "hyphen" (default), "minus" for a proper Unicode minus symbol or "parens" to wrap the number in parentheses.


Character string containing a single character that is used as decimal point in output conversions.


A formatted string.


format_value(c(0.0045, 234, -23))
format_value(c(0.0045, 0.12, 0.34))
format_value(c(0.0045, 0.12, 0.34), as_percent = TRUE)
format_value(c(0.0045, 0.12, 0.34), digits = "scientific")
format_value(c(0.0045, 0.12, 0.34), digits = "scientific2")
format_value(c(0.045, 0.12, 0.34), lead_zero = FALSE)
format_value(c(0.0045, 0.12, 0.34), decimal_point = ",")

# default
format_value(c(0.0045, 0.123, 0.345))
# significant figures
format_value(c(0.0045, 0.123, 0.345), digits = "signif")

format_value(as.factor(c("A", "B", "A")))

format_value(3, protect_integers = TRUE)


Get auxiliary parameters from models


Returns the requested auxiliary parameters from models, like dispersion, sigma, or beta...


  type = "sigma",
  summary = TRUE,
  centrality = "mean",
  verbose = TRUE,

get_dispersion(x, ...)

## Default S3 method:
get_dispersion(x, ...)



A model.


The name of the auxiliary parameter that should be retrieved. "sigma" is available for most models, "dispersion" for models of class glm, glmerMod or glmmTMB as well as brmsfit. "beta" and other parameters are currently only returned for brmsfit models. See 'Details'.


Logical, indicates whether the full posterior samples (summary = FALSE)) or the summarized centrality indices of the posterior samples (summary = TRUE)) should be returned as estimates.


Only for models with posterior samples, and when summary = TRUE. In this case, centrality = "mean" would calculate means of posterior samples for each parameter, while centrality = "median" would use the more robust median value as measure of central tendency.


Toggle warnings.


Currently not used.


Currently, only sigma and the dispersion parameter are returned, and only for a limited set of models.


The requested auxiliary parameter, or NULL if this information could not be accessed.

Sigma Parameter

See get_sigma().

Dispersion Parameter

There are many different definitions of "dispersion", depending on the context. get_auxiliary() returns the dispersion parameters that usually can be considered as variance-to-mean ratio for generalized (linear) mixed models. Exceptions are models of class glmmTMB, where the dispersion equals σ2. In detail, the computation of the dispersion parameter for generalized linear models is the ratio of the sum of the squared working-residuals and the residual degrees of freedom. For mixed models of class glmer, the dispersion parameter is also called φ and is the ratio of the sum of the squared Pearson-residuals and the residual degrees of freedom. For models of class glmmTMB, dispersion is σ2.


For models of class brmsfit, there are different options for the type argument. See a list of supported auxiliary parameters here: find_parameters.BGGM().


# from ?glm
clotting <- data.frame(
  u = c(5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 60, 80, 100),
  lot1 = c(118, 58, 42, 35, 27, 25, 21, 19, 18),
  lot2 = c(69, 35, 26, 21, 18, 16, 13, 12, 12)
model <- glm(lot1 ~ log(u), data = clotting, family = Gamma())
get_auxiliary(model, type = "dispersion") # same as summary(model)$dispersion

Get the model's function call


Returns the model's function call when available.





A fitted mixed model.


A function call.


m <- lm(mpg ~ wt + cyl + vs, data = mtcars)

m <- lme4::lmer(Sepal.Length ~ Sepal.Width + (1 | Species), data = iris)

Get the data that was used to fit the model


This functions tries to get the data that was used to fit the model and returns it as data frame.


get_data(x, ...)

## Default S3 method:
get_data(x, source = "environment", verbose = TRUE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'glmmTMB'
  effects = "all",
  component = "all",
  source = "environment",
  verbose = TRUE,

## S3 method for class 'afex_aov'
get_data(x, shape = c("long", "wide"), ...)

## S3 method for class 'rma'
  source = "environment",
  verbose = TRUE,
  include_interval = FALSE,
  transf = NULL,
  transf_args = NULL,
  ci = 0.95,



A fitted model.


Currently not used.


String, indicating from where data should be recovered. If source = "environment" (default), data is recovered from the environment (e.g. if the data is in the workspace). This option is usually the fastest way of getting data and ensures that the original variables used for model fitting are returned. Note that always the current data is recovered from the environment. Hence, if the data was modified after model fitting (e.g., variables were recoded or rows filtered), the returned data may no longer equal the model data. If source = "frame" (or "mf"), the data is taken from the model frame. Any transformed variables are back-transformed, if possible. This option returns the data even if it is not available in the environment, however, in certain edge cases back-transforming to the original data may fail. If source = "environment" fails to recover the data, it tries to extract the data from the model frame; if source = "frame" and data cannot be extracted from the model frame, data will be recovered from the environment. Both ways only returns observations that have no missing data in the variables used for model fitting.


Toggle messages and warnings.


Should model data for fixed effects ("fixed"), random effects ("random") or both ("all") be returned? Only applies to mixed or gee models.


Which type of parameters to return, such as parameters for the conditional model, the zero-inflated part of the model, the dispersion term, the instrumental variables or marginal effects be returned? Applies to models with zero-inflated and/or dispersion formula, or to models with instrumental variables (so called fixed-effects regressions), or models with marginal effects (from mfx). See details in section Model Components .May be abbreviated. Note that the conditional component also refers to the count or mean component - names may differ, depending on the modeling package. There are three convenient shortcuts (not applicable to all model classes):

  • component = "all" returns all possible parameters.

  • If component = "location", location parameters such as conditional, zero_inflated, smooth_terms, or instruments are returned (everything that are fixed or random effects - depending on the effects argument - but no auxiliary parameters).

  • For component = "distributional" (or "auxiliary"), components like sigma, dispersion, beta or precision (and other auxiliary parameters) are returned.


Return long or wide data? Only applicable in repeated measures designs.


For meta-analysis models, should normal-approximation confidence intervals be added for each response effect size?


For meta-analysis models, if intervals are included, a function applied to each response effect size and its interval.


For meta-analysis models, an optional list of arguments passed to the transf function.


For meta-analysis models, the Confidence Interval (CI) level if include_interval = TRUE. Default to 0.95 (95%).


The data that was used to fit the model.

Model components

Possible values for the component argument depend on the model class. Following are valid options:

  • "all": returns all model components, applies to all models, but will only have an effect for models with more than just the conditional model component.

  • "conditional": only returns the conditional component, i.e. "fixed effects" terms from the model. Will only have an effect for models with more than just the conditional model component.

  • "smooth_terms": returns smooth terms, only applies to GAMs (or similar models that may contain smooth terms).

  • "zero_inflated" (or "zi"): returns the zero-inflation component.

  • "dispersion": returns the dispersion model component. This is common for models with zero-inflation or that can model the dispersion parameter.

  • "instruments": for instrumental-variable or some fixed effects regression, returns the instruments.

  • "nonlinear": for non-linear models (like models of class nlmerMod or nls), returns staring estimates for the nonlinear parameters.

  • "correlation": for models with correlation-component, like gls, the variables used to describe the correlation structure are returned.

  • "location": returns location parameters such as conditional, zero_inflated, smooth_terms, or instruments (everything that are fixed or random effects - depending on the effects argument - but no auxiliary parameters).

  • "distributional" (or "auxiliary"): components like sigma, dispersion, beta or precision (and other auxiliary parameters) are returned.

Special models

Some model classes also allow rather uncommon options. These are:

  • mhurdle: "infrequent_purchase", "ip", and "auxiliary"

  • BGGM: "correlation" and "intercept"

  • BFBayesFactor, glmx: "extra"

  • averaging:"conditional" and "full"

  • mjoint: "survival"

  • mfx: "precision", "marginal"

  • betareg, DirichletRegModel: "precision"

  • mvord: "thresholds" and "correlation"

  • clm2: "scale"

  • selection: "selection", "outcome", and "auxiliary"

For models of class brmsfit (package brms), even more options are possible for the component argument, which are not all documented in detail here.


data(cbpp, package = "lme4")
cbpp$trials <- cbpp$size - cbpp$incidence
m <- glm(cbind(incidence, trials) ~ period, data = cbpp, family = binomial)

Create a reference grid


Create a reference matrix, useful for visualisation, with evenly spread and combined values. Usually used to generate predictions using get_predicted(). See this vignette for a tutorial on how to create a visualisation matrix using this function.

Alternatively, these can also be used to extract the "grid" columns from objects generated by emmeans and marginaleffects (see those methods for more info).


get_datagrid(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'data.frame'
  by = "all",
  factors = "reference",
  numerics = "mean",
  length = 10,
  range = "range",
  preserve_range = FALSE,
  protect_integers = TRUE,
  digits = 3,
  reference = x,

## S3 method for class 'numeric'
  length = 10,
  range = "range",
  protect_integers = TRUE,
  digits = 3,

## S3 method for class 'factor'
get_datagrid(x, ...)

## Default S3 method:
  by = "all",
  factors = "reference",
  numerics = "mean",
  preserve_range = TRUE,
  reference = x,
  include_smooth = TRUE,
  include_random = FALSE,
  include_response = FALSE,
  data = NULL,
  digits = 3,
  verbose = TRUE,



An object from which to construct the reference grid.


Arguments passed to or from other methods (for instance, length or range to control the spread of numeric variables.).


Indicates the focal predictors (variables) for the reference grid and at which values focal predictors should be represented. If not specified otherwise, representative values for numeric variables or predictors are evenly distributed from the minimum to the maximum, with a total number of length values covering that range (see 'Examples'). Possible options for by are:

  • select all variables: "all", which will include all variables or predictors. For factors, will use all levels, for numeric variables, will use a range of length length (evenly spread from minimum to maximum) and for character vectors, will use all unique values.

  • select specific variables: a character vector of one or more variable or predictor names, like c("Species", "Sepal.Width"), which will create a grid of all combinations of unique values. For factors, will use all levels, for numeric variables, will use a range of length length (evenly spread from minimum to maximum) and for character vectors, will use all unique values.

  • select variables and values as list of named elements, indicating focal predictors and their representative values, e.g. by = list(Sepal.Length = c(2, 4), Species = "setosa"). Argument length is ignored.

  • select variables and values as string (or character vector), e.g. by = "Sepal.Length = 2" or by = c("Sepal.Length = 2", "Species = 'setosa'"). Note the usage of single and double quotes to assign strings within strings. String assignments can also indicate more than one value, using regular R syntax, e.g. by = "Sepal.Length = c(3, 4)", in which case these values are used as representative values. Argument length is ignored.

  • select variables and value ranges as string (or character vector), e.g. by = "Sepal.Length = 2:5", for which a range from given minimum to maximum is created. Argument length is ignored. Other ways to create ranges would be using seq(), e.g., by = "Sepal.Length = seq(2, 5, 0.5)".

  • In general, any expression after a = will be evaluated as R code, which allows using own functions, e.g.

    fun <- function(x) x^2
    get_datagrid(iris, by = "Sepal.Width = fun(2:5)")

There is a special handling of assignments with brackets, i.e. values defined inside [ and ⁠]⁠.For numeric variables, the value(s) inside the brackets should be a "token" that creates pre-defined representative values:

  • for mean and -/+ 1 SD around the mean: "x = [sd]"

  • for median and -/+ 1 MAD around the median: "x = [mad]"

  • for Tukey's five number summary (minimum, lower-hinge, median, upper-hinge, maximum): "x = [fivenum]"

  • for quartiles: "x = [quartiles]" (same as "x = [fivenum]", but excluding minimum and maximum)

  • for terciles: "x = [terciles]"

  • for terciles, including minimum and maximum: "x = [terciles2]"

  • for a pretty value range: "x = [pretty]"

  • for minimum and maximum value: "x = [minmax]"

  • for 0 and the maximum value: "x = [zeromax]"

  • for a random sample from all values: "x = [sample <number>]", where ⁠<number>⁠ should be a positive integer, e.g. "x = [sample 15]".

For factor variables, the value(s) inside the brackets should indicate one or more factor levels, like by = "Species = [setosa, versicolor]". This would be identical to using by = "Species = c('setosa', 'versicolor')". Note: the length argument will be ignored when using brackets-tokens.

The remaining variables not specified in by will be fixed (see also arguments factors and numerics).


Type of summary for factors not specified in by. Can be "reference" (set at the reference level), "mode" (set at the most common level) or "all" to keep all levels.


Type of summary for numeric values not specified in by. Can be "all" (will duplicate the grid for all unique values), any function ("mean", "median", ...) or a value (e.g., numerics = 0).


Length of numeric target variables selected in by (if no representative values are additionally specified). This arguments controls the number of (equally spread) values that will be taken to represent the continuous (non-integer alike!) variables. A longer length will increase precision, but can also substantially increase the size of the datagrid (especially in case of interactions). If NA, will return all the unique values.

In case of multiple continuous target variables, length can also be a vector of different values (see 'Examples'). In this case, length must be of same length as numeric target variables. If length is a named vector, values are matched against the names of the target variables.

length is ignored for integer type variables when length is larger than the number of unique values and protect_integers is TRUE (default). Set protect_integers = FALSE to create a spread of length number of values from minimum to maximum for integers, including fractions (i.e., to treat integer variables as regular "numeric" variables).

length is furthermore ignored if "tokens" (in brackets [ and ⁠]⁠) are used in by, or if representative values are additionally specified in by.


Option to control the representative values given in by, if no specific values were provided. Use in combination with the length argument to control the number of values within the specified range. range can be one of the following:

  • "range" (default), will use the minimum and maximum of the original data vector as end-points (min and max). For integer variables, the length argument will be ignored, and "range" will only use values that appear in the data. Set protect_integers = FALSE to override this behaviour for integer variables.

  • if an interval type is specified, such as "iqr", "ci", "hdi" or "eti", it will spread the values within that range (the default CI width is ⁠95%⁠ but this can be changed by adding for instance ci = 0.90.) See IQR() and bayestestR::ci(). This can be useful to have more robust change and skipping extreme values.

  • if "sd" or "mad", it will spread by this dispersion index around the mean or the median, respectively. If the length argument is an even number (e.g., 4), it will have one more step on the positive side (i.e., ⁠-1, 0, +1, +2⁠). The result is a named vector. See 'Examples.'

  • "grid" will create a reference grid that is useful when plotting predictions, by choosing representative values for numeric variables based on their position in the reference grid. If a numeric variable is the first predictor in by, values from minimum to maximum of the same length as indicated in length are generated. For numeric predictors not specified at first in by, mean and -1/+1 SD around the mean are returned. For factors, all levels are returned.

range can also be a vector of different values (see 'Examples'). In this case, range must be of same length as numeric target variables. If range is a named vector, values are matched against the names of the target variables.


In the case of combinations between numeric variables and factors, setting preserve_range = TRUE will drop the observations where the value of the numeric variable is originally not present in the range of its factor level. This leads to an unbalanced grid. Also, if you want the minimum and the maximum to closely match the actual ranges, you should increase the length argument.


Defaults to TRUE. Indicates whether integers should be treated as integers, or - if FALSE - as numeric variables where fractions are possible being creating in the data grid.


Number of digits used for rounding numeric values specified in by. E.g., ⁠x = [sd]⁠ will round the mean and +-/1 SD in the data grid to digits.


The reference vector from which to compute the mean and SD. Used when standardizing or unstandardizing the grid using effectsize::standardize.


If x is a model object, decide whether smooth terms should be included in the data grid or not.


If x is a mixed model object, decide whether random effect terms should be included in the data grid or not. If include_random is FALSE, but x is a mixed model with random effects, these will still be included in the returned grid, but set to their "population level" value (e.g., NA for glmmTMB or 0 for merMod). This ensures that common predict() methods work properly, as these usually need data with all variables in the model included.


If x is a model object, decide whether the response variable should be included in the data grid or not.


Optional, the data frame that was used to fit the model. Usually, the data is retrieved via get_data().


Toggle warnings.


Reference grid data frame.

See Also

get_predicted() to extract predictions, for which the data grid is useful, and see the methods for objects generated by emmeans and marginaleffects to extract the "grid" columns.


# Datagrids of variables and dataframes =====================================

# Single variable is of interest; all others are "fixed" ------------------

# Factors, returns all the levels
get_datagrid(iris, by = "Species")
# Specify an expression
get_datagrid(iris, by = "Species = c('setosa', 'versicolor')")

# Numeric variables, default spread length = 10
get_datagrid(iris, by = "Sepal.Length")
# change length
get_datagrid(iris, by = "Sepal.Length", length = 3)

# change non-targets fixing
get_datagrid(iris[2:150, ],
  by = "Sepal.Length",
  factors = "mode", numerics = "median"

# change min/max of target
get_datagrid(iris, by = "Sepal.Length", range = "ci", ci = 0.90)

# Manually change min/max
get_datagrid(iris, by = "Sepal.Length = c(0, 1)")
# -1 SD, mean and +1 SD
get_datagrid(iris, by = "Sepal.Length = [sd]")

# rounded to 1 digit
get_datagrid(iris, by = "Sepal.Length = [sd]", digits = 1)

# identical to previous line: -1 SD, mean and +1 SD
get_datagrid(iris, by = "Sepal.Length", range = "sd", length = 3)
# quartiles
get_datagrid(iris, by = "Sepal.Length = [quartiles]")

# specify length individually for each focal predictor - values are
# matched by names
get_datagrid(mtcars[1:4], by = c("mpg", "hp"), length = c(hp = 3, mpg = 2))

# Numeric and categorical variables, generating a grid for plots
# default spread length = 10
get_datagrid(iris, by = c("Sepal.Length", "Species"), range = "grid")

# default spread length = 3 (-1 SD, mean and +1 SD)
get_datagrid(iris, by = c("Species", "Sepal.Length"), range = "grid")

# Standardization and unstandardization
data <- get_datagrid(iris, by = "Sepal.Length", range = "sd", length = 3)

# It is a named vector (extract names with `names(out$Sepal.Length)`)
datawizard::standardize(data, select = "Sepal.Length")

# Manually specify values
data <- get_datagrid(iris, by = "Sepal.Length = c(-2, 0, 2)")
datawizard::unstandardize(data, select = "Sepal.Length")

# Multiple variables are of interest, creating a combination --------------
get_datagrid(iris, by = c("Sepal.Length", "Species"), length = 3)
get_datagrid(iris, by = c("Sepal.Length", "Petal.Length"), length = c(3, 2))
get_datagrid(iris, by = c(1, 3), length = 3)
get_datagrid(iris, by = c("Sepal.Length", "Species"), preserve_range = TRUE)
get_datagrid(iris, by = c("Sepal.Length", "Species"), numerics = 0)
get_datagrid(iris, by = c("Sepal.Length = 3", "Species"))
get_datagrid(iris, by = c("Sepal.Length = c(3, 1)", "Species = 'setosa'"))

# create range of values, with different lengths of ranges
  by = c("Sepal.Width = 1:5", "Petal.Width = 1:3"),
  length = c(Petal.Width = 3, Sepal.Width = 4)

# With list-style by-argument
get_datagrid(iris, by = list(Sepal.Length = c(1, 3), Species = "setosa"))

# With models ===============================================================

# Fit a linear regression
model <- lm(Sepal.Length ~ Sepal.Width * Petal.Length, data = iris)

# Get datagrid of predictors
data <- get_datagrid(model, length = c(20, 3), range = c("range", "sd"))
# same as: get_datagrid(model, range = "grid", length = 20)

# Add predictions
data$Sepal.Length <- get_predicted(model, data = data)

# Visualize relationships (each color is at -1 SD, Mean, and + 1 SD of Petal.Length)
plot(data$Sepal.Width, data$Sepal.Length,
  col = data$Petal.Length,
  main = "Relationship at -1 SD, Mean, and + 1 SD of Petal.Length"

Extract a reference grid from objects created by {emmeans} and {marginaleffects}


Extract a reference grid from objects created by {emmeans} and {marginaleffects}


## S3 method for class 'emmGrid'
get_datagrid(x, ...)



An object created by a function such as emmeans::emmeans(), marginaleffects::slopes(), etc.


Currently not used


Note that for {emmeans} inputs the results is a proper grid (all combinations of values are represented), except when a nesting structure is detected. Additionally, when the input is an emm_list object, the function will rbind() the data-grids of all the elements in the input.

For {marginaleffects} inputs, the output may very well be a non-grid result. See examples.


A data.frame with key columns that identify the rows in x.


mtcars$cyl <- factor(mtcars$cyl)

mod <- glm(am ~ cyl + hp + wt,
  family = binomial("logit"),
  data = mtcars

em1 <- emmeans::emmeans(mod, ~ cyl + hp, at = list(hp = c(100, 150)))

contr1 <- emmeans::contrast(em1, method = "consec", by = "hp")

eml1 <- emmeans::emmeans(mod, pairwise ~ cyl | hp, at = list(hp = c(100, 150)))
get_datagrid(eml1) # not a "true" grid

mfx1 <- marginaleffects::slopes(mod, variables = "hp")
get_datagrid(mfx1) # not a "true" grid

mfx2 <- marginaleffects::slopes(mod, variables = c("hp", "wt"), by = "am")

contr2 <- marginaleffects::avg_comparisons(mod)
get_datagrid(contr2) # not a "true" grid

Model Deviance


Returns model deviance (see stats::deviance()).


get_deviance(x, ...)

## Default S3 method:
get_deviance(x, verbose = TRUE, ...)



A model.


Not used.


Toggle warnings and messages.


For GLMMs of class glmerMod, glmmTMB or MixMod, the absolute unconditional deviance is returned (see 'Details' in ?lme4::merMod-class), i.e. minus twice the log-likelihood. To get the relative conditional deviance (relative to a saturated model, conditioned on the conditional modes of random effects), use deviance(). The value returned get_deviance() usually equals the deviance-value from the summary().


The model deviance.


x <- lm(mpg ~ cyl, data = mtcars)

Extract degrees of freedom


Estimate or extract residual or model-based degrees of freedom from regression models.


get_df(x, ...)

## Default S3 method:
get_df(x, type = "residual", verbose = TRUE, ...)



A statistical model.


Currently not used.


Type of approximation for the degrees of freedom. Can be one of the following:

  • "residual" (aka "analytical") returns the residual degrees of freedom, which usually is what stats::df.residual() returns. If a model object has no method to extract residual degrees of freedom, these are calculated as n-p, i.e. the number of observations minus the number of estimated parameters. If residual degrees of freedom cannot be extracted by either approach, returns Inf.

  • "wald" returns residual (aka analytical) degrees of freedom for models with t-statistic, 1 for models with Chi-squared statistic, and Inf for all other models. Also returns Inf if residual degrees of freedom cannot be extracted.

  • "normal" always returns Inf.

  • "model" returns model-based degrees of freedom, i.e. the number of (estimated) parameters.

  • For mixed models, can also be "ml1" (or "m-l-1", approximation of degrees of freedom based on a "m-l-1" heuristic as suggested by Elff et al. 2019) or "between-within" (or "betwithin").

  • For mixed models of class merMod, type can also be "satterthwaite" or "kenward-roger" (or "kenward"). See 'Details'.

Usually, when degrees of freedom are required to calculate p-values or confidence intervals, type = "wald" is likely to be the best choice in most cases.


Toggle warnings.


Degrees of freedom for mixed models

Inferential statistics (like p-values, confidence intervals and standard errors) may be biased in mixed models when the number of clusters is small (even if the sample size of level-1 units is high). In such cases it is recommended to approximate a more accurate number of degrees of freedom for such inferential statistics (see Li and Redden 2015).

m-l-1 degrees of freedom

The m-l-1 heuristic is an approach that uses a t-distribution with fewer degrees of freedom. In particular for repeated measure designs (longitudinal data analysis), the m-l-1 heuristic is likely to be more accurate than simply using the residual or infinite degrees of freedom, because get_df(type = "ml1") returns different degrees of freedom for within-cluster and between-cluster effects. Note that the "m-l-1" heuristic is not applicable (or at least less accurate) for complex multilevel designs, e.g. with cross-classified clusters. In such cases, more accurate approaches like the Kenward-Roger approximation is recommended. However, the "m-l-1" heuristic also applies to generalized mixed models, while approaches like Kenward-Roger or Satterthwaite are limited to linear mixed models only.

Between-within degrees of freedom

The Between-within denominator degrees of freedom approximation is, similar to the "m-l-1" heuristic, recommended in particular for (generalized) linear mixed models with repeated measurements (longitudinal design). get_df(type = "betwithin") implements a heuristic based on the between-within approach, i.e. this type returns different degrees of freedom for within-cluster and between-cluster effects. Note that this implementation does not return exactly the same results as shown in Li and Redden 2015, but similar.

Satterthwaite and Kenward-Rogers degrees of freedom

Unlike simpler approximation heuristics like the "m-l-1" rule (type = "ml1"), the Satterthwaite or Kenward-Rogers approximation is also applicable in more complex multilevel designs. However, the "m-l-1" or "between-within" heuristics also apply to generalized mixed models, while approaches like Kenward-Roger or Satterthwaite are limited to linear mixed models only.


  • Kenward, M. G., & Roger, J. H. (1997). Small sample inference for fixed effects from restricted maximum likelihood. Biometrics, 983-997.

  • Satterthwaite FE (1946) An approximate distribution of estimates of variance components. Biometrics Bulletin 2 (6):110–4.

  • Elff, M.; Heisig, J.P.; Schaeffer, M.; Shikano, S. (2019). Multilevel Analysis with Few Clusters: Improving Likelihood-based Methods to Provide Unbiased Estimates and Accurate Inference, British Journal of Political Science.

  • Li, P., Redden, D. T. (2015). Comparing denominator degrees of freedom approximations for the generalized linear mixed model in analyzing binary outcome in small sample cluster-randomized trials. BMC Medical Research Methodology, 15(1), 38


model <- lm(Sepal.Length ~ Petal.Length * Species, data = iris)
get_df(model) # same as df.residual(model)
get_df(model, type = "model") # same as attr(logLik(model), "df")

A robust alternative to stats::family


A robust and resilient alternative to stats::family. To avoid issues with models like gamm4.


get_family(x, ...)



A statistical model.


Further arguments passed to methods.


x <- glm(vs ~ wt, data = mtcars, family = "binomial")

x <- mgcv::gamm(
  vs ~ am + s(wt),
  random = list(cyl = ~1),
  data = mtcars,
  family = "binomial"

Get the value at the intercept


Returns the value at the intercept (i.e., the intercept parameter), and NA if there isn't one.


get_intercept(x, ...)



A model.


Not used.


The value of the intercept.


get_intercept(lm(Sepal.Length ~ Petal.Width, data = iris))
get_intercept(lm(Sepal.Length ~ 0 + Petal.Width, data = iris))

get_intercept(lme4::lmer(Sepal.Length ~ Sepal.Width + (1 | Species), data = iris))

get_intercept(gamm4::gamm4(Sepal.Length ~ s(Petal.Width), data = iris))

Log-Likelihood and Log-Likelihood correction


A robust function to compute the log-likelihood of a model, as well as individual log-likelihoods (for each observation) whenever possible. Can be used as a replacement for stats::logLik() out of the box, as the returned object is of the same class (and it gives the same results by default).

get_loglikelihood_adjustment() can be used to correct the log-likelihood for models with transformed response variables. The adjustment value can be added to the log-likelihood to get the corrected value. This is done automatically in get_loglikelihood() if check_response = TRUE.


get_loglikelihood(x, ...)

loglikelihood(x, ...)


## S3 method for class 'lm'
  estimator = "ML",
  check_response = FALSE,
  verbose = TRUE,



A model.


Passed down to logLik(), if possible.


Corresponds to the different estimators for the standard deviation of the errors. If estimator="ML" (default), the scaling is done by n (the biased ML estimator), which is then equivalent to using stats::logLik(). If estimator="OLS", it returns the unbiased OLS estimator. estimator="REML" will give same results as logLik(..., REML=TRUE).


Only for linear models. This argument is present for compatibility with stats::logLik(). Setting it to TRUE will overwrite the estimator argument and is thus equivalent to setting estimator="REML". It will give the same results as stats::logLik(..., REML=TRUE). Note that individual log-likelihoods are not available under REML.


Logical, if TRUE, checks if the response variable is transformed (like log() or sqrt()), and if so, returns a corrected log-likelihood. To get back to the original scale, the likelihood of the model is multiplied by the Jacobian/derivative of the transformation.


Toggle warnings and messages.


get_loglikelihood() returns an object of class "logLik", also containing the log-likelihoods for each observation as a per_observation attribute (attributes(get_loglikelihood(x))$per_observation) when possible. The code was partly inspired from the nonnest2 package.

get_loglikelihood_adjustment() returns the adjustment value to be added to the log-likelihood to correct for transformed response variables, or NULL if the adjustment could not be computed.


x <- lm(Sepal.Length ~ Petal.Width + Species, data = iris)

get_loglikelihood(x, estimator = "ML") # Equivalent to stats::logLik(x)
get_loglikelihood(x, estimator = "REML") # Equivalent to stats::logLik(x, REML=TRUE)
get_loglikelihood(x, estimator = "OLS")

Model Matrix


Creates a design matrix from the description. Any character variables are coerced to factors.


get_modelmatrix(x, ...)



An object.


Passed down to other methods (mainly model.matrix()).



model <- lm(am ~ vs, data = mtcars)

Get model parameters


Returns the coefficients (or posterior samples for Bayesian models) from a model. See the documentation for your object's class:


get_parameters(x, ...)

## Default S3 method:
get_parameters(x, verbose = TRUE, ...)



A fitted model.


Currently not used.


Toggle messages and warnings.


In most cases when models either return different "effects" (fixed, random) or "components" (conditional, zero-inflated, ...), the arguments effects and component can be used.

get_parameters() is comparable to coef(), however, the coefficients are returned as data frame (with columns for names and point estimates of coefficients). For Bayesian models, the posterior samples of parameters are returned.


  • for non-Bayesian models, a data frame with two columns: the parameter names and the related point estimates.

  • for Anova (aov()) with error term, a list of parameters for the conditional and the random effects parameters

Model components

Possible values for the component argument depend on the model class. Following are valid options:

  • "all": returns all model components, applies to all models, but will only have an effect for models with more than just the conditional model component.

  • "conditional": only returns the conditional component, i.e. "fixed effects" terms from the model. Will only have an effect for models with more than just the conditional model component.

  • "smooth_terms": returns smooth terms, only applies to GAMs (or similar models that may contain smooth terms).

  • "zero_inflated" (or "zi"): returns the zero-inflation component.

  • "dispersion": returns the dispersion model component. This is common for models with zero-inflation or that can model the dispersion parameter.

  • "instruments": for instrumental-variable or some fixed effects regression, returns the instruments.

  • "nonlinear": for non-linear models (like models of class nlmerMod or nls), returns staring estimates for the nonlinear parameters.

  • "correlation": for models with correlation-component, like gls, the variables used to describe the correlation structure are returned.

  • "location": returns location parameters such as conditional, zero_inflated, smooth_terms, or instruments (everything that are fixed or random effects - depending on the effects argument - but no auxiliary parameters).

  • "distributional" (or "auxiliary"): components like sigma, dispersion, beta or precision (and other auxiliary parameters) are returned.

Special models

Some model classes also allow rather uncommon options. These are:

  • mhurdle: "infrequent_purchase", "ip", and "auxiliary"

  • BGGM: "correlation" and "intercept"

  • BFBayesFactor, glmx: "extra"

  • averaging:"conditional" and "full"

  • mjoint: "survival"

  • mfx: "precision", "marginal"

  • betareg, DirichletRegModel: "precision"

  • mvord: "thresholds" and "correlation"

  • clm2: "scale"

  • selection: "selection", "outcome", and "auxiliary"

For models of class brmsfit (package brms), even more options are possible for the component argument, which are not all documented in detail here.


m <- lm(mpg ~ wt + cyl + vs, data = mtcars)

Get model parameters from marginal effects models


Returns the coefficients from a model.


## S3 method for class 'betamfx'
get_parameters(x, component = "all", ...)



A fitted model.


Which type of parameters to return, such as parameters for the conditional model, the zero-inflated part of the model, the dispersion term, the instrumental variables or marginal effects be returned? Applies to models with zero-inflated and/or dispersion formula, or to models with instrumental variables (so called fixed-effects regressions), or models with marginal effects (from mfx). See details in section Model Components .May be abbreviated. Note that the conditional component also refers to the count or mean component - names may differ, depending on the modeling package. There are three convenient shortcuts (not applicable to all model classes):

  • component = "all" returns all possible parameters.

  • If component = "location", location parameters such as conditional, zero_inflated, smooth_terms, or instruments are returned (everything that are fixed or random effects - depending on the effects argument - but no auxiliary parameters).

  • For component = "distributional" (or "auxiliary"), components like sigma, dispersion, beta or precision (and other auxiliary parameters) are returned.


Currently not used.


A data frame with three columns: the parameter names, the related point estimates and the component.

Model components

Possible values for the component argument depend on the model class. Following are valid options:

  • "all": returns all model components, applies to all models, but will only have an effect for models with more than just the conditional model component.

  • "conditional": only returns the conditional component, i.e. "fixed effects" terms from the model. Will only have an effect for models with more than just the conditional model component.

  • "smooth_terms": returns smooth terms, only applies to GAMs (or similar models that may contain smooth terms).

  • "zero_inflated" (or "zi"): returns the zero-inflation component.

  • "dispersion": returns the dispersion model component. This is common for models with zero-inflation or that can model the dispersion parameter.

  • "instruments": for instrumental-variable or some fixed effects regression, returns the instruments.

  • "nonlinear": for non-linear models (like models of class nlmerMod or nls), returns staring estimates for the nonlinear parameters.

  • "correlation": for models with correlation-component, like gls, the variables used to describe the correlation structure are returned.

  • "location": returns location parameters such as conditional, zero_inflated, smooth_terms, or instruments (everything that are fixed or random effects - depending on the effects argument - but no auxiliary parameters).

  • "distributional" (or "auxiliary"): components like sigma, dispersion, beta or precision (and other auxiliary parameters) are returned.

Special models

Some model classes also allow rather uncommon options. These are:

  • mhurdle: "infrequent_purchase", "ip", and "auxiliary"

  • BGGM: "correlation" and "intercept"

  • BFBayesFactor, glmx: "extra"

  • averaging:"conditional" and "full"

  • mjoint: "survival"

  • mfx: "precision", "marginal"

  • betareg, DirichletRegModel: "precision"

  • mvord: "thresholds" and "correlation"

  • clm2: "scale"

  • selection: "selection", "outcome", and "auxiliary"

For models of class brmsfit (package brms), even more options are possible for the component argument, which are not all documented in detail here.


m <- lm(mpg ~ wt + cyl + vs, data = mtcars)

Get model parameters from models with special components


Returns the coefficients from a model.


## S3 method for class 'betareg'
get_parameters(x, component = "all", ...)



A fitted model.


Which type of parameters to return, such as parameters for the conditional model, the zero-inflated part of the model, the dispersion term, the instrumental variables or marginal effects be returned? Applies to models with zero-inflated and/or dispersion formula, or to models with instrumental variables (so called fixed-effects regressions), or models with marginal effects (from mfx). See details in section Model Components .May be abbreviated. Note that the conditional component also refers to the count or mean component - names may differ, depending on the modeling package. There are three convenient shortcuts (not applicable to all model classes):

  • component = "all" returns all possible parameters.

  • If component = "location", location parameters such as conditional, zero_inflated, smooth_terms, or instruments are returned (everything that are fixed or random effects - depending on the effects argument - but no auxiliary parameters).

  • For component = "distributional" (or "auxiliary"), components like sigma, dispersion, beta or precision (and other auxiliary parameters) are returned.


Currently not used.


A data frame with three columns: the parameter names, the related point estimates and the component.

Model components

Possible values for the component argument depend on the model class. Following are valid options:

  • "all": returns all model components, applies to all models, but will only have an effect for models with more than just the conditional model component.

  • "conditional": only returns the conditional component, i.e. "fixed effects" terms from the model. Will only have an effect for models with more than just the conditional model component.

  • "smooth_terms": returns smooth terms, only applies to GAMs (or similar models that may contain smooth terms).

  • "zero_inflated" (or "zi"): returns the zero-inflation component.

  • "dispersion": returns the dispersion model component. This is common for models with zero-inflation or that can model the dispersion parameter.

  • "instruments": for instrumental-variable or some fixed effects regression, returns the instruments.

  • "nonlinear": for non-linear models (like models of class nlmerMod or nls), returns staring estimates for the nonlinear parameters.

  • "correlation": for models with correlation-component, like gls, the variables used to describe the correlation structure are returned.

  • "location": returns location parameters such as conditional, zero_inflated, smooth_terms, or instruments (everything that are fixed or random effects - depending on the effects argument - but no auxiliary parameters).

  • "distributional" (or "auxiliary"): components like sigma, dispersion, beta or precision (and other auxiliary parameters) are returned.

Special models

Some model classes also allow rather uncommon options. These are:

  • mhurdle: "infrequent_purchase", "ip", and "auxiliary"

  • BGGM: "correlation" and "intercept"

  • BFBayesFactor, glmx: "extra"

  • averaging:"conditional" and "full"

  • mjoint: "survival"

  • mfx: "precision", "marginal"

  • betareg, DirichletRegModel: "precision"

  • mvord: "thresholds" and "correlation"

  • clm2: "scale"

  • selection: "selection", "outcome", and "auxiliary"

For models of class brmsfit (package brms), even more options are possible for the component argument, which are not all documented in detail here.


data("GasolineYield", package = "betareg")
m <- betareg::betareg(yield ~ batch + temp, data = GasolineYield)
get_parameters(m, component = "precision")

Get model parameters from Bayesian models


Returns the coefficients (or posterior samples for Bayesian models) from a model.


## S3 method for class 'BGGM'
  component = "correlation",
  summary = FALSE,
  centrality = "mean",

## S3 method for class 'BFBayesFactor'
  effects = "all",
  component = "all",
  iterations = 4000,
  progress = FALSE,
  verbose = TRUE,
  summary = FALSE,
  centrality = "mean",

## S3 method for class 'brmsfit'
  effects = "fixed",
  component = "all",
  parameters = NULL,
  summary = FALSE,
  centrality = "mean",



A fitted model.


Which type of parameters to return, such as parameters for the conditional model, the zero-inflated part of the model, the dispersion term, the instrumental variables or marginal effects be returned? Applies to models with zero-inflated and/or dispersion formula, or to models with instrumental variables (so called fixed-effects regressions), or models with marginal effects (from mfx). See details in section Model Components .May be abbreviated. Note that the conditional component also refers to the count or mean component - names may differ, depending on the modeling package. There are three convenient shortcuts (not applicable to all model classes):

  • component = "all" returns all possible parameters.

  • If component = "location", location parameters such as conditional, zero_inflated, smooth_terms, or instruments are returned (everything that are fixed or random effects - depending on the effects argument - but no auxiliary parameters).

  • For component = "distributional" (or "auxiliary"), components like sigma, dispersion, beta or precision (and other auxiliary parameters) are returned.


Logical, indicates whether the full posterior samples (summary = FALSE)) or the summarized centrality indices of the posterior samples (summary = TRUE)) should be returned as estimates.


Only for models with posterior samples, and when summary = TRUE. In this case, centrality = "mean" would calculate means of posterior samples for each parameter, while centrality = "median" would use the more robust median value as measure of central tendency.


Currently not used.


Should variables for fixed effects ("fixed"), random effects ("random") or both ("all") be returned? Only applies to mixed models. May be abbreviated.


Number of posterior draws.


Display progress.


Toggle messages and warnings.


Regular expression pattern that describes the parameters that should be returned.


In most cases when models either return different "effects" (fixed, random) or "components" (conditional, zero-inflated, ...), the arguments effects and component can be used.


The posterior samples from the requested parameters as data frame. If summary = TRUE, returns a data frame with two columns: the parameter names and the related point estimates (based on centrality).

BFBayesFactor Models

Note that for BFBayesFactor models (from the BayesFactor package), posteriors are only extracted from the first numerator model (i.e., model[1]). If you want to apply some function foo() to another model stored in the BFBayesFactor object, index it directly, e.g. foo(model[2]), foo(1/model[5]), etc. See also bayestestR::weighted_posteriors().

Model components

Possible values for the component argument depend on the model class. Following are valid options:

  • "all": returns all model components, applies to all models, but will only have an effect for models with more than just the conditional model component.

  • "conditional": only returns the conditional component, i.e. "fixed effects" terms from the model. Will only have an effect for models with more than just the conditional model component.

  • "smooth_terms": returns smooth terms, only applies to GAMs (or similar models that may contain smooth terms).

  • "zero_inflated" (or "zi"): returns the zero-inflation component.

  • "dispersion": returns the dispersion model component. This is common for models with zero-inflation or that can model the dispersion parameter.

  • "instruments": for instrumental-variable or some fixed effects regression, returns the instruments.

  • "nonlinear": for non-linear models (like models of class nlmerMod or nls), returns staring estimates for the nonlinear parameters.

  • "correlation": for models with correlation-component, like gls, the variables used to describe the correlation structure are returned.

  • "location": returns location parameters such as conditional, zero_inflated, smooth_terms, or instruments (everything that are fixed or random effects - depending on the effects argument - but no auxiliary parameters).

  • "distributional" (or "auxiliary"): components like sigma, dispersion, beta or precision (and other auxiliary parameters) are returned.

Special models

Some model classes also allow rather uncommon options. These are:

  • mhurdle: "infrequent_purchase", "ip", and "auxiliary"

  • BGGM: "correlation" and "intercept"

  • BFBayesFactor, glmx: "extra"

  • averaging:"conditional" and "full"

  • mjoint: "survival"

  • mfx: "precision", "marginal"

  • betareg, DirichletRegModel: "precision"

  • mvord: "thresholds" and "correlation"

  • clm2: "scale"

  • selection: "selection", "outcome", and "auxiliary"

For models of class brmsfit (package brms), even more options are possible for the component argument, which are not all documented in detail here.


m <- lm(mpg ~ wt + cyl + vs, data = mtcars)

Get model parameters from estimated marginal means objects


Returns the coefficients from a model.


## S3 method for class 'emmGrid'
get_parameters(x, summary = FALSE, merge_parameters = FALSE, ...)



A fitted model.


Logical, indicates whether the full posterior samples (summary = FALSE)) or the summarized centrality indices of the posterior samples (summary = TRUE)) should be returned as estimates.


Logical, if TRUE and x has multiple columns for parameter names (like emmGrid objects may have), these are merged into a single parameter column, with parameters names and values as values.


Currently not used.


A data frame with two columns: the parameter names and the related point estimates.


Note that emmGrid or emm_list objects returned by functions from emmeans have a different structure compared to usual regression models. Hence, the Parameter column does not always contain names of variables, but may rather contain values, e.g. for contrasts. See an example for pairwise comparisons below.


model <- lm(mpg ~ wt * factor(cyl), data = mtcars)

emm <- emmeans(model, "cyl")

emm <- emmeans(model, pairwise ~ cyl)

Get model parameters from generalized additive models


Returns the coefficients from a model.


## S3 method for class 'gamm'
get_parameters(x, component = "all", ...)



A fitted model.


Which type of parameters to return, such as parameters for the conditional model, the zero-inflated part of the model, the dispersion term, the instrumental variables or marginal effects be returned? Applies to models with zero-inflated and/or dispersion formula, or to models with instrumental variables (so called fixed-effects regressions), or models with marginal effects (from mfx). See details in section Model Components .May be abbreviated. Note that the conditional component also refers to the count or mean component - names may differ, depending on the modeling package. There are three convenient shortcuts (not applicable to all model classes):

  • component = "all" returns all possible parameters.

  • If component = "location", location parameters such as conditional, zero_inflated, smooth_terms, or instruments are returned (everything that are fixed or random effects - depending on the effects argument - but no auxiliary parameters).

  • For component = "distributional" (or "auxiliary"), components like sigma, dispersion, beta or precision (and other auxiliary parameters) are returned.


Currently not used.


For models with smooth terms or zero-inflation component, a data frame with three columns: the parameter names, the related point estimates and the component.

Model components

Possible values for the component argument depend on the model class. Following are valid options:

  • "all": returns all model components, applies to all models, but will only have an effect for models with more than just the conditional model component.

  • "conditional": only returns the conditional component, i.e. "fixed effects" terms from the model. Will only have an effect for models with more than just the conditional model component.

  • "smooth_terms": returns smooth terms, only applies to GAMs (or similar models that may contain smooth terms).

  • "zero_inflated" (or "zi"): returns the zero-inflation component.

  • "dispersion": returns the dispersion model component. This is common for models with zero-inflation or that can model the dispersion parameter.

  • "instruments": for instrumental-variable or some fixed effects regression, returns the instruments.

  • "nonlinear": for non-linear models (like models of class nlmerMod or nls), returns staring estimates for the nonlinear parameters.

  • "correlation": for models with correlation-component, like gls, the variables used to describe the correlation structure are returned.

  • "location": returns location parameters such as conditional, zero_inflated, smooth_terms, or instruments (everything that are fixed or random effects - depending on the effects argument - but no auxiliary parameters).

  • "distributional" (or "auxiliary"): components like sigma, dispersion, beta or precision (and other auxiliary parameters) are returned.

Special models

Some model classes also allow rather uncommon options. These are:

  • mhurdle: "infrequent_purchase", "ip", and "auxiliary"

  • BGGM: "correlation" and "intercept"

  • BFBayesFactor, glmx: "extra"

  • averaging:"conditional" and "full"

  • mjoint: "survival"

  • mfx: "precision", "marginal"

  • betareg, DirichletRegModel: "precision"

  • mvord: "thresholds" and "correlation"

  • clm2: "scale"

  • selection: "selection", "outcome", and "auxiliary"

For models of class brmsfit (package brms), even more options are possible for the component argument, which are not all documented in detail here.


m <- lm(mpg ~ wt + cyl + vs, data = mtcars)

Get model parameters from mixed models


Returns the coefficients from a model.


## S3 method for class 'glmmTMB'
get_parameters(x, effects = "fixed", component = "all", ...)



A fitted model.


Should variables for fixed effects ("fixed"), random effects ("random") or both ("all") be returned? Only applies to mixed models. May be abbreviated.


Which type of parameters to return, such as parameters for the conditional model, the zero-inflated part of the model, the dispersion term, the instrumental variables or marginal effects be returned? Applies to models with zero-inflated and/or dispersion formula, or to models with instrumental variables (so called fixed-effects regressions), or models with marginal effects (from mfx). See details in section Model Components .May be abbreviated. Note that the conditional component also refers to the count or mean component - names may differ, depending on the modeling package. There are three convenient shortcuts (not applicable to all model classes):

  • component = "all" returns all possible parameters.

  • If component = "location", location parameters such as conditional, zero_inflated, smooth_terms, or instruments are returned (everything that are fixed or random effects - depending on the effects argument - but no auxiliary parameters).

  • For component = "distributional" (or "auxiliary"), components like sigma, dispersion, beta or precision (and other auxiliary parameters) are returned.


Currently not used.


In most cases when models either return different "effects" (fixed, random) or "components" (conditional, zero-inflated, ...), the arguments effects and component can be used. See details in the section Model Components.


If effects = "fixed", a data frame with two columns: the parameter names and the related point estimates. If effects = "random", a list of data frames with the random effects (as returned by ranef()), unless the random effects have the same simplified structure as fixed effects (e.g. for models from MCMCglmm).

Model components

Possible values for the component argument depend on the model class. Following are valid options:

  • "all": returns all model components, applies to all models, but will only have an effect for models with more than just the conditional model component.

  • "conditional": only returns the conditional component, i.e. "fixed effects" terms from the model. Will only have an effect for models with more than just the conditional model component.

  • "smooth_terms": returns smooth terms, only applies to GAMs (or similar models that may contain smooth terms).

  • "zero_inflated" (or "zi"): returns the zero-inflation component.

  • "dispersion": returns the dispersion model component. This is common for models with zero-inflation or that can model the dispersion parameter.

  • "instruments": for instrumental-variable or some fixed effects regression, returns the instruments.

  • "nonlinear": for non-linear models (like models of class nlmerMod or nls), returns staring estimates for the nonlinear parameters.

  • "correlation": for models with correlation-component, like gls, the variables used to describe the correlation structure are returned.

  • "location": returns location parameters such as conditional, zero_inflated, smooth_terms, or instruments (everything that are fixed or random effects - depending on the effects argument - but no auxiliary parameters).

  • "distributional" (or "auxiliary"): components like sigma, dispersion, beta or precision (and other auxiliary parameters) are returned.

Special models

Some model classes also allow rather uncommon options. These are:

  • mhurdle: "infrequent_purchase", "ip", and "auxiliary"

  • BGGM: "correlation" and "intercept"

  • BFBayesFactor, glmx: "extra"

  • averaging:"conditional" and "full"

  • mjoint: "survival"

  • mfx: "precision", "marginal"

  • betareg, DirichletRegModel: "precision"

  • mvord: "thresholds" and "correlation"

  • clm2: "scale"

  • selection: "selection", "outcome", and "auxiliary"

For models of class brmsfit (package brms), even more options are possible for the component argument, which are not all documented in detail here.


data(Salamanders, package = "glmmTMB")
m <- glmmTMB::glmmTMB(
  count ~ mined + (1 | site),
  ziformula = ~mined,
  family = poisson(),
  data = Salamanders

Get model parameters from htest-objects


Returns the parameters from a hypothesis test.


## S3 method for class 'htest'
get_parameters(x, ...)



A fitted model.


Currently not used.


A data frame with two columns: the parameter names and the related point estimates.


get_parameters(t.test(1:10, y = c(7:20)))

Get model parameters from zero-inflated and hurdle models


Returns the coefficients from a model.


## S3 method for class 'zeroinfl'
get_parameters(x, component = "all", ...)



A fitted model.


Which type of parameters to return, such as parameters for the conditional model, the zero-inflated part of the model, the dispersion term, the instrumental variables or marginal effects be returned? Applies to models with zero-inflated and/or dispersion formula, or to models with instrumental variables (so called fixed-effects regressions), or models with marginal effects (from mfx). See details in section Model Components .May be abbreviated. Note that the conditional component also refers to the count or mean component - names may differ, depending on the modeling package. There are three convenient shortcuts (not applicable to all model classes):

  • component = "all" returns all possible parameters.

  • If component = "location", location parameters such as conditional, zero_inflated, smooth_terms, or instruments are returned (everything that are fixed or random effects - depending on the effects argument - but no auxiliary parameters).

  • For component = "distributional" (or "auxiliary"), components like sigma, dispersion, beta or precision (and other auxiliary parameters) are returned.


Currently not used.


For models with smooth terms or zero-inflation component, a data frame with three columns: the parameter names, the related point estimates and the component.

Model components

Possible values for the component argument depend on the model class. Following are valid options:

  • "all": returns all model components, applies to all models, but will only have an effect for models with more than just the conditional model component.

  • "conditional": only returns the conditional component, i.e. "fixed effects" terms from the model. Will only have an effect for models with more than just the conditional model component.

  • "smooth_terms": returns smooth terms, only applies to GAMs (or similar models that may contain smooth terms).

  • "zero_inflated" (or "zi"): returns the zero-inflation component.

  • "dispersion": returns the dispersion model component. This is common for models with zero-inflation or that can model the dispersion parameter.

  • "instruments": for instrumental-variable or some fixed effects regression, returns the instruments.

  • "nonlinear": for non-linear models (like models of class nlmerMod or nls), returns staring estimates for the nonlinear parameters.

  • "correlation": for models with correlation-component, like gls, the variables used to describe the correlation structure are returned.

  • "location": returns location parameters such as conditional, zero_inflated, smooth_terms, or instruments (everything that are fixed or random effects - depending on the effects argument - but no auxiliary parameters).

  • "distributional" (or "auxiliary"): components like sigma, dispersion, beta or precision (and other auxiliary parameters) are returned.

Special models

Some model classes also allow rather uncommon options. These are:

  • mhurdle: "infrequent_purchase", "ip", and "auxiliary"

  • BGGM: "correlation" and "intercept"

  • BFBayesFactor, glmx: "extra"

  • averaging:"conditional" and "full"

  • mjoint: "survival"

  • mfx: "precision", "marginal"

  • betareg, DirichletRegModel: "precision"

  • mvord: "thresholds" and "correlation"

  • clm2: "scale"

  • selection: "selection", "outcome", and "auxiliary"

For models of class brmsfit (package brms), even more options are possible for the component argument, which are not all documented in detail here.


m <- lm(mpg ~ wt + cyl + vs, data = mtcars)

Model predictions (robust) and their confidence intervals


The get_predicted() function is a robust, flexible and user-friendly alternative to base R predict() function. Additional features and advantages include availability of uncertainty intervals (CI), bootstrapping, a more intuitive API and the support of more models than base R's predict() function. However, although the interface are simplified, it is still very important to read the documentation of the arguments. This is because making "predictions" (a lose term for a variety of things) is a non-trivial process, with lots of caveats and complications. Read the 'Details' section for more information.

get_predicted_ci() returns the confidence (or prediction) interval (CI) associated with predictions made by a model. This function can be called separately on a vector of predicted values. get_predicted() usually returns confidence intervals (included as attribute, and accessible via the method) by default. It is preferred to rely on the get_predicted() function for standard errors and confidence intervals - use get_predicted_ci() only if standard errors and confidence intervals are not available otherwise.


get_predicted(x, ...)

## Default S3 method:
  data = NULL,
  predict = "expectation",
  ci = NULL,
  ci_type = "confidence",
  ci_method = NULL,
  dispersion_method = "sd",
  vcov = NULL,
  vcov_args = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE,

## S3 method for class 'lm'
  data = NULL,
  predict = "expectation",
  ci = NULL,
  iterations = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE,

## S3 method for class 'stanreg'
  data = NULL,
  predict = "expectation",
  iterations = NULL,
  ci = NULL,
  ci_method = NULL,
  include_random = "default",
  include_smooth = TRUE,
  verbose = TRUE,

## S3 method for class 'gam'
  data = NULL,
  predict = "expectation",
  ci = NULL,
  include_random = TRUE,
  include_smooth = TRUE,
  iterations = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE,

## S3 method for class 'lmerMod'
  data = NULL,
  predict = "expectation",
  ci = NULL,
  ci_method = NULL,
  include_random = "default",
  iterations = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE,

## S3 method for class 'principal'
get_predicted(x, data = NULL, ...)



A statistical model (can also be a data.frame, in which case the second argument has to be a model).


Other argument to be passed, for instance to get_predicted_ci().


An optional data frame in which to look for variables with which to predict. If omitted, the data used to fit the model is used. Visualization matrices can be generated using get_datagrid().


string or NULL

  • "link" returns predictions on the model's link-scale (for logistic models, that means the log-odds scale) with a confidence interval (CI).

  • "expectation" (default) also returns confidence intervals, but this time the output is on the response scale (for logistic models, that means probabilities).

  • "prediction" also gives an output on the response scale, but this time associated with a prediction interval (PI), which is larger than a confidence interval (though it mostly make sense for linear models).

  • "classification" only differs from "prediction" for binomial models where it additionally transforms the predictions into the original response's type (for instance, to a factor).

  • Other strings are passed directly to the type argument of the predict() method supplied by the modelling package.

  • Specifically for models of class brmsfit (package brms), the predict argument can be any valid option for the dpar argument, to predict distributional parameters (such as "sigma", "beta", "kappa", "phi" and so on, see ?brms::brmsfamily).

  • When predict = NULL, alternative arguments such as type will be captured by the ... ellipsis and passed directly to the predict() method supplied by the modelling package. Note that this might result in conflicts with multiple matching type arguments - thus, the recommendation is to use the predict argument for those values.

  • Notes: You can see the 4 options for predictions as on a gradient from "close to the model" to "close to the response data": "link", "expectation", "prediction", "classification". The predict argument modulates two things: the scale of the output and the type of certainty interval. Read more about in the Details section below.


The interval level. Default is NULL, to be fast even for larger models. Set the interval level to an explicit value, e.g. 0.95, for ⁠95%⁠ CI).


Can be "prediction" or "confidence". Prediction intervals show the range that likely contains the value of a new observation (in what range it would fall), whereas confidence intervals reflect the uncertainty around the estimated parameters (and gives the range of the link; for instance of the regression line in a linear regressions). Prediction intervals account for both the uncertainty in the model's parameters, plus the random variation of the individual values. Thus, prediction intervals are always wider than confidence intervals. Moreover, prediction intervals will not necessarily become narrower as the sample size increases (as they do not reflect only the quality of the fit). This applies mostly for "simple" linear models (like lm), as for other models (e.g., glm), prediction intervals are somewhat useless (for instance, for a binomial model for which the dependent variable is a vector of 1s and 0s, the prediction interval is... ⁠[0, 1]⁠).


The method for computing p values and confidence intervals. Possible values depend on model type.

  • NULL uses the default method, which varies based on the model type.

  • Most frequentist models: "wald" (default), "residual" or "normal".

  • Bayesian models: "quantile" (default), "hdi", "eti", and "spi".

  • Mixed effects lme4 models: "wald" (default), "residual", "normal", "satterthwaite", and "kenward-roger".

See get_df() for details.


Bootstrap dispersion and Bayesian posterior summary: "sd" or "mad".


Variance-covariance matrix used to compute uncertainty estimates (e.g., for robust standard errors). This argument accepts a covariance matrix, a function which returns a covariance matrix, or a string which identifies the function to be used to compute the covariance matrix.

  • A covariance matrix

  • A function which returns a covariance matrix (e.g., stats::vcov())

  • A string which indicates the kind of uncertainty estimates to return.

    • Heteroskedasticity-consistent: "HC", "HC0", "HC1", "HC2", "HC3", "HC4", "HC4m", "HC5". See ?sandwich::vcovHC

    • Cluster-robust: "CR", "CR0", "CR1", "CR1p", "CR1S", "CR2", "CR3". See ?clubSandwich::vcovCR

    • Bootstrap: "BS", "xy", "residual", "wild", "mammen", "fractional", "jackknife", "norm", "webb". See ?sandwich::vcovBS

    • Other sandwich package functions: "HAC", "PC", "CL", "OPG", "PL".

    • Kenward-Roger approximation: kenward-roger. See ?pbkrtest::vcovAdj.

One exception are models of class glmgee, which have pre-defined options for the variance-covariance matrix calculation. These are "robust", "df-adjusted", "model", "bias-corrected", and "jackknife". See ?glmtoolbox::vcov.glmgee for details.


List of arguments to be passed to the function identified by the vcov argument. This function is typically supplied by the sandwich or clubSandwich packages. Please refer to their documentation (e.g., ?sandwich::vcovHAC) to see the list of available arguments. If no estimation type (argument type) is given, the default type for "HC" equals the default from the sandwich package; for type "CR", the default is set to "CR3".


Toggle warnings.


For Bayesian models, this corresponds to the number of posterior draws. If NULL, will return all the draws (one for each iteration of the model). For frequentist models, if not NULL, will generate bootstrapped draws, from which bootstrapped CIs will be computed. Iterations can be accessed by running, keep_iterations = TRUE) on the output.


If "default", include all random effects in the prediction, unless random effect variables are not in the data. If TRUE, include all random effects in the prediction (in this case, it will be checked if actually all random effect variables are in data). If FALSE, don't take them into account. Can also be a formula to specify which random effects to condition on when predicting (passed to the re.form argument). If include_random = TRUE and data is provided, make sure to include the random effect variables in data as well.


For General Additive Models (GAMs). If FALSE, will fix the value of the smooth to its average, so that the predictions are not depending on it. (default), mean(), or bayestestR::map_estimate().


In insight::get_predicted(), the predict argument jointly modulates two separate concepts, the scale and the uncertainty interval.


The fitted values (i.e. predictions for the response). For Bayesian or bootstrapped models (when iterations != NULL), iterations (as columns and observations are rows) can be accessed via

Confidence Interval (CI) vs. Prediction Interval (PI))

  • Linear models - lm(): For linear models, prediction intervals (predict="prediction") show the range that likely contains the value of a new observation (in what range it is likely to fall), whereas confidence intervals (predict="expectation" or predict="link") reflect the uncertainty around the estimated parameters (and gives the range of uncertainty of the regression line). In general, Prediction Intervals (PIs) account for both the uncertainty in the model's parameters, plus the random variation of the individual values. Thus, prediction intervals are always wider than confidence intervals. Moreover, prediction intervals will not necessarily become narrower as the sample size increases (as they do not reflect only the quality of the fit, but also the variability within the data).

  • Generalized Linear models - glm(): For binomial models, prediction intervals are somewhat useless (for instance, for a binomial (Bernoulli) model for which the dependent variable is a vector of 1s and 0s, the prediction interval is... ⁠[0, 1]⁠).

Link scale vs. Response scale

When users set the predict argument to "expectation", the predictions are returned on the response scale, which is arguably the most convenient way to understand and visualize relationships of interest. When users set the predict argument to "link", predictions are returned on the link scale, and no transformation is applied. For instance, for a logistic regression model, the response scale corresponds to the predicted probabilities, whereas the link-scale makes predictions of log-odds (probabilities on the logit scale). Note that when users select predict="classification" in binomial models, the get_predicted() function will first calculate predictions as if the user had selected predict="expectation". Then, it will round the responses in order to return the most likely outcome.

Heteroscedasticity consistent standard errors

The arguments vcov and vcov_args can be used to calculate robust standard errors for confidence intervals of predictions. These arguments, when provided in get_predicted(), are passed down to get_predicted_ci(), thus, see the related documentation there for more details.

Bayesian and Bootstrapped models and iterations

For predictions based on multiple iterations, for instance in the case of Bayesian models and bootstrapped predictions, the function used to compute the centrality (point-estimate predictions) can be modified via the centrality_function argument. For instance, get_predicted(model, centrality_function = stats::median). The default is mean. Individual draws can be accessed by running iter <-, and their iterations can be reshaped into a long format by bayestestR::reshape_iterations(iter).

See Also



x <- lm(mpg ~ cyl + hp, data = mtcars)

predictions <- get_predicted(x, ci = 0.95)

# Options and methods ---------------------
get_predicted(x, predict = "prediction")

# Get CI

# Bootstrapped, iterations = 4))
# Same as, keep_iterations = FALSE)
summary(get_predicted(x, iterations = 4))

# Different prediction types ------------------------
data <- droplevels(iris[1:100, ])

# Fit a logistic model
x <- glm(Species ~ Sepal.Length, data = data, family = "binomial")

# Expectation (default): response scale + CI
pred <- get_predicted(x, predict = "expectation", ci = 0.95)

# Prediction: response scale + PI
pred <- get_predicted(x, predict = "prediction", ci = 0.95)

# Link: link scale + CI
pred <- get_predicted(x, predict = "link", ci = 0.95)

# Classification: classification "type" + PI
pred <- get_predicted(x, predict = "classification", ci = 0.95)

Confidence intervals around predicted values


Confidence intervals around predicted values


get_predicted_ci(x, ...)

## Default S3 method:
  predictions = NULL,
  data = NULL,
  se = NULL,
  ci = 0.95,
  ci_type = "confidence",
  ci_method = NULL,
  dispersion_method = "sd",
  vcov = NULL,
  vcov_args = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE,



A statistical model (can also be a data.frame, in which case the second argument has to be a model).


Other argument to be passed, for instance to get_predicted_ci().


A vector of predicted values (as obtained by stats::fitted(), stats::predict() or get_predicted()).


An optional data frame in which to look for variables with which to predict. If omitted, the data used to fit the model is used. Visualization matrices can be generated using get_datagrid().


Numeric vector of standard error of predicted values. If NULL, standard errors are calculated based on the variance-covariance matrix.


The interval level. Default is NULL, to be fast even for larger models. Set the interval level to an explicit value, e.g. 0.95, for ⁠95%⁠ CI).


Can be "prediction" or "confidence". Prediction intervals show the range that likely contains the value of a new observation (in what range it would fall), whereas confidence intervals reflect the uncertainty around the estimated parameters (and gives the range of the link; for instance of the regression line in a linear regressions). Prediction intervals account for both the uncertainty in the model's parameters, plus the random variation of the individual values. Thus, prediction intervals are always wider than confidence intervals. Moreover, prediction intervals will not necessarily become narrower as the sample size increases (as they do not reflect only the quality of the fit). This applies mostly for "simple" linear models (like lm), as for other models (e.g., glm), prediction intervals are somewhat useless (for instance, for a binomial model for which the dependent variable is a vector of 1s and 0s, the prediction interval is... ⁠[0, 1]⁠).


The method for computing p values and confidence intervals. Possible values depend on model type.

  • NULL uses the default method, which varies based on the model type.

  • Most frequentist models: "wald" (default), "residual" or "normal".

  • Bayesian models: "quantile" (default), "hdi", "eti", and "spi".

  • Mixed effects lme4 models: "wald" (default), "residual", "normal", "satterthwaite", and "kenward-roger".

See get_df() for details.


Bootstrap dispersion and Bayesian posterior summary: "sd" or "mad".


Variance-covariance matrix used to compute uncertainty estimates (e.g., for robust standard errors). This argument accepts a covariance matrix, a function which returns a covariance matrix, or a string which identifies the function to be used to compute the covariance matrix.

  • A covariance matrix

  • A function which returns a covariance matrix (e.g., stats::vcov())

  • A string which indicates the kind of uncertainty estimates to return.

    • Heteroskedasticity-consistent: "HC", "HC0", "HC1", "HC2", "HC3", "HC4", "HC4m", "HC5". See ?sandwich::vcovHC

    • Cluster-robust: "CR", "CR0", "CR1", "CR1p", "CR1S", "CR2", "CR3". See ?clubSandwich::vcovCR

    • Bootstrap: "BS", "xy", "residual", "wild", "mammen", "fractional", "jackknife", "norm", "webb". See ?sandwich::vcovBS

    • Other sandwich package functions: "HAC", "PC", "CL", "OPG", "PL".

    • Kenward-Roger approximation: kenward-roger. See ?pbkrtest::vcovAdj.

One exception are models of class glmgee, which have pre-defined options for the variance-covariance matrix calculation. These are "robust", "df-adjusted", "model", "bias-corrected", and "jackknife". See ?glmtoolbox::vcov.glmgee for details.


List of arguments to be passed to the function identified by the vcov argument. This function is typically supplied by the sandwich or clubSandwich packages. Please refer to their documentation (e.g., ?sandwich::vcovHAC) to see the list of available arguments. If no estimation type (argument type) is given, the default type for "HC" equals the default from the sandwich package; for type "CR", the default is set to "CR3".


Toggle warnings.


Typically, get_predicted() returns confidence intervals based on the standard errors as returned by the predict()-function, assuming normal distribution (⁠+/- 1.96 * SE⁠) resp. a Student's t-distribution (if degrees of freedom are available). If predict() for a certain class does not return standard errors (for example, merMod-objects), these are calculated manually, based on following steps: matrix-multiply X by the parameter vector B to get the predictions, then extract the variance-covariance matrix V of the parameters and compute ⁠XVX'⁠ to get the variance-covariance matrix of the predictions. The square-root of the diagonal of this matrix represent the standard errors of the predictions, which are then multiplied by the critical test-statistic value (e.g., ~1.96 for normal distribution) for the confidence intervals.

If ci_type = "prediction", prediction intervals are calculated. These are wider than confidence intervals, because they also take into account the uncertainty of the model itself. Before taking the square-root of the diagonal of the variance-covariance matrix, get_predicted_ci() adds the residual variance to these values. For mixed models, get_variance_residual() is used, while get_sigma()^2 is used for non-mixed models.

It is preferred to rely on standard errors returned by get_predicted() (i.e. returned by the predict()-function), because these are more accurate than manually calculated standard errors. Use get_predicted_ci() only if standard errors are not available otherwise. An exception are Bayesian models or bootstrapped predictions, where get_predicted_ci() returns quantiles of the posterior distribution or bootstrapped samples of the predictions. These are actually accurate standard errors resp. confidence (or uncertainty) intervals.


# Confidence Intervals for Model Predictions
# ------------------------------------------


# Linear model
# ------------
x <- lm(mpg ~ cyl + hp, data = mtcars)
predictions <- predict(x)
ci_vals <- get_predicted_ci(x, predictions, ci_type = "prediction")
ci_vals <- get_predicted_ci(x, predictions, ci_type = "confidence")
ci_vals <- get_predicted_ci(x, predictions, ci = c(0.8, 0.9, 0.95))

# Bootstrapped
# ------------
predictions <- get_predicted(x, iterations = 500)
get_predicted_ci(x, predictions)

ci_vals <- get_predicted_ci(x, predictions, ci = c(0.80, 0.95))

ci_vals <- get_predicted_ci(x,
  dispersion_method = "MAD",
  ci_method = "HDI"

# Logistic model
# --------------
x <- glm(vs ~ wt, data = mtcars, family = "binomial")
predictions <- predict(x, type = "link")
ci_vals <- get_predicted_ci(x, predictions, ci_type = "prediction")
ci_vals <- get_predicted_ci(x, predictions, ci_type = "confidence")

Get the data from model predictors


Returns the data from all predictor variables (fixed effects).


get_predictors(x, verbose = TRUE)



A fitted model.


Toggle messages and warnings.


The data from all predictor variables, as data frame.


m <- lm(mpg ~ wt + cyl + vs, data = mtcars)

Get summary of priors used for a model


Provides a summary of the prior distributions used for the parameters in a given model.


get_priors(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'brmsfit'
get_priors(x, verbose = TRUE, ...)



A Bayesian model.


Currently not used.


Toggle warnings and messages.


A data frame with a summary of the prior distributions used for the parameters in a given model.


model <- stan_glm(Sepal.Width ~ Species * Petal.Length, data = iris)

Get the data from random effects


Returns the data from all random effects terms.





A fitted mixed model.


The data from all random effects terms, as data frame. Or NULL if model has no random effects.


# prepare some data...
sleepstudy$mygrp <- sample(1:5, size = 180, replace = TRUE)
sleepstudy$mysubgrp <- NA
for (i in 1:5) {
  filter_group <- sleepstudy$mygrp == i
  sleepstudy$mysubgrp[filter_group] <-
    sample(1:30, size = sum(filter_group), replace = TRUE)

m <- lmer(
  Reaction ~ Days + (1 | mygrp / mysubgrp) + (1 | Subject),
  data = sleepstudy


Extract model residuals


Returns the residuals from regression models.


get_residuals(x, ...)

## Default S3 method:
get_residuals(x, weighted = FALSE, verbose = TRUE, ...)



A model.


Passed down to residuals(), if possible.


Logical, if TRUE, returns weighted residuals.


Toggle warnings and messages.


The residuals, or NULL if this information could not be accessed.


This function returns the default type of residuals, i.e. for the response from linear models, the deviance residuals for models of class glm etc. To access different types, pass down the type argument (see 'Examples').

This function is a robust alternative to residuals(), as it works for some special model objects that otherwise do not respond properly to calling residuals().


m <- lm(mpg ~ wt + cyl + vs, data = mtcars)

m <- glm(vs ~ wt + cyl + mpg, data = mtcars, family = binomial())
get_residuals(m) # type = "deviance" by default
get_residuals(m, type = "response")

Get the values from the response variable


Returns the values the response variable(s) from a model object. If the model is a multivariate response model, a data frame with values from all response variables is returned.


get_response(x, ...)

## Default S3 method:
  select = NULL,
  as_proportion = TRUE,
  source = "environment",
  verbose = TRUE,

## S3 method for class 'nestedLogit'
get_response(x, dichotomies = FALSE, source = "environment", ...)



A fitted model.


Currently not used.


Optional name(s) of response variables for which to extract values. Can be used in case of regression models with multiple response variables.


Logical, if TRUE and the response value is a proportion (e.g. y1 / y2), then the returned response value will be a vector with the result of this proportion. Else, always a data frame is returned.


String, indicating from where data should be recovered. If source = "environment" (default), data is recovered from the environment (e.g. if the data is in the workspace). This option is usually the fastest way of getting data and ensures that the original variables used for model fitting are returned. Note that always the current data is recovered from the environment. Hence, if the data was modified after model fitting (e.g., variables were recoded or rows filtered), the returned data may no longer equal the model data. If source = "frame" (or "mf"), the data is taken from the model frame. Any transformed variables are back-transformed, if possible. This option returns the data even if it is not available in the environment, however, in certain edge cases back-transforming to the original data may fail. If source = "environment" fails to recover the data, it tries to extract the data from the model frame; if source = "frame" and data cannot be extracted from the model frame, data will be recovered from the environment. Both ways only returns observations that have no missing data in the variables used for model fitting.


Toggle warnings.


Logical, if model is a nestedLogit objects, returns the response values for the dichotomies.


The values of the response variable, as vector, or a data frame if x has more than one defined response variable.


cbpp$trials <- cbpp$size - cbpp$incidence
dat <<- cbpp

m <- glm(cbind(incidence, trials) ~ period, data = dat, family = binomial)
get_response(m, select = "incidence")

m <- lm(mpg ~ wt + cyl + vs, data = mtcars)

Get residual standard deviation from models


Returns sigma, which corresponds the estimated standard deviation of the residuals. This function extends the sigma() base R generic for models that don't have implemented it. It also computes the confidence interval (CI), which is stored as an attribute.

Sigma is a key-component of regression models, and part of the so-called auxiliary parameters that are estimated. Indeed, linear models for instance assume that the residuals comes from a normal distribution with mean 0 and standard deviation sigma. See the details section below for more information about its interpretation and calculation.


get_sigma(x, ci = NULL, verbose = TRUE, ...)



A model.


Scalar, the CI level. The default (NULL) returns no CI.


Toggle messages and warnings.


For internal use.


The residual standard deviation (sigma), or NULL if this information could not be accessed.

Interpretation of Sigma

The residual standard deviation, σ, indicates that the predicted outcome will be within +/- σ units of the linear predictor for approximately ⁠68%⁠ of the data points (Gelman, Hill & Vehtari 2020, p.84). In other words, the residual standard deviation indicates the accuracy for a model to predict scores, thus it can be thought of as "a measure of the average distance each observation falls from its prediction from the model" (Gelman, Hill & Vehtari 2020, p.168). σ can be considered as a measure of the unexplained variation in the data, or of the precision of inferences about regression coefficients.

Calculation of Sigma

By default, get_sigma() tries to extract sigma by calling stats::sigma(). If the model-object has no sigma() method, the next step is calculating sigma as square-root of the model-deviance divided by the residual degrees of freedom. Finally, if even this approach fails, and x is a mixed model, the residual standard deviation is accessed using the square-root from get_variance_residual().


Gelman, A., Hill, J., & Vehtari, A. (2020). Regression and Other Stories. Cambridge University Press.


m <- lm(mpg ~ wt + cyl + vs, data = mtcars)

Get statistic associated with estimates


Returns the statistic (t, z, ...) for model estimates. In most cases, this is the related column from coef(summary()).


get_statistic(x, ...)

## Default S3 method:
get_statistic(x, column_index = 3, verbose = TRUE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'glmmTMB'
get_statistic(x, component = "all", ...)

## S3 method for class 'emmGrid'
get_statistic(x, ci = 0.95, adjust = "none", merge_parameters = FALSE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'gee'
get_statistic(x, robust = FALSE, ...)



A model.


Currently not used.


For model objects that have no defined get_statistic() method yet, the default method is called. This method tries to extract the statistic column from coef(summary()), where the index of the column that is being pulled is column_index. Defaults to 3, which is the default statistic column for most models' summary-output.


Toggle warnings.


Which type of parameters to return, such as parameters for the conditional model, the zero-inflated part of the model, the dispersion term, the instrumental variables or marginal effects be returned? Applies to models with zero-inflated and/or dispersion formula, or to models with instrumental variables (so called fixed-effects regressions), or models with marginal effects (from mfx). See details in section Model Components .May be abbreviated. Note that the conditional component also refers to the count or mean component - names may differ, depending on the modeling package. There are three convenient shortcuts (not applicable to all model classes):

  • component = "all" returns all possible parameters.

  • If component = "location", location parameters such as conditional, zero_inflated, smooth_terms, or instruments are returned (everything that are fixed or random effects - depending on the effects argument - but no auxiliary parameters).

  • For component = "distributional" (or "auxiliary"), components like sigma, dispersion, beta or precision (and other auxiliary parameters) are returned.


Confidence Interval (CI) level. Default to 0.95 (⁠95%⁠). Currently only applies to objects of class emmGrid.


Character value naming the method used to adjust p-values or confidence intervals. See ?emmeans::summary.emmGrid for details.


Logical, if TRUE and x has multiple columns for parameter names (like emmGrid objects may have), these are merged into a single parameter column, with parameters names and values as values.


Logical, if TRUE, test statistic based on robust standard errors is returned.


A data frame with the model's parameter names and the related test statistic.

Model components

Possible values for the component argument depend on the model class. Following are valid options:

  • "all": returns all model components, applies to all models, but will only have an effect for models with more than just the conditional model component.

  • "conditional": only returns the conditional component, i.e. "fixed effects" terms from the model. Will only have an effect for models with more than just the conditional model component.

  • "smooth_terms": returns smooth terms, only applies to GAMs (or similar models that may contain smooth terms).

  • "zero_inflated" (or "zi"): returns the zero-inflation component.

  • "dispersion": returns the dispersion model component. This is common for models with zero-inflation or that can model the dispersion parameter.

  • "instruments": for instrumental-variable or some fixed effects regression, returns the instruments.

  • "nonlinear": for non-linear models (like models of class nlmerMod or nls), returns staring estimates for the nonlinear parameters.

  • "correlation": for models with correlation-component, like gls, the variables used to describe the correlation structure are returned.

  • "location": returns location parameters such as conditional, zero_inflated, smooth_terms, or instruments (everything that are fixed or random effects - depending on the effects argument - but no auxiliary parameters).

  • "distributional" (or "auxiliary"): components like sigma, dispersion, beta or precision (and other auxiliary parameters) are returned.

Special models

Some model classes also allow rather uncommon options. These are:

  • mhurdle: "infrequent_purchase", "ip", and "auxiliary"

  • BGGM: "correlation" and "intercept"

  • BFBayesFactor, glmx: "extra"

  • averaging:"conditional" and "full"

  • mjoint: "survival"

  • mfx: "precision", "marginal"

  • betareg, DirichletRegModel: "precision"

  • mvord: "thresholds" and "correlation"

  • clm2: "scale"

  • selection: "selection", "outcome", and "auxiliary"

For models of class brmsfit (package brms), even more options are possible for the component argument, which are not all documented in detail here.


m <- lm(mpg ~ wt + cyl + vs, data = mtcars)

Return function of transformed response variables


This functions checks whether any transformation, such as log- or exp-transforming, was applied to the response variable (dependent variable) in a regression formula, and returns the related function that was used for transformation. See find_transformation() for an overview of supported transformations that are detected.


get_transformation(x, include_all = FALSE, verbose = TRUE)



A regression model or a character string of the formulation of the (response) variable.


Logical, if TRUE, does not only check the response variable, but all model terms.


Logical, if TRUE, prints a warning if the transformation could not be determined.


A list of two functions: ⁠$transformation⁠, the function that was used to transform the response variable; ⁠$inverse⁠, the inverse-function of ⁠$transformation⁠ (can be used for "back-transformation"). If no transformation was applied, both list-elements ⁠$transformation⁠ and ⁠$inverse⁠ just return function(x) x. If transformation is unknown, NULL is returned.


# identity, no transformation
model <- lm(Sepal.Length ~ Species, data = iris)

# log-transformation
model <- lm(log(Sepal.Length) ~ Species, data = iris)

# log-function

# inverse function is exp()

# get transformations for all model terms
model <- lm(mpg ~ log(wt) + I(gear^2) + exp(am), data = mtcars)
get_transformation(model, include_all = TRUE)

Get variance-covariance matrix from models


Returns the variance-covariance, as retrieved by stats::vcov(), but works for more model objects that probably don't provide a vcov()-method.


get_varcov(x, ...)

## Default S3 method:
get_varcov(x, verbose = TRUE, vcov = NULL, vcov_args = NULL, ...)

## S3 method for class 'glmgee'
get_varcov(x, verbose = TRUE, vcov = "robust", ...)

## S3 method for class 'hurdle'
  component = "conditional",
  vcov = NULL,
  vcov_args = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE,

## S3 method for class 'aov'
get_varcov(x, complete = FALSE, verbose = TRUE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'mixor'
get_varcov(x, effects = "all", verbose = TRUE, ...)



A model.


Currently not used.


Toggle warnings.


Variance-covariance matrix used to compute uncertainty estimates (e.g., for robust standard errors). This argument accepts a covariance matrix, a function which returns a covariance matrix, or a string which identifies the function to be used to compute the covariance matrix.

  • A covariance matrix

  • A function which returns a covariance matrix (e.g., stats::vcov())

  • A string which indicates the kind of uncertainty estimates to return.

    • Heteroskedasticity-consistent: "HC", "HC0", "HC1", "HC2", "HC3", "HC4", "HC4m", "HC5". See ?sandwich::vcovHC

    • Cluster-robust: "CR", "CR0", "CR1", "CR1p", "CR1S", "CR2", "CR3". See ?clubSandwich::vcovCR

    • Bootstrap: "BS", "xy", "residual", "wild", "mammen", "fractional", "jackknife", "norm", "webb". See ?sandwich::vcovBS

    • Other sandwich package functions: "HAC", "PC", "CL", "OPG", "PL".

    • Kenward-Roger approximation: kenward-roger. See ?pbkrtest::vcovAdj.

One exception are models of class glmgee, which have pre-defined options for the variance-covariance matrix calculation. These are "robust", "df-adjusted", "model", "bias-corrected", and "jackknife". See ?glmtoolbox::vcov.glmgee for details.


List of arguments to be passed to the function identified by the vcov argument. This function is typically supplied by the sandwich or clubSandwich packages. Please refer to their documentation (e.g., ?sandwich::vcovHAC) to see the list of available arguments. If no estimation type (argument type) is given, the default type for "HC" equals the default from the sandwich package; for type "CR", the default is set to "CR3".


Should the complete variance-covariance matrix of the model be returned, or only for specific model components only (like count or zero-inflated model parts)? Applies to models with zero-inflated component, or models with precision (e.g. betareg) component. component may be one of "conditional", "zi", "zero-inflated", "dispersion", "precision", or "all". May be abbreviated. Note that the conditional component also refers to the count or mean component - names may differ, depending on the modeling package. See section Model components for details.


Logical, if TRUE, for aov, returns the full variance-covariance matrix.


Should the complete variance-covariance matrix of the model be returned, or only for specific model parameters only? Currently only applies to models of class mixor and MixMod.


The variance-covariance matrix, as matrix-object.

Model components

Possible values for the component argument depend on the model class. Following are valid options:

  • "all": returns all model components, applies to all models, but will only have an effect for models with more than just the conditional model component.

  • "conditional": only returns the conditional component, i.e. "fixed effects" terms from the model. Will only have an effect for models with more than just the conditional model component.

  • "smooth_terms": returns smooth terms, only applies to GAMs (or similar models that may contain smooth terms).

  • "zero_inflated" (or "zi"): returns the zero-inflation component.

  • "dispersion": returns the dispersion model component. This is common for models with zero-inflation or that can model the dispersion parameter.

  • "instruments": for instrumental-variable or some fixed effects regression, returns the instruments.

  • "nonlinear": for non-linear models (like models of class nlmerMod or nls), returns staring estimates for the nonlinear parameters.

  • "correlation": for models with correlation-component, like gls, the variables used to describe the correlation structure are returned.

  • "location": returns location parameters such as conditional, zero_inflated, smooth_terms, or instruments (everything that are fixed or random effects - depending on the effects argument - but no auxiliary parameters).

  • "distributional" (or "auxiliary"): components like sigma, dispersion, beta or precision (and other auxiliary parameters) are returned.

Special models

Some model classes also allow rather uncommon options. These are:

  • mhurdle: "infrequent_purchase", "ip", and "auxiliary"

  • BGGM: "correlation" and "intercept"

  • BFBayesFactor, glmx: "extra"

  • averaging:"conditional" and "full"

  • mjoint: "survival"

  • mfx: "precision", "marginal"

  • betareg, DirichletRegModel: "precision"

  • mvord: "thresholds" and "correlation"

  • clm2: "scale"

  • selection: "selection", "outcome", and "auxiliary"

For models of class brmsfit (package brms), even more options are possible for the component argument, which are not all documented in detail here.


get_varcov() tries to return the nearest positive definite matrix in case of negative eigenvalues of the variance-covariance matrix. This ensures that it is still possible, for instance, to calculate standard errors of model parameters. A message is shown when the matrix is negative definite and a corrected matrix is returned.


m <- lm(mpg ~ wt + cyl + vs, data = mtcars)

# vcov of zero-inflation component from hurdle-model
data("bioChemists", package = "pscl")
mod <- hurdle(art ~ phd + fem | ment, data = bioChemists, dist = "negbin")
get_varcov(mod, component = "zero_inflated")

# robust vcov of, count component from hurdle-model
data("bioChemists", package = "pscl")
mod <- hurdle(art ~ phd + fem | ment, data = bioChemists, dist = "negbin")
  component = "conditional",
  vcov = "BS",
  vcov_args = list(R = 50)

Get variance components from random effects models


This function extracts the different variance components of a mixed model and returns the result as list. Functions like get_variance_residual(x) or get_variance_fixed(x) are shortcuts for get_variance(x, component = "residual") etc.


get_variance(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'merMod'
  component = "all",
  tolerance = 1e-08,
  null_model = NULL,
  approximation = "lognormal",
  verbose = TRUE,

## S3 method for class 'glmmTMB'
  component = "all",
  model_component = NULL,
  tolerance = 1e-08,
  null_model = NULL,
  approximation = "lognormal",
  verbose = TRUE,

get_variance_residual(x, verbose = TRUE, ...)

get_variance_fixed(x, verbose = TRUE, ...)

get_variance_random(x, verbose = TRUE, tolerance = 1e-08, ...)

get_variance_distribution(x, verbose = TRUE, ...)

get_variance_dispersion(x, verbose = TRUE, ...)

get_variance_intercept(x, verbose = TRUE, ...)

get_variance_slope(x, verbose = TRUE, ...)

get_correlation_slope_intercept(x, verbose = TRUE, ...)

get_correlation_slopes(x, verbose = TRUE, ...)



A mixed effects model.


Currently not used.


Character value, indicating the variance component that should be returned. By default, all variance components are returned. Valid options are "all", "fixed", "random", "residual", "distribution", "dispersion", "intercept", "slope", "rho01", and "rho00", which are equivalent to calling the dedicated functions like get_variance_residual() etc. The distribution-specific ("distribution") and residual ("residual") variance are the most computational intensive components, and hence may take a few seconds to calculate.


Tolerance for singularity check of random effects, to decide whether to compute random effect variances or not. Indicates up to which value the convergence result is accepted. The larger tolerance is, the stricter the test will be. See performance::check_singularity().


Optional, a null-model to be used for the calculation of random effect variances. If NULL, the null-model is computed internally.


Character string, indicating the approximation method for the distribution-specific (observation level, or residual) variance. Only applies to non-Gaussian models. Can be "lognormal" (default), "delta" or "trigamma". For binomial models, the default is the theoretical distribution specific variance, however, it can also be "observation_level". See Nakagawa et al. 2017, in particular supplement 2, for details.


Toggle off warnings.


For models that can have a zero-inflation component, specify for which component variances should be returned. If NULL or "full" (the default), both the conditional and the zero-inflation component are taken into account. If "conditional", only the conditional component is considered.


This function returns different variance components from mixed models, which are needed, for instance, to calculate r-squared measures or the intraclass-correlation coefficient (ICC).


A list with following elements:

  • var.fixed, variance attributable to the fixed effects

  • var.random, (mean) variance of random effects

  • var.residual, residual variance (sum of dispersion and distribution-specific/observation level variance)

  • var.distribution, distribution-specific (or observation level) variance

  • var.dispersion, variance due to additive dispersion

  • var.intercept, the random-intercept-variance, or between-subject-variance (τ00)

  • var.slope, the random-slope-variance (τ11)

  • cor.slope_intercept, the random-slope-intercept-correlation (ρ01)

  • cor.slopes, the correlation between random slopes (ρ00)

Fixed effects variance

The fixed effects variance, σ2f, is the variance of the matrix-multiplication β∗X (parameter vector by model matrix).

Random effects variance

The random effect variance, σ2i, represents the mean random effect variance of the model. Since this variance reflects the "average" random effects variance for mixed models, it is also appropriate for models with more complex random effects structures, like random slopes or nested random effects. Details can be found in Johnson 2014, in particular equation 10. For simple random-intercept models, the random effects variance equals the random-intercept variance.

Distribution-specific (observation level) variance

The distribution-specific variance, σ2d, is the conditional variance of the response given the predictors , Var[y|x], which depends on the model family.

  • Gaussian: For Gaussian models, it is σ2 (i.e. sigma(model)^2).

  • Bernoulli: For models with binary outcome, it is π2/3 for logit-link, 1 for probit-link, and π2/6 for cloglog-links.

  • Binomial: For other binomial models, the distribution-specific variance for Bernoulli models is used, divided by a weighting factor based on the number of trials and successes.

  • Gamma: Models from Gamma-families use μ2 (as obtained from family$variance()).

  • For all other models, the distribution-specific variance is by default based on lognormal approximation, log(1 + var(x) / μ2) (see Nakagawa et al. 2017). Other approximation methods can be specified with the approximation argument.

  • Zero-inflation models: The expected variance of a zero-inflated model is computed according to Zuur et al. 2012, p277.

Variance for the additive overdispersion term

The variance for the additive overdispersion term, σ2e, represents "the excess variation relative to what is expected from a certain distribution" (Nakagawa et al. 2017). In (most? many?) cases, this will be 0.

Residual variance

The residual variance, σ2ε, is simply σ2d + σ2e. It is also called within-subject variance.

Random intercept variance

The random intercept variance, or between-subject variance (τ00), is obtained from VarCorr(). It indicates how much groups or subjects differ from each other, while the residual variance σ2ε indicates the within-subject variance.

Random slope variance

The random slope variance (τ11) is obtained from VarCorr(). This measure is only available for mixed models with random slopes.

Random slope-intercept correlation

The random slope-intercept correlation (ρ01) is obtained from VarCorr(). This measure is only available for mixed models with random intercepts and slopes.

Supported models and model families

This function supports models of class merMod (including models from blme), clmm, cpglmm, glmmadmb, glmmTMB, MixMod, lme, mixed, rlmerMod, stanreg, brmsfit or wbm. Support for objects of class MixMod (GLMMadaptive), lme (nlme) or brmsfit (brms) is not fully implemented or tested, and therefore may not work for all models of the aforementioned classes.

The results are validated against the solutions provided by Nakagawa et al. (2017), in particular examples shown in the Supplement 2 of the paper. Other model families are validated against results from the MuMIn package. This means that the returned variance components should be accurate and reliable for following mixed models or model families:

  • Bernoulli (logistic) regression

  • Binomial regression (with other than binary outcomes)

  • Poisson and Quasi-Poisson regression

  • Negative binomial regression (including nbinom1, nbinom2 and nbinom12 families)

  • Gaussian regression (linear models)

  • Gamma regression

  • Tweedie regression

  • Beta regression

  • Ordered beta regression

Following model families are not yet validated, but should work:

  • Zero-inflated and hurdle models

  • Beta-binomial regression

  • Compound Poisson regression

  • Generalized Poisson regression

  • Log-normal regression

  • Skew-normal regression

Extracting variance components for models with zero-inflation part is not straightforward, because it is not definitely clear how the distribution-specific variance should be calculated. Therefore, it is recommended to carefully inspect the results, and probably validate against other models, e.g. Bayesian models (although results may be only roughly comparable).

Log-normal regressions (e.g. lognormal() family in glmmTMB or gaussian("log")) often have a very low fixed effects variance (if they were calculated as suggested by Nakagawa et al. 2017). This results in very low ICC or r-squared values, which may not be meaningful (see performance::icc() or performance::r2_nakagawa()).


  • Johnson, P. C. D. (2014). Extension of Nakagawa & Schielzeth’s R2 GLMM to random slopes models. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 5(9), 944–946. doi:10.1111/2041-210X.12225

  • Nakagawa, S., Johnson, P. C. D., & Schielzeth, H. (2017). The coefficient of determination R2 and intra-class correlation coefficient from generalized linear mixed-effects models revisited and expanded. Journal of The Royal Society Interface, 14(134), 20170213. doi:10.1098/rsif.2017.0213

  • Zuur, A. F., Savel'ev, A. A., & Ieno, E. N. (2012). Zero inflated models and generalized linear mixed models with R. Newburgh, United Kingdom: Highland Statistics.


m <- lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (1 + Days | Subject), data = sleepstudy)


Get the values from model weights


Returns weighting variable of a model.


get_weights(x, ...)

## Default S3 method:
get_weights(x, remove_na = FALSE, null_as_ones = FALSE, ...)



A fitted model.


Currently not used.


Logical, if TRUE, removes possible missing values.


Logical, if TRUE, will return a vector of 1 if no weights were specified in the model (as if the weights were all set to 1).


The weighting variable, or NULL if no weights were specified. If the weighting variable should also be returned (instead of NULL) when all weights are set to 1 (i.e. no weighting), set null_as_ones = TRUE.


mtcars$weight <- rnorm(nrow(mtcars), 1, .3)

# LMs
m <- lm(mpg ~ wt + cyl + vs, data = mtcars, weights = weight)

get_weights(lm(mpg ~ wt, data = mtcars), null_as_ones = TRUE)

# GLMs
m <- glm(vs ~ disp + mpg, data = mtcars, weights = weight, family = quasibinomial)
m <- glm(cbind(cyl, gear) ~ mpg, data = mtcars, weights = weight, family = binomial)

Checks if model has an intercept


Checks if model has an intercept.


has_intercept(x, verbose = TRUE)



A model object.


Toggle warnings.


TRUE if x has an intercept, FALSE otherwise.


model <- lm(mpg ~ 0 + gear, data = mtcars)

model <- lm(mpg ~ gear, data = mtcars)

model <- lmer(Reaction ~ 0 + Days + (Days | Subject), data = sleepstudy)

model <- lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (Days | Subject), data = sleepstudy)

Convergence test for mixed effects models


is_converged() provides an alternative convergence test for merMod-objects.


is_converged(x, tolerance = 0.001, ...)



A merMod or glmmTMB-object.


Indicates up to which value the convergence result is accepted. The smaller tolerance is, the stricter the test will be.


Currently not used.


TRUE if convergence is fine and FALSE if convergence is suspicious. Additionally, the convergence value is returned as attribute.

Convergence and log-likelihood

Convergence problems typically arise when the model hasn't converged to a solution where the log-likelihood has a true maximum. This may result in unreliable and overly complex (or non-estimable) estimates and standard errors.

Inspect model convergence

lme4 performs a convergence-check (see ?lme4::convergence), however, as discussed here and suggested by one of the lme4-authors in this comment, this check can be too strict. is_converged() thus provides an alternative convergence test for merMod-objects.

Resolving convergence issues

Convergence issues are not easy to diagnose. The help page on ?lme4::convergence provides most of the current advice about how to resolve convergence issues. Another clue might be large parameter values, e.g. estimates (on the scale of the linear predictor) larger than 10 in (non-identity link) generalized linear model might indicate complete separation, which can be addressed by regularization, e.g. penalized regression or Bayesian regression with appropriate priors on the fixed effects.

Convergence versus Singularity

Note the different meaning between singularity and convergence: singularity indicates an issue with the "true" best estimate, i.e. whether the maximum likelihood estimation for the variance-covariance matrix of the random effects is positive definite or only semi-definite. Convergence is a question of whether we can assume that the numerical optimization has worked correctly or not.


cbpp$x <- rnorm(nrow(cbpp))
cbpp$x2 <- runif(nrow(cbpp))

model <- glmer(
  cbind(incidence, size - incidence) ~ period + x + x2 + (1 + x | herd),
  data = cbpp,
  family = binomial()


model <- glmmTMB(
  Sepal.Length ~ poly(Petal.Width, 4) * poly(Petal.Length, 4) +
    (1 + poly(Petal.Width, 4) | Species),
  data = iris


Check if object is empty


Check if object is empty





A list, a vector, or a dataframe.


A logical indicating whether the entered object is empty.


is_empty_object(c(1, 2, 3, NA))
is_empty_object(list(NULL, c(NA, NA)))
is_empty_object(list(NULL, NA))

Checks if a model is a generalized additive model


Small helper that checks if a model is a generalized additive model.





A model object.


A logical, TRUE if x is a generalized additive model and has smooth-terms


This function only returns TRUE when the model inherits from a typical GAM model class and when smooth terms are present in the model formula. If model has no smooth terms or is not from a typical gam class, FALSE is returned.


model1 <- lm(Petal.Length ~ Petal.Width + Sepal.Length, data = iris)
model2 <- mgcv::gam(Petal.Length ~ Petal.Width + s(Sepal.Length), data = iris)

Checks if a model is a mixed effects model


Small helper that checks if a model is a mixed effects model, i.e. if it the model has random effects.





A model object.


A logical, TRUE if x is a mixed model.


model <- lm(mpg ~ wt + cyl + vs, data = mtcars)

data(sleepstudy, package = "lme4")
model <- lme4::lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (1 | Subject), data = sleepstudy)

Checks if an object is a regression model or statistical test object


Small helper that checks if a model is a regression model or a statistical object. is_regression_model() is stricter and only returns TRUE for regression models, but not for, e.g., htest objects.






An object.


This function returns TRUE if x is a model object.


A logical, TRUE if x is a (supported) model object.


m <- lm(mpg ~ wt + cyl + vs, data = mtcars)


test <- t.test(1:10, y = c(7:20))

Checks if a regression model object is supported by the insight package


Small helper that checks if a model is a supported (regression) model object. supported_models() prints a list of currently supported model classes.






An object.


This function returns TRUE if x is a model object that works with the package's functions. A list of supported models can also be found here:


A logical, TRUE if x is a (supported) model object.


m <- lm(mpg ~ wt + cyl + vs, data = mtcars)


# to see all supported models

Checks if an object stems from a multivariate response model


Small helper that checks if a model is a multivariate response model, i.e. a model with multiple outcomes.





A model object, or an object returned by a function from this package.


A logical, TRUE if either x is a model object and is a multivariate response model, or TRUE if a return value from a function of insight is from a multivariate response model.


model <- suppressWarnings(stan_mvmer(
  formula = list(
    logBili ~ year + (1 | id),
    albumin ~ sex + year + (year | id)
  data = pbcLong,
  chains = 1, cores = 1, seed = 12345, iter = 1000,
  show_messages = FALSE, refresh = 0

f <- find_formula(model)

Checks whether a list of models are nested models


Checks whether a list of models are nested models, strictly following the order they were passed to the function.





Multiple regression model objects.


The term "nested" here means that all the fixed predictors of a model are contained within the fixed predictors of a larger model (sometimes referred to as the encompassing model). Currently, is_nested_models() ignores random effects parameters.


TRUE if models are nested, FALSE otherwise. If models are nested, also returns two attributes that indicate whether nesting of models is in decreasing or increasing order.


m1 <- lm(Sepal.Length ~ Petal.Width + Species, data = iris)
m2 <- lm(Sepal.Length ~ Species, data = iris)
m3 <- lm(Sepal.Length ~ Petal.Width, data = iris)
m4 <- lm(Sepal.Length ~ 1, data = iris)

is_nested_models(m1, m2, m4)
is_nested_models(m4, m2, m1)
is_nested_models(m1, m2, m3)

Checks if model is a null-model (intercept-only)


Checks if model is a null-model (intercept-only), i.e. if the conditional part of the model has no predictors.





A model object.


TRUE if x is a null-model, FALSE otherwise.


model <- lm(mpg ~ 1, data = mtcars)

model <- lm(mpg ~ gear, data = mtcars)

data(sleepstudy, package = "lme4")
model <- lme4::lmer(Reaction ~ 1 + (Days | Subject), data = sleepstudy)

model <- lme4::lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (Days | Subject), data = sleepstudy)

Access information from model objects


Retrieve information from model objects.


model_info(x, ...)

## Default S3 method:
model_info(x, verbose = TRUE, ...)



A fitted model.


Currently not used.


Toggle off warnings.


model_info() returns a list with information about the model for many different model objects. Following information is returned, where all values starting with is_ are logicals.

  • is_binomial: family is binomial (but not negative binomial)

  • is_bernoulli: special case of binomial models: family is Bernoulli

  • is_poisson: family is poisson

  • is_negbin: family is negative binomial

  • is_count: model is a count model (i.e. family is either poisson or negative binomial)

  • is_beta: family is beta

  • is_betabinomial: family is beta-binomial

  • is_orderedbeta: family is ordered beta

  • is_dirichlet: family is dirichlet

  • is_exponential: family is exponential (e.g. Gamma or Weibull)

  • is_logit: model has logit link

  • is_probit: model has probit link

  • is_linear: family is gaussian

  • is_tweedie: family is tweedie

  • is_ordinal: family is ordinal or cumulative link

  • is_cumulative: family is ordinal or cumulative link

  • is_multinomial: family is multinomial or categorical link

  • is_categorical: family is categorical link

  • is_censored: model is a censored model (has a censored response, including survival models)

  • is_truncated: model is a truncated model (has a truncated response)

  • is_survival: model is a survival model

  • is_zero_inflated: model has zero-inflation component

  • is_hurdle: model has zero-inflation component and is a hurdle-model (truncated family distribution)

  • is_dispersion: model has dispersion component (not only dispersion parameter)

  • is_mixed: model is a mixed effects model (with random effects)

  • is_multivariate: model is a multivariate response model (currently only works for brmsfit and vglm/vgam objects)

  • is_trial: model response contains additional information about the trials

  • is_bayesian: model is a Bayesian model

  • is_gam: model is a generalized additive model

  • is_anova: model is an Anova object

  • is_ttest: model is an an object of class htest, returned by t.test()

  • is_correlation: model is an an object of class htest, returned by cor.test()

  • is_ranktest: model is an an object of class htest, returned by cor.test() (if Spearman's rank correlation), wilcox.text() or kruskal.test().

  • is_variancetest: model is an an object of class htest, returned by bartlett.test(), shapiro.test() or car::leveneTest().

  • is_levenetest: model is an an object of class anova, returned by car::leveneTest().

  • is_onewaytest: model is an an object of class htest, returned by oneway.test()

  • is_proptest: model is an an object of class htest, returned by prop.test()

  • is_binomtest: model is an an object of class htest, returned by binom.test()

  • is_chi2test: model is an an object of class htest, returned by chisq.test()

  • is_xtab: model is an an object of class htest or BFBayesFactor, and test-statistic stems from a contingency table (i.e. chisq.test() or BayesFactor::contingencyTableBF()).

  • link_function: the link-function

  • family: name of the distributional family of the model. For some exceptions (like some htest objects), can also be the name of the test.

  • n_obs: number of observations

  • n_grouplevels: for mixed models, returns names and numbers of random effect groups


A list with information about the model, like family, link-function etc. (see 'Details').


ldose <- rep(0:5, 2)
numdead <- c(1, 4, 9, 13, 18, 20, 0, 2, 6, 10, 12, 16)
sex <- factor(rep(c("M", "F"), c(6, 6)))
SF <- cbind(numdead, numalive = 20 - numdead)
dat <- data.frame(ldose, sex, SF, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
m <- glm(SF ~ sex * ldose, family = binomial)

# logistic regression

# t-test
m <- t.test(1:10, y = c(7:20))

Name the model


Returns the "name" (class attribute) of a model, possibly including further information.


model_name(x, ...)

## Default S3 method:
model_name(x, include_formula = FALSE, include_call = FALSE, ...)



A model.


Currently not used.


Should the name include the model's formula.


If TRUE, will return the function call as a name.


A character string of a name (which usually equals the model's class attribute).


m <- lm(Sepal.Length ~ Petal.Width, data = iris)
model_name(m, include_formula = TRUE)
model_name(m, include_call = TRUE)

model_name(lme4::lmer(Sepal.Length ~ Sepal.Width + (1 | Species), data = iris))

Count number of random effect levels in a mixed model


Returns the number of group levels of random effects from mixed models.


n_grouplevels(x, ...)



A mixed model.


Additional arguments that can be passed to the function. Currently, you can use data to provide the model data, if available, to avoid retrieving model data multiple times.


The number of group levels in the model.


data(sleepstudy, package = "lme4")
sleepstudy$grp <- sample(1:5, size = 180, replace = TRUE)
sleepstudy$subgrp <- NA
for (i in 1:5) {
  filter_group <- sleepstudy$grp == i
  sleepstudy$subgrp[filter_group] <-
    sample(1:30, size = sum(filter_group), replace = TRUE)
model <- lme4::lmer(
  Reaction ~ Days + (1 | grp / subgrp) + (1 | Subject),
  data = sleepstudy

Get number of observations from a model


This method returns the number of observation that were used to fit the model, as numeric value.


n_obs(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'glm'
n_obs(x, disaggregate = FALSE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'svyolr'
n_obs(x, weighted = FALSE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'afex_aov'
n_obs(x, shape = c("long", "wide"), ...)

## S3 method for class 'stanmvreg'
n_obs(x, select = NULL, ...)



A fitted model.


Currently not used.


For binomial models with aggregated data, n_obs() returns the number of data rows by default. If disaggregate = TRUE, the total number of trials is returned instead (determined by summing the results of weights() for aggregated data, which will be either the weights input for proportion success response or the row sums of the response matrix if matrix response, see 'Examples').


For survey designs, returns the weighted sample size.


Return long or wide data? Only applicable in repeated measures designs.


Optional name(s) of response variables for which to extract values. Can be used in case of regression models with multiple response variables.


The number of observations used to fit the model, or NULL if this information is not available.


m <- lm(mpg ~ wt + cyl + vs, data = mtcars)

data(cbpp, package = "lme4")
m <- glm(
  cbind(incidence, size - incidence) ~ period,
  data = cbpp,
  family = binomial(link = "logit")
n_obs(m, disaggregate = TRUE)

Count number of parameters in a model


Returns the number of parameters (coefficients) of a model.


n_parameters(x, ...)

## Default S3 method:
n_parameters(x, remove_nonestimable = FALSE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'merMod'
n_parameters(x, effects = "fixed", remove_nonestimable = FALSE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'glmmTMB'
  effects = "fixed",
  component = "all",
  remove_nonestimable = FALSE,



A statistical model.


Arguments passed to or from other methods.


Logical, if TRUE, removes (i.e. does not count) non-estimable parameters (which may occur for models with rank-deficient model matrix).


Should variables for fixed effects ("fixed"), random effects ("random") or both ("all") be returned? Only applies to mixed models. May be abbreviated.


Which type of parameters to return, such as parameters for the conditional model, the zero-inflated part of the model, the dispersion term, the instrumental variables or marginal effects be returned? Applies to models with zero-inflated and/or dispersion formula, or to models with instrumental variables (so called fixed-effects regressions), or models with marginal effects (from mfx). See details in section Model Components .May be abbreviated. Note that the conditional component also refers to the count or mean component - names may differ, depending on the modeling package. There are three convenient shortcuts (not applicable to all model classes):

  • component = "all" returns all possible parameters.

  • If component = "location", location parameters such as conditional, zero_inflated, smooth_terms, or instruments are returned (everything that are fixed or random effects - depending on the effects argument - but no auxiliary parameters).

  • For component = "distributional" (or "auxiliary"), components like sigma, dispersion, beta or precision (and other auxiliary parameters) are returned.


The number of parameters in the model.


This function returns the number of parameters for the fixed effects by default, as returned by find_parameters(x, effects = "fixed"). It does not include all estimated model parameters, i.e. auxiliary parameters like sigma or dispersion are not counted. To get the number of all estimated parameters, use get_df(x, type = "model").


model <- lm(Sepal.Length ~ Sepal.Width * Species, data = iris)

Compute intercept-only model for regression models


This function computes the null-model (i.e. (y ~ 1)) of a model. For mixed models, the null-model takes random effects into account.


null_model(model, ...)

## Default S3 method:
null_model(model, verbose = TRUE, ...)



A (mixed effects) model.


Arguments passed to or from other methods.


Toggle off warnings.


The null-model of x


m <- lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (1 + Days | Subject), data = sleepstudy)

Check names and rownames


object_has_names() checks if specified names are present in the given object. object_has_rownames() checks if rownames are present in a dataframe.


object_has_names(x, names)




A named object (an atomic vector, a list, a dataframe, etc.).


A single character or a vector of characters.


A logical or a vector of logicals.


# check if specified names are present in the given object
object_has_names(mtcars, "am")
object_has_names(anscombe, c("x1", "z1", "y1"))
object_has_names(list("x" = 1, "y" = 2), c("x", "a"))

# check if a dataframe has rownames

Standardize column order


Standardizes order of columns for dataframes and other objects from easystats and broom ecosystem packages.


standardize_column_order(data, ...)

## S3 method for class 'parameters_model'
standardize_column_order(data, style = "easystats", ...)



A data frame. In particular, objects from easystats package functions like parameters::model_parameters() or effectsize::effectsize() are accepted, but also data frames returned by broom::tidy() are valid objects.


Currently not used.


Standardization can either be based on the naming conventions from the easystats-project, or on broom's naming scheme.


A data frame, with standardized column order.


# easystats conventions
df1 <-
  CI_low      = -2.873,
  t           = 5.494,
  CI_high     = -1.088,
  p           = 0.00001,
  Parameter   = -1.980,
  CI          = 0.95,
  df          = 29.234,
  Method      = "Student's t-test"

standardize_column_order(df1, style = "easystats")

# broom conventions
df2 <-
  conf.low   = -2.873,
  statistic  = 5.494,
  conf.high  = -1.088,
  p.value    = 0.00001,
  estimate   = -1.980,
  conf.level = 0.95,
  df         = 29.234,
  method     = "Student's t-test"

standardize_column_order(df2, style = "broom")

Standardize column names


Standardize column names from data frames, in particular objects returned from parameters::model_parameters(), so column names are consistent and the same for any model object.


standardize_names(data, ...)

## S3 method for class 'parameters_model'
  style = c("easystats", "broom"),
  ignore_estimate = FALSE,



A data frame. In particular, objects from easystats package functions like parameters::model_parameters() or effectsize::effectsize() are accepted, but also data frames returned by broom::tidy() are valid objects.


Currently not used.


Standardization can either be based on the naming conventions from the easystats-project, or on broom's naming scheme.


Logical, if TRUE, column names like "mean" or "median" will not be converted to "Coefficient" resp. "estimate".


This method is in particular useful for package developers or users who use, e.g., parameters::model_parameters() in their own code or functions to retrieve model parameters for further processing. As model_parameters() returns a data frame with varying column names (depending on the input), accessing the required information is probably not quite straightforward. In such cases, standardize_names() can be used to get consistent, i.e. always the same column names, no matter what kind of model was used in model_parameters().

For style = "broom", column names are renamed to match broom's naming scheme, i.e. Parameter is renamed to term, Coefficient becomes estimate and so on.

For style = "easystats", when data is an object from broom::tidy(), column names are converted from "broom"-style into "easystats"-style.


A data frame, with standardized column names.


model <- lm(mpg ~ wt + cyl, data = mtcars)
mp <- model_parameters(model)
standardize_names(mp, style = "broom")

Remove backticks from a string


This function removes backticks from a string.


text_remove_backticks(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'data.frame'
text_remove_backticks(x, column = "Parameter", verbose = FALSE, ...)



A character vector, a data frame or a matrix. If a matrix, backticks are removed from the column and row names, not from values of a character vector.


Currently not used.


If x is a data frame, specify the column of character vectors, where backticks should be removed. If NULL, all character vectors are processed.


Toggle warnings.


x, where all backticks are removed.


If x is a character vector or data frame, backticks are removed from the elements of that character vector (or character vectors from the data frame.) If x is a matrix, the behaviour slightly differs: in this case, backticks are removed from the column and row names. The reason for this behaviour is that this function mainly serves formatting coefficient names. For vcov() (a matrix), row and column names equal the coefficient names and therefore are manipulated then.


# example model
iris$`a m` <- iris$Species
iris$`Sepal Width` <- iris$Sepal.Width
model <- lm(`Sepal Width` ~ Petal.Length + `a m`, data = iris)

# remove backticks from string

# remove backticks from character variable in a data frame
# column defaults to "Parameter".
d <- data.frame(
  Parameter = names(coef(model)),
  Estimate = unname(coef(model))

Small helper functions


Collection of small helper functions. trim_ws() is an efficient function to trim leading and trailing whitespaces from character vectors or strings. n_unique() returns the number of unique values in a vector. has_single_value() is equivalent to n_unique() == 1 but is faster (note the different default for the remove_na argument). safe_deparse() is comparable to deparse1(), i.e. it can safely deparse very long expressions into a single string. safe_deparse_symbol() only deparses a substituted expressions when possible, which can be much faster than deparse(substitute()) for those cases where substitute() returns no valid object name.


trim_ws(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'data.frame'
trim_ws(x, character_only = TRUE, ...)

n_unique(x, ...)

## Default S3 method:
n_unique(x, remove_na = TRUE, ...)

safe_deparse(x, ...)


has_single_value(x, remove_na = FALSE, ...)



A (character) vector, or for some functions may also be a data frame.


Currently not used.


Logical, if TRUE and x is a data frame or list, only processes character vectors.


Logical, if missing values should be removed from the input.


  • n_unique(): For a vector, n_unique always returns an integer value, even if the input is NULL (the return value will be 0 then). For data frames or lists, n_unique() returns a named numeric vector, with the number of unique values for each element.

  • has_single_value(): TRUE if x has only one unique value, FALSE otherwise.

  • trim_ws(): A character vector, where trailing and leading white spaces are removed.

  • safe_deparse(): A character string of the unevaluated expression or symbol.

  • safe_deparse_symbol(): A character string of the unevaluated expression or symbol, if x was a symbol. If x is no symbol (i.e. if would return FALSE), NULL is returned.


trim_ws("  no space!  ")
has_single_value(c(1, 1, 2))

# safe_deparse_symbol() compared to deparse(substitute())

Validate arguments against a given set of options


This is a replacement for match.arg(), however, the error string should be more informative for users. The name of the affected argument is shown, and possible typos as well as remaining valid options. Not that the argument several.ok is always FALSE in validate_argument(), i.e. this function - unlike match.arg() - does not allow evaluating several valid options at once.


validate_argument(argument, options)



The bare name of the argument to be validated.


Valid options, usually a character vector.


argument if it is a valid option, else an error is thrown.


foo <- function(test = "small") {
  validate_argument(test, c("small", "medium", "large"))
# errors:
# foo("masll")